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Curriculum is design or guide in carry out learning and educational programs ,
provided by the institution contained education _ design lesson to be given to
participant lesson in One period level education . Curriculum is guidelines or reject
measuring For reach goal inside _ education . J.Lloyd Trump and Dalmes F. Miller
(1973), said that curriculum is series loading method _ method Study teach , way
evaluate students and all programs , guidance and counseling , supervision and
administration and related structures with time , room , and selection eye lesson .
In Law Number 20 of 2003 article 1 says that , curriculum is set plans and
arrangements about purpose , content , and materials lesson as well as method used _
as guidelines maintenance activity lesson For reach objective education certain . So
curriculum is guidelines about series activities to be done in the learning process teach
For reach objective desired education . _


According to Oemar Hamalik (1990), contained three role important
curriculum , that is as following ;

a. Role conservative
That is curriculum can made as means For transmit values inheritance past culture
considered Still relevant with the present to generation young . Role conservative this
in essence put past - oriented curriculum . _ Role it's very basic that is customizable
with reality that education in essence is a social process. one _ task education that is
influencing and building behavior student in accordance with social values of life
environment society .

b. Role Creative
That is curriculum must capable develop something new _ in accordance with
current developments and needs _ society now and in the future . Curriculum must
contain things that can help every student develop all potential in him _ _ For obtain
knowledge new , abilities new , as well method think new needed _ in his life .

c. Role Critical and Evaluative

Namely , values and living culture _ public always experience change, so
inheritance past values and culture _ to student need customized with conditions that
occur at the present time . Besides That is , developments that occur in the present and
the future Not yet Of course in accordance with need . because _ that is , role
curriculum No only bequeath existing values and culture _ or apply results
development new that happened , but also has role For judge and choose values and
culture as well as knowledge new will _ inherited the . In matter this , curriculum
must participate active participate under social control or filter. values _ social no _ in
accordance Again with current conditions and demands _ removed and held
modification or refinements .1


a. Role conservative is emphasize that curriculum That Can made means For transmit
values past culture that is still relevant with the present to generation young .
For example the teacher influences or build behavior student in accordance with
values living social _ environment the people .

b. Role creative or dynamic is emphasize that curriculum must always follow

development time , must capable develop something new _ in accordance with
developments that took place in accordance with need society now and in the future
come .

For example curriculum used _ must contain things that can help every student all
potential in him _ _ For obtain knowledge new , abilities new , as well method think
new needed _ in his life .

c. evaluative role or critical is role it's in the background back by existence culture
everlasting society _ experience change so that inheritance values culture to
participant educate must customized with current developments . _ _ _
For example curriculum No only bequeath existing values and culture _ or apply
results development new that happened , but also has role For judge and choose
values and culture as well as knowledge new will _ inherited .

Curriculum and education is something relationship that isn't can separated . As

has been is known that curriculum role as guidelines in maintenance education . If No
There is curriculum so education No can carried out and purpose neither education _
will materialized , as guidelines administration education , besides That curriculum
always customized with existing situations and circumstances . _ Curriculum
arranged in a manner systematic , clear , and detailed with aim to be easy understood
and used as guidelines implementation of the learning process teach .

Basically _ curriculum function as guidelines or reference . For teachers,
curriculum function as guidelines in carry out the learning process . For head schools
and supervisors , curriculum function as guidelines in carry out supervision or

Prabowo Day, Important role Appropriate curriculum _ in Education .( padang state university ) page 3-4
supervision . For parents , curriculum _ function as guidelines in guide his son Study
at home . For society , curriculum function as guidelines For give help for
implementation of the educational process in schools . Whereas for students , students
curriculum function as something learn .
Besides That function curriculum identical with understanding curriculum
That understanding - oriented _ _ curriculum in a broad sense , then function
curriculum means as _ following :

a. Function Adjustment
Function adjustment contain meaning curriculum as tool education must capable
direct students to have zero well adjusted that is capable adapt himself with environment ,
fine environment physique nor environment social .

b. Integration Function
Function integration contain meaning that curriculum as tool education must
capable produce whole individuals . _ Students basically _ is members and an integral
part of society. to a higher level high .

c. Function Differentiation
Contain meaning that curriculum as tool education must capable give service to
difference individual student . Every student own difference Good from aspect physique
nor psychic .

d. Function preparation
Contain meaning that curriculum as tool education must capable prepare student
continue studies to level more education . _

e. function election
function election contain meaning that curriculum as tool education must capable
give chance to student For choose appropriate study programs _ with abilities and
interests . Function election it's very tight relation with function differentiation Because
confession on exists individual student differences also means giving chance for student
the For choose what is appropriate with interests and abilities .

f. Function diagnostic
function diagnostic contain meaning that curriculum as tool education must
capable help and direct student For can understand and accept his potential and
weaknesses . _ _ _ So expected student can develop Alone its potential _ au repair its
weaknesses .

For student That itself , curriculum function as guidelines learn . Through

curriculum student will understand what to _ accomplished , content or material lesson
what to _ mastered , and experience Study what to _ done For reach purpose . related with
function curriculum , Alexander Inglis ( in Hamalik , 2011: 13-14)) argued six function
curriculum For student :'

1. Function Adjustment ( the adjustive of adaptive function)

What is meant with function adjustment is that curriculum must can deliver
students to be able adapt self in life social society . Why curriculum must own function
adjustment ? because _ life public No static , will but dynamic , that is life public always
change and develop in accordance with development era . because _ that , students must
can adapt in life fast society _ changed it . In framework here it is function adjustment
curriculum required . Well, now think about it how to curriculum own function
adjustment ?

2. function ( the integrating function)

Function integration intended that curriculum must can develop personal student
in a manner whole . Ability cognitive , affective and psychomotor must develop in a
manner integrated . Why so ? Because the curriculum No only expected can develop
ability intellectual or intelligence course , will but also must can form attitude in
accordance with system values prevailing in society , as well can give Skills For can live
in the environment the people . Well, now How according to you so that the curriculum
own function integration ?

3. Function Differentiation (the differentiating function)

What is meant with function differentiation is , that curriculum must can serve
every student with all its uniqueness . Why so ? Because student is unique organisms , ie
_ own the differences , either difference interest , talent nor difference ability . Can sure
in this world No will There is the same human . Although circumstances physique
Possible there is the same , will be but Not yet Of course seen from factor psychologically
the same .

4. Function Preparation (the propaedeutic function)

Function preparation contain meaning , that curriculum must can give experience
Study for child Good For continue education to more levels _ high , as well For life in
society . For child who has potency For study at a higher level high , then curriculum
must equip they with various the necessary knowledge in order for them can follow
lessons at the level of education above ; However No That course , the curriculum should
also equip them so they can studying in society , for those who don't own potency For
continue his education .

5. Function Election (the selective function)

Function election is function curriculum that can give chance to every student For
Study in accordance with talents and interests . Curriculum must characteristic flexible ,
that is provide various choice of educational programs that can be learned . This is very
important , because as has been stated above , students _ own differences , and curricula
must serve every difference student .
6. Function Diagnostic (the diagnostic function)
Function diagnostics , is function For know various weakness and strength student
. Through function This curriculum role For find its difficulties and weaknesses _
students , besides explore various powers so that through introduction That student can
develop in accordance with the potential it has .


Curriculum become very important role in the world of education as director

objective education in the future to run become more good and max . In application
curriculum developed at school For adapt circumstances and needs environment , because
matter the related One each other in it and become reference all party involved _ in carry
out applicable curriculum . _ Curriculum process covers planning , organizing , executing
, supervising as well as evaluation , in development good curriculum _ Of course need
deep study and thought . _ Evaluation as the final process from from A curriculum is used
as reject measuring achievement curriculum . Education basically become business man
For increase knowledge knowledge , well earned _ from formal or informal institutions .
For reach matter the so needed objective proper education . _ Objective education will
determine success in the process of forming personal human , of course offset with other
elements inside education .

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