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2023, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 187–188


Scientific papers and artificial intelligence. Brave new world?

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a publicly accessible research is generally seen as a tool to assist human
tool that uses GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) researchers, rather than as a replacement for them.
technology. As a sophisticated chatbot, it can fulfill a There is some cause for concern about the potential
wide range of text-based requests, including answering for AI to be used to generate or manipulate scientific
simple questions and completing more advanced tasks papers in the field of medical science, as in any other
such as generating thank you letters and addressing field. For example, there is a risk that AI-generated
productivity issues. It is even capable of writing entire papers could contain errors or oversights that could lead
scholarly essays by breaking a main topic into subtopics to incorrect or misleading conclusions, or that they could
and having ChatGPT write each section, it is possible to be used to spread misinformation. In addition, there is a
create an entire article using the tool. It is even possible potential for AI-generated papers to be used to promote
to write an entire paper in a matter of seconds with min- biased or misleading conclusions, or to advance the inter-
imal input from a researcher [1]. If this has been done ests of particular groups or individuals.
already and a ChatGPT- generated paper has been pub- It is also important to recognize that there are many
lished in medical science is hard to know for sure. To my potential benefits to using AI in medical research. For
knowledge it has, however, not to date been docu- example, AI can be used to quickly analyze large
mented to be the case. amounts of data or to identify patterns that might not
There are a wide variety of papers in the field of med- be easily recognizable to researchers, which could lead to
ical science that potentially could be written or partially new insights and discoveries.
generated using artificial intelligence (AI). Some examples Overall, members of the scientific society must be
of the types of papers that might be produced using AI aware of the potential concerns and be ready to take
include: steps to ensure the integrity and reliability of scientific
research in medical science, regardless of whether it is
1. Papers that analyze large amounts of data, such as produced solely by humans or with the help of AI. This
clinical trial data or electronic medical records. AI could include using multiple sources to verify the accur-
algorithms can be used to quickly identify patterns acy of findings and being transparent about the methods
and trends in such data sets. and sources used in research.
2. Papers that summarize the results of multiple studies It can be challenging for editors of scientific journals
or meta-analyses. AI algorithms could potentially be to detect papers that have been written or partially gen-
used to identify and extract key findings from such erated by AI, as the quality of AI-generated papers can
studies and to synthesize them into a coherent vary widely. Some AI-generated papers may be of high
review. quality and may be difficult to distinguish from those
3. Papers that use machine learning techniques to written by humans, while others may contain errors or
develop predictive models or to identify risk factors. oversights that are more easily identifiable.
4. Papers that use natural language processing techni- There are a few approaches that editors and reviewers
ques to analyze text-based data, e.g., qualitative can use to try to identify AI-generated papers. For
research. example, they may look for patterns in the language or
5. Probably, papers on any other subjects. Limits may style of the paper that are indicative of AI generation, or
be expected to be beyond human imagination. they may check the paper for inconsistencies or errors
that are less common in human-written papers. Also,
Overall, the use of AI in medical research is likely to text generated by AI may be detected by software that
be most useful for tasks that involve the analysis of large uses AI to detect patterns and forecast the most prob-
amounts of data or the identification of patterns that able word choices that lead to a higher AI detection
might be difficult for humans to discern. probability [2].
However, it is important to note that the use of AI in In a recent study, abstracts created by ChatGPT were
scientific research is still relatively new, and most papers submitted to academic reviewers, who only caught 68%
published in medical journals are likely to be written by of these fakes [3]. However, AI detection software per-
humans in the near as well as the more distant future. It formed much better while plagiarism checkers were of
is also worth noting that the use of AI in scientific almost no use.
188 J. NEXØE

The ability to accurately identify AI-generated papers Taylor & Francis Clarifies the Responsible use of AI
may depend on the sophistication of the ever-developing Tools in Academic Content Creation - Taylor & Francis
AI systems and the quality of the resulting output. In Newsroom (
general, it is important for editors and reviewers to be
vigilant in evaluating the quality and reliability of all sci-
entific papers, regardless of whether they were written References
by humans or AI. [1] Lund BD, Wang T. Chatting about ChatGPT: how may AI and
It may be debated whether AI-generated papers GPT impact academia and libraries? LHTN. 2023;40(3):26–29.
fulfill criteria regarding originality. It may be perceived doi: 10.1108/LHTN-01-2023-0009.
[2] AI Text Detector. ZeroGPT; 2023.
as, after all, plagiarized from ChatGPT. Some scientific
[3] Gao CA, Howard FM, Markov NS, Dyer EC, Ramesh S, Luo Y,
journals have adapted editorial policies that ban text Pearson AT. Comparing scientific abstracts generated by
generated from AI, machine learning, or similar algo- ChatGPT to real abstracts with detectors and blinded human
rithmic tools from submission and subsequent publica- reviewers. NPJ Digit Med. 2023 Apr 26;6(1):75. doi: 10.1038/
tion [4]. s41746-023-00819-6. PMID: 37100871; PMCID: PMC10133283.
[4] Thorp HH. ChatGPT is fun, but not an author (editorial).
Fighting against this rapid development may be in
Science. 2023;379(6630):313. doi: 10.1126/science.adg7879.
vain, as has been with most other developing technolo-
gies. The most fruitful approach probably is to accept
Jørgen Nexøe
that ChatGPT among other technologies may be used in
Institute of Public Health and the Research Unit of General
conjunction with the researchers’ own scientific know-
Practice, University of Southern Denmark, Odense C,
ledge as a tool to create new ideas and to decrease the
burden of writing and formatting. It could also help sci-
entists publishing in a language that is not their native
language. Researchers should critically evaluate the out- ß 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as
put and use it to inform further research and investiga- Taylor & Francis Group.
tion. As ChatGPT cannot take any responsibilities This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License
authorship should not be granted, however credit in an
(, which permits
acknowledgement may be appropriate. unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in
ChatGPT and AI are extremely powerful technologies. any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms
To some extent, the burden of appropriate use should on which this article has been published allow the posting of the
reside with the users. Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their

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