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Child Care Responsibilities: Although men also face Work- life conflict , women are
more affected because they have to take care of family and children and do the
domestic chores. Working women who want to balance their work life must learn effective
time management skills. Besides this, taking help from their family members and spouses can be
a good strategy.

5. Long working hours: According to Bangladesh labor law, regular working hours are 8 hours
daily and 48 hours weekly. the amount of time that workers are able to spend with their families
is reduced by having longer working hours, and this leads to a poor work-life balance To reduce
this problem, it’s necessary to ensure that workers have proper flexible working hours for the
employees. Therefore, labor law should be revised.

6.Work overload: working women has become more complex as they struggle to
balance working hours with their family responsibilities.
They are often confronted with tasks involving children, home, in-laws, parents and their social circle.
With the increasing demands on the job, working women have to spend long hours of work and
sometimes even carry their work home. This imbalance may lead to conflict. every women must use the
strategies and skills, such as planning and organizing, to achieve a satisfying and fulfilling well-balanced
life at home and work.

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