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Mellouleche Prep School Teacher : Ben Abdallah B.

February 02nd, 2024 Mid-term English Test n°2 Duration : 1 Hour

Name:-------------------------------- Level : 8th form


1) Complete the table with the missing information: (2 marks)

1) do science experiments

At school , you can 2)---------------------------------------------------------------


2) Say whether these two statements are true or false : (2 marks)

a- The majority of children hate school. (…………………)

b- The school week in Britain goes from Monday to Saturday. (…………………)

3) How long is the school day in British schools ? (1 mark)


4) Circle the right adjective describing the exams : (1 mark)

a) boring b) stressful c) tiring

5) SPELLING : Complete this sentence with 2 words from the text: (1 mark)

 You have the ……………………… to learn lots of really ………………… stuff.

6) PRONUNCIATION: Focus on the underlined letters and circle the word with a different sound: (1 mark)


II-LANGUAGE (12 pts):

1- Read this e-mail and fill in the blanks using the words in the box. There are 2 extra words: ( 3.5 marks)

Dear Jannet, on - food – nervous - will – cards –

Hi ! I hope you are OK. guests - enjoy - twenty – host

You know that I love parties! I  ---------------------- all kinds: dinner parties, beach parties etc.
I essentially enjoy preparing and organizing everything. Nowadays, I am so busy because tomorrow, it
 ---------------- be my sister’s birthday. So I am holding a surprise birthday party for her. I invited
 ---------------- of her friends; I sent them nice invitation  ---------------------. I also chose her birthday
cake, it will be all chocolate. I also bought some  ------------------- and drinks like hamburgers, pizzas,
chips, pop corn, cookies and fizzy drinks. I also intend to put  ---------------- some nice music. I hope
that the  --------------------- will have fun. I will write you soon to tell you all about this party.
2- Match the underlined statements with the right functions. There is 1 extra function: ( 3 marks)


Sarah: Hey Lisa, wait up! A)Asking about time
Lisa: Hi! What's up ? 1 + -----------
B) Greeting
2 + -----------
Sarah: This weekend I'm having a birthday party for Ted.
C) Planned action
Would like you to come?  3 + ----------
Lisa: I'd love to. When is it ? D) Accepting an invitation
4 + ----------
Sarah: We're having it this Saturday at 8:00 at my house. E) Describing people
We are going to order a pizza and play some games.  5 + -----------
F) Inviting
Lisa: It sounds like a lot of fun. Euh, I don’t know what to offer.
6 + ------------
Can we meet this afternoon to choose the right gift ? G) Arranging to meet
Sarah: Yes, why not. I’ll meet you at the mall.

3- Circle the right options: (3 marks)

Table manners are the rules of eating. Many (country / countries / countryside) like England have
different rules for table manners. When eating soup, hold your (fork / spoon / knife) in your hand and put the
bowl away from you. In addition, don’t (putting / puts / put) your elbows and hands (on / by / about) the
table at any point during the meal. Also , chew with your mouth closed; it is impolite to
(munch / roast / decorate) as well as talking with food in your mouth. Finally, guests
should (ask / asked / to ask) for items to be passed along the table to them.

4- Match the sentences to make a coherent dialogue. There is an extra statement in B : (2.5 marks)


1- Stop watching TV and do your homework! a-Yes, I did as soon as I came back home. 1 + --------

2- Did you revise the lessons b- Mum, I am just relaxing after a long 2 + --------
that you studied yesterday ? day. You are so pushy.
3 + --------
3- You know, you won’t have a good future c- I haven’t homework .
4 + --------
by watching TV.
d- Thank you, mum.
5 + --------
4- I am pushy because I want you to succeed.
e- It is sometimes tiring.
5- Ok. I will help you when you need me.
f- Some teachers are cool.
Mellouleche Prep School Teacher : Ben Abdallah B.
February 02nd, 2024 Mid-term English Test n°2 Duration : 1 Hour
Name:-------------------------------- Level : 8th form

Listening Passage:

Most kids say they don’t like school. They say their subjects are boring or

there’s too much homework. In fact, school is one of the best times of a

person’s life. Think about it. The hours are short – usually just six hours a

day. You have the opportunity to learn lots of really useful stuff. You get to

do science experiments, learn a musical instrument and play sports. On top

of that, you get loads of holidays. Oh, I nearly forgot, you also get to see

and play with your friends five days a week. What is there not to like? OK,

school lunches are not the best in the world but you can bring your own

lunch. And yes, exams are stressful, but if you study, you’ll do well in them.

I’d love to go back to school. If I had another chance, I’d try my best in

every subject.

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