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Ass. Prof.

/ Amr Hessein
▪ Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University, 2006.
➢ Electrical Power & Electric Machines Engineering.

▪ Masters in Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering

(Shoubra), Benha University, 2013.
➢ Semiconductor Nanoparticles for Solar Cell
▪ PhD in Materials science and Engineering (MSE), Egypt-
Japan University of science and Technology (E-JUST),
➢ Graphene-based materials for Solar Cell
▪ Assistant professor, Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra),
Benha University, 2022
Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer
Ass. Prof. Amr Hessein
❑Course Outlines

➢ Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts

➢ Chapter 2: Ideal Gas and First Law of Thermodynamics

➢ Chapter 3: Kinetic Theory Of Gases

➢ Chapter 4: Heat Transfer

➢ Chapter 5: Thermal Radiation

Course materials
Chapter 1
Fundamental Concepts
Ass. Prof. Amr Hessein
1. Thermodynamic Science:
It is the branch of science used to describe processes that involve changes in
temperatures, transformation of energy, and the relationship between heat
and work.

System System

➢Historically, thermodynamics developed out of a desire to increase the efficiency of

early steam engines. 7
2. System:
A thermodynamic system is a quantity of matter of fixed identity around which we
can draw a boundary, such that:
• The boundary may be fixed or movable.
• The surrounding is everything outside the boundary.
• Work and heat can be transferred across the system boundary.
➢ Types of thermodynamic systems

Such as Automobile engines, Human Body Such as Refrigerators, Hydraulic pistons 8

3. State:
The state of a thermodynamic system is the system condition at any specific time
which is defined by specifying values of a set of measurable properties such as
temperature, pressure, volume.
➢ The state variables describe the state only when the system is in equilibrium.

➢ The measurable properties are used to determine the values of the non- measurable
properties (such as stored energy in the system “Heat content”, enthalpy, entropy).

➢ State Variables of a system

(Measurable + Non- measurable properties )

4. Equilibrium:
The equilibrium state of a system is a state in which the system properties have
definite unchanged values as long as the external conditions are unchanged.

➢A system in thermodynamic equilibrium must satisfies:

•Mechanical equilibrium ( no Unbalanced forces ΣF= 0)
•Thermal equilibrium (ΔT=0)
•Chemical equilibrium

Mechanical Equilibrium Thermal Equilibrium 10

5. Thermodynamic Process:
is a passage of a thermodynamic system from an initial to a
final state of thermodynamic equilibrium.

➢Cyclic Process:
It is the process at which the system return to its initial
state at its end.
▪ Represented by a closed loop on the PV diagram.
▪ The system may pass through a set of equilibrium
states (such as A,B,…) during the cyclic process.
➢ Macroscopic Scale: ‫المقياس العياني‬ ➢ Microscopic scale: ‫المقياس المجهرى‬
•On the macro-scale, the gas is considered •On the micro-scale the gas is modeled by the
a uniform, with properties that are kinetic theory with molecules size are very small
averaged from the individual components relative to the distance between them.
•Macroscopic Properties such as •Simple theories were developed to relate the
pressure, temperature, flow velocity,… macroscopic properties ( pressure,
temperature,…) to the microscopic properties (
mass, momentum, kinetic energy,..)

it is a measure of the system internal energy.
•Temperature is Macroscopic property.
•The temperature of a gas is a measure of the average translational kinetic
energy of the gas molecules.

➢In hot gas, the molecules move faster than the molecules of the cold gas.
➢Units of Temperature ( Temperature scales)
1. Celsius Scale (ᵒC)
2. Kelvin Scale (K)
3. Fahrenheit Scale (F)
4. Rankine Scale (ᵒR)
1. Celsius Scale (ᵒC) 2. Kelvin Scale (K) (Absolute Scale)
•Is the CGS unit of temperature •Is the SI unit of temperature.
•Use the freezing point of pure water as the •Absolute zero (0 K ) or (-273.15 ᵒC) at which
zero point (0 ᵒC) no thermal energy (particles freeze out).
•Use the boiling point of the pure water as
100 ᵒC.
•The scale between the two points was divided
into 100 equal parts (Linear scale). Each part • According to Kelvin scale, the triple point of
called also centigrade (ᵒC) water(0.01 ᵒC) chosen as a fixed point and
equals 273.16 K.
➢One degree increment on Kelvin scale has precisely the same magnitude as one
degree increment on the Celsius scale (ΔT= 1 ᵒC= 1K). 14
3. Fahrenheit Scale (ᵒF)
➢Is the unit of temperature in the British 4. Rankine Scale (ᵒR)
system. ➢ Zero on both the Kelvin and Rankine
➢Use the freezing point of sea water as the scales is absolute zero,
zero point (0 ᵒF) and the freezing point of ➢The absolute zero on Rankine scale being
pure water as the 32 ᵒF. equivalent to -459.67°F on the Fahrenheit
➢Use the boiling point of the pure water as scale.
212 ᵒF. ➢The Rankine degree is defined as equal to
➢The difference between the two reference one degree Fahrenheit.
points is 180 ᵒF.


Freezing of
Sea water



❑The Zeroth law of thermodynamic
➢This law states that:
“ if object A is in thermal equilibrium with object B, and object B is in thermal equilibrium
with object C, then object C is also in thermal equilibrium with object A”.

The pressure of a system can be defined as” the force exerted by the system on unit
area of the boundaries”.
1. Mechanical pressure 2. Hydrostatic pressure
The pressure due to a column of a liquid

➢Pressure is a scalar quantity since it proportional to the magnitude of the force.

➢If the pressure varies over an area, the infinitesimal force dF on an infinitesimal surface element of
area dA is

➢Gauge Pressure ➢Units of pressure
The pressure difference between the system ▪SI unit → N/ m2 = Pascal (Pa)
pressure and the atmospheric pressure. ▪CGS unit → dyne/ cm2
▪British system→ (lb/in2= psi)

The volume of a solid object is: ➢The Capacity of a container is:
➢The three-dimensional space the body The amount of fluid (gas or
occupies. liquid) that the container could
or hold.
➢The quantity of three-dimensional
space enclosed by a closed surface.

➢Capacity is different than the amount of space the

container itself displaces.

➢Common Units of Volume and Capacity:

• SI unit → m3
•CGS unit→ cm3= 10−6 m3
•British system→ cubic inch or cubic foot
•Liter= 1000 cm3= 10−3 m3


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