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Not all

is bad for you!
Stress Check:
Good Cop, Bad Cop!
Ever felt like stress is always
the bad guy?
You may be wrong!

There's the stress that

knocks you down, and
then there's the stress
that builds you up!

Swipe to learn more!

Stress can be both good and bad!

The goal is NOT to get rid of it


The goal is to achieve an OPTIMAL

level of stress.
One that pushes us to grow, while
ensuring that we don’t get
burnt out in the process!
Stress Check:
Good Cop, Bad Cop!
The two
2 types

Negatively affects you and
sends your body into a
flight-or-fight response. Positively affects you and
energises/motivates you to
act and proceed.
Distress Eustress
Breeds negativity Breeds positivity
Longer in duration Shorter in duration
Makes it hard to concentrate Helps us focus and be productive
Causes demotivation and Motivates us to achieve our
disengagement goals
Hinders Pushes us to
performance perform better
Impacts decision-making Improves problem-solving
Results in fatigue Gets us excited for whats
and burnout coming
Fosters self-doubt Fosters self-confidence
Causes fear and anxiety Improves resilience

So where is the sweet spot? Swipe!

Fear Fatigue
Too much Panic Anxiety
Burnout Overwhelm

Energised Focused
Optimal Motivated Productive
Creative Engaged

Procrastinate Demotivated
Too little Laid back Aimless
Bored Unambitious

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