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The Night Robber

The policeman moved slowly down the avenue. It was nearly 10

o'clock at night and the streets were empty. The sky was as black
as pitch and the atmosphere was filled with dead silence. As the
policeman turned the corner, he found what he was hoping to find.
The silhouette of a tall man was spotted in the distance. That man
was known as ‘The Night Robber’ or as the ‘Sus Man’ in the city
of Halleenikon. He was infamous for all of his successful attempts
to rob banks, museums and even malls, over the past two weeks.
He was after a jewel worth millions that resided in the city’s
Artefact Museum but the noble policeman, Noah Danvers, was
determined to capture him, once and for all.
Mr. Danvers was a mouse as he silently creeped closer towards
the robber. But suddenly, the man stood still. The policeman slowly
started to back away as The Night Robber reached into his bag to get
something. He then pulled out the jewel as he exclaimed, “I’ve done it
once again.” As Mr. Danvers saw the jewel, his mouth stood ajar as
he thought to himself, “That’s impossible. How did he get that jewel
with such ease?” The robber continued to walk down the alley and the
policeman decided to follow him as if he tried to capture him, he may
fail as The Night Robber always has a trick up his sleeve.
After about ten minutes of walking, the robber seemed to be
approaching the house of Mr. Danvers’ boss, Liones Fury, the Chief
of Police. Mr. Danvers found this suspicious so he continued looking
on from a distance. The Night Robber then knocked at Mr. Fury’s
door and Mr. Fury himself answered and let him in. Mr. Danvers then
snuck to the side of the house where he managed to see them having a
conversation through a window. The policeman then pulled out his
mobile phone and started recording their convocation for evidence in
the future. “I have completed all of my tasks, am I free to go back to
my family now?”, questioned the robber. “Yep, I will book you a
flight back to London tomorrow. You have done well my
accomplice.”, said the Chief of Police.
Mr. Danvers was shocked when he found out this information.
Mr. Fury was bribing the robber with a way to get back to his family
in exchange for stealing many valuables. Mr. Danvers then decided to
head home and deal with matters in the morning. The next morning,
before Mr. Fury came into the police station, he presented the
recording of the conversation to all of his colleagues. The then came
up with a plan to handcuff Mr. Fury to a chair then question him on
the situation. They managed to go through with this plan and Mr.
Fury came clean with everything. He admitted that he bribed the
robber with a ticket back to his family as he could not afford it and
took all of the valuables in exchange. He said that the robber left this
morning to go back to his family. Mr. Fury then started sobbing as he
pleaded for their forgiveness. Mr. Danvers then decided that the best
thing to do was to sentence him five years in prison to pay for his

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