Today Is A Day of Great Excitement and Happiness

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Good afternoon, my name is Maria Paula Ortiz.

I thank God that today is a day of great excitement and happiness, as we are here to celebrate our
graduation from this wonderful English school. It is an honor and a privilege to address all of you
at this very special moment.

When I started at this school, I never imagined the incredible process that awaited me. I clearly
remember my first classes, where I struggled to understand a word in English and felt a mix of
nervousness and excitement. But thanks to the support of my teachers and encouragement from
my loved ones, I have managed to overcome all the obstacles and today I can proudly say that I
speak English.

Every day at this school has been a challenge, but also an opportunity for personal and academic
growth. The interactive lessons, practical exercises and tools necessary to improve our language
skills. Our teachers have demonstrated an unmatched passion for teaching, and their dedication
has been instrumental in my success.

To my parents and loved ones, thank you for your unconditional love and constant support.
Without you, I would not be here today celebrating this achievement. them words of
encouragement and belief in me have given me the motivation to persevere and achieve a goal.

we graduate with a new perspective and confidence in our language skills. Although this chapter
of our lives comes to an end, we must remember that the learning does not stop here. Let's
continue exploring, practicing and immersing ourselves in English to continue honing our skills.

In my case, I am excited about the opportunities that mastering English will bring me in the future.

Congratulations to my graduating classmates and thank you all for your support.

Long live the knowledge and power of English!

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