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The roots of the Day of the Dead go back 3,000 years to the rituals

honoring the dead in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The Aztecs and

other Nahua people held a cyclical view of the universe, and saw
death as an integral, ever-present part of life . Basically, they
weren’t afraid of it, they knew it was coming and that its a completely
natural occurence.

The reason for people to celebrate their dead relatives is so that their
souls will be encouraged to visit them and hear their prayers and words
of the living. Very different from the Stingy Jack story for Halloween and
in my opinion much more believable. This is an example of how the
myths and legends of the people that have gone before us shape our
modern culture.

Overall, I found the story to be very interesting but at the same time
stange and weird. That’s all I’ve gotta say.

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