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The early 20th century marked a period of profound global transformation, characterized by industrialization,

geopolitical shifts, and ideological clashes. In response to the challenges posed by economic instability and social
upheaval, nations adopted varying approaches to economic management, reflecting ideological, political, and cultural
influences.In the period after 1900, the role of the state in the economy varied significantly across different nations.
While the United States, particularly during the New Deal era, witnessed increased state intervention to manage the
economy, Russia under Bolshevik rule and Italy under fascist regime exhibited more pronounced forms of state
control, reflecting divergent ideologies and circumstances shaping each nation's economic path.

United States:

● The United States experienced the Great Depression in the 1930s, prompting President Franklin D. Roosevelt
to implement the New Deal, a series of government programs aimed at stimulating economic recovery and
regulating financial markets.
● New Deal initiatives such as the Works Progress Administration (WPA), Social Security Act, and Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) represented significant expansions of state intervention in the economy,
with the government assuming a more active role in providing relief, creating jobs, and regulating economic


● Following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Russia underwent radical economic transformation under
communist rule. The Bolsheviks implemented central planning and state ownership of industry, effectively
eliminating private enterprise and instituting a command economy.
● The Soviet Union's Five-Year Plans exemplified extensive state control, with the government dictating
production quotas, resource allocation, and industrial priorities to achieve socialist economic objectives.


● Under Benito Mussolini's fascist regime, Italy pursued corporatist economic policies aimed at consolidating
state power and promoting nationalistic goals. While retaining private ownership, the government exerted
significant control over industry, labor, and commerce.
● Mussolini's regime implemented protectionist measures, subsidies, and public works projects to stimulate
economic growth and enhance national strength, reflecting a blend of state direction and private enterprise.

Analysis & Reasoning:

● As you can see the extent of state control over the economy varied among the United States, Russia, and
Italy, reflecting differing ideological orientations and historical contexts. While the New Deal represented a
significant expansion of state intervention in the U.S., it did not entail full state ownership or central planning,
maintaining elements of private enterprise and market mechanisms. In contrast, Russia and Italy adopted
more authoritarian forms of economic control, with the Soviet Union implementing centralized planning and
state ownership, and Italy embracing corporatist policies under fascist rule. Overall, while all three nations
adopted policies to manage their economies, the degree of state control varied, ranging from interventionist
measures aimed at addressing economic crises to comprehensive systems of state ownership and central

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