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Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 1 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

MSS LLD Automation UserGuide

1 Document History ......................................................................................................................2
2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................3
3 Pre-Requisites ............................................................................................................................3
4 Setting up EFP ............................................................................................................................4
4.1 For Linux (Ubuntu) based machines: ..............................................................................4
4.2 For Windows Based Machines: .........................................................................................6
 (myvenv) ~/mysite$ python runserver ..................................................7
5 Steps for EFP Execution: ..........................................................................................................8
5.1 Conversion of CIQ into LLD ................................................................................................8
5.1.1 For Reference Configuration ..............................................................................................8
5.1.2 For Adding Multiple MSCs in CIQ .................................................................................. 15
5.2 Conversion of CIQ into HLD ............................................................................................ 17
5.2.1 For Reference Configuration ........................................................................................... 17
5.2.2 For Adding Multiple MSCs in CIQ .................................................................................. 24
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 2 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

1 Document History
Sr No Date Updated by Comments
1 04-July-2019 Tarun Kumar Draft version
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 3 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

2 Introduction
EFP is a tool used to generate automated LLD (NFVI & VNF) and HLD of MSS nodes for
different platform such as BSP, HDS and HP Vmware from CIQ. This EFP Tool can generate
HLD and LLD for both compact and high capacity MSS nodes.

3 Pre-Requisites
1. Local Machine having Linux or Windows as Operating System.
2. High-Speed Internet Connection.
3. EFP can be accessed from a single machine in both OS (Windows & Linux) by using
virtual box.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 4 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

4 Setting up EFP

4.1 For Linux (Ubuntu) based machines:

1. Download the EFP source code tar file from Rosetta repo.

2. Push the downloaded source code to /home/user/EFP

Note: Replace user with a username.

<command> mkdir /home/user/EFP

<command> mv /home/user/Downloads/Django-EFP1.0-master.tar /home/user/EFP

Note: If Django-EFP1.0-master.tar is not in above mentioned path, use the path to the
location where it is downloaded.

<command> cd /home/user/EFP
<command> tar -xvf Django-EFP1.0-master.tar
<command> cd Django-EFP1.0-master

3. Install latest version of python3 and redis.

<command> sudo apt-get install python3
<command> sudo apt-get install python3-pip
<command> sudo apt-get install redis-server

4. Create python virtual environment and activate

<command> sudo apt install virtualenv
<command> sudo virtualenv -p python3 myvenv
<command> source myvenv/bin/activate
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 5 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

5. Install Django and depended packages for EFP 1.0

 Now to install Django and packages run cmd :

<command> cd /django-efp1.0-master
<command>sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

6. Start the web server.

<command> cd /flowportal
<command> sudo python3 migrate
<command> sudo python3 runserver

 Now you must check that your website is running. Open your browser and enter the
following address

You should be able to see the window as shown below:

Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 6 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

4.2 For Windows Based Machines:

1. Download the Redis Database using the link


 Launch Redis Server by clicking the below .exe

 redis-server.exe

 Launch Redis client by clicking the below .exe

 redis-cli.exe

2. Install python, pip, python modules and Django using below steps.
<window_prompt> mkdir EFP
<window_prompt> cd EFP

 Install Python 3.7.0 (Latest) by downloading Python3 Installer at this path.

Open a browser window and navigate to the Download page for Windows

 Run the Installer as Administrator.

 Click on the checkbox “Add python 3.7 to path” (while installing)

 Download EFP code, requirements.txt, from GitLab Repo at the


Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 7 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

 Run the following command

Go to EFP1.0 Source code path
cd C:\Users\EFP\efp1.0\efp1.0-windows-master

 python
 python -m pip install --upgrade pip
 pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
 mkvirtualenv myvenv
 pip install -r requirements.txt

Go to EFP1.0 project path

 cd mysite

 python migrate

3. Starting the web server by running the below server

 (myvenv) ~/mysite$ python runserver

Open your browser and enter the following address


You should be able to see the window as shown below:

Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 8 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

5 Steps for EFP Execution:

5.1 Conversion of CIQ into LLD

5.1.1 For Reference Configuration

1. Before Starting the EFP server we need to clear Django cache, by deleting the
gen_py folder from the “ %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp “ Path. If it's
not there then, jump to the next step.

2. After running the EFP server using the command – python
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 9 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

After running the server EFP, EFP development server can be accessed by opening the
below link in the browser.

3. Start the redis server and client by executing redis-server.exe and redis-cli.exe.

4. Click on the Automation tab on the EFP Page.

Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 10 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

5. Click on High Capacity /Compact Design Docs

6. Select the Appropriate option according to the type of conversion of CIQ to

Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 11 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

7. Then Select the Platform for conversion:

For Ex- We will select CIQ to High Capacity LLD Conversion in HDS Platform –

After Selecting you will get a Menu box to Browse the YAML and the Input CIQ Location on your
Machine(YAML and CIQ are used as input for Conversion):
1. Click on Choose file as described in the below image to browse to the YAML file Location i.e.
master\mysite\lld_django_design\yml\YMLALL.yml .
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 12 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

2. Click on Choose file as described in the below image to browse to the Input CIQ file Location i.e.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 13 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

3. Then, click on Upload YAML Button as shown in below image to upload the YAML file.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 14 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

4. At last, click on Upload CIQ Button to upload the CIQ file.

The CIQ Parsing will be processed and can be seen in the pop up as well as on the cmd window as
shown below:

Note: If the Popup window and CMD Window looks stuck please wait for 2 min as background
processing is in progress.

8. Step 8: Process Completion can be marked as the preview of the generated LLD
can be seen on the pop-up window.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 15 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

9. Step 9: Generated LLD can be downloaded on your local machine by clicking on

the Download_LLD Button as shown Below.

5.1.2 For Adding Multiple MSCs in CIQ

By default two MSCs are present in CIQ and LLD’s are generated with these details. EFP also
provides functionality to add extra MSCs. For that we have to just edit the CIQ.For adding Multiple
MSCs in the CIQ, the changes need to be done in two sheets of CIQ i.e.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 16 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

HW & SW Requirements and IP & Vlan Requirement sheets. Below is a sample image of CIQ with
4 MSCs.

After Editing Sheet according to the No of MSCs, the previous LLDConversion Steps can be repeated
on this new CIQ.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 17 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

5.2 Conversion of CIQ into HLD

5.2.1 For Reference Configuration

1. Before Starting the EFP server we need to clear Django cache, by deleting the
gen_py folder from the “ %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp “ Path. If it's
not there then, jump to the next step.

2. After running the EFP server using the command – python

After running the server EFP, EFP development server can be accessed by opening the
below link in the browser.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 18 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

3. Start the redis server and client by executing redis-server.exe and redis-cli.exe.

4. Click on the Automation tab on the EFP Page.

5. Click on High Capacity /Compact Design Docs

Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 19 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

6. Select the Appropriate option according to the type of conversion of CIQ to


7. Then Select the Platform for conversion:

For Ex- We will select CIQ to NFVi HLD Conversion in HDS Platform –

After Selecting you will get a Menu box to Browse the YAML and the Input CIQ Location on your
Machine(YAML and CIQ are used as input for Conversion):
1. Click on Choose file as described in the below image to browse to the YAML file Location i.e.
master\mysite\lld_django_design\yml\YMLALL.yml .
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 20 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

2. Click on Choose file as described in the below image to browse to the Input CIQ file Location i.e.
C:\Users\(USERNAME) \EFP\efp1.0\efp1.0-windows-
master\mysite\lld_django_design\CIQs\HLD .
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 21 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

3. Then, click on Upload YAML Button as shown in below image to upload the YAML file.

4. At last, click on Upload CIQ Button to upload the CIQ file.

Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 22 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

The CIQ Parsing will be processed and can be seen in the pop up as well as on the cmd window as
shown below:

Note: If the Popup window and CMD Window looks stuck please wait for 2 min as background
processing is in progress.
Confidentiality Class External Confidentiality Label Document Type Page

Ericsson Internal Guideline 23 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

8. Process Completion can be marked as the preview of the generated HLD can be
seen on the pop-up window.

9. Generated HLD can be downloaded on your local machine by clicking on the

Download_HLD Button as shown Below.
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Ericsson Internal Guideline 24 (24)

Prepared By (Subject Responsible) Approved By (Document Responsibile) Checked

EMAHEAR Mahesh Kumar Earanti BDGSMUE [Mahesh Kumar Earanti]

Document Number Revision Date Reference

10/0113-FGB 101 0189 Uen A 2019-07-09

5.2.2 For Adding Multiple MSCs in CIQ

By default two MSCs are present in CIQ and HLD’s are generated with these details. EFP also
provides functionality to add extra MSCs. For that we have to just edit the CIQ.For adding Multiple
MSCs in the CIQ, the changes need to be done in two sheets of CIQ i.e.
HW & SW Requirements and IP & Vlan Requirement sheets. Below is a sample image of CIQ with
4 MSCs.

After Editing Sheet according to the No of MSCs, the previous HLD Conversion Steps can be
repeated on this new CIQ.

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