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MSC 215


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(Crisis Intervention Management)

Ma’am Euve Jane L. Flores’s Report

(Topic: Common Procedures to be Follow Before, During & After the Conduct of Demolition
under Police Procedures Manual)

I. Brief Discussion
A hypothetical planning scenario is crucial for the execution of the steps involved
in carrying out the demolition on a particular area. The law enforcement official
should carry out the following steps prior to the actual demolition. The first step is
operational planning, which consists of the law enforcement's defense strategies
in the event that the demolition does not go as planned. Additionally, law
enforcement should coordinate with any relevant organizations that have concerns
about the people or areas that may be impacted by the demolition. The law
enforcement official should monitor the behavior (peace and order) between the
people who will be impacted by the demolition and the person who is carrying it
out. The law enforcement agency shall evaluate the demolitions following them
and write a report for documentation and reporting. more so if an uncontrolled
concurrent event occurs in the vicinity of the demolition.

II. Comment/Reaction
According to the demolition method, it is very apparent that the destruction
should be carried out in a secure and tranquil manner. If the police followed these
protocols, there might be a peaceful destruction of the area, which would be
advantageous to both parties.

III. Evaluation
My assessment of the reporter is that she delivered the subject issue effectively
and with the relevant expertise. Additionally, it was conveyed effectively and
clearly in accordance with her presentation, and it provided information pertinent
to the subjects based on the related literature that was discussed.

IV. Conclusion
The government, from the demolition crew to the impacted families during the
aforementioned destruction, had put in place certain norms and procedures for the
protection of both sides. Additionally, by following these steps, any superfluous
activities taken throughout the demolition process are diminished or eliminated.

V. Recommendation
In my humble view, the method is extremely clear, and I believe that the steps
listed in the operation procedure for demolition are entirely capable of ensuring
the safety of both parties involved and a calm and controlled demolition process.
Therefore, in order to avoid any superfluous actions during the demolition
process, I advise strict adherence to the aforementioned procedures.


(Crisis Intervention Management)

Ma’am Jenevie D. Sanchez’s Report

(Topic: Crowd Control and Response to Crowd Commotion)

I. Brief Discussion
In order to estimate the potential risks and treats that the crowd may face in a
given setting, pre-planning is essential for crowd control. Pre-planning allows law
enforcement to identify potential threats and hazards that could lead to an
uncontrolled situation. To address these threats, law enforcement should have a
clear planned scenario to remove or reduce any potential threats. It is time for law
enforcement to take control of the situation by offering further steps to save or
safeguard other lives on the aforementioned commotion if the planning is unable
to succeed and the crowd and the law enforcement official have become worse,
that is, having a commotion. When dealing with this type of circumstance, law
enforcement should use the greatest amount of restraint and avoid using force
unless it is absolutely essential to protect their lives.

II. Comment/Reaction
My opinion on the matter is that a solid planning strategy requires the
identification of all potential treats. It is essential to deploy individuals with
patience and so-called maximal tolerance during the real dispersion in order to
sustain the enforcement of human rights throughout the aforementioned crisis

III. Evaluation
My assessment of the reporter is that she gave a good presentation on the subject
she was given to cover, and she did so with assurance and expertise. But we don't
have time for asking about justifications or other issues with the subject.

IV. Conclusion
My assessment of the law enforcement's response to the crowd's protests and
control of the situation leads me to the conclusion that they are knowledgeable
about that specific crisis circumstance. The law enforcement agency should then
enforce the aforementioned crisis situation in accordance with their crowd
dispersion standards.

V. Recommendation
As a criminologist, I suggest that law enforcement should strictly adhere to the
operational guidelines for crowd control dispersal in order to ensure that
everyone's rights are respected in the given crisis situation. This will help to
reduce injuries and other undesirable events.
(Crisis Intervention Management)

Ma’am Jonalyn P. Lumapac’s Report

(Topic: Major Activities in handling Kidnapping and the Elements of Kidnapping)

I. Brief Discussion
Investigation is one of the primary issues in implementing kidnapping laws, and
through it, law enforcement can learn crucial information about the location,
traces, demand, and the people or organization responsible for the kidnapped.

Due to the fact that the suspect only uses the phone or other similar forms of
communication, negotiation was essential in this crisis situation. The suspect's
physical response won't be visible to the negotiator.
The most important situation involves responding. This effort aims to save the
victims in every crisis circumstance. The law enforcement agency, through the
AKG, would better plan this activity to prevent any unfavorable outcomes.

II. Comment/Reaction
My opinion on this is that the government should improve the law enforcement's
intelligence capabilities in order to avoid or regulate this kind of behavior, to have
advance preparation, and to be able to develop strategic responses to hostage-
taking and other crisis situations.

III. Evaluation
According to my assessment of the reporter, she was well-prepared on her
assigned topic and knowledgeable about the subject she discusses in class. She
can go into further detail and talk about some relevant problems and concerns.
She also provided particular recommendations on how to deal with problems in an
efficient manner.

IV. Conclusion
I have come to the viewpoint that kidnapping situations have a number of causes.
For all other factors put together, law enforcement should have a fix for the
kidnapping operation that would enable the victims to be successfully rescued.

V. Recommendation
As a criminologist, I recommend law enforcement to improve collaboration with
all other law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities in order to
handle and prevent this kind of crisis situation.
(Crisis Intervention Management)

Ma’am Mariel E. Mallorca’s Report

(Topic: The Development of Crisis Intervention, Theory of Crisis Intervention and Humanistic
Approach in Crisis Intervention)

I. Brief Discussion
The idea of crisis intervention was to respond quickly and offer someone
assistance right now. The Greek word "krisis," which signifies a decision or
turning point, is where the word "crisis" originates. The concept of crisis
intervention gained popularity in the 1960s because it addressed the community's
most pressing issue and implied that a crisis intervention was necessary to address
these problems and improve community processes.

The Basic Crisis Theory, Expanded Crisis Theory, and Applied Crisis Theory are
the three primary theories of crisis management. Basic Crisis Theory focuses
more on the personal losses of an individual and the fact that occasionally people
commit crimes as a result of crises they have experienced. Expanded Crisis
Theory focuses more on individual problems that make a person feel uneasy due
to apprehension or negative past experiences. And the Applied Crisis Theory is
frequently concerned with the output of something for which someone works and
finds that it has a negative impact or value contrary to what was anticipated.
With a humanistic approach to crisis intervention, it is validated that a person's
existence is worthless and that life is valued.

II. Comment/Reaction
Theories relating to crisis intervention would be very helpful in evaluating the
results of the intervention program for the specific crisis situation. In order to
minimize any needless situations that can arise during a crisis situation, it would
be beneficial for both the responder and the assessor to consider how they should
approach the specific circumstance.

III. Evaluation
My assessment of the reporter is that she is well-prepared and has a firm grasp of
the subject matter. She neglects to take into account one factor that will result in a
poor representation in the online class: the font size of her presentation. After all,
she was able to present the subject with assurance.

IV. Conclusion
My viewpoint of this is that these ideas are directing our rescuers and law
enforcement so they can neutralize potential threats and risks in an emergency
circumstance. By using these ideas as a guide, our responders may be able to
mitigate according to the crisis situation's strategy.

V. Recommendations
My suggestion is that our responders and planning committee use these theories to
analyze the operational manual for the specific crisis situation and implement
them to reduce or completely get rid of the potential risks and dangers.
(Crisis Intervention Management)

Ma’am Micah Ella A. Amongo’s Report

(Topic: PNP Police Operational Procedure: Efforts of the Team During Demolition, Concept of
Demolition in Relation to Police Duties, and Procedure During and After the Conduct of

I. Brief Discussion
The law enforcement has a protocol to follow while enforcing during demolition
in a crisis circumstance. According to the reporter, the responsible department or
agency should have ordered the destruction before giving the go-ahead. When the
law enforcement official received the order, they immediately coordinated with
their regional chief executive for approval and the deployment of the law
enforcement official on the demolition. Law enforcement should undertake a pre-
evaluation of the threats and hazards that may be present during that demolition
before it really begins. In order to lessen or completely remove certain risks, it is
necessary to confront them and plan for them. However, if that were the case, at
least law enforcement would be fully informed and would have a strategy in place
for what to do.

II. Comment/Reaction
My opinion on the method by which law enforcement aids in demolition is that it
might be advantageous for them not to be able to participate in the demolition
itself. The primary guardian of our lives and property is our legal system. It is
admirable that they take great care to maintain the status quo during the
demolition process and to prevent any unnecessary force from the affected family.

III. Evaluation
According to my assessment of the reporter, she was ready for her assigned
subject. The subject which need to be discuss was clearly presented.

IV. Conclusion
My perspective on the matter is that our primary guardian of our lives and
property is the law enforcement. The fact that they are the only ones able to keep
the calm and preserve order during such destruction is addressed in their operating
process for responding to demolition. During the aforementioned demolition, and
response to any unneeded situations.

V. Recommendation
My suggestion for law enforcement is to constantly adhere to operational
procedures with extreme caution in order to take care of those problems on their
end. Additionally, ensuring that all law enforcers always have the statutory
maximum tolerance, unless it is justified and necessary in regard to the execution
of the law.


(Crisis Intervention Management)
Ma’am Michelle Joi D, Vedra’s Report
(Topic: Factors Contributing Problems During Labor Strike)

I. Brief Discussion
There are numerous variables that can cause issues when there is a labor strike.
But before that, why is there a labor strike, and how can it be resolved? The
earnings of the workers, unions, working conditions, and others are cited by the
writer as some of the causes of labor strikes. These are a few of the contributing
elements or causes of the labor strikes we see today. The crisis management
committee adopted and managed this type of crisis situation to address these
difficulties. It might be advantageous for the striker but quite difficult for the law
enforcement. When it comes to completely enforcing its mission and adhering to
the chain of command on the side of the law enforcers, the law enforcer should
only respond to a request that has been addressed to the regional or district

II. Comment/Reaction
My perspective on the topic is that in order for our labor strikers to communicate
their requests and grievances in a peaceful assembly that is connected to their
work, it is necessary to control them. It is crucial for law enforcement to disperse
the strikers in order to prevent any potential crime or disruption from occurring
while the labor strikes are taking place.

III. Evaluation
According to my assessment of the reporter, she is able to captivate her audience
and impart knowledge on the subject matter she has been given. The reporter
delivered her report in a professional manner and was quite knowledgeable about
the subject.

IV. Conclusion
As a criminologist, I've come to the view that law enforcement should exercise
the greatest amount of restraint so as to avoid inciting either the local law
enforcers or labor strikes to take unwarranted action.

V. Recommendation
My suggestion in this case is to have a peaceful resolution to the conflict as labor
strikers work for the company they are protesting. The government should take
the appropriate steps to prevent these types of crisis situations on the side of the
business owner who won't entertain this type of scenario.
(Crisis Intervention Management)

Ma’am Ruby Charlene G. Yacap’s Report

(Topic: Describe Crisis as Danger, Factors why Crisis is Danger and Developmental Crisis
Situational Crisis)
VI. Brief Discussion
When responding to a crisis situation, law enforcement aids the circumstance and
situation. Now that law enforcement has completed their initial assessment or
evaluation, they can determine whether the situation poses a risk to the victim, the
response team, bystanders, and those in the immediate neighborhood. The
following are some of the variables our reporter discusses that may be influencing
the suspect and making the situation more intense:

1. Anxiety
2. Helplessness
3. Anger
4. Shame/Guilt
5. Confusion
6. Fear

VII. Comment/Reaction
My perspective on the matter is that excellent communication on all sides, but
notably on the part of law enforcement, would be beneficial. They need to be
skilled in handling crisis situations so that they can free any potential hostages of
the crisis. It is more advantageous to assess the problem as a whole, and this
should be done in a crisis situation.
VIII. Evaluation
My assessment of the reporter is that she did a very good job of presenting the key
details on her given subject in a well-done and understandable manner.

IX. Conclusion
My conclusion is that law enforcement should constantly be informed of the
suspect's or subject's condition. For their benefit, knowing the subject's or
suspect's condition would help them address a crisis scenario more effectively.

X. Recommendation
To validate the current scenario and to have a better plan to engage without any
casualties, I advise having excellent cooperation between all concerned
organizations to address crisis situation responses.
(Crisis Intervention Management)

Sir John Lester Ravas’s Report

(Topic: Crisis Intervention Program)

XI. Brief Discussion

A crisis management committee had been established and given the responsibility
of developing an intervention plan. The enforcer or the implementing agency's
performance in addressing the problems in a specific crisis situation could have an
impact on the effectiveness of a common and widespread intervention program.
Here are a few of the government's intervention programs:

1. Substantive Abuse, a crisis that affects those who can abuse drugs, is
addressed. As a crisis intervention, the government offers a special
program for situations where a person's drug abuse makes it impossible for
them to heal, either while they are in jail or during their time there. In
order to treat the person outside of a correctional facility, the government
offers community-based correction as an intervention.
2. Medical Crisis, this crisis situation is the most common crisis situation
during the pandemic.
3. Legal Crisis, this crisis situation is most common on the judicial
department, where cases are not be able to hear because of unavailability
of judge/attorney.
4. Psychological Crisis, this type of crisis is non-medical, it is most on the
behavioral aspect of a person in how they deal in a particular situation that
they think over about a scenario.
5. Spiritual Crisis, this crisis situation is more on spiritual belief that would
affect the living condition of a person.

XII. Comment/Reaction
In my opinion, it is essential to establish an intervention program that outlines
how to handle various strategies in a given crisis situation. As the reporter gives
his viewpoints, on how this different crisis intervention program aid a foregoing
crisis situation and on scene crisis situation.

XIII. Evaluation
The reporter does an excellent job of presenting his chosen subject and doing so
effectively. Overall, the report and presentation were outstanding.

XIV. Conclusion
My understanding of the subject is that although the government has created
numerous intervention programs, occasionally the volume of interventions
prevents it from addressing the true problem.

XV. Recommendation
My suggestion is that the government's intervention programs be backed by
professionals who are knowledgeable about the specific crisis situation and
experienced in handling it.
(Crisis Intervention Management)

Sir Richard O. Verian’s Report

(Topic: Risks in Dealing Labor Strike)

I. Brief Discussion
Before the real strikes or protests, law enforcement should help them find a place
where they may speak about their concerns in order to lower the danger of dealing
with them or the local government should provide a place where they people do a
demonstration. The upkeep of the potential situation's peace and order is crucial
on the side of law enforcement. The fact that a law enforcement official cannot
act as the main stem on the same power is one of the reasons why they should
retain the assembly.

II. Comment/Reaction
Regarding the subject, it is thought to be one of the most crucial elements in the
law enforcement's pre-planning for handling the labor strike. To decide what
possible course of action we should do in any circumstance that is not necessary
for the said strikes, it is crucial to evaluate the potential hazards in the labor strike.
The law enforcement official could take action after assessing the dangers to
maintain and manage the situation.

III. Evaluation
My assessment of the reporter is that he is knowledgeable and well-prepared for
the subject assigned to him. The presentation is strong and concise. The reporter
offered informational resources that enabled her to thoroughly and pertinently
exhaust the subject.

IV. Conclusion
My impression of how the labor strikes were handled. That it is wise for law
enforcement to adhere to the operational protocol for dispersing or neutralizing
labor strikes. It is also admirable that law enforcement adheres to and implements
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

V. Recommendation
To address the difficulties surrounding the law enforcement's abuses of human
rights, I advise that they always adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. Additionally, it is advantageous to both parties.


(Crisis Intervention Management)

Sir Sherwin S. Orot’s Report

(Topic: Philippine National Police Operational Procedure)

I. Brief Discussion
One of the most critical components of the PNP organization's current structure is
the operational manual outlining its operating procedures. The PNP operating
process is designed to enhance or better use the abilities and capabilities of the
PNP staff as a whole. It might serve as a guidance for PNP officers as they apply
the nature of their work. Additionally, a norm from the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights is supplied. The measures that PNP personnel must take before
taking any action are outlined in PNP Operational Procedure.

II. Comment/Reaction
My comment on the topic is, With regard to the practical application of police
activity, it gives essential knowledge. It could serve as a guide and shield for
people and the community against any wrongdoing by law enforcement.

III. Evaluation
My assessment on the reporter's part is that it might be important for us to learn
something new or to brush up on knowledge we already have from our
baccalaureate degree. However, there are times when the reporter may be able to
give him more in-depth information about the assigned issue and be unable to
include it since it is already known and understood by the other, such like when
reporting on PNP operational process. Because of this, the reporter does not
engage well with our classmates.

IV. Conclusion
My opinion on the matter is that it would be a good idea for law enforcement
organizations to regularly update their operational procedures so that other PNP
members are aware of the steps they take to take someone into custody.
V. Recommendation
My suggestion to the law enforcement community is to always adhere to the operational
manual. It is advantageous for both the subject and the law enforcement official to
perform and adhere to the operational method. Being unable to file an administrative case
or a criminal case for failing to follow the operating procedure is advantageous to the law
enforcement official. Additionally, the subject should be protected from unwarranted and
inhumane treatment.

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