Mapeh Health Roleplay Scripts

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Second Situation

Parents arguing in front of a child (raymark) until their oldest daughter came home
from school and yelled at their parents to stop arguing because it's causing the
children go through depression and at the end they became a happy family.

Father: Kyle Dalope

Mother: Maxine Perez
Oldest Child: Jodyne Villarin
Youngest Child: Reymark Opena
Narrator & Script: Yana Balanon

N: Once upon a time, in a home deceptively inviting in nature, there lived a couple.
The man was named Romeo and the woman? Juliet. They fell in love and it
blossomed into a family after the addition of two children. Life was fun, vibrant but
something went off the rails that turned this fairytale upside down. What was it?
Could it have been a financial problem? An affair? Well, I won't spoil the surprise...

Scene starts
F: Juliet, What are these bills I'm receiving?
M: It must be for the house.
F: Well of course it's for the house but why are our bills so high? I mean, look at this!
The bills for the electricity are higher than the clouds. You know, I work every single
day to support this family, I am stressed every single hour at work and what do I get
when I come home? More bills, more stress.
M: Well then it's not my fault your job can't support this family's expenses.
F: What is that supposed to mean? (Angered expression)
M: I mean, It wasn't my idea to have two children. That was your idea and if you can't
support that then own up to it. Stop blaming everything on everyone.
F: Oh so now it's my fault why this family's falling apart?
M: I didn't say that
F: Then what? You keep talking about me not working hard enough but what about
you? If I'm not supporting this family enough, why don't you work?
M: It's not that easy. I'm here in the house to do the chores. Chores that keep you all
going like cooking, doing the laundry, washing the dishes. Chores you refuse to do so
now I have to do them myself.
F: I can't do the chores because I'm always working!
M: Exactly. Someone has to do them and if that's not you then it's going to be me. It
is me!
Yc: Dad, mom, stop fighting already…
F: Don't involve yourself in this [Insert Character's Name]!
M: Dear, go to your room, you have no place in this fight.
F: Juliet, admit it and tell me plainly. Do you have an interest towards someone else?
M: What is this? Why are you trying to change the topic?
F: Just answer the Question Juliet!
M: (Sigh in frustration) Romeo, believe me when I say that the only thing I want is
here, in this house, in front of me!
F: I have been exhausted from work. I am burned out. And while I work, you're here
just sitting around in this house.
M: Romeo, both of us are exhausted. While you're doing your job outside, I am here
cleaning this house and doing all the chores just to take care of you all.
F: You don't understand. You won't understand how hard it is.
Yc: Stop it, just stop! (Grab onto F's wrist)
F: (Pull away and face Yc while pointing) Don't you dare touch me! Look at your
mother who has done nothing but sit around the house!
M: Stop blaming everything on me! Why are you like this?! I didn't marry this
Romeo, I married the Romeo who listened and understood. Not this abomination who
can't own up to his mistakes.

Enter Jodyne
Oc: Are you both seriously fighting again?
M: Darling, take your brother and go for now. You both have no place in this.
Oc: You've been fighting over and over because of bills and this and that! Dad, you
never have the time to listen and understand! Mom, stop provoking dad! And both of
you need to start working together because Joseph always hears you both argue. It's
not healthy, it never is. Every single night, he cries in fear, did you know that?

M & F shake their heads

Oc: Exactly! Because you make this all about you two. Dad always thinks that he
provides for himself and himself only. Forgetting the fact that he has children. M: Just
go to your room with Joseph.
Oc: No, we will talk about this right now. The family is falling apart because of some
petty problem that we can fix in one swift motion.
M: we’re sorry dear.. it’s just me and your father have been struggling about the
house bills.
F:what your mom said julia..we’re sorry specially you Joseph I didn’t mean to hurt
you earlier.
Oc: mom, dad, I must confess something
F: what is it?
M: Yes dear?
Oc: I am in a relationship with Christian..
M: We support your relationship with christian dear..don’t worry
F: But focus in your study more and I wanna meet this christian first.
(they giggled and hug)

All: The moral lesson is to discussed the argument carefully and each member of the
family should understand each other so that there is no problem that becomes the
cause of a severe family fight..

(then punta ako sainyo ang bow tayo )

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