Spring 2024 - CS619 - 9283

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Project Domain / Category

Web Apps

EduHub is a web-based platform designed to enhance collaboration, communication, and learning among
students. With its intuitive interface and robust features, EduHub aims to provide a comprehensive
solution for students to access educational resources, collaborate on projects, and engage in interactive
learning activities.

 Develop a user-friendly platform that enables students to access course materials, participate in
discussions, and collaborate on projects in a virtual environment.
 Provide a centralized repository for educational resources, including lecture notes, videos, e-books, and
supplementary materials, accessible from any device.
 Implement features for real-time communication, group collaboration, and peer-to-peer learning to
enhance student engagement and interaction.
 Offer personalized learning experiences and support services to cater to the diverse needs and
preferences of students across different disciplines and learning styles.

Functional Requirements:
 User Authentication and Authorization:
Students should be able to register and log in securely to access the platform.
Role-based access control should be implemented to differentiate between students, instructors, and
 Course Management:
Students should be able to view a list of available courses and enroll in courses of their choice.
Instructors should have the ability to create and manage courses, including uploading course materials
and setting deadlines for assignments.
 Resource Library:
A centralized repository should be available for storing and organizing course materials, including lecture
notes, videos, e-books, and additional reading materials.
Students should be able to search, browse, and filter resources based on course, subject, or keyword.
 Discussion Forums:
Each course should have its own discussion forum where students can ask questions, share insights, and
engage in academic discourse.
Instructors should have the ability to moderate discussions and provide feedback to students.
 Collaborative Projects:
Students should be able to create and join group projects, collaborate with team members, and track
progress towards project goals.
Tools for file sharing, task assignment, and version control should be available to facilitate teamwork and
 Assessment Tools:
Instructors should have the ability to create and administer online quizzes, assignments, and exams.
Automated grading and feedback mechanisms should be implemented to provide timely feedback to
Software Requirements
Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Backend: ASP.NET Core
Database: Microsoft SQL Server

Name: Nadia Tabassum
Email ID: nadiatabassum@vu.edu.pk
Skype ID: nadia.vu.cs

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