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Task 1. Big Picture Questions

Question 1 – Name 4 countries that have a great educational system. Based on what you learned in this course, what are 3
similarities that these countries have in common? What are some factors that have helped these countries to excel in the area
of education?
We can easily mention, Finland, South Korea and Poland from the book we read in this course. An honorable mention would be
Sweden. There were so many variables that tied these countries together as great educational system. A big one is an emphasis
on early education. The emphasis on how education was important in the culture. For example in south korea it defines much of
what your future will look like. The innovations in curriculum we see or the respect teachers receive in these high preforming
countries just goes to represent the health of their educational systems as a whole. There are some downsides of course but
definitely some lessons to be learned.

Question 2 – Based on what you’ve learned in this course, do you think the top performing countries are influencing other
countries? Describe how the countries, which are listed highest in terms of PISA scores, are having an affect on other
I believe you could make an argument how every educational system is influencing other countries because we are cultivating
people and people change the world. When we look at some of the higher PISA scored Countries such as 2018 China, Estonia,
and Singapore. China is the largest population on earth and also has the largest growth in their economy ever seen in history.
The whole world’s eyes are on china to see how they’ve found this success In their economy. Singapore saw amazing scores
where they made good investments on the quality of their education and making it accessible for all. Nearby countries let along
any person educating themselves about the state of the world education system would find insights in their influence. Same
thing with Estonia. When we look at many of these countries as influence we look at their success overall like China with a
massive economy or Singapore with no foreign debt, and a surplus in money.

Question 3 – Do you think that countries who pay little or no attention to educating its citizens can/will have a negative
impact on the world in the future? Support your answer.
Absolutely, this is a trick question. In the previous question I touched on the influence these countries have other economies and
education systems. This is a negative feedback loop that when the country is having a bad time they don’t focus on education
which maintains the poverty or issues of the time. This can reinforce racial, religion, gender, or literally any difference of
inherent issues between people or in that country.

Question 4 - How does education in other countries compare to the system of education in the U.S. from your observations?
I have no direct observations but there are so so many differences that are very interesting. We could break it down on the
funding of education, we can see where some countries combine their church and their school or they will have school under a
tree. The separation of church and school or the funding is different. If you compare it to a higher scoring where the overall
culture values education more.

Question 5 - Name some populations that are denied a good education? For example, we all know based on experiences in
this class that women and girls are denied a good education in parts of the world (sadly). What are other groups of people
that are denied a good education?
South Sudan and Eritrea are countries that sound top of the dome. I was watching some videos on Ethiopia and Eritrea of how
Eritrea where it’s a really broken dictatorship. South Sudan has a primary school completion rate of 7 percent and In the country
of Niger it is 2%

Question 6 - Reflect on the topics we've discussed throughout EDUC 200 – name some things you could now do differently in
your future class because of the information learned in this course.
I want you to be self-reflective (think about your thinking) – tell me what you could do in your future class to make it better
based on items we've learned about with regard to different educational systems around the world?
It could be things like helping diverse learners, or perhaps being more aware of students who may live in rural areas of your
district and don’t have access to technology (these are just some ideas I had).

(In the biggest reflection I have on this class would be the role educators have on a global scale or how they influence politics
and economies. How we influence students to change the trajectory of their life. What they may aspire to, for example we have
glorified going to college and now have reduce labor in the vocational careers and maybe if we encouraged those careers things
could be different in better and worse ways. I want be very aware of how impressionable the students I am teaching are and
where I can make them feel accepted. A big thing I want incorporate into my classroom is a deep knowledge of my community,
to understand the events and business influencing the students is to know how to extend the branch of knowledge into that.
When we look at other countries around the world is tying autonomy to the learning of students. I hopefully am there to a goal
of facilitating learning rather than demanding it.

(Questions 7a through 7e) Let’s say that you are the ruler of your own country - think about some of the factors/conditions
that go into having a great educational system. And please have a little fun with these questions, too.

Question 7a - What would be the name of your very own country? What would be the name of the capital of your country?
Make something up! Have fun, be silly.
Well my country would be called Spazzatura and the capitals name would be Cannuccia

Question 7b – What would the population of your country be? Big or small? Come up with a number. Why did you choose
that number? For example, would you want an incredibly large population, say over 1 billion or perhaps you want a very small
population, under 1 million? Tell me why you chose the population size you decided up.

578,803 The population of Wyoming because I will be abducting everyone who lives in Wyoming and moving them to my island.

Question 7c - Do they have access to technology (very briefly tell us about technology in your country)?
Yes the abducted Wyomians? They Would bring technology I would hope.

Question 7d – Would your country be mostly rural? Urban? Suburban? A combination? Why?
I would say very Urban, very tropical. It’s a trash island in the middle of the ocean so combination of all environments.

Question 7e- Come up with at least 4 more facts/factors that would have an impact on your country’s educational system.
Think about conditions/factors that have led to the creation of great educational systems around the world. Now, what
condition/factors would you like to see in your very own country?
4 Major factors that would impact my countries education system is the tourism industry, the food insecurity, very poor
economy and I would also like a condition of Aquaman (That sounds cool)

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