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Introduction to Reference Frame


Basis for High Performance AC Motor Control

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Reference Frame Theory

• Initially developed for AC machine analysis

• Simpler motor models for simulation/control

• Decouples torque and flux currents

• Removes positional dependence

• Gives AC motor models suitable for current control

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

3-2 Phase Transformation

• In star-connected AC machine without neutral connection:

i sA ( t ) + i sB ( t ) + i sC ( t ) = 0
v sA ( t ) + v sB ( t ) + v sC ( t ) = 0
ϕ sA ( t ) + ϕ sB ( t ) + ϕ sC ( t ) = 0

• Not necessary to use three variables for model

• Can transform to an equivalent two-axis model

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

3-2 Phase Transformation

• Transformation defined as:

isA ( t)
isα ( t) 2 1 cos(γ ) cos(2γ )  
 =   isB ( t) 
isβ ( t)  3 0 sin(γ ) sin(2γ )
isC ( t) 

• where γ = 2π/3
• Equally valid for phase voltages and flux linkages
• No zero-sequence terms

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Space Vector Notation

• Current Space Vector

i s ( t) = i sα ( t) + ji sβ ( t)

• Rewrite 3-2 Transformation compactly

is (t) =
i sA ( t ) + a i sB ( t ) + a i sB (t )
• Vector Operator a is rotation by 2π/3
a = exp(jγ ) = cos(γ ) + j sin(γ )

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

3-2 Transformation Constant

• Choice of Constant is arbitrary

• Consistent in both transformation and inverse
• Two common choices
• Magnitude Invariant Transformation, Uses 2/3
Magnitudes preserved across transformation
Space vector has same magnitude as phase quantity
More useful for control purposes
• Power Invariant Transformation, Uses Sqrt(2/3)
Power preserved across transformation

P = v sA i sA + v sB i sB + v sC i sC = v sα i sα + v sβ i sβ

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Inverse Transformations

• Magnitude Invariant Form

isA (t )  1 0 
 = isα (t )
i sB ( t)   cos (γ ) (γ
sin ) 
isC (t )  cos(2γ ) sin(2γ ) sβ 
i ( t )

• Power Invariant Form (Uses same constant)

isA (t )  1 0 
 = 2 isα (t)
(γ ) (γ
sin ) 
isB ( t)  3 
isC (t )  ( γ ) ( γ ) s 
i β ( t )
cos 2 sin 2 

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Balanced set of phase quantities

• Balanced three phase currents

i sA = I m sin(θ − ϕ)
Typical Currents
in induction or
i sB = I m sin(θ − γ − ϕ) synchronous
i sC = I m sin(θ − 2γ − ϕ) motor

• Equivalent two phase quantities

isα = I m sin(θ − ϕ)
Magnitude Invariant
isβ = −I m cos(θ − ϕ)

• Space vector
i s = I m sin(θ − ϕ)− jI m cos(θ − ϕ)
= − jI me j(θ −ϕ ) Circle

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Space Vector of Balanced System

• A balanced three-phase system in phase variables

transforms to a circular locus in the equivalent two-axis

• The radius of the circle is the peak magnitude of the phase

quantities, Im.

• The circular locus is described at a rate equal to the angular

frequency of the phase quantities, ω = dθ/dt.

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Space Vector and Phase Quantities

sB Axis


γ sα
isA sA Axis
i sB

sC Axis

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Vector Rotation

• 3-2 Transformation defines an equivalent system

synchronized to the stator
• Resultant space vectors are rotating quantities at the
electrical frequency
• Define a new reference frame where axes also rotate at the
electrical frequency
• New space vector quantities appear stationary in this new
reference frame
• Accomplished by vector rotation of space vectors

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Vector Rotation

• Vector rotation through known angle, θ

ν = e− jθ Angle choice
gives different
• New Current Space Vector characteristics
− θ
i dq = i sd + ji sq = i se j

• Matrix Formulation
i sd   cos(θ) sin (θ) i sα 
 =  

 sq   sin
i (θ) (θ)
cos  i sβ 

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Vector Rotation

• Equally valid for phase voltages and flux linkages

• Real component is DIRECT AXIS COMPONENT
• Imaginary Component is QUADRATURE AXIS
• Inverse Transformation
i s = idq e j

isα  cos(θ) − sin(θ)isd 

 =  
 sβ  sin
i (θ) (θ)
cos isq 

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Space Vectors in Stationary and
Rotating Reference Frames

Imaginary Axis
Rotating jsβ
Imaginary Axis ω
Rotating Real
jsq is sd
i sβ


i sq θ

isα Stationary Real

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Vector Rotation of Balanced System

• Resultant space vector

idq = − jI me j
− ϕ

• Direct and quadrature axis components

isd = −I m cos(ϕ)
isq = −I m sin(ϕ)
• Resultant space vector components are independent of the
angular position of the phase quantities

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Common Reference Frames

• Arbitrary: Phase variables -> Arbitrary frame, ωg

• Stationary: Phase variables -> Stationary frame
synchronized to stator, 0
• Synchronous: Phase variables -> Synchronous frame at
fundamental electrical angular velocity, ωe
• Rotor: Phase variables -> Reference frame rotating with
rotor, ωr
• For synchronous machines, the synchronous and rotor
reference frames are identical

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Application of Reference Frames

jθ 2

e 2


DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Practical Implementation

• Hardware Implementation
– Use ADMC200/201
– Special Dedicated Hardware

• Software Implementation
– Software Implementation in DSP core
– Sufficiently Powerful Computation
– Use ADMC330 or ADMC300
– Embedded SINE and COSINE functions

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Hardware Implementation in

• Four Dedicated Hardware Blocks in ADMC200/201

– Forward Clarke Transformation 3->2 and 2->3
– Reverse Clarke Transformation Transformations

– Forward Park Transformation Vector

– Reverse Park Transformation Rotations

• Dedicated Registers for each Block

• Simply Write Input Values and Read Results

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Software Implementation in

• Can Use Power of DSP to Compute in Software

• No Need for Dedicated Hardware
• 3->2 Transformation Computed Simply as
i sα = i sA
i sB − i sC
i sβ =
• Equally Simple Algebraic Expressions for 2->3

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

Software Implementation in

• For Vector Rotations:

– Determine Rotation Angle
– Use Embedded SINE and COSINE ROM Functions to Compute
Trigonometric Functions
– Implement Calculations with MAC Unit
– Each Transformation Requires 4 Multiplications and 2 Additions
• Could Combine 3->2 and Vector Rotation into One
• Better to do with two Steps as only requires 2 Sinusoidal
• Combined Approach Required 6 Sinusoidal Functions

DSP in Motion Control - Seminar

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