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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro


School Grade Level/Section 12-HUMSS 1 (PHILIPPIANS)
Teaching Dates and Time March 4, 2022
1:00-1:30 Semester/Quarter Second Semester /
Quarter 2

A. Content Standard The learner understands the consequences of personal and local action to global and planetary climate change.
B. Performance Standard The learner 1) analyzes how production and consumption habits contribute to the problem of climate change and explain why. 2) writes a
resolution that you can share with your friends about how you can personally contribute towards solving the problem of climate change.
C. Most Essential Learning Competency/ Objectives 2. Explain the effects of consumption and production patterns that contribute to the problem of climate change (HUMSS_MCT12- Ih-i-2)

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

1. Discuss the effects of consumption and production patterns that
contribute to the problem of climate change.
2. Analyze in what ways these products being used daily affect the
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Discuss the effects of consumption and production patterns that
contribute to the problem of climate change.
2. Analyze in what ways these products being used daily affect the
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Discuss the effects of consumption and production patterns that
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

contribute to the problem of climate change.

2. Analyze in what ways these products being used daily affect the
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Discuss the effects of consumption and production patterns that contribute to the problem of climate change.
2. Analyze in what ways these products being used daily affect the environment.
B. Subtopics The Effects of Consumption and Production Patterns to Climate Change
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages ---
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

C. Materials Laptop, Television, PowerPoint Presentation, Colored Papers, Tape, Ballpen,

Floormats, Books, Internet Connection
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Preliminaries 1. Prayer (Video Presentation) KRA 2: Learning Environment

2. Energizer (Video Presentation of Short Exercise) Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
3. Greetings and Class Mantra guidelines and
4. Putting the Class in Order procedures
5. Checking of Attendance *The teacher reminded the students about the health protocols that they
6. Remind the students about Health Protocols in COVID-19 should follow throughout the lesson.

Observe social Wear Clean and Stay at home if

Be healthy
distancing facemask Disinfect you feel sick
and Clean
5 mins

A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the new List down at least 10 products or KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
lesson goods that you use daily Objective 2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching
and learning to enhance professional practice
PRE-TEST *The teacher assessed the prior knowledge of the students about the
Check the student’s prior knowledge by administering Pre-test. KRA 2: Learning Environment
Students with internet access will answer the Pre-Test using the Google Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
form, while students without internet access will answer the activity guidelines and
sheet provided. procedures
*The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
protocols. No borrowing of pencil/balpen or celphone
See Annex A for the Pre-Test Objective 6. Maintained learning
environments that promote fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning
 Let the students check their own paper to avoid contact to each *The teacher provided activity sheet for the students without internet
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

other. access.

Establishing a purpose of the lesson Present editorial cartoon showing activities that exemplify the KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
problems in the environment. teaching areas
*The teacher used real-life situation in the environment.
*The students give their insight based on the knowledge learned in Earth
and Life Science

Objective 2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching

and learning to enhance professional practice
*The teacher used research-based knowledge by supporting the
discussion that according to new study, greenhouse gases began
warming the world’s oceans in the early 1800s, decades earlier than
previously thought. Aside from the burning of fossil fuels, other causes of
Processing Questions: climate change can be traced from the production patterns and the
1. What issue are this political cartoon about? consumption patterns of humans.
2. How do these editorial cartoons similar to each other?
3. Why do you think that these cartoons are related to each Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
other? English to facilitate teaching and learning
*The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
the lesson and in asking questions to check the students’ understanding.
After analyzing the editorial cartoon, let the student give their *The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights
insights/thoughts about climate change using the following strategy from the student.
Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
Group 1: Concept map communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
Group 2: 2 stanza Poem engagement and
Group 3: Song achievement
*The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
Group 4: Infomercial help students understand the lesson.

Processing questions:
1. What do you think are the causes of climate change?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

2. As an individual, how do you contribute to the problem of KRA 2: Learning Environment

Objective 6. Maintained learning environments that promote fairness,
climate change respect and care to encourage learning
*The teacher respect students opinion in answering the processing
Tell the learners that according to new study, greenhouse gases began questions and promote fairness by means of giving students fair chance
of giving insights.
warming the world’s oceans in the early 1800s, decades earlier than **The teacher allowed the students to choose which group they wanted
previously thought. Aside from the burning of fossil fuels, other causes to join base on their ability.
of climate change can be traced from the production patterns and the
KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
consumption patterns of humans. and Reporting
Objective 9. Designed, adapted and implemented teaching
Tell the learners that today’s lesson will focus on explaining the effects strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and
of consumption and production patterns that contribute to the problem * The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by giving
of climate change. them printed pictures.

*Objective 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching

Let the students read aloud the posted objectives. strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner
1. Discuss the effects of consumption and production patterns that centered.
contribute to the problem of climate change. The teacher used Progressivism. It is a student-centered philosophy that
believes that ideas should be tested by experimentation, and learning
2. Analyze in what ways these products being used daily affect the comes from finding answers from questions. This philosophy values the
environment. scientific method of teaching, allows individuals to have their own beliefs,
and promotes the interaction of students as valuable to the learning
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson Green Lifestyle KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Checklist: Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching area
*The teacher l helped the students use their knowledge in frequency
Here are some statements that may help you and your family which was learned in statistics.
identify your actions in relation to the environment. For each * The teacher helped the students to reflect on their actions as a
consumer and helped them value the environment.
statement, put a check under the column which best describes the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

frequency of the action stated.

Objective 2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching
and learning to enhance professional practice
Interpretation:  The teacher supported the activity by citing studies about the
Minor Contributor: consumption of the consumer.
1-14 points KRA 2: Learning Environment
Average Contributor Objective 6. Maintained learning environments that promote fairness,
15-28 points respect and care to encourage learning
 The teacher promote respect by respecting every student’s
Major Contributor evaluation of actions in relation to the environment.
29-42 points  The teacher respected everybody’s differences as a consumer.
Objective 7. Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire
learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning.
Objective 8.
Applied range of successful strategies that maintain learning
environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming
responsibility for their own learning.

KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner

Self- inventory Consumption
Rate your daily consumption on the given scheme The teacher applied behaviorism in this activity. This philosophy focuses
Commodities Points Rating Total Score on human behavior as a reaction to external stimuli, and believes that
changing the environment can change misbehavior.
Perfume 1
Toothpaste 1
Shampoo 1
Hairspray 1
Detergent/Fabric conditioner 1
Gadgets 5
Appliances 5
Use of Styrofoam/plastics 7
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Transportation 7

See appendix
Processing Questions:
1. Based on your answer in the checklist, how can you describe yourself
as a consumer?
2. How does your patterns of consumption affect the environment?
Consumer habits are driving climate change. A 2015 study found that the
production and use of household goods and services was responsible for 60
percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Not surprisingly, wealthy
countries have the most per capita impact.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1 Climate change refers to the increase in average surface temperatures on KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Earth. An amazing scientific accord highlighted that global climate change is Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching area
due *The teacher l helped the students use their knowledge in
primarily to the human use of fossil fuels, that releases dioxide and Entrepreneurship.
greenhouse gases into the air. The gases trap heat inside the atmosphere,
which may Objective 2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching
and learning to enhance professional practice
have a variety of effects on ecosystems. the results square measure the *The teacher cited the findings of the study of the Emission Database for
following; (a) Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR).
rising ocean levels, (b) severe weather events, and (d) droughts that render
landscapes additional vulnerable to wildfires.
Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate teaching and learning
The food consumption and production have a major impact on the *The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
surroundings. The means we have a tendency to consume has each direct the lesson and in asking questions to check the students’ understanding.
and indirect *The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

impacts on the surroundings. An example of this consumption is that the use from the student.
of energy
in our homes like television radio, computer, cars and public utility jeepney Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
that emit communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
harmful gasses and caused pollution and increased emissions of engagement and
greenhouse gases achievement
that results in global climate change. *The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
help students understand the lesson.

Consumption conjointly vie an indirect impact towards our surroundings from

the assembly, process and transportation of the products that we have a KRA 2: Learning Environment
tendency to Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
consume daily. Examples of this production of goods we consume are the enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
guidelines and
can goods, procedures
soft drinks, processed foods, shampoo and many more.. *The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
protocols. No borrowing of pencil/balpen or celphone
In association, with consumption and production pattern within the Philippines,
Objective 6. Maintained learning
the state of surroundings in our country along with the emissions of environments that promote fairness, respect and care to
greenhouse encourage learning
gasses, indicators on pollution and also the generation of material discovered *The teacher provided activity sheet for the students without internet
that access.
each one indicators show environmental degradations all told the domains
being KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
assessed (Sta. Romana, 2017). Objective 9. Designed, adapted and implemented teaching
Discussion using Learner Centered Approach strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and
* The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by giving
PRODUCTION PATTERNS them printed pictures.

Group 1: Give own idea of what production pattern is and give *Objective 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching
strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
examples of production patterns that they can see in their locality. (To
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

those who do not have cellphone)

KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner
Group 2: Search the meaning of production patterns in google and give centered.
example of it. (To those who do have cellphone)
The teacher applied constructivism. It is a student centered philosophy
that emphasizes hands on learning and students actively participating in
lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover
lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most
Production patterns refer to how people generate and manufacture the
effect way of learning and is considered true learning.
products they need to use, sell, or consume.

Let the students give an example of production patterns in the national

and in their local area.
For example:
Socorro is known for the production of Banana Chips.

Present to the class the pie graph about the country’s share of carbon
dioxide emission in 2020 based on the study of the Emission Database
for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

1. Which country shared the most carbon dioxide emission? How
many percent does it share? Why do you think this country has
the highest % of share?
2. Which country shared the least carbon dioxide emission? How
many percent does it share? Why do you think this country has
the lowest % of share?
3. What are your implications on these findings?

Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions are the dominant driver of climate

change. These began rising during the Industrial Revolution (especially
after 1850)—which means richer countries like the United States, which
made an early transition to a heavily fossil fuel-based economic system,
have an outsized role in contributing to the climate impacts we see
around the world today.

Both in terms of cumulative emissions, and current per capita

emissions, richer countries rank high. Conversely, low- and middle-
income countries have lower cumulative historical emissions and per
capita emissions. Even within countries, it is the relatively rich that are
most responsible for a majority of carbon emissions.

SKILL #2: Song Analysis

Watch and listen to the song entitled “Anak ng Pasig”.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Focus Questions:
1. How did this song make you feel?
2. What idea is the writer concerned about?
3. Does the song make you aware of something you did not know
before? What is it?
4. How do you feel this song connects with the present
environmental condition of the country?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2 DISCUSSION KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching area
*The teacher helped the students apply the knowledge learned in the
Divide the class into four groups. Each group is expected to lesson as a content in a creative presentation.
come up with a creative presentation about the ill effects of man’s
patterns of consumption to the environment. Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
Group 1: Vlog English to facilitate teaching and learning
*The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
Group 2: Poster/Slogan the instructions and in asking questions to check the students’
Group3: Song Composition understanding.
Group 4: Short Skit *The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights
from the student.

Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom

communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and
*The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
help students understand the lesson.

KRA 2: Learning Environment

Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

guidelines and
*The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
protocols. No borrowing of pencil/ballpen or cellphone

Objective 6. Maintained learning environments that promote fairness,

respect, and care to encourage learning
*The teacher encouraged learners to respect each other in their roles in
the creative presentation. The teacher also encouraged everyone to
participate and share their ideas in the group.

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment

and Reporting
Objective 9. Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and
* The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by giving
them chance to choose what group they want based on their capability.

KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner

The teacher applied constructivism. It is a student-centered philosophy
that emphasizes hands on learning and students actively participating in
lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover
lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most
effect way of learning and is considered true learning.

F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment) Present result of studies in graphical form showing the patterns KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
of consumption and its effect to the environment. teaching area
*The teacher l helped the students use their knowledge in Research and
Statistics to analyze the graph.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Objective 2. Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching

and learning to enhance professional practice
*The teacher cited the findings of the study from

Processing Questions: Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate teaching and learning
1. 1. How will you interpret the graphs? *The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
2. 2. What activities, goods, and services cause the largest the lesson and in asking questions to check the students’ understanding.
impacts in the destruction of the environment? *The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights
from the student.

Consumption leads to the direct creation of environmental pressures Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
from the use of products and services, for example, through driving a communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and
car or heating a house with fossil fuels. Of greater magnitude, however, achievement
are the indirect pressures that are created along the production chains *The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
of the goods and services consumed, including, for example, food, help students understand the lesson.
clothing, furniture, or electricity. Both direct and indirect pressures result
in environmental impacts global warming, biodiversity degradation, soil KRA 2: Learning Environment
sealing and air and water pollution. Since an increasing share of the Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
final and intermediate goods consumed in Europe is imported, a guidelines and
growing proportion of impacts caused by our consumption takes place procedures
in other parts of the world. The average environmental footprint (an *The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
protocols. No borrowing of pencil/ballpen or cell phone
indicator of pressures from consumption) per person in EEA member
countries is about double the available biocapacity (an indicator of land Objective 6. Maintained learning
which is biologically productive) of those countries. environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to
encourage learning *The teacher provided activity sheet for the students without internet
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro


KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment

and Reporting
Objective 9. Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and
* The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by giving
them light examples.

KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner

The teacher applied constructivism. It is a student-centered philosophy
that emphasizes hands on learning and students actively participating in
lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover
lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most
effect way of learning and is considered true learning.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in As a responsible student/citizen, how can you be of help in solving KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
daily living Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
the problem of climate change? teaching area
*The teacher helped the students use their knowledge learned in this
Organize your thoughts using graphic organizer. subject.
Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate teaching and learning
*The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
the lesson and in asking questions to check the students’ understanding.
*The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights
from the student.
Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and
*The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
help students understand the lesson.
KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,

guidelines and
*The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
protocols. No borrowing of pencil/ballpen or cell phone

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment

and Reporting
Objective 9. Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and
* The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by giving
them light examples.

*Objective 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching

strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
The teacher encouraged the member of the indigenous group to share
his idea in the context of their culture and environment.

KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner

The teacher applied Humanism. It is a student-centered philosophy that
focuses on enhancing ones innate goodness, rejects the idea of group-
oriented education, and upholds the idea of enhancing individual
development. This philosophy also believes that students should be
actively involved with their education on all levels, and students should be
able to make choices about what they will be learning.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the Processing Questions: KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
lesson Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
How would you explain the connection of the environment and teaching area
oneself? *The teacher helped the students use their knowledge learned in this
 Any actions of subject.
Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
How does man affect the environment? English to facilitate teaching and learning
*The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
Teacher will support the students’ answer through this study. the lesson and in asking questions to check the students’ understanding.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

*The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights

from the student.
 Thousands of years before humans began burning fossil fuels, Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
they had indelibly altered the natural world through foraging, communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
herding animals, and farming, according to a new study by an engagement and
international consortium of archaeologists. *The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
 The study, published Aug. 30 in the journal Science, synthesizes help students understand the lesson.
data from 255 archaeologists to provide the first global survey of KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
the Earth’s transformation through human land use over the past enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
10,000 years. The findings challenge the commonly held view guidelines and
that large-scale, human-caused environmental change is a procedures
*The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
relatively recent phenomenon. It also shows how the overall protocols. No borrowing of pencil/ballpen or cell phone
impact of human behavior has been growing exponentially since
the end of the last Ice Age. KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 9. Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and
has-transformed-earth talents
* The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by giving
them light examples.

*Objective 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching

strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
The teacher encourage the member of the indigenous group to share his
idea in the context of their culture and environment.

KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner

The teacher applied constructivism. It is a student centered philosophy
that emphasizes hands on learning and students actively participating in
lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover
lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most
effect way of learning and is considered true learning.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

I. Evaluating learning Make a campaign poster showing care for the environment KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 1. Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum
using available materials. teaching area
*The teacher helped the students use their knowledge learned in this
Objective 3. Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate teaching and learning
*The teacher displayed proficient use of English language in presenting
the lesson and in asking questions to check the students’ understanding.
*The teacher also uses Mother Tongue/Filipino to get deeper insights
from the student.
Objective 4. Used effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
Rubrics for Grading engagement and
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 1 pts achievement
Relevance/ Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 *The teacher used eye contact, and vocal stress in asking questions to
Message help students understand the lesson.
The poster is lacking a The poster is The poster is The poster is
message and is very acceptable in good at relaying exceptional in relaying KRA 2: Learning Environment
poorly designed in relaying a message a clear and a clear and concise Objective 5. Established safe and secure learning environments to
depicting anything but does lack clarity. concise message. enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies,
related to the topic. message.
guidelines and
Creativity Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
*The teacher consistently reminded the students about the health
Poor use of creativity The poster is The poster is The poster is protocols. No borrowing of pencil/ballpen, cell phone and materials for
and has no originality. acceptably creative creative in exceptionally creative the activity.
but may lack some getting the in getting the
uniqueness. message across message across and
and original in very original in KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
design. design. and Reporting
Objective 9. Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching
Attractivenes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and
The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is talents
disorganized and very acceptably attractive attractive in exceptionally * The teacher cared for the students with learning disability by allowing
poorly designed. though it may be a terms of design, attractive in terms of them to use Tagalog in constructing campaign poster.
bit messy. layout, and design, layout, and
neatness. neatness.
*Objective 10. Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching
Visual Impact Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

The teacher encouraged the member of the indigenous group to share

The poster has no The poster has an The poster has a The poster
impact on a person's acceptable impact great impact on exceptionally impacts
his idea in the context of their culture and environment.
view of protecting the on a person's view a person's view a person's view of
Earth. of protecting the of protecting the protecting the Earth. KRA 4. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner
Earth. Earth. centered.
The teacher applied constructivism. It is a student-centered philosophy
that emphasizes hands on learning and students actively participating in
lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover
lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most
effect way of learning and is considered true learning.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Checked by: Prepared by:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Buli High School
Bui , Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Elizabeth Z. Cajefe Sharmaine S. Hugno

Principal III Teacher II

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