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test cope 01212010 MAY/JUNE 2022 FORM TP 2022055 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* | EXAMINATION CHEMISTRY Paper 01 — General Proficiency T hour 15 minutes ‘03 JUNE 2022 (pam) & | READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. |. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them, 2, Imaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet 3, Bach tom inthis test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C),(D). Real each item you fare about to answer and decide which choice is best 4. Onyouranswer sheet, find the number which corresponds o your item and shade the space having the same letras the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. Sample tem ‘The SI unit of length is the Je Answer (A) mete. ®o (B) Second e000 © pewion g ot g Fa “The best answer to this tem is “mee”, so (A) has been shaded. 5, Ifyou wantto change your answer, erase it completely before you ill in your new choice. 6. When yousre tld to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and a carefully as you ean. Ifyou ano’ answer an item, goon fo the ext one. You may return to that tem later. | 7. You may do any rough ne in his book | 8 Figures re not necessarily dawn to scale. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO 0. Copyright © 2021 Caribbean Examinations Council All xights reserved lems A and 2 refer the following table 3. which shows four sets of properties representedby options A,B,CendD below. ‘The arrangement af eletrons in atoms of Xand Vare 2, 8,5 and 2, 8,6 respectively Which of the following represents X and In answering Items 1 and 2, each option may be used once, more than once, er not ‘Which set of properties above refers to an sion ‘Which set of properties shave refers to @ patton yo Reve | Approximate Charge | hase ¥ ¥ @l 3 o _|Normeiat | Non-neat @) 0 1 (B)_[Now-metal [Met oft 1 [@ [Met [Non-meal lo 2 (>) [Meat [Meta From which of the following substances can a solid be obtained by the process of sedimentation? w @ e ©) Gals Emulsions Foams Suspensions From the table below, which ofthe substances represented by options, A, B, Cand D, is MOST likely sodium chloride? iectrical Boiting Point |__Conduetvity Substance |" CO) Solid | Aqueous State_| "State @ 2600 ‘yes | _No @) a Ne. No 2 1465 No! Yes oO 35 No. Yes Which of the following techniques may be used to separate a mixture of plant pigments? . (A) Centrifugation (B) Solvent extraction 8 Fractional distillation Paper chromatography Which ofthe following substances supplies protonsas the only postive onsin aqueous solutions? 9. (A) Salt @) Base Aca ©) Alkali “Mass number’ isthe number of (A) neutrons plus protons {B) electrons plus protons 10, a) clectrons plus neutrons (D) neutrons minus protons n. tems 9 and 10 refer to the following formation [A piece of caleium was added to some distilled water in a container and the following observations were recorded ‘The reaction was rapid L 2. Bubbles of gas evolved 3. Acloudy suspension formed, 4. The temperature inreased ‘The gas produced is expected to (A) relight a glowing spine (8) giveapop’ with lighted splint @ tum eeidied aqueous potassium dichromate green (©) decolorize acidified aqueous potassium manganate(Vil) ‘A sample of the suspension was filtered and the pH of the filtrate determined. ‘The expected pH ofthe filtrate should be approximately ‘The pH of fresh sugar cane juice.yphich is usually 50-55, canbe changed 7 $-8.0 for more efficent processing by ang (A) acetic (ethanoie) acid, CH,CO,H (B) sodium chloride, NaCl G sedi exon, Timestone, CaCO, 2 1B. 4. 18, bond formation’ resultfrom the (A) donation of electons-fom a non- ‘metal to a metal to achieve stability (B) donation of electrons from a metal toanon-metaltoachievestability 6B) _atinction between the positively charged fons of a metal and a pool of electrons (D) sharing of electrons between the ‘atoms of a metal and non-metal to achieve sability 2m 13 refersto Compound X, which melts at 18°C and boils at 55 °C. ‘Compound X is MOST likely (A) aliquid metal (®) —agiant molecule simple molecule (D) anionic compound ‘The particles ina gas (A) are very closely packed togesher (@) have stony fore between them © o Covalent compounds can be formed between (A) ametal and a non-metal (@) positive ion and a negative fon 4 v0 identical non-metal atoms, ‘excluding the noble gases (©) two identical non-metal atoms, including the ngble gases 16. na 18. 1. Which of the following fetures are true about the arrangement of electrons, protons fand neurons in an atom? 1. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus 1, Electrons ean be found anywhere ‘outside the nucleus. TIL Thenumber of potons isthe seme 8 the numberof electrons (A) Land only B) Land Il only QB Matron Bites Which set of elements forms molecules ‘which contain two atoms? (&) Peoe2 Gaps cap? S som Which ofthe following statements BEST Aeseribes a metallic bond? (A) Cations are held together by a sea ‘of mobile electrons. (®) Positive metal ions are held together by a sea of anions. (@ Metal atoms are held together by molecular forces. 4 (©) Anions are held together by negative electrons. Which of the following compounds is covalent? (A) Potassium ehlorde (B) Calcium chloride @ Hydrogen chloride (D) Magnesium chloride 20. a1. | 2. Which of the following when added to sulfurie acid would be the LEAST suitable ‘method for preparing copper(l}) sulfate? “ @ o © Copper) oxide Copper chloride Copper carbonate Copper) hydroxide Which of the following acids will NOT form an acid salt? ro} ®) o © HPO, H.C, H'so, ci,con Sulfuric acid is a stronger acid than ethanoie acid (acetic acid) in aqueous solution because sulfrie acid “ ® o is more corrosive than ethanoie aid ismore concentrated han ethanoie ‘cid jonizes to a greater extent than cethanoic acid causes suger to char whereas ‘ethancie acid does not 28. 26, ems 23 and 24 refer to the following equation NOJa) +802) + NOW) +SOg) Which of the following compounds is reduced? (a) NO ®) No, @ so, ©) 80, Which of the following compounds is the oxidizing agent? (a) NO (B) NO, @) so, ©) 80, ‘Which of the following statements is NOT (A) Aqueous ammonia is a weak clectralyt. (B) —Sulfuricacidisa srong electrolyte (© Copper isa strong electrolyte. (D) Ethanol isa nonelecolyte Which ofthe following substanegp, when added to pure water, SIGNIFICANTLY ‘nereases the water's conductivity? (A) Graphite (B) tron() hydroxide + Copper) hydroxide (©) Sodium chloride 2, 2», 30, ‘When an exothermic reaction oceurs, energy is (A) absorbed from the environment (B) released to the environment (© tbsorbed from the reactants (D) released from the products AA pce of metal is reacted with an acid te produce hydrogen gas. Which of the following procedures should be employed inorder to increase therate ofthe reaction? L u, i “wy @ o o Increasing the temperature at which ‘the reaction is carried out Subdividing te piece of metal Reducing the concentration of the seid and 1 only and I only Mand Ht only Mand it Which of the following occurs in & metal atom when it becomes an ion? w ® o o Gains electrons and is oxidized Gains elactrons and is reduce. Loses electrons and is oxidized. [Loses electrons and is reduced, During the electrolysis ofaqueous copper) sulfte solution using inert electrodes, the fons migrating to the eathode are w ® o o Cu (aq) and H’ (aq) HF (aq) and OFF (aq) $0," (aq) and.OH" (ea) Cut (aq) and $0) a1. 2. es Item 31 refers to the following energy | Protects i ms i ~~ Reaetion path rom the energy pre diggram above it can be said thatthe reactants “ B) ca} o ‘cannot be converted into products absorb energy to form products ive out het when they react ive energy t products Anatom with atomiestructre f]¥ contains w @ 8 13 protons, 14 neutrons 13 protons, 27 neutrons 14 protons, 13 neutrons 27 protons, 13 neurons ‘A solution bas a pH! of 1. This solution ‘would be expected 1o react with wo ®) © © zine metal to produce hydrogen hydrochloric acid to, produce chlorine s ine metal to produce asblution of pH 10 hydrochloric acidto produce a salt and water: a 36, 3. Which of the following metals-will NOT space hydropen from dilute hydrochiovic cid? w ® o o Zine tron Copper Aluminium Which metal appears between copper and aluminium in the reactivity series and is an ‘important component in haemoglobin? “ ® rt © Magnesium Lead Zine Iron Which of the following statements about sulfur are tue? 1 u, mh. “ ® o © It is used in the vulcanization of rubber. This used inthe extraction of iron from iron ore. Its used in the manufacturing of explosives. and I only [and I only Mand tit only 1Mand IIL Which of the following gases shows NO reaction with mois litmus paper? w @ ~ © Ammonia Hydrogen Sulfur dioxide Hydrogen suid. 38, 39, 40, A suitable drying egent for a laboratory reparation of ammonia is a @ o calcium oxide calcium chloride anhydrous copper sulfate concentrated sulfuric acid Which ofthe following statements is true of esthon monoxide? wy @ © o tis an acidic gas. tis very soloble in water, turns lime water milky Iteduees iron) oxide, Which of the following metals is an important constituent of chlorophyll? “ ® oe o Iron Copper Caleium Magnesium Mems.4¥ and 42 refer tothe following table ‘which shows the reaction of four metals, W,X, Vand Z, with water orsteam. The table also shows the products formed when the nitrates of eech metal are heated Reaction with Metals | Water/Steam Product Formed ‘When Nitrates Heated W | Noresstion Metal, NO, and 0, Reacts with X | seam but not ‘with cold water Oxide, NO, and 0, React epidly with cold water Nitcite and oxygen Reacts lowly with cold water Oxide, NO, and 0, a 2 soluble hydroxide? w ®@ ° o Nexe Which ofthe metals is LIKELY to form 2 In which of the following pairs of metals is the fist metal MOST likely to displace the second metal from solution? a WX @ xyY @ zy @ 2x #8, FeCl, and FeCl, are two chlorides of iro, Which of the Following statements about ‘those two chlorides of iron are true? L u, Mm. wy ® o o ‘The percentage of iron by mass in the two chlorides is different ‘Thecolousoftheaqueoussolutions ‘ofthetwo chlorides are differen. ‘The aqueous solutions of the ‘wo chlorides do-not conduct clectricity. 1 and ony and I oaly Hand It only Hand mt Which ofthe following processes produces ‘gas which is diffrent from the other processes? (A) Respiration in animals (B) Photosynthesis in plants ©) Heating calcium carbonate (©) Oxidation of earbon monoxide tem aS refers tothe following equation HoH HOR hor onot HOC C=C —C —H+ B+ x v t H H ‘What is the correct structural formula of x” (@) H-c-c-c-c-u ® @ H-c-c-c-c-H 7. ems 46 and 47 refertothe following types of reactions. (A) Addition (8) Isomerism ( — Esterification (©) Polymerization In answering Items 46 and 47, exch option ‘may be used once, more than ance or act aval ‘What is the name ofthe eatalysed reaction ‘which uses an alcohol and an organic acid? Cc Whats the nme ofthe process by which proteins are formed from amino acids? Cc 9. s10- emf referstotwo organic compounds and, of molecular formula C,H,0,withe following siructures : HoH OB HHO ie Wud woc—C—C-H 9 H-C—C—C—OH eae Tt H OHH HOH OD ‘Compound I ‘Compound It ‘Compounds | and Il are known as the (A) Isomers of CH,0 (B) isotopes of C0 (©) condensed formulae of CH,0 (©) molecule formulae of HO Which ofthe folowing compounds can decolrize potsssium manganate(V11)? “ ® Co} 50. 4 s. ue Which ofthe following sa naturel source of hydrocarbons? (A) Carbon (B) Methane Hydrogen ©) Petroleum Which of the following substances is soluble in water? HoH @) CH a cH ©) ci,CoocH, Heexane isan alkane with sixearbon stoms per molecule. Which ofthe following is the formula for hexane? GH, @) Cy wo My O CH Which of the following tests can be used to distinguish between an alkane and an alkene? 1. Buming H. Conductiviey ML. Adding bromine solution ()— Lonly ®) only &) Monly ©) Land only on 56. Mam S4 refers tothe following compound. ° wend —ovon by I cy, Which ofthe following phrases correctly Aeseribes the compound shown? “ @ s © ‘An alkane ‘An alcohol ‘Avbranch alkane "Non-reactive with sium Which ofthe following substances isNOT. a polymer? (A) Nylon B) Provein fr Fructose ©) Cellulose A polyamide is formed by a condensation ‘reaction between a molecule containing “ ® “ © at least one -COOH group with ‘another containing atleast one NI, grou atleast one-OH group with nother containing at least oné!-COOH group atleastone-OH group with another containing at least one -NH, roup . two -OH groups with another ‘containing two -COOH groups ‘57. Which of the following substances is @ tems 59 and 69 refer to the following product of « halogenation reaction with ‘compound. methane? w CH (a) Water @ CH, (B) Ammonia (©) CHyCH),cooH (> Hydrogen chloride (©) CHYCH),OH {D)_Nitrogen(1V) oxide Inanswering tems $9 and 60, exch option ay be used ance, more than enee oF not ‘58. Which of the following substances can be stall. produced DIRECTLY from ethanol? Lr 29. webcam inant i Be Cc (A) Lond only (®)—_LandIIfonly (@ Wand only ©) Leland tt 460. Which compound isan alkene? C END OF TEST IF-YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST

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