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For the fulfillment of the degree
Master in Computer Application (MCA)
Semester – IV

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr. Pravir Chitre Divya
(Lecturer) (50122010)
The Campus Director
Shakarpur Campus -II


I Divya Roll No. 50122010 may kindly be sponsored to Incubation Placement

Integrating Bootcamp Program For 2024 for Practical Training- Software/
Project Preparation.

I here by undertake that:

1. I will abide by rules of the organization and observe total discipline as

per their conditions.
2. I will follow all the rules, regulations and ordinances of the DSEU
University, Delhi.
3. I will prepare and submit the duly completed Software/Project in
the institute along with requisite reports well in time.
4. I will arrange to remain present in the institute for presentation
discussion and viva as per schedule of internal/ external examination.

Yours faithfully
Date: 02/05/2024
Name: Divya
Complete Address: B-69 O.P
Hans Apartment Chanakya
Place New Delhi -110059
Tele. No.:8527427796
Table of Contents

1. Problem Statement

2. Methodology

3. DFD Diagrams

4. ER Diagram

5. Hardware and Software Requirement Specifications

6. Conclusion

7. References
Problem Statement

SalesSwift: Sales Order Processing System

In today's dynamic business environment, efficient and error-free sales order

processing (SOP) is paramount for achieving operational excellence and
maximizing customer satisfaction. Traditional, paper-based or outdated
software-driven SOP systems often hinder efficiency by introducing
time-consuming manual tasks, data entry errors, and limited real-time visibility
into the order fulfillment process. This can lead to a multitude of challenges,

Reduced Operational Efficiency: Manual data entry and order processing

workflows significantly impact processing speed and resource allocation, hindering
overall sales team productivity.

Increased Error Rates: Manual data entry introduces a higher risk of errors in
order details, pricing, and shipping information, impacting revenue and customer

Limited Visibility and Control: Lack of real-time data and order status updates
can lead to delays in identifying and rectifying potential issues, impacting
customer delivery timelines.

Diminished Customer Experience: Inefficiencies in order processing can result

in extended order fulfillment times and communication gaps, potentially leading to
customer dissatisfaction and lost sales opportunities.

SalesSwift, a cutting-edge Sales Order Processing System, is designed to address

these critical challenges and empower businesses to optimize their SOP operations.
This comprehensive software solution offers a suite of features that streamline
workflows, enhance data accuracy, and provide real-time insights, ultimately
fostering a superior customer experience.

SalesSwift aims to revolutionize sales order processing by offering a robust and

user-friendly software solution. To achieve this, a well-defined development
methodology will be employed, encompassing the following key phases:

1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis:

● Conduct in-depth interviews and surveys with potential users (sales

representatives, order fulfillment personnel, management) to
understand their specific needs and pain points regarding the existing
sales order processing system.
● Analyze current workflows and identify areas for improvement.
● Define clear functional and non-functional requirements for SalesSwift,
ensuring it addresses identified challenges and aligns with user

2. System Design and Architecture:

● Develop a high-level system architecture that outlines the overall

structure and components of SalesSwift.
● Design a comprehensive data model that defines the data entities,
attributes, and relationships within the system.
● Choose appropriate software development tools and technologies based
on project requirements, scalability needs, and team expertise.

3. Development and Implementation:

● Employ an iterative development approach, where functionalities are

developed and released in phases, allowing for continuous feedback
and improvement.
● Utilize agile development principles like user stories, sprint planning, and
daily stand-up meetings to ensure efficient development and adaptation to
changing requirements.
● Develop modular and reusable code components to promote efficiency,
maintainability, and future scalability of the system.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance:

● Implement a comprehensive testing strategy that includes unit
testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance
● Unit tests will ensure individual code components function as intended,
while integration tests verify proper interaction between different
system modules.
● System testing will evaluate the overall functionality and performance of
● User acceptance testing will involve potential users to gather feedback
on system usability and ensure it meets their needs.
● Address identified bugs and defects throughout the testing process to
ensure a high-quality, reliable final product.

5. Deployment and Maintenance:

● Develop a deployment plan that outlines the process of installing

and configuring SalesSwift on the target system environment.
● Provide comprehensive user documentation, tutorials, and training
materials to facilitate user adoption and ensure effective utilization of the
● Implement a robust maintenance strategy for addressing user issues,
bug fixes, and future enhancements as needed.

Project Management and Communication:

● Utilize project management tools and techniques to track project progress,

manage resources, and ensure timely completion within budget
● Establish clear communication channels between developers,
stakeholders, and end-users to facilitate information sharing, feedback
loops, and timely decision-making throughout the development lifecycle.
DFD Diagrams

Context Diagram

DFD Level 1
Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

● Processor: Minimum Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD processor (consider

a higher core count for larger deployments)
● Memory (RAM): Minimum 8GB RAM, 16GB or more recommended for
smoother performance
● Storage: Minimum 250GB SSD for faster data access and
application loading
● Network: Reliable internet connection for online resources and potential
remote access (optional)

Software Requirements:

Operating System:

● We can choose a stable version of Windows (e.g., Windows 10

Professional or later), Linux (e.g., Ubuntu Server LTS), or macOS based on
your team's preference and expertise.

Development Tools:

● Java Development Kit (JDK): A specific version of JDK will be required

for our project. (e.g., Java SE 17 JDK)
● Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Popular options
include Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans. We will use ItntlliJ IDEA
for this project.

Application Server:

● Apache Tomcat: A popular open-source servlet container that will run

our Java web application (SalesSwift)

Database Management System (DBMS):

○ PostgreSQL: Another open-source option known for its

robustness and advanced features.
Additional Software:

● Version Control System (VCS): - Using Git for managing code

versions and collaboration among developers.
● Database Management Tools: Tools specific to our chosen DBMS
(e.g., MySQL Workbench, pgAdmin for PostgreSQL) can aid in
database administration tasks.

Technologies Used:

● Java: The core programming language for developing the server-side

logic of your application.
● JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): Enables interaction between
your Java application and the chosen database for data access.
● Servlets: Will be used to handle user requests and generate dynamic
web content within SalesSwift.
● JSP: Used for developing dynamic web pages with HTML-like syntax
and Java code integration, responsible for the user interface (UI) of
● Hibernate (Optional): An object-relational mapping (ORM) framework
that simplifies interaction with the database by providing a layer of
abstraction between Java objects and database tables. Using Hibernate
can improve development efficiency and code maintainability.

SalesSwift, a meticulously developed Sales Order Processing System, has the

potential to revolutionize the way businesses manage their sales orders. By
leveraging the power of Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP (and potentially Hibernate),
SalesSwift offers a compelling set of features designed to:

● Automate tedious tasks: Freeing up valuable time for sales teams to

focus on building customer relationships and driving sales.
● Enhance data accuracy: Minimizing errors through automation and data
validation, leading to increased customer satisfaction and reduced
revenue loss.
● Offer real-time insights: Providing valuable data on order status, inventory
levels, and customer history for improved decision-making and proactive
issue resolution.
● Streamline workflow: Creating a smooth and efficient order processing
experience for both sales teams and customers.

The successful implementation of SalesSwift promises to deliver significant

benefits for businesses of all sizes. Increased efficiency, improved customer
satisfaction, and the potential for boosted sales growth all contribute to a stronger
bottom line.


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