Answer Sheet Politics

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NAME:___________________________________ GRADE&SECTION:____________

ACTIVITY I. Truth Statement

“The only way to predict the future is to have the power to shape the future.”
-------- Eric Hoffer-------

Based on the quotation, what can you infer? How do you define power?

Task 2:
Direction: Read each item carefully and write your answers.

1. In your respective homes, if your parents demanded you to do the something immediately,
what power do they exercise? Why? Do you like how they exercise their power?

2. As a member of the family, what can you suggest to have a common ground in exercising

3. If you were a person in authority, how should power be properly exercised? Why?

With the crisis that we are currently facing today, create a short editorial article expressing your
opinions as to how the government should exercise its political powers in order to help alleviate the
problems brought about by this Covid 19 pandemic. Limit only to four major arguments on areas
where the government should carefully exercise its power and authority to address the needs of
people during this crisis. ( AT THE BACK OF YOUR ANSWER SHEET)

Use the rubrics below.

Ideas------------------ 10
Choice of words-----10
Total --------------------30

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