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El Día de la Hispanidad

El Día de la Hispanidad, is celebrated every year on

12th of October and it commemorates the arrival of
Christopher Columbus in America in 1906. It is also
celebrated as the day of the Armed Forces in Spain. On
August 3, 1492, Columbus first set foot from the port of
Palod de la Frontera in Spain. Up until 1987, the day
was celebrated as the Hispanic Day in Spain to
celebrate the country's association with Hispanidad, a
common community formed by countries of Hispanic
origin. Finally, 1987, through an official order, the day
was renamed as the National Day of Spain. To
commemorate it, in Spain, there is a military parade,
which is usually held in Madrid, and it is presided over
by the Spanish king, who is the head of state, since
Spain is politically organized as a constitutional
monarchy. This day is widely referred to as Día de la
Raza in Chile. Santiago marks the occasion by offering
a parade that both celebrates indigenous culture and
protests their continued mistreatment. Mexicans also
this day as
Día de la
My Personal Comments on this celebration:
I personally find the way that the way in which they
celebrate this day is quite cool as the parades look fun
and the way they use planes to spread powder in the
colours of the Spanish Flag is really mesmerizing

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