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Dear Respondents,

We are the 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial
Management students of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges- MI and we are presently
conducting a study entitled “A Feasibility Study on Establishing an Amusement and
Recreational service in Surallah, South Cotabato”. The purpose of the study is to determine the
viability of the said business here in our locality.

We humbly ask you to allow us to conduct a survey to gather relevant information for our
research study. It is assured that the data gathered from you will only be used for the intended
purpose and will be handled with outmost confidentiality.

Thank you for your time and honest response we are hoping for your positive participation.

General Instructions:

Please provide the information asked in the questionnaire below. Select the answer of your best
choice. Be sure to give an answer for all questions. Do not worry about this. Simply give your
opinion about all statements.

I – Profile of the Respondents:

Name (optional): __________________________________

Sex: Male Female

Age :
60 years old and above

Residence/Home Address:

Within South Cotabato

Outside South Cotabato
Full-time student

II-Respondents Interest and Experience

Instruction: The following questions are intended to know your interest and experiences in
visiting Entertainment Business. Please do check the boxes of your desired answer.
1. Have you ever been on an amusement and recreation center recently?
Yes No
2. In relation to the previous question, what type of amusement and recreation center
have you tried already? (Select as many as you want)
Indoor recreation center with sports facilities (e.g. basketball court, gym, etc.)
Outdoor recreation center with activities like hiking, biking, and picnicking
Arcade games
Water park with pools, slides, and other aquatic activities
Family entertainment center with games, rides, and other amusements
Community center with classes, events, and meeting spaces
Fitness center with exercise equipment and group classes
Adventure park with high ropes courses, zip lines, and other challenging activities
Art and cultural center with exhibits, performances, and workshops
Escape room or other interactive game experience
Theme park with roller coasters, water rides, and other thrill attractions
Others, please specify________________________
3. In average, how often do you visit an amusement and recreation center?
Once a week or more
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Once in 6 months
4. Would you recommend an amusement and recreation center to others?
5. Why do you visit the amusement and recreation centers? (Pick atleast 3)
To engage in physical activities and stay active
To spend quality time with family and friends
To experience new and exciting recreational activities
To relax and unwind from daily stress
To challenge myself with adventurous experiences
To socialize and meet new people
To enjoy nature and outdoor environments
To participate in organized events and programs
To improve my physical fitness and well-being
To create lasting memories and have fun

III– Accessibility

Instruction: The following questions are intended to know the accessibility of amusement and
recreation centers in your area. Please do check the boxes of your desired answer.
6. How do you travel to the amusement and recreation centers?
Public Transport
7. How do you characterize your travel to the amusement and recreation centers?
Very Easy
Very Difficult
8. How long does it take to travel to the amusement and recreation centers?
5-10 minutes
10-20 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes
More than an hour
9. Are you satisfied with your travel to the amusement and recreation centers?
10. Who do you want to bring in visiting amusement and recreation centers?
Others, please specify ______________

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