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 Verbal Communication:

This is when we use words to speak to others. It includes

conversations, speeches, and phone calls.

 Non-Verbal Communication:
This is communication without words. It includes body
language, facial expressions, gestures, and even eye contact.

 Written Communication:
This is using written words to convey a message. It includes
emails, letters, texts, and notes.

 Visual Communication:
This involves using images, charts, graphs, and videos to convey
information or ideas.

 Digital Communication:
This type of communication happens through digital devices like
smartphones, computers, and social media. It includes texting,
emailing, and online chatting.

 Interpersonal Communication:
This is one-on-one communication between two people. It's like
having a conversation with a friend.

 Group Communication:
This involves communication within a small group of people. It
could be a family discussion or a team meeting at work.

 Mass Communication:
Mass communication reaches a large audience, like when you
watch the news on TV, listen to the radio, or read a newspaper.

 Visual Communication:
This type of communication uses images, pictures, and visual
aids to convey information, like in presentations or infographics.

 Cross-Cultural Communication:
When people from different cultures interact, they use this form
of communication to understand and respect each other's
cultural differences

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