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Hazard Identification,

Risk Assessment and Risk Control

Made Easy to Understand

Mohammad Razali Mamat

Borderless OSH Ventures
Majlis Pengamal Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia

Copyright : Borderless OSH Ventures 2017®

Table of Contents

No. Topic Page No

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 What is Risk Management?

1.2 Why must Implement Risk Management?

1.3 Where to Implement Risk Management?

1.4 Who to Implement Risk Management?

1.5 When to Implement Risk Management?

1.6 How to Implement Risk Management?

2.0 Overview of HIRARC 5

2.1 What is HIRARC?

2.2 Why must Conduct HIRARC?

2.3 Who to Conduct HIRARC?

2.4 Where to Conduct HIRARC?

2.5 When to Conduct HIRARC?

2.6 How to Conduct HIRARC?

3.0 Classifying Work Activities 7

3.1 Geographical Locations

3.2 Stages of Work or Process

3.3 Associated Activities or Tasks

3.4 Nature of Activities or Conditions

4.0 Hazard Identification 11

4.1 Definition of Hazard

4.2 The Problems

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Table of Contents

No. Topic Page No

4.3 Redefinition

4.4 Overview of Occupational Hazards

4.5 Techniques for Identifying Hazards

4.6 Recording the Findings

5.0 Risk Assessment 21

5.1 Definitions

5.2 The Problems

5.3 Likelihood

5.4 Severity

5.5 Assessing the Risks

5.6 Recording the Results

6.0 Risk Control 22

6.1 Definitions

6.2 The Problems

6.3 The Approaches

6.4 Elimination

6.5 Substitution

6.6 Isolation

6.7 Engineering

6.8 Administrative

6.9 Personal Protective Equipment

6.10 Basic Principles

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Table of Contents

No. Topic Page No

6.11 Recording the Results

7.0 Implement, Maintain and Improve 38

7.1 Implement

7.2 Maintain

7.3 Improve

8.0 Summary 45
- References

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List of Figures

No. Title Page No

1 Flowchart for HIRARC Activities 7
2a Classification by Geographical Location - Zones 8
2b Classification by Geographical Location - Blocks 8
3a Classification by Stage of Activities 9
3b Classification by Stage of Processes 9
4 Classification by Stage of Associated Activities or Tasks 10
5 Classification by Nature Activities or Conditions 10
6 ILC Model by Bird and Germain 13
7 Components of Workplace Management System 15
8 Interaction of Workplace Management System 16
9a Likelihood – General Parameters 22
9b Likelihood – Status of Current Controls 22
9c Likelihood – Status of Compliances 23
10a Severity - Human 24
10b Severity - Property 25
10c Severity - Environment 25
11 Risk Matrix 26
12 Risk Prioritisation 33
13 Hierarchy of Control 31
14 ALARP 35

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List of Tables

No. Title Page No

1 PDCA Cycle for HIRARC 6
2 Correspondence of Definitions of Hazards 12
3 Components of Workplace Management System 15
4 Classification of Occupational Hazards 17
5 Types of Occupational Hazards 18
6 HIRAC Form – Hazard Identification 20
7 Consequence versus Severity 24
8 HIRAC Form – Risk Assessment 27
9 Elimination 31
10 Substitution 32
11 Isolation 32
12 Engineering 33
13 Administrative 33
14 Personal Protective Equipment 34
15 HIRAC Form – Risk Control 37
16 HIRARC Form – Hazard Register 39
17 Estimating Costs of Incident 40
18 Action Plan for HIRARC 42

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The Author

Mr. Mohammad Razali Mamat, the author is better known as Mr. Razali @ Mr.

Besides possessing a few competency certificates, he is also possessing the Executive

Master Degree in OSH Management from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia as his highest
qualification in OSH.

He was the initiator for Site Safety Supervisor Competency Program. The curriculum
and module for the program was developed by him.

Apart from that he is also an active module developer for a few established training
providers including NIOSH and CIDB.

Currently he is actively guiding and coaching new OSH professionals through more
than 20 Whatsapp Groups created and administrated by him. At the same time he is
also serving Borderless-OSH-Ventures and Majlis Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Malaysia as Permanent Advisor.

In brief, Mr. Razali has the passion to share his knowledge and experience with others,
in particular the newbies in OSH.

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Ensuring effective workplace safety and health requires flexible systematic

approaches. Apart from that clear understanding of the goals, objectives and
strategies also other aspects to be given due considerations.

One of the core elements for effective management of workplace safety and health is
the risk management. There are many techniques could be adopted. The most basic
technique is HIRARC. It is also known as HIRARDC.

Common problems faced when applying HIRARC:

a) Hazards were wrongly identified due to ambiguous definition.

b) Risks were inaccurately assessed due to failure to establish parameters for
likelihood and severity.
c) Control measures introduced were ineffective due to failure to comply with
established hierarchy of controls.
d) Effectiveness of control measures were unknown due to failure to conduct re-
assessment after the introduction of the measures.

This booklet is published as an effort to assist those involved to gain clear and better
understanding on the proper approaches for conducting HIRARC at their respective

This booklet is also useful for students doing their study in occupational safety and
health, and other related disciplines.

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Borderless OSH Ventrues
OSH Coaching+ Trainin + Consultancy

Majlis Pengamal Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia

Copyright : Borderless OSH Ventures 2017®

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