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Common Punctuation Mistakes

1. Incorrect comma usage:

 Using commas inconsistently in lists, compound sentences, or after introductory phrases.

 Example: "I like apples, bananas and oranges." (Missing comma before "and")

2. Misplaced apostrophes:

 Using apostrophes incorrectly in possessive nouns or contractions.

 Example: "The cat's are sleeping." (Incorrect use of apostrophe)

3. Overuse of exclamation marks:

 Using exclamation marks excessively, especially in formal writing.

 Example: "The concert was amazing!!!!"

4. Missing or misplaced quotation marks:

 Forgetting to use quotation marks when quoting someone or using them incorrectly.

 Example: He said, I will come later. (Missing quotation marks around "I will come later")

5. Incorrect use of semicolons and colons:

 Using semicolons instead of commas or periods, or using colons incorrectly.

 Example: "I need to buy apples; bananas; and oranges." (Incorrect use of semicolons in a list)

6. Lack of proper punctuation in dialogue:

 Incorrectly punctuating dialogue, such as missing quotation marks or commas.

 Example: He said that he was tired, she replied "Let's go home."

7. Failure to use dashes or hyphens correctly:

 Misusing dashes or hyphens or failing to use them where needed.

 Example: "The long-term effects of the drug are not yet known." (Missing hyphen in "long-term")

8. Confusion with ellipses:

 Incorrectly using ellipses or using them inconsistently.

 Example: "I...I don't know what to say...."

9. Incorrect use of parentheses:

 Using parentheses incorrectly or excessively.

 Example: "The cat (which is black) is sleeping." (Incorrect use of parentheses)

10. Inconsistent use of punctuation in lists:

 Using different punctuation styles within lists, such as mixing commas and semicolons.

 Example: "I like apples, bananas; and oranges." (Inconsistent use of punctuation)

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