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Application No.: ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669

Application Name: Peace Village
Control No./Name: 1989-00051 (Union Congregational Church)
Applicant: Union Congregational Church of West Palm Beach FL
Owners: Union Congregational Church of West Palm
Agent: JMorton Planning & Landscape Architecture Lauren McClellan, &
Alex Ahrenholz
Project Manager: Joyce Lawrence, Senior Site Planner
Title: a Type 2 Variance Request: to allow a reduction in the number of parking spaces on 6.48 acres
Title: a Development Order Abandonment Request: to abandon a Special Exception for a Church and
Accessory Buildings and Structures on 6.48 acres
Title: a Development Order Abandonment Request: to abandon a Special Exception for a Planned
Unit Development on 6.48 acres
Title: an Official Zoning Map Amendment Request: to allow a rezoning from the Residential Single
Family (RS) Zoning District to the Residential Multifamily (RM) Zoning District on 6.48 acres
Title: a Class A Conditional Use Request: to allow Affordable Housing Density increase greater than
50% (52 additional units) on 6.48 acres

APPLICATION SUMMARY: The proposed requests are for the 6.48-acre Peace Village Development.
The site was last approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on June 29, 1989, to allow a
Special Exception for a Church and accessory buildings and structures.
The subject application proposes to rezone the site to the Residential Medium Density Zoning District in
order to allow for the development of two collocated uses, a Place of Worship and Multifamily housing
on one parcel. The Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) was modified in 2017 to allow the use
approval for a Place of Worship to be processed administratively. Thus, the Applicant is requesting to
abandon the resolution that approved a Special Exception for Place of Worship and seek re-approval
through the administrative process. The request will also abandon a previous approval for a Special
Exception for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) by Resolution R-1987-434.
The Preliminary Site Plan indicates two buildings, one for the Place of Worship (Building A) at 8,600
square feet (sq. ft.) with 150 seats, and a four-story Multifamily building (Building B) with 104 residential
units. The future land use designation allows 8 dwelling units per acre which equates to 52 dwelling
units over the entire 6.48 acre property. The Applicant is requesting a Class A Conditional Use approval
for a 100% density bonus through the Affordable Housing for a total of 104 units. The Applicant is
seeking a Type 2 Variance to reduce the number of parking spaces for the residential portion of the
development from 208 spaces to 132 (-76 spaces) with a total of 182 spaces parking for both uses on
site. Other site elements include recreation, water management tracts, and tree preservation areas.
Access to the site will be from Summit Boulevard and Haverhill Road.

Location: Southwest corner of Summit Boulevard and Haverhill Road
Property Control Number(s): 00-42-44-11-00-000-1020
Future Land Use Designation: High Residential, 8 units per acre (HR-8)
Existing Zoning District: Single Family Residential District (RS)
Proposed Zoning District: Multifamily Residential (RM)
Total Acreage: 6.48 acres
Tier: Urban/Suburban
Overlay District: N/A
Neighborhood Plan: N/A
CCRT Area: Summit Pines
Municipalities within 1 Mile: Greenacres, Palm Springs
Future Annexation Area: Greenacres
Commissioner District: District 3, Commissioner Michael A. Barnett

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the Type 2 Variance and the Class A Conditional Use
requests. Should the Zoning Commission choose to approve the request, then Staff recommends the
Conditions of Approval as indicated in Exhibit C-1 and C-3.
Staff recommends approval of an Official Zoning Map Amendment subject to the Conditions of Approval
as indicated in Exhibits C-2.

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 1
PUBLIC COMMENT SUMMARY: At the time of publication, Staff had received no contact from the public
regarding this application.

PROJECT HISTORY: On June 29, 1989, the BCC approved a Special Exception (R-89-2212) to permit a
Church and Accessory Buildings and Structures, which will extinguish the Special Exception for a Planned
Unit Development; and repealed Resolution No. R-87-434, a resolution approving Zoning Petition 86-118,
a Special Exception for a Planned Unit Development.


ULDC Article Required Proposed Variance

VI Table 6.B.1.B- Minimum Multifamily: 132 parking 76 space

Parking and Loading 1.75 spaces per unit = 182 spaces, and spaces Reduction
Requirements 1 guest space per 4 units = 26 spaces (37%)
Total = 208 Spaces


When considering a Development Order application for a Type 2 Variance, the Zoning Commission shall
consider Standards a through g listed under Article 2.B.7.E.6, Standards for Zoning or Subdivision
Variance. The Standards and Staff Analyses are as indicated below. A Type 2 Variance that fails to meet
any of these Standards shall be deemed adverse to the public interest and shall not be approved. For each
standard, a portion of the Applicant’s justification is provided with Staff analysis. The Applicant’s full
justification statement is attached.


As part of this application, the Applicant is requesting a Type II Variance from Table 6.B.1.B. The Applicant
is requesting approval to allow reduction in minimum parking requirements and is proposing 1.27 parking
spaces per multifamily unit in lieu of the required 2.0 spaces per unit required by code. The proposed
parking ratio of 1.25 exceeds the ratios noted in the ITE Parking Generation Manuel 5th Edition which
states “the peak parking demand for age restricted (55 years and older) multi-family apartment (Land Use
#252) units is 0.61 parking spaces per unit.”
The Type 2 Variance request is a reduction of 76 (37 percent) parking spaces from the required 258 per
Table 6.B.1.B of the ULDC to 182 spaces proposed on site. The required 50 parking spaces for the existing
Place of Worship will be provided, but the multifamily is requesting a reduction due to the atypical nature
of the use. As age-restricted (55 years and older) rental housing, the number of persons per unit and cars
on site are much less than a typical multifamily residence. [See Variance Table above]
This request is further justified by the Applicant’s internal parking demand analysis for similar age restricted
affordable housing communities, which it has developed and still operates. The following table provides
the existing parking demand for four (4) of the Applicant’s communities across Florida, developed as age-
restricted and 100% affordable. Burlington Post and Burling Place are in the City of St. Petersburg, Forest
Ridge is in unincorporated Citrus County, and Auburn Village is in unincorporated Polk County. The parking
counts are accurate as every resident is required to register their vehicle. The analysis results in an
average operating demand of 1.06 spaces per unit when including assumed guest parking of 1 space per
4 units, consistent with the Palm Beach County ULDC. [Links to apartment sites provided following table.]

Parking Demand Analysis

Burlington Burlington Forest Auburn Peace Village
Community Place Post Ridge Village Average (Proposed)
Residential Units 53 86 119 102 90 104
Registered tenant vehicles 54 68 90 67 70 104
Guest Parking- 1 space per 4 units
(assumed) 13 22 30 26 23 26
Demand (registered
Total Parking
vehicles + guest) 67 90 120 93 93 130
Provided 80 101 152 141 119 132

Demand (registered
Parking spaces
vehicles + guest) 1.27 1.04 1.01 0.91 1.06 1.25
per unit
Provided 1.51 1.17 I 1.28 I 1.38 1.34 1.27

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 2
a. Special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to the parcel of land, building,
or structure, that are not applicable to other parcels of land, structures, or buildings in the same

“Special conditions and circumstances exist for this Property that are not applicable to other properties in
the same zoning district. The Property received site plan approval for a place of worship in 1995. The request
to keep the church site intact and add affordable housing has resulted in a small area to provide the required
open space, drainage, and minimum tree preservation. The nature of the use is also unique from most other
residential uses within the RM zoning district. The multifamily building is 100% affordable, age-restricted, rental
apartments. Ninety-five (95) percent of the proposed units are one-bedroom which will typically accommodate
a single adult or a couple. Since they are affordable units, it is increasingly rare for a couple to have more than
one car, and some will have no car at all, given that all of the residents will make less than $48,167 per year
(70% AMI for PBC 2023). The Palm Beach County ULDC currently requires a total of two spaces per unit
(including guests) with only a 15% reduction allowed through a waiver. Additionally, the ITE parking standards
established for age-restricted (55 years and older) communities anticipates 0.61 cars are required per
residential unit, less than half of the requested number of spaces in this application.”

V.1 – YES: Special conditions and circumstances exist that are particular to this parcel of land, which are
not applicable to other parcels of land in the same zoning district. The subject site has existing vegetation,
building placement and parking (for the existing Place of Worship), and greenspace incorporated into the
design to accommodate the existing use and additional drainage requirements within the C-51 basin. The
site is approved with a Place of Worship, and proposed to develop a portion of the site with 104 Multifamily
Residential units. Places of Worship and Multifamily are both allowable uses within the RM district,
although combining these two uses on a single parcel is unique and may represent a new trend in infill
development in Palm Beach County. The Applicant is requesting Per Article 6.B.1.B Minimum Parking and
Loading Requirements of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), a Multiple Family Use
Classification is required to have 1.75 parking space per unit, for a total of 182 spaces and 26 guest
spaces, totaling 208 spaces. The Applicant is providing a total of 132 spaces for the Multifamily use, 37%
less than Code requirements (-76).
The Applicant’s parking demand analysis considered the age (55+) and income limits of the proposed
residents, the site constraints, incorporation of other ULDC requirements (such as recreation areas), and
a needs analysis of other sites managed by the property owner (see Applicant’s Parking Analysis on prior

b. Special circumstances and conditions do not result from the actions of the Applicant:

“As previously mentioned, the Property has an existing approved site plan that limits the dimensions
provided for the multifamily building to be able to accommodate drainage, tree preservation and minimum
recreation area as required by the ULDC. Special conditions and circumstances exist on the property
which prevent the Applicant from providing the required number of parking spaces. These conditions do
not result from the actions of the Applicant as the parcel is located within the C-51 basin, requiring
additional drainage above and beyond typical requirements. The recreation area is also required by Palm
Beach County Parks and Recreation Department to be provided entirely on site due to the lack of facilities
in the immediate area. Additionally, the parcel has many large trees and ten (10) can be preserved with
the reduction in parking. The variance to the minimum parking requirement will easily accommodate the
Place of Worship and the Multifamily uses while providing for extra on-site amenities with large trees to
provide a better quality of life for the residents.
The Affordable Housing Program and Workforce Housing Program have been established in the
Comprehensive Plan to allow up to 100% increase in the number of units for properties that are infill and
near neighborhood services. This increase in density has not been carried through to the regulations
provided within the ULDC for parking allowances. The amount of parking required does not differentiate
between income levels, location, or the end user of the multifamily development. After discussions with
County staff, Commissioners and other developers of affordable housing, there have been numerous
requests for deviations from the minimum parking requirements. Currently, the County staff is in process
of reviewing text changes which would allow a reduction in parking minimums for affordable developments.
Because the text changes have not yet been adopted, the only reduction in parking permitted by the ULDC
is the 15% waiver, so this development needs to seek a variance as the only mechanism to provide all
required site elements.”

V.1 – NO: The site factors affecting the site have resulted in special circumstances and conditions that are
not the result from the actions of the Applicant; however, the density bonus request is a direct result of the
Applicant. The Applicant is correct that the Affordable Housing Program and Workforce Housing Programs
allow the proposed density increase, and the associated flex regulation language in Art. 5.G. do not
establish an opportunity for reduced parking requirement beyond the 15% administrative waiver or a
variance. The ULDC currently does not allow a waiver or parking study to take into account a lower parking
Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 3
demand from an Affordable Housing project and that recognizes the lower incomes for these tenants.
Further, the County’s parking regulations for 1, 2, or 3+ bedrooms are all the same at 1.75 spaces per unit
with an additional .25 ratio for guest parking. However, the Applicant chose the property knowing the
limitations of the site as it relates to vegetation and drainage, and the bonus density request is a direct
action of the Applicant. Should the ZC make a finding that this standard is met, Staff have included
Condition Number 6 to ensure that one parking space is provided for each dwelling unit.

c. Granting the Variance shall not confer upon the Applicant any special privilege denied by
the Plan and this Code to other parcels of land, buildings, or structures, in the same district:

“The granting of this variance will not confer any special privilege denied by the comprehensive plan or
the unified land development code to other parcels of land, buildings, or structures in the same zoning
district. Variances are meant to provide for relief in the strict code regulations when a unique situation or
specific use necessitates flexibility of the regulations. Other multifamily residential apartments need the
minimum parking that is required by the code, but the specific nature of this requested affordable, age-
restricted use eliminates the large parking need typical of multifamily. As there is no delineation specified
in the ULDC between multiple-bedroom multifamily rental apartments and age-restricted or affordable
units, there is a need to treat the uses differently. The only way to get relief for the typical parking standards
is to request a variance.
The site is also located within the RRIO and Summit Pines CCRT which have been delineated by Palm
Beach County to support redevelopment and infill because of the proximity to neighborhood services.
Since it is a developed site, granting the parking variance should encourage the use of alternative modes
of transportation, whether carpooling or using Palm Tran Bus Route 4 with a stop directly adjacent to the

V.1 – YES: Granting of this variance will not confer a special privilege that is required for all other
Multifamily uses, including other Affordable Housing applications. The ULDC has an ability for reduction
in parking administratively, based on the standards of the Code, for up to a 15% reduction. The Applicant
is proposing a 37% reduction and the only mechanism for this parking adjustment is through a Variance.
The challenges with developing a 55+ multifamily development for Affordable Housing is that the ULDC
does not establish varying parking requirements recognizing the different incomes, ages, and locations of
developments in the County. All multifamily is subject to the same 1.75 parking spaces per unit and .25
parking space requirement for guest parking. The Type 2 Variance process is the only mechanism by
which the Applicant or other Affordable Housing Program project could proceed to request for a reduction
in parking. The site is adjacent to Palm Tran with Route 4 runs north and south along Haverhill Road
immediately abutting the site.

d. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Code would
deprive the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels of land in the same
district, and would work an unnecessary and undue hardship:

“The literal interpretation of the code will require a total of 2 parking spaces per residential unit to be
provided on site. The minimum requirement for the place of worship is 50 spaces, which will be provided
around the structure. A minimum 208 parking spaces are required for the multifamily use. Based on other
similar facilities around Florida utilizing 1.06 spaces per unit, the Applicant anticipates approximately 110
spaces will be required for this development. Most residents only have one car, and some will have no car
at all, utilizing the bus, friends, and relatives for transportation. The site is located directly adjacent to Palm
Tran Bus Stop 1459 along Route 4 which runs along Haverhill Rd from Riviera Beach to Lake Worth,
connecting to numerous other bus routes heading east and west to major employment centers. All
residents will be income restricted to below 70 percent AMI ($48,167 per year in 2023) which leaves
little room in a couple’s income to afford more than one vehicle. Constructing almost 100 extra parking
spaces on the site would restrict the proper drainage required within the C-51 basin and eliminate many
of the existing large native canopy trees. Additionally, the ITE standards, specified in the provided parking
analysis, state that a minimum of 0.61 spaces are needed per unit, which would be a minimum of 63

V.1 - NO: Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Code would not deprive
the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels of land in the same zoning district, and would
not work an unnecessary and undue hardship. The proposed net density and building height is greater
than surrounding parcels and only achieved through utilizing the density associated with the place of
worship on the subject site. The subject site can be developed with a lower density and not result in any
conflict with the requirements of the ULDC. Should the ZC make a finding that this standard is met, Staff
have included Condition Number 5 to ensure that all residents be income restricted to below 70 AMI and
be 55 years of age and older.

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 4
e. Granting the Variance is the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use
of the parcel of land, building, or structure:

“This request for a variance to provide fewer parking spaces will make reasonable use of the Property and
will not create any adverse impacts on surrounding uses. The provided site plan has been redesigned with
the minimum requirements met for tree preservation, recreational space, and drainage areas. Additional
parking can only be added to the site with an entire parking row added to the south of the multifamily
building, reducing the size of all drainage and recreation areas. The amount of parking provided exceeds
the needs of the facility and will result in a higher quality product and reduced environmental impacts.”

V.1 - YES: Granting of this variance to reduce the required parking spaces for a residential Multifamily
use is the minimum variance that will make possible the use of this parcel of land, building or structure
considering the constraints of the subject site and the proposed 104 dwelling units. Currently, the only
mechanism to request a reduction in parking greater than 15% is a variance, and the Applicant proposal
of a Multifamily Affordable Housing project is a reasonable use of the land.

f. Grant the Variance will be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of
the Plan and this Code:

“The proposed variance will be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of the Plan and
this Code. Through this application, the Applicant is providing affordable housing to the County during a
time of intense demand and little supply. All 104 units will provide housing to older residents living at or
below 70% of the median household income. In 2023, 70 percent of the average median income in Palm
Beach County is $48,167 per year. The developer of the facility will be utilizing state grants and tax credits
to fund the project. The reduced price of construction will help to address the increased construction costs
of the site and provide this much needed product efficiently.
The reduction in parking promotes the use of public transportation and ride sharing. The ULDC does not
permit a reduction of parking spaces greater than 15% for any property, but also does not specifically
differentiate between various multifamily users, as other zoning codes do. For example, the City of West
Palm Beach requires 1.75 spaces per one-bedroom unit (Table XV-6), but there is an allowance for a 50%
reduction if the project is age-restricted, resulting in a required 0.875 spaces per unit.
The reduction of 76 parking spaces is not anticipated to be necessary by the reduced parking analysis
provide by the traffic engineer, the Applicant’s parking demand analysis, or other local code regulations.
The reduction of impervious area will save existing trees and reduce the urban heat island effect in the
This area is within the URA and RRIO, but 2000 feet west of the Urban Core transect that would provide
leniency to the strict code requirements. The Westgate Community Redevelopment Area Overlay
(WCRAO) requires 1 space per unit for 1 bedroom multifamily residential, plus guest parking, for a total of
1.25 spaces per unit (Table 3.B.14.I). This application for 1.27 spaces per unit is consistent with the
WCRAO regulations. Additionally, those regulations apply to all multifamily developments, regardless of
age or income. Though the Property is outside of the WCRAO, it is only 2.5 miles south, so the
demographics are similar. According to the 2020 United States Census, the WCRAO is made up of census
tract 29 and 30, with an average age of 30.75 and median household income of $48,900. The subject
Property is located within census tract 40.08 with an average age of 35.3 and median household income
of $50,000.”

V.1 - YES: The development of Affordable Housing on this site would be consistent with Objectives and
Policies in the Comprehensive Plan that encourage the provision of Affordable Housing. Since the
establishment of Comprehensive Plan language and implementing ULDC language in Art. 5.G. to allow
and encourage the provision of Workforce and Affordable Housing at higher densities, the ULDC has not
been revised with property development regulations (PDRs) that accommodate higher densities.
Considering the housing challenges in the County and the goals, objectives, and policies of the Plan to
foster Affordable Housing, on April 25, 2024, the BCC initiated an amendment to establish options for
reductions in parking for Affordable Housing Projects such as the subject proposal. Staff will return to the
BCC with a draft for permission to advertise later this year.

The Applicant cites areas such as the City of West Palm Beach, the URA and Westgate Redevelopment
Area Overlay which have established that have urban density PDRs and parking regulations. Often these
approaches for higher density are connected with an overall redevelopment plan with considerations of
mass transit, infrastructure improvements, and recreation in addition to parking and PDRs. The Applicant
is correct that the Westgate CRA Overlay establishes a lower parking requirement multifamily, and the
proposed parking to be provided (132 spaces) is consistent with the Westgate requirements of 1 space
per 1 bedroom unit, and 1.5 spaces per 2 bedroom unit. The table below provides a comparative analysis
of the parking requirements for Unincorporated County Multifamily development both inside and outside
the Westgate CRA Overlay.
Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 5
ULDC Parking Regulations - Parking Spaces per Dwelling Unit

Unincorporated Multifamily Efficiency 1 bed 2 bed 3+ bed Guest

Outside Westgate CRA Overlay 1 1.75 1.75 1.75 0.25
Inside Westgate CRA Overlay 1 1 1.5 2 0.25
g. Granting the Variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to
the public welfare:

“The proposed variance, if granted, will not be injurious to the area involved or detrimental to the public
welfare. The proposed development will increase the supply of affordable housing to the residents of Palm
Beach County, allow for the preservation of many of the existing native canopy trees, create a recreational
amenity with large shade trees, provide adequate drainage, co-locate the use with an existing Place of
Worship, and create multifamily housing directly adjacent to a Palm Tran stop. The Property is near other
multifamily units all within a redevelopment and revitalization area of the County. The building height,
setbacks, and landscaping will meet all code requirements to create total compatibility with adjacent uses.
There is no precedent in other zoning codes, other locations operated by the developer, or in the ITE
parking standards that would require more than 1.25 spaces per unit at this location.
The Planning Division conducted a sector analysis within the submitted determination letter. Staff analyzed
the relation of employment centers, necessary services, and public transit options to determine that the
Property is applicable to apply a 100% density bonus through the AHP. The Property location reduces the
need for individual car ownership. Because all residents within the development will be making less than
$48,167 per year (70% AMI, per PBC data 2023), it is unlikely any resident will own multiple vehicles.
Therefore, the reduction in parking spaces is not anticipated to create a detrimental impact to the
immediate area.”

V.1 - YES: Granting of the variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to
the public welfare. The Applicant has demonstrated through a parking analysis of other projects under the
same ownership that the proposed parking will be adequate to support the proposed 104 Multifamily
Affordable Housing units.


Official Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) to a Standards District:

When considering a Development Order application for a rezoning to a Standard Zoning District with or
without a Conditional Overlay Zone (COZ), the BCC and ZC shall consider Standards a through g listed
under Article 2.B.7.B.2, Standards. The Standards and Staff Analyses are indicated below. An
amendment that fails to meet any of these standards shall be deemed adverse to the public interest and
shall not be approved.

a. Consistency with the Plan - The proposed amendment is consistent with the Plan.


o Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use or amendment is consistent with the
Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan, including previous Land Use Amendments,
densities and intensities of use. The request for a rezoning to the Residential Multifamily (RM) Zoning
District and a Class A conditional use to allow a 100% Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Density Bonus
is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The application seeks to rezone the site and request a density
bonus in order to develop 104 multifamily residential units on the 6.48-acre subject site, while the existing
8,600 sq. ft. Place of Worship on the northern end of the site is to remain.

o Relevant Comprehensive Plan Policies: Housing Element (HE) Policy 1.5-i employs planning
techniques to facilitate the provision of affordable housing for households with incomes at 60% of the area
median income, as described below:
• Policy 1.5-i: The County shall establish Affordable Housing Program to allow new residential
developments within the Urban/Suburban Tier only, the opportunity to provide housing units for
households with incomes at 60% of area median income and below, as a means to meet affordable
housing needs and to disperse that needed housing in unincorporated Palm Beach County. The
Affordable Housing Program may provide incentives including density bonuses; density bonus units
will be allowed only when consistent with Housing Element Objective 1.5 to discourage the undue
concentration of very low and low income housing in the County.

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 6
As allowed by the above Policy and the ULDC, the Applicant is requesting an Affordable Housing Program
Density Bonus. The Planning Division provided the Affordable Housing Density Bonus Analysis and
Overall Density Potential Letter dated December 3, 2023. The letter calculated up to 100% AHP density
bonus potential of 52 units for a total of 104 units, subject to compliance with the property development
regulations and other considerations in the development review process.

o Density/Intensity: The Planning Division reviewed the request for 104 residential units on the
subject 6.48-acre site utilizing the High Residential, 8 units per acre (HR-8) Future Land Use (FLU)
designation. The 6.48-acre subject site with the HR-8 FLU yields a maximum of 52 dwelling units (8 du/ac
x 6.48 ac = 51.84 or 52 units rounded up). The requested 100% AHP Density Bonus for 52 additional
units makes up the remainder of the 104 total proposed units. The existing 8,600 sq. ft. Place of Worship
is to remain, resulting in a Floor Area Ratio of 0.03 (8,600 sq. ft. / 6.48 acres or 282,216 sq. ft. = 0.03).
The maximum FAR for Institutional Uses within any Future Land Use designation in the U/S Tier per Note
8 of FLUE Table 2.2-e.1 is 0.45 (0.45 x 6.48 acres or 282,216 sq. ft. = 126,997 sq. ft. maximum).

o Affordable Housing Program (AHP): Per ULDC Article 5.G.2.A, a minimum of 65 percent of all units
are required at 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI) or below, and a maximum of 20 percent of all
units at 30 percent or below AMI. The requested 104 units therefore results in a 68 AHP unit obligation
(104 units x 65% = 67.6 units or 68 units rounded up). A Condition of Approval has been included for the
Conditional Use to implement these requirements.

o AHP Rental Prices: The subject request was submitted and deemed sufficient August 2, 2023,
when the 2023 price schedule was in effect. In Palm Beach County, the 2023 area Median Family Income
(MFI) is $98,300 for a family of four (per HUD).
The AHP rents are based on the annual Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) Multi-Family Rental
Figures, adjusted for number of bedrooms and any Utility Allowances are applied against gross maximum
rent. The following are rental prices per AHP income percentage targets as specified in Art. 5.G.2.A for
2023 in Palm Beach County. These homes cannot be rented at a higher price.

AHP Income percentage Studio 1 BR 2 BR 3BR 4BR

0-10% of
0 - $9,740 Up to $171 Up to $182 Up to $219 Up to $253 Up to $283
>10-20% of >$9,740 -
$171--$341 $182 -$365 $219 - $438 $523 - $506 $283 - $565
MFI $19,480
>20-30% of >$19,480 -
$341--$511 $365 - $548 $438 - $657 $506 - $759 $565 - $847
MFI $29,220
>30-40% of >$29,220 - $847 -
$511--$682 $548 - $731 $657- $877 $759 - $1,013
MFI $38,960 $1,130
>40-50% of >$38,960 - $1,130-
$682--$852 $731 - $913 $877- $1,096 $1,013 -$1,266
MFI $48,700 $1,412
>50-60% of >$48,700 - $1,412
$852 -$1,023 $913 - $1,096 $1,096 -$1,315 $1,266 -$1,519
MFI $58,440 $1,695
According to the Justification Statement, the Applicant intends to seek funding from the Florida Housing
Finance Corporation (FHFC) and Palm Beach County. It was also indicated in the Justification Statement
that 100%, or all 104 units, will be designated as affordable at a minimum 70% of AMI. Per ULDC Article
5.G.2.A, consideration may be given to developments requesting income percentage targets that are
different from those indicated in the ULDC based on programmatic requirements imposed by a
governmental agency providing the affordable housing funding, or another entity with different
programmatic requirements, the final determination of which is made by the Executive Director of the
Planning, Zoning and Building (PZB) Department or designee. A Condition of Approval has been included
for the Conditional Use to implement the affordable ranges as described in the Applicant’s Justification

o Planning Conditions: Planning Conditions of Approval are being applied, to the Conditions Use for
the density increase, in order to carryout and implement the requirements of the Affordable Housing
Program. These conditions include requiring the Property Owner to record a Restrictive Covenant that
meets the requirements of Article 5.G.2.F.2 prior to Final Approval by the Development Review Officer
(DRO). Alternatively, the condition provides the Property Owner the option to provide documentation of
the governmental agency providing the affordable housing funding and the affordability income target
requirements to Planning Division staff if requesting consideration for those income percentage targets
and rents that are different from the ULDC requirements.

o Special Overlay District/Neighborhood Plan/Planning Study Area: The site is located within the
Urban Redevelopment Area (URA); the Revitalization, Redevelopment, and Infill Overlay (RRIO); and, the
Countywide Community Revitalization Team (CCRT).
• Revitalization Redevelopment and Infill Overlay (RRIO) and Urban Redevelopment Area
(URA): The RRIO and URA are areas designated within the Comprehensive Plan that are identified
as appropriate for development incentives, and are the focus of the County's efforts to promote
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infill and redevelopment. The request to provide additional housing units on the site is not
inconsistent with the stated overlays.
• Countywide Community Revitalization Area (CCRT) #34 Summit Pines Area: These
neighborhoods are communities that have been identified by the CCRT Team, the Office of
Community Revitalization (OCR), and the BCC as neighborhoods that would most benefit from
targeted revitalization efforts. A community meeting was held on October 17, 2023 by Office of
Community Revitalization staff. No objections or concerns have been received to date.

b. Consistency with the Code - The proposed amendment is not in conflict with any portion of this
Code, and is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Code.

The rezoning is not in conflict with any portion of the Code. It is consistent with the stated purpose and
intent of the Code, is consistent with the proposed RM FLU designation of the Plan, and does not create
any non-conformities to the existing Place of Worship. The site is currently zoned Single Family
Residential (RS) Zoning District which is currently consistent with the FLU designation of High Residential,
8 units per acre (HR-8). The Applicant is proposing to rezone the property to the RM Zoning District with
no change to the FLU designation, to develop Multifamily Residential units (104) as a secondary use on
the property. Pursuant to Table 3.A.3.B, Future Land Use (FLU) Designation and Corresponding Standard
Zoning Districts, the proposed rezoning to RM is consistent with the existing FLU designation of HR-8.

c. Compatibility with Surrounding Uses - The proposed amendment is compatible, and generally
consistent with existing uses and surrounding zoning districts, and is the appropriate zoning district
for the parcel of land. In making this finding, the BCC may apply an alternative zoning district.

The proposed RM Zoning District is generally compatible and consistent with the surrounding properties
and the existing mix uses consisting of a school, daycare, and multifamily/residential uses. To the north
of the site across from the Summit Boulevard Right of Way (ROW), is a Day Care (R-2004-2253), and
Multifamily uses with RM Zoning Districts. To the south is the Summit Pines Development, (R-2003-0760),
that includes a Congregate Living Facility with a maximum of seven Residents plus Staff, within the
Planned Unit Development (PUD) (R-2003-0760). To the east across from the Haverhill Road ROW, is a
Private School and Daycare (R-2024-0119) with RM Zoning District, and to the west are Multifamily units
(R-2003-0760) with PUD Zoning District. The proposed rezoning to the RM Zoning District is therefore,
consistent and generally compatible with the surrounding of mixed zoning districts.

d. Effect on Natural Environment – The proposed amendment will not result in significantly adverse
impacts on the natural environment, including but not limited to water, air, stormwater
management, wildlife, vegetation, wetlands, and the natural functioning of the environment.

The Analysis provided below is for both the Official Zoning Map Amendment impacts and the Conditional
Use to increase Density.


o Vegetation Protection: The site is heavily vegetated with a mix of non-native species (e.g., Acacia
auriculiformis), and native upland species (e.g., Pinus elliottii var. densa, Ficus aurea, Quercus Virginiana,
Quercus laurifolia and Sabal palmetto. Under the current assessment, a Tree Preservation Area will be
required as pursuant to the ULDC, Article 14.C.7.C.5. and a management plan will be required as part of
perpetual maintenance obligations to keep the TPA of a high quality (conditioned). Native species are
being protected in the form of relocating the native material (Ficus aurea, Quercus virginiana, Sabal
palmetto) to an appropriate area on the site and some species being preserved in place. Native vegetation
that cannot be preserved in place are being either relocated or mitigated. The water management tracts,
and open space have been located to maximize onsite preservation. The application for the Protection of
Native Vegetation Approval will be required to be submitted prior to the final approval by the DRO, as
indicated in Article 14.C.7.C. There will be 595 mitigation credits required as a result of this application.

o Wellfield Protection Zone: This property is not located within Wellfield Protection Zone.

o Irrigation Conservation Concerns and Surface Water: All new installations of automatic irrigation
systems shall be equipped with a water sensing device that will automatically discontinue irrigation during
periods of rainfall pursuant to the Palm Beach County Mandatory Year-Round Landscape Irrigation
Conservation Measures Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2022-007. Any non stormwater discharge or the
maintenance or use of a connection that results in a non stormwater discharge to the stormwater system
is prohibited pursuant to Palm Beach County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Ordinance No. 93 15.

Environmental Impacts: There are no significant environmental issues associated with this petition beyond
compliance with ULDC requirements.

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e. Development Patterns – The proposed amendment will result in a logical, orderly, and timely
development pattern.

The proposed rezoning will result in a logical, orderly and timely development pattern. The Applicant is
proposing to rezone the site to the RM Zoning District, and reconfigure the site to develop Multifamily units,
at 100% increase in density (104-units). Without the rezoning, the allowance for Multifamily on this parcel
would not be allowed. The location of the RM district is at the intersection of the Summit Boulevard and
Haverhill Road, and is a logical district for this location with the associated institutional and multifamily
uses. The proposed development will provide additional housing opportunities that are contemplated by
the Comprehensive Plan and complements the existing surrounding zoning districts and uses, and will be
consistent with development pattern of the area.
The Applicant states in the Justification Statement that “as affordable housing, this development will
provide additional homes for residents of the area that are closer to their employment and preferred
f. Adequate Public Facilities – The proposed amendment complies with Art. 2.F, Concurrency
(Adequate Public Facility Standards).

The analysis provided below is for the Official Zoning Map Amendment, as well as the Condition Use for
the density bonus increase.

Staff has reviewed this application and have no comment.

The proposed addition of age-restricted Multi-Family residential units on a site with an existing Church is
expected to generate 337 additional net daily trips, 21 additional net AM peak trips, and 26 additional net
PM peak hour trips. Overall, the proposed site will generate 399 net daily trips, 24 net AM peak trips, and
30 net PM peak hour trips. The build out of the project is assumed to be by 2028.
The additional trips will have an insignificant traffic impact, as defined in the Palm Beach County Traffic
Performance Standards (TPS) within the project's Radius of Development Influence (RDI). The proposed
site will use the existing right-in/right-out access on Summit Blvd and create a new full access on Haverhill
Rd. No additional turn lanes are warranted (a center two-way left turn lane already exists on Haverhill Rd
fronting the project site).


Traffic volumes are in vehicles per hour
Segment: Summit Blvd from Jog d to Haverhill Rd
Existing count: Eastbound=630, Westbound=612
Background growth: Eastbound=52, Westbound=48
Project Trips: Eastbound=2, Westbound=2
Total Traffic: Eastbound=684, Westbound=662
Present laneage: 2 in each direction
Assured laneage: 2 in each direction
LOS "D" capacity: 1960
Projected level of service: LOS D or better in both directions

Segment: Haverhill Rd from Summit Blvd to Forest Hill Blvd

Existing count: Northbound=1194, Southbound=1503
Background growth: Northbound=78, Southbound=97
Project Trips: Northbound=9, Southbound=13
Total Traffic: Northbound=1281, Southbound=1613
Present laneage: 2 in each direction
Assured laneage: 2 in each direction
LOS "D" capacity: 1960
Projected level of service: LOS D or better in both directions.

The Property Owner will be conditioned to plat.

The site is located within the boundaries of the Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water
Management District C-51 Drainage Basin. It is proposed that runoff be directed via paving and grading,
inlets and storm sewer to on-site dry retention. Legal positive outfall for overflow and bleed-down is
available via connection to the Lake Worth Drainage District L-6 canal adjacent to the north property line.
Portions of the site are located within Flood Zone AE (BFE: 16.3).

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The subject site is within the service boundaries of Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBC
WUD) states in Exhibit F, that they have the ability to provide water and wastewater service to the site.
Prior to the issuance of any building permits for the Multifamily development the Applicant/Property Owner
must obtain the applicable permits from PBC WUD.


This project has met the requirements of the Florida Department of Health, as the subject development
will connect to the water and wastewater service lines by PBC WUD.

The subject site is located within the boundaries of PBC Fire Station # 33. Staff has reviewed this
application and have no additional comments.

The proposed residential portion of the site will be restricted to 55+ occupants. At the appropriate time, a
condition will be imposed requiring a Declaration and Restrictive Covenant prohibiting children less than
nineteen years of age from residing in the community. This covenant will be submitted to the School Board
no later than six (6) months after DRO Approval.


Project proposes 104 dwelling units requiring 0.624 acres of onsite recreation, 0.71 acres of onsite
recreation are being provided, therefore the recreational requirement is satisfied.

g. Changed Conditions or Circumstances – There are demonstrated changed site conditions or

circumstances provided by the Applicant’s Justification Statement that necessitate the amendment.

The Applicant has indicated in the Justification Statement that the proposed rezoning to RM is “to provide
for an infill residential development to a site that is underutilized within the URA. As the demand for housing
increases in the county, the infill sites located close to services will be more feasible to develop. The
majority of residential development in this area occurred in the mid-1980s and additional new housing is
needed in this market. As age-restricted, affordable units, this site will fill the vast need of attainable
housing in the County in a location where services are close.”


Conditional Uses, Official Zoning Map Amendment to a PDD or TDD and Development Order Amendment:

When considering a Development Order application for a Rezoning to a PDD or a TDD, a Conditional Use,
excluding Conditional Use requests for Density Bonus pursuant to Art. 5.G.1, Workforce Housing Program
(WHF), or a Development Order Amendment, the BCC and ZC shall utilize the Standards a – h listed in
Article 2.B.7.B, Standards. The Standards and Staff Analyses are indicated below. A Conditional Use,
Rezoning to PDD or TDD, or Development Order Amendment that fails to meet any of these Standards
shall be deemed adverse to the public interest and shall not be approved.

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a. Consistency with the Plan – The proposed use or amendment is consistent with the purposes,
goals, objectives and policies of the Plan, including standards for building and structural intensities
and densities, and intensities of use.

See analysis under the Official Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) to a Standards District, a.
(Consistency with the Plan), the proposed use does not create an additional impacts beyond the analysis
provided to rezoning the development. Conditions of Approval have been included in Exhibit C-3 for the
request for additional density.

b. Consistency with the Code - The proposed amendment is not in conflict with any portion of this
Code, and is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Code.

Staff finds that this standard cannot be met as it is in conflict with the parking requirements of the Code.
If the Applicant were to comply with the requirements for Parking, or the ZC were to approve the proposed
variance, then the request would not be in conflict with the Code.

o Property Development Regulations (PDRs): The proposed development meets the minimum PDRs
requirements, as outlined in the PDR chart indicated on the PSP (Figure 3). Pursuant to Table 3.D.1.A.,
Property Development Regulations, the minimum Code requirements for the PDRs for the RM Zoning
District for lot width is 65 feet (provided 604 ft.), frontage 65 ft. (provided 455 ft.), depth – 75 ft. (provided
666 ft.), maximum building coverage is 40% (proposing - 10.5%) and the Plan is in compliance with the
setbacks requirements. The site will be required to re-platted into a single lot. See Engineering Condition
No. 2.

o Access: Access and frontage of the subject site is proposed to be from Summit Boulevard a
collector street, and Haverhill Road, an arterial road. Both existing and proposed access points satisfy the
requirements of Art. 11.A.8.B.2., Legal Access.
o Uses: The Applicant is proposing to develop the site to include Multifamily Residential units that
are only allowed if the rezoning to RM is allowed. The rezoning of the site will be consistent with the site’s
existing HR-8 FLU Designation. Multifamily is an allowable use within the RM Zoning District. Because
the request is to increase density through the Affordable Housing Density Program, the density is required
to be approved by the Board.

o Architectural Review: The proposed development is in compliance with ULDC Art. 5.C, Design
Standards. Pursuant to ULDC 5.C.1.H.c.1.a), Recesses and Projections and as indicated on the PSP,
recesses and projections have been incorporated into the building’s design as provided. The development
shall comply with all applicable design standards at Final DRO or Building Permit review, as applicable.
Prior to final approval by the Development Review Officer, the Applicant needs to modify the Visual Impact
Analysis to incorporate the revised elevations submitted in March 2024.

o Affordable Housing Program (AHP): The Applicant is proposing for the Affordable Housing density
increase which allows the development to increase with an additional 52 units for a total of 104 units
(100%). Pursuant to Art 5.G.2.A, Purpose and Intent, “The AHP is a voluntary program used by an
Applicant seeking additional density for an affordable housing development. An AHP Applicant elects to
provide at a minimum 65 percent of the total number of dwelling units targeted to households at incomes
of 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI) and below. In any proposal a maximum of 20 percent of all
units will target incomes of 30 percent and below AMI. The program ensures a minimum affordability
period, and provides for a density bonus and other incentives. The program is intended to increase the
supply of housing opportunities for persons employed in PBC in jobs that residents rely upon to make the
community viable.”

The following are specific to the design requirements for the AHP:
• All units are proposed to be constructed on site, and
• All proposed units are within the same building. Thus, the compatible exterior standard, and the
clustering and the dispersing of units throughout the property will be met.

o Parking: The proposed uses requires a total of 258 parking spaces in compliance with Code, and
the Applicant is providing 182 spaces. The Applicant is also seeking a Type 2 Variance to reduce the
number of parking spaces for the residential portion of the site from 208 spaces to 132 spaces (-76). In
addition, vehicular and pedestrian circulation are consistent with ULDC Art. 6.B.3.A.2, Layout and Art.
6.B.3.A.2.d, Pedestrian Circulation respectively, including the pedestrian walkways traversing the two uses
on the property. If the ZC were to approve the proposed variance, then the request would not be in conflict
with the Code.

Should the ZC approve the Type 2 Variance request, Staff had generated the Conditions of Approval in
Exhibit C-1. In addition, Staff is recommending a Condition of Approval (Exhibit C-3), that at time of final
FRO approval, the Applicant shall revise the Plan to comply with Code requirements for Parking, if the
variance is denied.

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o Landscaping and Buffering: The PSP indicates a 15-foot R-O-W buffer along the northern, and the
eastern property lines adjacent to the Summit Boulevard and the Haverhill Road right of ways. To the
south, a 10-foot wide compatibility buffer has been provided. To the northwest of the property, a 15-foot
wide, Type 2 incompatibility buffer is existing to buffer the Place of Worship use from Residential, and to
the remaining western property line, a 8-foot wide compatibility buffer is provided. The site is in compliance
with Code requirements.

o Signs: A Preliminary Master Sign Plan (Exhibit 7) has been submitted with this application that
meets the minimum size, setbacks and location requirements of Article 8.G.2.C. There is one existing 200
sq. ft. Monument Sign provided for the Place of Worship along Summit Boulevard. An Entrance Sign with
a maximum of 60 square feet of sign face area is proposed along Haverhill Road for the Multifamily
development. The signs are in compliance with Code requirements.

c. Compatibility with Surrounding Uses – The proposed use or amendment is compatible and
generally consistent with the uses and character of the land surrounding and in the vicinity of the
land proposed for development.

To the northwest, southwest, and to the west of the property are existing Multifamily dwellings. The
proposed Multifamily use is compatible and is generally consistent with the surrounding uses and the
character of the land within the vicinity.

d. Design Minimizes Adverse Impact – The design of the proposed use minimizes adverse effects,
including visual impact and intensity of the proposed use on adjacent lands.

The proposed density provides deficiencies in the site design, and provision of parking for the use of the
property. The density determination letter (Exhibit G) from the Planning Division states that the density is
appropriate, where the development complies with the ULDC. The Applicant is proposing a three and four
story structure adjacent to the one story attached units to the west. The Applicant is constructing a taller
structure to accommodate parking and other improvements that are directly related to the unit count. If
the unit count was reduced the visual impact and effects would be minimized with less parking and reduced
heights. If the ZC approved the proposed variance, then the request would not be in conflict with the Code.

Although, the site is in compliance with Code requirements for minimum landscape buffers, and have the
minimum setbacks requirements for the proposed building. Pursuant to Art. 3.D.1.E.2, Multifamily, in the
RM districts, buildings may exceed 35 feet in height, with one additional foot of setback to be provided in
addition to the required setback for each one foot in height, or fraction thereof, over 35 feet. The proposed
building is 46.5 feet in height, requiring an additional 11.5 feet of setbacks. Pursuant to ULDC Table
3.D.1.A, Property Development Regulations, a minimum side interior (west) setback of 15 feet is required,
while the PSP indicates the proposed structure has a setback of 78 feet. A minimum side street (east)
setback of 25 feet is required, while a setback of 36.5 feet is proposed, and the rear (south) a minimum of
15 feet and 86 feet is proposed.

e. Design Minimizes Environmental Impact – The proposed use and design minimizes
environmental impacts, including, but not limited to, water, air, stormwater management, wildlife,
vegetation, wetlands and the natural functioning of the environment.

See analysis under the Official Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) to a Standards District, d. (Effect on
Natural Environment), the proposed use does not create an additional impacts beyond the analysis
provided to rezoning the development. Conditions of approval have been included for the density increase
relating the analysis as provided above.

f. Development Patterns – The proposed use or amendment will result in a logical, orderly and
timely development pattern.

The proposed rezoning will result in a logical, orderly and timely development pattern. The frontage to the
property will remain from Summit Boulevard, and a secondary ingress/egress is proposed from Haverhill
Boulevard. The existing and proposed uses will utilize the two access points. To the northwest, south,
and west of the property are existing residential developments, and a mix of Institutional/Civic uses to the
remaining surrounding properties. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the development pattern of
the immediate area which is a mix of RS, RM, PUD and zoning districts. Rezoning of the RM district allows
for the development or multifamily units which is consistent with the pattern of the area.

g. Adequate Public Facilities – The proposed amendment complies with Art. 2.F, Concurrency
(Adequate Public Facility Standards).

See analysis under the Official Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) to a Standards District, f. Adequate
Public Facilities, as described above for the proposed rezoning, the increase in density does not create
any additional impacts on the provision of public facilities, beyond the analysis above, and thus complies
with Concurrency. The use of the site will be reviewed through the Administrative approval process for
the proposed Multifamily (104) units.

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h. Changed Conditions or Circumstances – There are demonstrated changed site conditions or
circumstances provided by the Applicant’s Justification Statement that necessitate the amendment.

The Applicant has indicated in the Justification Statement for the changed site conditions or circumstances
the following analysis, “The Applicant is requesting AHP units to provide infill residential development on
a site that is underutilized within the URA. As the demand for affordable housing increases in the county,
the infill sites located close to essential services and employment centers are more desired. The additional
units provided on this site is logical development and furthers the goals of creating more affordable housing
within the county. Most residential development in this area occurred in the mid-1980s and additional, new
multifamily housing units are much needed within the market.”


Development Order Abandonment:

A DO for a Conditional Use or similar DO granted under Zoning Resolution No. 3-57, Ordinance No. 73-2
Ordinance No. 92-20, or Ordinance No. 2003-067, as amended, may be abandoned according to the
procedures in this Section and pursuant to Art. 2.B, Public Hearing Processes. DOs that are partially or
fully implemented, or have not been implemented may be abandoned subject to the requirements of this
Section. When considering an ABN application, the BCC and ZC shall consider the Standards indicated
in Article 2.B.7.F.6, Standards.

As part of the request, two Development Order Abandonments are proposed. A Special Exception (SE)
for a Church (Place or Worship), was approved on June 29, 1989 by the Board of County Commissioners
pursuant to Resolution R-1989-2212. As contained within that resolution there was a condition of approval
repealing Resolution No. R-87-434, for Zoning Petition 1986-00118, a Special Exception for a Planned
Unit Development, and was not done by a separate resolution. Because the request is abandoning the
resolution that repealed the 1987 resolution, the repeal of that resolution is abandoned. The request for
both abandonments will formally abandon the two requests. It should be noted, however that the Place of
Worship use will remain on the property, as the ULDC was modified in 2017 and allows the use to be
approved Administratively, rather than by the BCC.

a. Consistency with the Plan - The proposed abandonment is consistent with the Plan.

The proposed abandonment of the Place of Worship and the Special Exception for the PUD will not create
any inconsistencies with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The Place of
Worship use will continue, with any modification to the site for future development shall be in compliance
with the Plan. The proposed and existent development, will be compliant with the requirements of the
Plan. The proposed Development Review Officer (DRO) application being applied with this request will
be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

b. Consistency with the Code - The proposed abandonment, is not in conflict with any portion of this
Code, and is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Code. The abandonment of a DO does
not create any new non-conformities.

The proposed abandonment is not in conflict with any portion of this Code, and is consistent with the stated
purpose and intent of this Code. The abandonment of the DO for the previously approved Place of Worship
and the Special Exception for the PUD use does not create any non-conformities and the existing use.
Pursuant to Art. 4.B.4.C.12.b, Existing Approvals, the Applicant is concurrently seeking approval
administratively, from the DRO, for the Place of Worship. The Special Exception for the PUD was repealed
under the resolution proposed for abandonment, and thus has not been in effect. Abandonment of the
PUD will continue and not create any new non-conformities.

c. Adequate Public Facilities – The proposed abandonment of the DO shall not impact the approved
requirements of Art. 2.F, Concurrency (Adequate Public Facility Standards). When a non-implemented
DO is abandoned, all concurrency affiliated with the DO is no longer valid. For implemented DOs,
concurrency for the remainder of the non-affected area shall remain. Concurrency for any new uses on
the subject property shall be subject to the requirements of Art. 2.F, Concurrency (Adequate Public Facility

The proposed abandonment of the DO will not impact the requirements of Art. 2.F, Concurrency (Adequate
Public Facility Standards). The Applicant will be subject to new concurrency evaluation and approval for
modifications to the site, as evaluated above under the rezoning and the conditional use for the density

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d. Changed Conditions or Circumstances - There are demonstrated changed site conditions or
circumstances provided by the Applicant’s Justification Statement that necessitate the abandonment.
Abandonment of the Resolution approving the DO will not impact other DOs approved on the same site.
There is no reliance by other parties for additional performances, or tasks to be implemented, that were
required in the original DO.

The Applicant’s Justification states the following changed site conditions or circumstances, “The Place of
Worship was originally approved as a special exception within the RS zoning district. To provide the
church within the RM district, an abandonment of the previous approval is required. The existing building
can then be approved as a use permitted through Full DRO review.” The abandonment of the Special
Exception is a formality due to the request to abandon the resolution of the Place of Worship, which
repealed the Special Exception for the PUD. The proposed development will comply with all requirements
of the ULDC to include but not limited to setbacks, building coverage, parking, landscaping and signage.

CONCLUSION: Staff has evaluated the standards listed in Article 2.B, and determined that the requests
for the Type 2 Variance and the Class A Conditional Use do not meet Standard b and d of Article 2.B.7.E.6
for the Type 2 Variance, or Standard b and d, of Article 2.B.7.B.2, as described in the findings above.
Should the ZC make a finding that Competent Substantial Evidence has been presented to demonstrate
that all of the standards have been met, Staff has included Conditions of Approval in Exhibits C-1 and C-

Staff has evaluated the standards listed in Article 2.B, for the Development Order Abandonments and the
Official Zoning Map Amendment and determined that the requests meet the standards of the ULDC subject
to the Condition of Approval in Exhibit C-2.

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Type 2 Variance – Concurrent on 6.48 acres

1. This Variance is approved based on the layout as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan dated March 14,
2024. Only minor modifications by Board of County Commissioners or Development Review Officer shall
be permitted provided the changes are consistent with this Preliminary Site Plan. (ONGOING: ZONING -

2. At time of application for a Building Permit, the Property Owner shall provide a copy of this Variance
approval along with copies of the approved Plan to the Building Division. (BLDGPMT: BUILDING DIVISION
- Zoning)

3. The Development Order for this Standalone Variance shall be tied to the Time Limitations of the
Development Order for ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669. The Property Owner shall secure a Building Permit or
Commencement of Development to vest this Variance. (ONGOING: MONITORING - Zoning)

4. Prior to the submittal for Final Approval by the Development Review Officer, the approved Variance(s)
and any associated Conditions of Approval shall be shown on the Preliminary Site Plan. (DRO: ZONING -

5. All residents shall be income restricted to below 70 percent AMI and shall be over 55 years of age.

6. Each dwelling unit shall be assigned at minimum one parking space. (ONGOING: ZONING - Zoning)

1. In Granting this Approval, the Zoning Commission relied upon the oral and written representations of
the Property Owner/Applicant both on the record and as part of the application process. Deviations from
or violation of these representations shall cause the Approval to be presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for review under the Compliance Condition of this Approval. (ONGOING: MONITORING -

2. Failure to comply with any of the Conditions of Approval for the subject property at any time may result
a. The Issuance of a Stop Work Order; the Issuance of a Cease and Desist Order; the Denial or
Revocation of a Building Permit; the Denial or Revocation of a Certificate of Occupancy; the Denial of
any other Permit, License or Approval to any developer, owner, lessee, or user of the subject property;
the Revocation of any other permit, license or approval from any developer, owner, lessee, or user of the
subject property; the Revocation of any concurrency; and/or
b. The Revocation of the Official Map Amendment, Conditional Use, Requested Use, Development
Order Amendment, and/or any other zoning approval; and/or
c. A requirement of the development to conform with the standards of the Unified Land Development
Code at the time of the finding of non-compliance, or the addition or modification of conditions reasonably
related to the failure to comply with existing Conditions of Approval; and/or
d. Referral to Code Enforcement; and/or
e. Imposition of entitlement density or intensity.

Staff may be directed by the Executive Director of PZ&B or the Code Enforcement Special Master to
schedule a Status Report before the body which approved the Official Zoning Map Amendment,
Conditional Use, Requested Use, Development Order Amendment, and/or other zoning approval, in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.E of the ULDC, in response to any flagrant violation and/or
continued violation of any Condition of Approval. (ONGOING: MONITORING - Zoning)

1. All applicable state or federal permits shall be obtained before commencement of the development
authorized by this Development Permit.

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Official Zoning Map Amendment on 6.48 acres

1. All applicable state or federal permits shall be obtained before commencement of the development
authorized by this Development Permit.

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Class A Conditional Use on 6.48 acres

1. The approved Preliminary Site Plan is dated March 14, 2024. Modifications to the Development Order
inconsistent with the Conditions of Approval, or changes to the uses or site design beyond the authority of
the Development Review Officer as established in the Unified Land Development Code, must be approved
by the Board of County Commissioners. (ONGOING: ZONING - Zoning)

1. Prior to final approval by the Development Review Officer, the Applicant needs to modify the Visual
Impact Analysis to incorporate the revised elevations submitted in March 2024. (DRO: ZONING - Zoning)

1. No Building Permits for the site may be issued after December 31, 2028, or as amended. A time
extension for this condition may be approved by the County Engineer based upon an approved Traffic
Study which complies with Mandatory Traffic Performance Standards in place at the time of the request.
This extension request shall be made pursuant to the requirements of Art. 2.E of the Unified Land
Development Code. (DATE: MONITORING - Engineering)

2. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the Property Owner shall configure the property into a
legal lot of record in accordance with provisions of Article 11 of the Unified Land Development Code.

1. Prior to the final approval by the Development Review Officer, a Phase II Environmental Site
Assessment shall be submitted to the Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM). If the
results of the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment indicate areas of on-site contamination, the project
shall be referred to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the development of a
mitigation plan and to oversee the remediation on the site. (DRO: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES
MANAGEMENT - Environmental Resources Management)

2. Prior to final approval by the Development Review Officer, a Tree Preservation Area Management Plan
shall be provided to ERM for review and approval (DRO: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES
MANAGEMENT - Environmental Resources Management)

3. All mitigation plantings shall be planted on-site or as approved by ERM in writing. (ONGOING/VEGPMT:
ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Environmental Resources Management)

4. None of the landscape material to be planted and/or maintained shall be on the 2019 Florida Invasive
Species Council FISC list of Invasive Plant Species, as periodically amended. (ONGOING:
ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Environmental Resources Management)

1. Prior to Final approval by the Development Review Officer, the plan shall be revised to indicate the
minimum parking spaces in compliance with Code requirements. (DRO: ZONING – Zoning)

1. The subject Development Order for the 104 multifamily rental units with a 68-unit Affordable Housing
Program (AHP) obligation was calculated based on analysis dated December 4, 2023 utilizing a 100%
AHP density bonus or 52 units was utilized. Per ULDC Art. 5.G.2.B the units are to be provided on-
site. (ONGOING: PLANNING-Planning)

2. Prior to Final Approval by the Development Review Officer (DRO), the Property Owner shall meet the
requirements of ULDC Art. 5.G.2.F.2. that either:
a. records in the Public Records of Palm Beach County a Restrictive Covenant binding the entire
project, in a form provided for by the County, or;
b. provide documentation of the programmatic requirements of approved funding that meet or exceed
the requirements of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP). (DRO: PLANNING - Planning)

3. The owner or lessee of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) unit shall submit to the County
Administrator, or designee, on a form provided by the County, an annual report containing information and
documentation to demonstrate continued compliance with the AHP and a copy of any monitoring
information provided to and received from the appropriate funding agency/source. (ONGOING: PLANNING
- Planning)

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 17
4. The Developer shall notify the Planning Division at the commencement of leasing. (ONGOING:
PLANNING - Planning)

1. The Property Owner shall provide a Declaration and Restrictive Covenant which prohibits children less
than nineteen years of age from residing in the community no later than six (6) months after DRO Approval.
In the event of a declared state of emergency, the Property Owner will be granted an additional six (6)
months to comply. This declaration shall be recorded in the public records for Palm Beach County in a
form and manner acceptable to the School Board and the County Attorney and a copy of the recorded
document shall be sent to the School Board's Planning and Intergovernmental Relations Department.

1. In Granting this Approval, the Board of County Commissioners relied upon the oral and written
representations of the Property Owner/Applicant both on the record and as part of the application process.
Deviations from or violation of these representations shall cause the Approval to be presented to the Board
of County Commissioners for review under the Compliance Condition of this Approval. (ONGOING:

2. Failure to comply with any of the Conditions of Approval for the subject property at any time may result
a. The Issuance of a Stop Work Order; the Issuance of a Cease and Desist Order; the Denial or
Revocation of a Building Permit; the Denial or Revocation of a Certificate of Occupancy; the Denial of
any other Permit, License or Approval to any developer, owner, lessee, or user of the subject property;
the Revocation of any other permit, license or approval from any developer, owner, lessee, or user of the
subject property; the Revocation of any concurrency; and/or
b. The Revocation of the Official Map Amendment, Conditional Use, Requested Use, Development
Order Amendment, and/or any other zoning approval; and/or
c. A requirement of the development to conform with the standards of the Unified Land Development
Code at the time of the finding of non-compliance, or the addition or modification of conditions reasonably
related to the failure to comply with existing Conditions of Approval; and/or
d. Referral to Code Enforcement; and/or
e. Imposition of entitlement density or intensity.

Staff may be directed by the Executive Director of PZ&B or the Code Enforcement Special Master to
schedule a Status Report before the body which approved the Official Zoning Map Amendment,
Conditional Use, Requested Use, Development Order Amendment, and/or other zoning approval, in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.E of the ULDC, in response to any flagrant violation and/or
continued violation of any Condition of Approval. (ONGOING: MONITORING - Zoning)

1. All applicable state or federal permits shall be obtained before commencement of the development
authorized by this Development Permit.

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 18
Figure 1 – Land Use Map
Z o n n g App ication

Site Data Future Land Use Designat ions

Site: 6.488CfeS MR•5 Medium Residetlbal, 5 unils/aete
Exl&tngU&e: Plaot of WOl"$hi, HR.$ High R9$id• nl~ 8 uniW ~r•
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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 19
Figure 2 – Zoning Map
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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 20
Figure 3 – Preliminary Site Plan dated March 14, 2024
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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 21
Figure 3 – Preliminary Site Plan dated March 14, 2024 (Enlargement)
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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 22
Figure 4 – Preliminary Regulating Plan dated March 14, 2024
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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 23
Figure 5 – Preliminary Master Sign Plan dated March 14, 2024
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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 24
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669
Peace Village

Figure 6 – Preliminary Architectural Elevation dated March 14, 2024

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Page 25
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669
Peace Village

Figure 7 – Visual Impact Analysis dated December 27, 2023

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Page 26
Figure 7 – Visual Impact Analysis Report dated September 2023



Peace Village
5088 Su mmit Blvd,
W est Palm Beach, Fl 33415
SW Corner of Haver hill and Su mmit
Cont rol Number 1989-00051 Cont ro l Name: Union Congr egational Church
Pro perty Contro l Num ber: 00424411000001020

The subject site is 6.46 acr es, partly occupied by the Union Congregation Church which utilizes t he
northern half of the property for t heir 8,600 SF Place of Worship Building, associated parking and property
gr ounds. This application r eq uests an additional 4 story 113 unit Senior Afford able housing building and
associated site work on the sout hern half of t he site. The subj ect pro perty current ly has a zoning
designation of Residential Single-family (RS) & a Future land Use d esignation of HR-8. This application
includes a r ezoning t o Residential M ultifam ily (RM ).

The Pro perty is occupied on t he north half of the site by t he Church which was developed in the so's and
curr ent ly houses an active congr egation. The sothern portion of t he site is overgrown with prim arily non-
native and invasive species. A t r ee survey has been perfo rm ed that has identified a m inimal nu mbe r of
native t r ees - primarily various species of small oaks o r slash pines. The proposed d evelopment w ill have
landscaping around t he perim eter of t he Property as well as w ithin the site and w ill utilize some of t he
existing native t r ees to t he extent possible. This proposed landscaping w ill provide a benefit t o t he
environment as w ell as provide a visual improvement to t he surrounding community.

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Peace Village
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Ther e is curr ent ly not w hat can be co nsidered a " prevalent th eme" in t he neighborhood. The Pro perty is
surro unded by m ultifamity r esidential villas uses to t he w est, a day school facility and m ultifamity
r esidential to t he north across Summit Blvd, a Senior Assist ed living Facility pro perty to t he sout h and
the Atlantic Christian Academy to t he east . Existing on site is an 8,000 SF Church w it h a non-descript
architectural style.

The design of t he existing use m inim izes adverse effects, visual impact, and intensity to t he surrounding
community and particularly the adjacent multi-fam ily property to t he w est since t he building sho rtest
end d imension faces t hese pro perties. The line-of-Sight Analysis Exhibit depicts the r esidential building
and th e vario us views from th e property lines. One i mportant fact or is that w hile t he building is 4 stories
the floor -to-floor height i s less t han your typical building, 10' vs 12' to 14' t herefore r educing th e overall
height t o that sim ilar to a typical t hree-story st ruct ure. It is t he intent t hat all r ooftop equipment w ill be
screened from view. The surro unding area is a mix of uses and has been t ransitioning out of a
r esidential neighborhood over t he past 15 years.


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While t here is curr ent ty not what can be consi der ed a "prevalent th emeN in t he neighborhood we f elt it
im portant t o provide a clean contem porary design t hat positions t he building such t hat it minim izes the
im pact on t he m ultifamity residential uses to the west w hich was our prim ary concern. In doing so w e
positioned th e end side of the building facing w est. Additionalty, w e placed t he open det ention area to
the west in ord er t o creat e a buffer between t he parking and th e m ultifami ly residential property.

The facades of t he building have been designed t o break down th e scale of the building t o r espect th e
ped estrian scale of the site on th e lower w hile t he upper st ories employ a detailed panel syst em and a
m ix of units wit h and w it hout balconies to creat e architectural int erest . Additionally various colors and
text ures have been added to t he fai;ade to emphasize t his detailing. l arge expanses of wall inher ent
w it h t his t ype of project have first been bro ken up by fai;ade projections and balcony features These
elements also provide an offset t o the roofline further reducing the overall scale of t he building mass.
The facades are bro ken further down by t he t reatment of t he ext erior panels, colo rs and mat erials.

The combination of these projections, co lor changes and balcony feat ures creates a pattern w hich helps
to breakdow n t he overall length of t he building.

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Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 32
The ext erior palette used on t he project includes: t he following:



D 0 Sll)OTH Sru::cOANISH


RMEAA\\'MHJT I STCf'a\'000


Sundew , Oak Cr eek, Beige~and m any d iffer ent shades of browns, t he cornice t rim co lor w hich is pure
w hit e and for t he Dunkin Donut cornice t rim w ill be Obstinate Orange above t he d rive t hru side~along
w it h stone wainscot st yle called mountain ledge w hich w ill enhance t he earth t one colors of the overall
building design and t o further enhance t he overall building d esign ther e w ill be st ucco reveals of black
all dow nspout and exterior eq uipm ent w ill mat ch t he base co lor of the building. The Building Theme for
this retail building w ill be M odern Design

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Figure 8 – Current Final Site Plan dated March 14, 2024

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App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 34
Exhibit D – Disclosure of Ownership






BEFORE ME. the undetsJgned authonty. this day personally appeared

°""' sa hereinafter referred to as "Affiant." who
being by me first duly sworn. under oath, deposes and states as follows:

1. Affiant is the [ ) 1nd1vidual or [x) Manaoe< {pos1tio-.g .

president, partner. trustee] of o,_..,.,°""'• u.c /name and type of entity•
e.g., ABC Corporation. XYZ Limited Partnership], (hereinafter, "Applicant")
Applicant se-eks Comprehensive Plan amendment or Development Order approval
tor real property legally described on the attached Exhibit "A" (the "Property")

2. Affiant's address is. ..;.33"-2..;.3_W_Com

__ me
_ ,a_a,_a_..i
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __
Suite E220
Fon Laude<dale FL 33309

3. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B" is a complete listing of the names and addresses of
every person or entity having a five percent or greater ,nterest ,n the Applicant.
Disclosure does not apply to an individual's or entity's interest in any entity
registered wrth the Federal Securities Exchange Commission or registered pursuant
to Chapter 51 7, Flonda Statutes, whose interest is tor sale to the general public.

4. Affiant acknowledges that this Affidavit ,s given to comply with Palm Beach County
policy, and will be relied upon by Palm Beach County in Its review ot Applicant's
application for Comprehensive Plan amendment or Development Order approval.
Affiant further acknowledges that he or she is authorized to execute this Disclosure
of Ownership lnrerests on behalf of the Apphcan~

5. Affiant further acknowledges that he or she shall by affidavit amend this disclosure to
reflect any changes to ownership interests In the Applicant that may occur before the
date of final pubhc heanng on the applIcatIon for Comprehensive Plan amendment
or Developm.ent Order approval

6. Affiant further states that Affiant is familiar wtth the nature of an oath and with the
penalties provided by the laws of lhe Stare of Flonda for falsely swearmg to
statements under oalh

7. Under penalty of perjury. Affiant declares that Affiant has examined this Affidavtt and
to the best of Affiant's knowledge and belief it 1s true. correct. and complete

o,sciosure of &mefic,af tntereSI -Applant /om, Page 1 o/4 ReVISl!d 12/'17/'1019

Fo,m,S w.i, l'ormot 201 I

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 35

_o_sca_,_s_o_1_ _ _ _ __ _~ Affiant
(Print Affiant Name)



The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means off ( \,f'physteal presence or
( I onllne notarization. this £ day of (x blz ( 20 ~ by
(?sc,,; r 5o/ (name of person acknowledgmg) ..!:W•M 1s personalty
~ o me or has produced _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ (type of tdertt1f,cat,on) as
identificabon and did/did not take an oath (c,rcle COIY&Ct tespcnse)

(Name• type stamp or pnnt clearly)

-PV- (Signature)

My Comm1ssaon Expires on _ __ _ __ _

Andres Defelice
Comm.:HH ◄ 12260
'f';;!!f:,.'i/ Expires: Jun. 19, 2027
···•-'!~..~~, Notary Pubic • State of Florida

O.iscfOsure of Benefic.tal lnterHI -AppJant form Pago 2ol4 R@vi'S&d 12127/201$

Form#8 Web Forms, 2011

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 36




Di~ure ol Bendclal !merest• Appl,cant form Plfl" 3of4 R•11ised 12/27/2019

Form#8 Web Format 2011

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 37



Affiant must identify all entities and individuals owning five percent or mo,e ownership
Interest in Ap;plicant's corporation, partnership or other principal, ~ any. Affiant must
identify individual owners. For example, if Afflant is the officer of a corporation or
partnership th at is wholly or partially owned by another enti\y, such as a corporation.
Afflant must identify the other entity, its address, and the individual owners of the other
entity. Disdosure does not apply to an individual's or entity's interest in any entity
registered witm the Federal Securities Exchange Commission or registered pursuant to
Chapter 517, Florida Statutes, whose interest is for sale to the general public.

Name Address
Sol, Oscar

3323 W Commercial Blvd Suite E220

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Rosenstein, M itchell

3323 W Commercial Blvd Suite E220

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Disdo!ure of Beneficial Interest - Applicant lotm ,,.,o1, Revised 12/27/2019

Form#8 Web Fom,at 2011

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 38
p FORM#19






BEFORE ME, 1tie ut\derslgr,ed a~lhotily, lhi5 ,day p,erst1naily 8P'J)8ated

J ~Grwilnl~ky. , hereinafter 1retened to a:s NAffiant,• who
being by me first ctlily sv,o,n,, under oath,, dGposes. and state:s as lollbws:

11. Aff!Qnl is the [ ] [nd~Viil:il..ffll or M PrlJ::SidSIITI: [posilicm -

a,_g,. pmsidt1tm, partner. ,trustee/ of 1b!.i l,,bnn ~!ill;A;l,I C h1,1r(ill ~ li'll!st Pdm l!aaih, F bra!IJ [name
and tn,e of ,e mlty - e.g., ABC Corporation, XVZ Limited PaJtnerahip} ltlst ~ s an
ownerslilip interest in real property lega11y desClii0ed on the attaehed 'EXhilm ""An (the
"Property"). The Property ie tne s!.d:iject of sn applicallon fat' Comp-rehenslve P&a_n
amendmeiill' or Development Order acproval Wiilh Palm Beach Counly.

2~ Affian't's. add~s I~
l50ll8 Sllmm1i BMI
\1-lest Palm Beach, FL 33415

3. Attached lil'er:eto 8$ Exhibit "8° Is a COl'i'\fllele !isling of 100, rnarrttlS and ~dresses of
e'\!ery person or entlny ha.wig ai five. percent or greater interest in lhe Property.
Discfost1re does not apply to an indiYidua'l's Ofi enb'ly'-s interest in any entity registered
wJth tfle· Federal Securities ~Change Commission 0t registered purs!J8tll to
Chapter 517, Ffotiela Statutes, wh(IS& interest is fo; sa1e to U\e ,g eMml pubtic.

-4. Affiant ad!Jnowtedges. llll81 'this Am~r I$ g['ll8n lo comply wllh Palm Beach County
l)Olh:w. and wl be relled upon by Palm Beach County tn its re,view of app.lltail'on for
Comp:ml'liCnsivo Plan amendment or Deveklpment Order aW'fO'Va11 .affecting the,
Prnpm1y_ Affian: · fuJtt'ler acknowledges that he or 5he iii au1hori2ed to execmte lhis,
Disclosure of O'Mlership Interests on beliuatf of any and au lrn1Mduals: or erlfflies hO,ding
a fwe p-eroent or greater lnteresl In 'the Pl'Ol')erty_

s. Affiaflt fortifier acf<nOWle<fges that he or she sham hy affidaMl amend this dlsdosure to
refleci any changes to ovmorsh~ infere.sls in 1he Property tha~ may oa::UI before th@ ·
dale· of final pub o hearing cm the applicafion for Comprehensive ~Ian arnendmen~ or-
Dewlopment Order ~pproval.

6. Afliant further states ihat Affient is familiar with the nalure oC an oath and wifh the
penalties provided by the h.::rws of the Stale or Flo.rtda fnr falsely sweatling to slatem.ems

~!Nd'(;/ 8 ~ 1~~!!1'- Propert.y fam ~1of4 ~ d 1.:21.t112019

FC)ffll #9 Web rumiit 2'(J1 ?

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 39

7. Under penatty of perjury, Affiant declares that Affiant has examined this Affidavit and to
the 00$1of Affiant's koowledge and belief, i1 is true, correct, and compte.a.




The foregoing instrument was ac9'nowledged before me by means of ( Jphysical presence or ( }

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Otsdosure of 8e()e/lcl8r Jntetes.!- Prope,ry form Pas,&2ol4 Revised 12121/2019

form #9 Webformat2011

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 40


0Js.r;.'t1SJll'9 of B'erNmc.191 rnrersst- ~erty form Rsvissd 12l2.i/21J1rJ

Form # 9 Web Fo.rmat 20? 1

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 41


Aflranf liJilus.t idenlify alli emilles and individuals ownu,g five peroenl or more m\lnershlr,,
iTiler~ in the Property. Affiant musl identify indi\iidual ownera. FQr examprel if Afliant is
an officer of :a corporation or palltnert$1\lp that i's wholly or partiaPy crwned by anolhe r
enfily. sooh as a 001p01,afion1, Affiant m1JSt id.enlify the olher entity, its address, and me
i111divjdual ownerrs of lhe olliler entity. Disdlosure does not apply to an iruli¥Jduar s or
entity's lnleresl in any enlity regislered with lhe Federal Securities Exchange
Commission or r~iistere,ci pursuant to Chapfsr 511'7, Floriaa StaMes, wflose interest ils
for sar.e lo the g1.tneiraJ public.

Name Addrren

OJ.schraimt d a ~ fnter&st- Property form Rsllf'SIJfl t '212 '1.t2[} 19

Fclm # -9 Web Frum&t 2011

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 42
Exhibit E – Drainage Statement dated January 19, 2024

s!!l &WHITE

May 16 1 2023
Job No. 23-041
Revised 09/23/2023
Revised 12/22/2023
Revised 01/19/2024


Peace Village
Palm Beach County, Florida


The subject parcel is located on the southwest corner of Summ it Boulevard and
Have rhill Road in unincorporated Palm Beach County, Florida and contains
approximately 6.48 acres. The Property Control Number for the subject parcel is 00-
42-44- 11- 00- ooo-1020. The site is currently developed with an 8600 SF place of
worship. Proposed site improvem ents consist of the addition of 104 age restricted
multi-family dwelling un its. For additional information concerning site location and
layout please refer to the site plan prepared by J. Morton Plann ing.


The site is located within the boundaries of the Lake Worth Drainage District and South
Florida Water Management District C-51 Drainage Basin. It is proposed that runoff be
directed via paving and grading, inlets and sto rm sewer to on-site dry retention. The
two parcels will share drainage infrast ructure with dedicated easements and applicable
agreements in place as required by Palm Beach County and/or other permitting
agencies. Legal positive outfall for overflow and bleed-down is available via connection
to the Lake Worth Drainage District L-6 canal adjacent to the north property line.
Portions of the site are located within Flood Zone AE {BFE: 16.3). Drainage design is to
address the following:
1. On- site retention of the runoff from the 3 year, 1 hour rainfall event.
2. No runoff to leave the site except through an approved control st ructure up to
the level produced by the 25 year, 3 day rainfall event.

2581Metrocentre Blvd. West, Ste 3 I West Palm Beach, FL 33407

561.478.7848 I simmonsandwh I Certificate of Authorization Number 3452

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 43
Drainage Statement
Job No. 23-041
May 16, 2023 - Page 2
Revised 09/25/2023
Revised 12/22/2023
Revised 01/19/2024


3. Building floor elevations to be at or above the level produced by the 100 year, 3
day rainfall event.

4. Parking lots to be protected from flooding during a 3 year, 24 hour event.

5. Allowable discharge to be in accordance with South Florida Water Management

District and Lake Worth Drainage District Basin criteria.

6. Compliance with the South Florida Water Management District C-51 Drainage
Basin criteria, with regard to compensating storage via dry retention.

7. Due consideration to water quality.

Required permits/approvals to be in accordance with the following:

1. Palm Beach County Building Department On-Site Drainage Approval

2. Lake Worth Drainage District Permit

3. South Florida Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit

Jesse J. Parrish, IV, Professional Engineer, state of Florida, License No.

85433 )igitally signed
This Item has been electronlca lly signed and sealed by Jesse J. Parrish, 1v,
oy Jesse J
P.E. on 01/19/2024. =>arrish IV
)ate: 2024.01.19
Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and
the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. 10:40:03-05'00'

dh: ,:/docs/trafficdrainage/ds.:2~041brevl

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 44
Exhibit F - Water and Waste Water determiniation dated October 17, 2023

Letter for
Concurrency Reservation

To: Zoning Division

PBC Planning, Zoning, & Building Department

From: Ebony M. Bruton-Foreman, Director

Finance and Administration
PBC Water Utilities Department

Date: October 17, 2023 Control # 00189

Re: PZ&B Application #: ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669

Project Name - Peace Village

The Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department is willing and able to provide the following utility
service(s) to the property identified below, and will reserve the indicated utility capacity, in Eqmvalent
Residential Connections (ERCs), for a period not to exceed five (5) years from the date of this letter:
Service TyPe (in ERCs)
Potable Water 7J.19
Wastewater 71.19
Reclaimed Water

An Equivalent Residential Connection represents a system capacity equivalency unit that corresponds to
the peak design demand of the 5/8 x ¾ inch meter sub-category of customer usage. This system capacity
equivalency unit is utilized to establish the system demand for various sized connections for the purpose
of assessing fees and designing the capacity of capital facilities.

The above capacity is reserved for the following property:


Before the five (5) year period expires, the Developer must pay all Service initiation Fees and connect to
the Department's facilities, or for p rojects greater than 18.3 ERCs, enter into a Standard or Non-Standard
Development Agreement to maintain this capacity reservation. This memorandum does not represent a
contract for service, and the Developer remains obligated to meet all of the requirements o f the Water
Utilities Department prior to obtaining utility service.

Date: ~

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 45
Exhibit G: Density Determination Letter dated March 23, 2023 – Page 1 of 3

~~lf c~~

~ ~
• •
March 23, 2023
Alex Ahrenholz
J Morton Planning
Department of Planning,
Zonlng & Bulldlng
3910 RCA Blvd., Suite 1015
Plam Beach Gardens, FL 33410
2300 Nonh Jog Road
\ •Ves1 Palm Beach. FL 33411 -274 1
(56 1) 233.5000
Dear Alex:
Planning Division 233·5300
Zoning Division 2.33-5200
This preliminary assessment is in response to your inquiry regarding the referenced 5088
BuildiJ\g DiviSion 233-5100
Summit Boulevard property. A formal Workforce Housing Program Letter of
Code Enrorcement 233-5500
Comr-1ctors Cenllicrmon 233·5525
Determination will be required for sufficiency in the zoning approval process. The
Adinimstration Office 233-5005 information provided in this letter is based on the project information you provided:
Execudve Office 2-33~522.8 PCNs: 00-42-44-11-00-000-1020
Total Acreage: 6.46 acres (PAPA)
■ Future Land Use Designation: HR-8
Requested n of units, if applicable: 120
Palm Beach County Subject Development unit type: SF, TH, or MF MF
Board of County Subject Development: Rent or sale Rent
commissioners WHP units: on site, off-site, in lieu, other On-site
Gregg K. Weiss. Mayor WHP units: Rent or Sale Rent
WHP unit type: MF
Maria Sachs. Vice Mayor
Incentive Option : Limited or Full Full
M aria G. Marino TDRs to be used, if any: Yes (4 TD Rs/ac, CCRT)
Michael A. Barntu
Projects seeking density bonuses greater than 50% are subject to a two-part review. The
Marci Woodward
first step is to apply the WHP Point System to determine how well a proposed project's
Sara Baxter approach to meeting its WHP obliga tion furthers the County's WHP objectives. Based on
the applica tion of the point system only, the potential density bo nus available to this
Mack 6ernard
project is 80%, which resu lts in a tota l unit count of 120 units, with 27 of those un its
required as WHP units, when uti lizing 26 of the availa ble TDRs.

The second part of the review involves assessing the tota l potential density for the
County Admlnlstrator project, including the density bonus identified through the point system, for compatibilit y
Verdenia C Baker and appropriateness for the site. This second step will need to be completed as additional
information becomes avai lable regarding the proposed project; staff reserves the right to
revisit the 80% density bonus in its recommendation, to address any compatibility issues
that may be identified. The result of this t wo-step process will form t he basis for staff's
formal recommendation.

In considering this information, please be aware of the following:

"Alt Equal Opportunity
Afftrmati'V(t Mlfon Dnploycr• 0 Density bonuses greater thon 50% ore available only under the Full Incentive Option.

~ printiJd on sust.aitlal>ie
\::xY and recycl(td pape1

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 46
Exhibit G: Density Determination Letter dated March 23, 2023 – Page 2 of 3

~. 1<Cli C'%
• •
PtOR1~,- o All WHP unit exteriors ore required to be compatible with market rote units, if any,
- and models are required.
o TOR units purchased shall proportionally reflect the unit mix of the non TOR units.
Thirty-four percent (34%) of any TOR units used must be provided os WHP units, and
ore subject to applicable WHP requirements. If any of the remaining TORS are
purchased at TOR WHP prices, those units must be provided in the Low Income
category. All TORS must be built on site.

In addition, note that the information provided herein does not guarantee a certain
number of units, and does not create additional property rights for a landowner. The
actua l number of dwelling units that may be built on a parcel may be further limited by
t he zoning district's property development regulations and other considerations in the
development review process.

Should you have any questions, please contact me at 561-233-5361 or at


Michael Howe, Senior Planner

T:\Planning\CURRENnWHP\Summrt . 5086\2023\5088 Summit_More than 50% . Preliminary_032323,doc

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 47
Exhibit G: Density Determination Letter dated March 23, 2023 – Page 3 of 3

Workforce Housing Program Analys is

Greater Than 50% Density Bonus (Full Incentive O nly)
Date: 03/23/2023
P rooertv lnfonnatio n ·
Property or PCN: 5088 Summit Blvd., PCN: 00-42-44-11-00-000-1020
Acreage: 6.46 acres (PAPA)
Future Land Use Designation: HR-8

Request: 120 units, Full Incentive, Density Bonus & TORs
Part of PUD/Golf Course?
Surroundine land uses:
Existing LOO?
Out of date
CCRT Area, Yes
Svmmit Pines# 34
Census Tract, 40.08
41% WHP Concentration
ExistinR.: Res/Dav Care Nursing Home Private School Residential
Future: HR·8 HR·8 HR·8/INST HR•8
Potential FLU Density: (6.46 acres x 8 = S1.68 units)

Den sity Bonus Determination:

Part 1: Point system based on proposed approach to meeting WHP obligation

WHP Objectives & Points

method to Delivers WHP Rental/ WHP Concentration in
Onsite? WHP Unit type?
meetWHP units? For-sale? Census tract? POTENTIAL
(1) to (6) (10)
(10} R (1) I FS (10}
(0) I
6 10 1 1 0 18 80%
Part 2: Compatibility and Other Site Considerations: TBD, pend ing staff review
Staff Recommendation for Densi ty Bonus: TBO

TOR Units, if applicable:

TOR Density: should Transfer of Development Rights be used, t he followin.R would aanlv: Summit Pines, CCRT n 34
TOR Eligibility: 4 TORs/acre I (4 x 6.46 = 25.84 o r 26) TOR Units oermitted: 26 l ro undine annfiedl
TOR uni ts shall proportionally reflect the unit mix of the non TOR units. The applicant may elect to purchase some or oil of the
non-WHP TORs or TOR WHP prices; if purchased at WHP prices, those uni ts must be restricted as Low Income category WHP units.

WHP Obligation :
Density Component: Required Percenta e Calculations
Rental WHP For Sale WHP Possible Units WHP Obligation
(Full Incentive Only)
Standard Densit : 5% 4.375%
Maximum Density: 16% 14%
Total Units (rounding applied):
Density Bonus: 34% 29.75%
Multiplier lor For-Sale projects providing WHP as off-site rentals: l .5x obligation NA
(Not opplicoble to TDRs )
Discount for on-sit e, For Sale WHP units: 20% for SF, 10% for TH {Full Incentive o nly) NA
TDRs, if any: 34%

Alternative Unit Specific Calculation, if Requested: 120 Unit s

Density Component : Required WHP Percentage Calculations

Rental WHP For Sale WHP Units WHP Obligation

{Full Incentive Only
Standard Densi : 5% 4.375% 6.46x6= 38.76 38.76 X 5%- 1.94
Maximum Density: 16% 14% 6.46 X 2 = 12.92 12.92 X 16% = 2.07
Total Units (rounding applied): 51.68 or 52

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 48
Exhibit H – Applicant’s Justification Statement dated March 14, 2024

Peace Village
ZV/ABN/Z/CA/ - 2023-00669
Submittal: July 19, 2023
Resubmittal: September 25, 2023
Resubmittal: October 23, 2023
Resubmittal: December 27, 2023
Resubmittal: January 22, 2024
Resubmittal: February 26, 2024
Minor resubmittal: March 14, 2024

On behalf of the Applicant, JMorton Planning & Landscape Architecture is requesting the following:
• Abandonment of Place of Worship
• Rezone Property from Residential Single Family (RS) to Multifamily Residential (RM)
• Class A Conditional Use for 100% density bonus (Affordable Housing Program)
• Type 2 Variance- 37% Parking Reduction (76 spaces).

This application is being submitted for the 6.48 acre site on the southwest corner of Summit Blvd. and
Haverhill Rd (PCN 00-42-44-11-00-000-1020). The Union Congregational Church (Control 1989-
00051) was constructed on this site in 1995 as a Place of Worship. It exists today as approved on the
final site plan dated November 30, 1993, with approved parking and access to Summit Blvd. There were
two future phases proposed, but only one was constructed. Total approved square footage was 11,600
square feet and 8,600 square feet exist on the site today while maintaining the 150-seat sanctuary.

The final site plan was approved with the southern 2.71 acres undeveloped and labeled as “existing
vegetation to remain” including a future access drive to Haverhill Rd. that was never built. The approved
site plan also labels an “undeveloped parcel, RM zoning” to the immediate east of the Property, which
was never developed, maintained an AR zoning designation, and was eventually purchased by Palm
Beach County for drainage along Haverhill Rd.

This application proposes a 104-unit multifamily building provided on the same property as an existing
place of worship. A new access point has been created to Haverhill Road and cross-access is provided
between the two uses. The multifamily building will be age-restricted (55 years and older), rental
apartments utilizing the Affordable Housing density bonus program (AHP) to achieve the proposed
density. All 104 units will be affordable, at a minimum seventy (70) percent of the Palm Beach County
average median income, currently listed at any family income at or below $68,810 for 2023. Those rates
will include up to $1,279 for 1 bedroom, and $1,534 For 2 bedroom units. No other unit types are
currently proposed for the development. Funding from Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) in
the form of competitive, nine percent credits will be pursued and additional funding will be sought from
Palm Beach County.

Surrounding Properties
Within the vicinity of the Property there are multifamily and civic uses.

Land uses directly abutting the Property include the following:

Adjacent Land Use Zoning Existing Use Control Number Resolution

Property Designation Designation Number
North HR/8 RM/PUD Daycare/ 1973-00173/ R-1973-0637/
Multifamily 2004-00008 R-2004-2253
South HR/8 RS Congregate 1984-00160 R-2003-0760
East HR/8 RM School, Private 1986-00114 R-2016-0127

West HR/8 RS Multifamily 1984-00160 R-2003-0760

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 49
Based on discussions with zoning staff, the Applicant is requesting to abandon the approved site
plan for the place of worship. Abandoning the existing use is necessary because the original site plan
was approved as a special exception within the RS Zoning district (R 1989-2212). The use will now
be approved through Full DRO with the rezoning of the property to RM. A status of conditions has
been provided with this submittal. The conditions that are still applicable may be carried over to the
new resolution if staff believes they will be necessary.
Article 2.B.7.F requires four (4) standards are addressed prior to approval by the Board of County
Commissioners. The Applicant is in compliance with all four (4) criteria standards, as provided
A. Consistency with the Plan
The proposed DRO application being applied with this request will be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan. Abandonment of currently approved use will allow the church to remain
through a new approval and simplify the applications for the future.
B. Consistency with the Code
The Place of Worship is currently a Full DRO approved use within the Residential Single Family
(RS) zoning district per Table 4.B.4.A. The previously approved special exception is no longer
valid and will simplify the application within the RM district.
C. Adequate Public Facilities
The abandonment and retention of an existing place of worship will result in no net change in
demand to the currently connected and provided public facilities. All review of adequate public
facilities shall be provided within the DRO approval and in context with the proposed
multifamily building.
D. Changed Conditions or Circumstances
The Place of Worship was originally approved as a special exception within the RS zoning
district. To provide the church within the RM district, an abandonment of the previous approval
is required. The existing building can then be approved as a use permitted through Full DRO
Based on the above justification and attached information, the Applicant respectfully request
approval of the legislative abandonment.

The Applicant is requesting to rezone the Property from Residential Single Family (RS) to
Multifamily Residential (RM) Article 2.B.7.B. requires that eight (8) standards are addressed prior
to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The Applicant is in compliance with all seven
(7) criteria standards, as provided below.

A. Consistency with the Plan

The proposed rezoning to RM is consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan
according to Table 2.2.1-j.1. The Property has a future land use designation of High Density
Residential, 8 units per acre (HR/8). The maximum FAR is 0.45 and the proposed site plan has
a FAR of 0.03.

The Property is within the Revitalization, Redevelopment and Infill Overlay (RRIO), which is
described Policy 1.2.1 of the future land use element. The Property is specifically within the
Summit Pines Countywide Community Revitalization Team (CCRT) Area, tasked with
organizing redevelopment strategies for this established neighborhood within the RRIO.

The maximum standard density at 8 dwelling units per acre will allow 52 units on the 6.48-acre
Property. The Applicant is requesting to utilize the affordable housing density bonus program
(AHP) to get to the 104 proposed units. A letter from Palm Beach County Planning Division
staff has been included with this application for reference. Staff has calculated that the site can
receive 100% density bonus (52 additional units).

B. Consistency with the Code

The proposed RM designation is consistent with the stated purpose and intent of the County
Unified Land Development Code. The Property has frontage and access on both Summit Blvd and
Haverhill Rd.

The RM designation follows the requirements of the ULDC as specified below:

Article 3: Property Development Regulations (PDRs)

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 50
As described above, the Property has an existing Place of Worship that is conforming with the
PDRs of Article 3 and shall be incorporated into the development of the multifamily building.
The specifics for the proposed building within this development are described in the Class A
conditional use request below.

With a required width of 65 feet and depth of 75 feet, the site far exceeds the minimum size with
604 feet of width and 666 feet of depth. The existing church is the minimum 25 setback from
the Summit Blvd (the front property line). The proposed multifamily building is required to be
setback 15 feet on the west side. With an additional 11.5 feet in building height, the minimum
setbacks along the south, west and east increased by 11.5 feet. The minimum 36.5 feet is being
met on the east property line and the 26.5 feet is far exceeded on the south and west property
lines with 86 feet and 78 feet provided, respectively.

Article 4
Table 4.A.9.A establishes the development thresholds of residential within the RM district.
Multifamily residential is permitted by right in the RM district with an underlying HR/8 future
land use designation. As the proposed development has more than 16 residential units, the
multifamily use will require DRO approval. The Place of Worship, described in Art. 4.B.4.C.12,
requires DRO approval and access to a collector road. The church is currently located on an
arterial road.

Article 5
Article 5.B.1.A.8- Dumpster-
There is no dumpster proposed for the project as all trash services will be provided within the
building. Maintenance will roll out the dumpster from the trash compactor on pick up days.

Art. 5.B.1.A.18- Bike Racks- with 104 residential units, three bike racks are required and three
have been provided adjacent to the building.

Art 5.C Design Standards- This application has submitted preliminary architectural elevations
to meet the criteria of this section, including the minimum balcony requirement for multifamily
buildings. A table has been provided on the plan to show the required and provided elements.

Per the calculation, 0.68 acres of recreation area is required on site and 0.71 acres is provided.
The area to the north is alterative recreation since it is not meeting the minimum dimensions but
does meet the minimum size requirement. The location is situated between both uses and with
direct access behind the residential building, including a pool area and pathways between
existing preserved native trees.

Article 5.G allows for the increased density through the utilization of the Affordable Housing
Density Bonus program. The request for a class A conditional use has been specified below.

Article 6:
The application is requesting a parking reduction, through use of a Type 2 variance further
specified in the variance request below.
The Type 2 Variance request is a reduction of 76 (37 percent) parking spaces from the required
258 per Table 6.B.1.B of the ULDC to 182 spaces proposed on site. The required 50 parking
spaces for the Place of Worship will be provided, but the multifamily is requesting a reduction
due to the atypical nature of the use. As age-restricted (55 years and older) rental housing, the
number of persons per unit and cars on site are much less than a typical multifamily residence.
Handicap spaces will be provided near the entrance to the place of worship and the multifamily
buildings. All spaces are 9 ft by 18.5 ft minimum with 26-foot drive aisles.

Article 7:
The multifamily building is adjacent to other multifamily residences to the west and south,
requiring only a compatibility buffer. The Place of Worship requires a type 2 incompatibility
buffer adjacent to residential. Along the north and east property lines, a 15-foot right-of-way
buffer has been provided, given the size of Haverhill Rd and Summit Blvd. A type 1
incompatibility buffer has been provided on the south side adjacent to the family community

Article 8:
A Preliminary Master Sign Plan has been submitted with this application that meets the
minimum size, separation and location requirements of Article 8.G.2.C. There is one 200 SF
monument sign provided for the Church building along Summit Blvd. and there is a separate 60
SF monument sign provided for the multifamily along Haverhill at the new entrance.

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 51
C. Compatibility with Surrounding Uses
The proposed RM zoning is already an established land use within the immediate vicinity. The
property is surrounded by a mix of multifamily, commercial and civic/school uses. Several
parcels are zoned RM within a 0.25 miles radius of the property. RM zoning adjacent RS
residential provides for a compatible transition since both uses are residential. Combining
residential with surrounding commercial/civic uses creates walkable, vibrant neighborhoods
with a mix of activities.

West – Directly West of the parcel are existing multifamily duplex residences within the Summit
Trail neighborhood. The RS zoning is compatible with the proposed RM zoning because both
uses are multifamily residential. Additionally, both properties have a HR-8 future land use
designation. Any concerns about height compatibility have been mitigated by exceeding the set-
back standards within the code. The Summit Pines Neighborhood was contacted by the Palm
Beach County CCRT staff for a community meeting coordinated on October 17, 2023. Eleven
members of the public were in attendance. There was generally no opposition to the project,
though a poll was not taken.

South – Directly South of the parcel is an existing congregate living facility zoned RS. This use
is compatible with the proposed RM zoning because both uses are multifamily residential and
the proposed use of the parcel is age restricted multifamily housing.

East – East of the parcel across from S. Haverhill Road is an existing school zoned RM. The
use is compatible since combining residential with civic uses can create walkable, vibrant
neighborhoods with a mix of activities and can help reduce traffic impacts. In addition, the
existing zoning RM is the same as that being proposed on the subject parcel.

North – North of the parcel across from Summit Blvd is the same RM zoning with an existing
Day Care facility. Directly North of the daycare facility is a parcel zoned RM with an existing
multifamily use.

The proposed rezoning from RS to RM is required for the incorporation of multifamily within
the same development of the existing place of worship. All access to the site will be directly to
Summit Blvd or Haverhill Rd, so there are no effects to existing traffic patterns. A Type 2
incompatibility buffer will be provided along the west property line adjacent to the Place of
Worship and a type 1 incompatibility buffer will be installed along the southern property line
with the congregate living facility.

The maximum building height is 35 feet, but per Article 3.D.1.E.2. Multifamily buildings within
the RM district may exceed 35 feet if “one additional foot of setback to be provided in addition
to the required setback for each one foot in height, or fraction thereof, over 35 feet”. The
proposed building is 46.5 feet in height, so an additional 11.5 feet is required for the setback.
Along the west property line, 26.5 feet is required with this condition and 78 feet is provided,
far exceeding the additional setback requirements. The eastern and western ends of the proposed
multifamily building are three stories to provide a visual stepdown to the one-story residences.

D. Effects on the Natural Environment

The proposed rezoning from RS to RM will not have a negative effect on the natural
environment. The site is currently developed and has a mixture of native and invasive tree
species. The proposed multifamily building will replace a section of the site currently vegetated
with invasive species. The layout will allow the portion of the site with large pines and wetland
species to remain as open space and recreation. A total of 268 native trees exist on site. All of
the trees around the place of worship will remain and tree preservation areas have been proposed
to ensure their survival. A total of 186 (69%) of the existing trees will be preserved. The
remaining trees will be relocated or mitigated according to the tree disposition plan submitted
with this application.

E. Development Patterns
The proposed rezoning to RM will result in a logical, orderly, and timely development pattern.
Several of the uses surrounding the Property are multifamily residential. The approved site plan
anticipated development of the southern 2.71 acres in 1993 as a phase 2 that never occurred.
With a future land use of HR-8, the RM zoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. As
affordable housing, this development will provide additional homes for residents of the area that
are closer to their employment and preferred services, improving their quality of life. This
housing development will be built to a high standard of quality, and will be indistinguishable
from market rate housing. This site is located 4 miles from Interstate 95 and 6 miles from
downtown West Palm Beach in a dense area that is already served by utilities and transit.
According to the determination letter from Planning staff, the use is allowed to receive up to
100% increase in density because it is in an infill site close to services and jobs.

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F. Adequate Public Facilities
The proposed rezoning will maintain the utility connection to the Place of Worship. Palm Beach
County provides all public services to the site and utility connections are available along both
Summit Blvd and Haverhill Rd.

G. Changed Conditions or Circumstances

The Applicant is requesting a rezoning to RM to provide for an infill residential development to
a site that is underutilized within the URA. As the demand for housing increases in the county,
the infill sites located close to services will be more feasible to develop. The majority of
residential development in this area occurred in the mid-1980s and additional new housing is
needed in this market. As age-restricted, affordable units, this site will fill the vast need of
attainable housing in the County in a location where services are close.

Based on the above justification and attached information, the Applicant respectfully requests
approval of this rezoning to Multifamily Residential (RM)


The Applicant is requesting to utilize the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) to increase the
residential density of the Property. Utilizing the full incentive option, Palm Beach County Planning
staff has determined the maximum density increase available for the Property would be 100%. At
eight (8) dwelling units per acre, the maximum density for the 6.48-acre property is 52 dwelling
units. Using the 100% density bonus, an additional 52 units can be provided. The Applicant is
proposing all of the AHP units to be rental and built on site. Article 5.G.2.D requires all applications
of the AHP over 50% to be reviewed as a Class A conditional use. Article 2.B.7.B required that
eight (8) standards are addressed prior to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. The
Applicant is in compliance with all eight (8) standards as provided below.

A. Consistency with the Plan

The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan Housing Element emphasizes the need for
affordable housing within unincorporated Palm Beach County. According to the data provided
from the Shimberg Center, approximately 16% of households are cost burdened. Therefore, the
Workforce and Affordable Housing density bonus programs have been created to address the
need of the community and further detailed in Policy 1.5-g. As a property within the RRIO, the
plan has distinguished this area as the most in need for affordable development.

B. Consistency with the Code

The proposed Affordable Housing Program development is consistent with the requirements of
the ULDC as specified below.

Article 3: Property Development Regulations (PDRs)

As described above, the Property has an existing Place of Worship that is conforming with the
PDRs of Article 3 and shall be incorporated into the development of the multifamily building.
There is no minimum lot size for the RM district, but there is a requirement for a 65-foot frontage
and 75-foot depth. The site far exceeds the requirements for frontage (455 feet) and depth (666
feet). The building lot coverage can have a maximum of 40% and 10.5 % is proposed.

The multifamily building is 46.5 feet high which is permitted per Article 3.D.1.E.2. The front
setback of 25 feet is measured to the church from Summit Blvd and is being met. The side
setback shall be 11.5 feet additional than code requirements since the building exceeds the
maximum 35 feet requirement by as much. The minimum 36.5-foot setback is being met to the
side street (Haverhill Rd) and the side setback (west property line) of 26.5 feet is far exceeded
with a proposed setback of 78 feet.

Article 4
The application is proposing a 8,600 square foot, 150-seat place of worship and 104-unit
multifamily building. Table 4.A.9.A establishes the development thresholds of residential within
the RM district. Multifamily residential is permitted by right in the RM district with an
underlying HR/8 future land use designation. As the proposed development has more than 16
residential units, the multifamily use will require DRO approval. The place of worship,
described in Art. 4.B.4.C.12, requires DRO approval and access to a collector road. The church
is currently located on an arterial road.

Article 5
Article 5.B.1.A.8- Dumpster-
There is no dumpster proposed for the project as all trash services will be provided within the
building. Maintenance will roll out the dumpster from the trash compactor on pick up days.

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Art. 5.B.1.A.18- Bike Racks-
With 104 residential units, three bike racks are required and three have been provided adjacent
to the building.

Art 5.C Design Standards-

This application has submitted preliminary architectural elevations to meet the criteria of this
section, including the minimum balcony requirement for multifamily buildings, materials,
recesses and projections. A table has been provided on the plan to show the required and
provided elements.

A visual impact analysis has also been provided to meet the regulations of 5.C.1.G. A companion
document has addressed the minor environmental impact, the lack of prevalent architectural
theme in the area, and explains how the architecture will enhance the surrounding area will a
quality look.

Per the calculation, 0.68 acres of recreation area is required on site and 0.71 acres is provided.
The area to the north is alterative recreation since it is not meeting the minimum dimensions but
does meet the minimum size requirement. The location is situated between both uses and with
direct access behind the residential building, including a pool area and pathways between
existing preserved native trees.

Article 5.G.2 details the requirements for the Affordable Housing Program (AHP). The Planning
Division has reviewed this application and utilized Table 5.G.2.E to determine that the property
may be developed with 100% density increase since the location is close to employment centers,
grocery stores and schools.

The Design Requirements of this section are being met as specified below:
1. All AHP Units shall be constructed on site
Response: All units are proposed to be constructed on site.
2. All units shall be designed to a compatible exterior standards as other units within the
development or pod.
Response: All 104 units will be designated affordable.
3. AHP units may be clustered or dispersed throughout the project.
Response: All units are affordable and will be included in the sole proposed building.

Per Table 5.G.2.D, this application is being filed as a Class A Conditional use since over 50%
additional density is being requested.

Art.5.G.2.A Purpose and Intent

“An AHP Applicant elects to provide at a minimum 65 percent of the total number of dwelling
units targeted to households at incomes of 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI) and
below…Consideration may be given to developments requesting income percentage targets that
are different from those previously indicated, based on programmatic requirements imposed by
a governmental agency providing affordable housing funding or another entity with different
programmatic requirements, with the final determination made by the Executive Director of
Planning, Zoning and Building or designee.”
The Applicant is proposing to provide housing within a range of income set-asides varying from
30, 40 and up to, but not to exceed, 70 percent AMI based on government grants and nine
percent, competitive tax credits from FHFC. Per discussion with Planning staff, an agreement
will be entered with Palm Beach County to provide the funding source and income levels once
grants have been awarded. If the funding requires a variation from the minimum 68 units at or
below 60% AMI, a determination will be requested from the Executive Director of PZB or

Article 6:
The application is requesting a parking reduction, through use of a Type 2 variance further
specified in the variance request below.
The Type 2 Variance request is a reduction of 76 (37 percent) parking spaces from the required
258 per Table 6.B.1.B of the ULDC to 182 spaces proposed on site. The required 50 parking
spaces for the Place of Worship will be provided, but the multifamily is requesting a reduction
due to the atypical nature of the use. As age-restricted (55 years and older) rental housing, the
number of persons per unit and cars on site are much less than a typical multifamily residence.
Handicap spaces will be provided near the entrance to the place of worship and the multifamily
buildings. All spaces are 9 ft by 18.5 ft minimum with 26-foot drive aisles.

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Article 7:
The multifamily building is adjacent to other multifamily residences to the west and south,
requiring only a compatibility buffer. The Place of Worship requires a type 2 incompatibility
buffer adjacent to residential. Along the north and east property lines, a 15-foot right-of-way
buffer has been provided, given the size of Haverhill Rd and Summit Blvd. A type 1
incompatibility buffer has been provided on the south side adjacent to the family community

A tree disposition plan has been included which proposes to maintain many of the large slash
pine trees in the central site. A total of 268 native trees exist on site. All of the trees around the
place of worship will remain and tree preservation areas have been proposed to ensure their
survival. A total of 186 (69%) of the existing trees will be preserved.

Article 8:
A Preliminary Master Sign Plan has been submitted with this application that meets the
minimum size, separation and location requirements of Article 8.G.2.C. There is one 200 SF
monument sign provided for the Church building along Summit Blvd. and there is a separate 60
SF monument sign provided for the multifamily along Haverhill at the new entrance. Signage is
meeting required setbacks and will provide 3 ft of foundation plantings at the base. No building
signage is currently proposed.

C. Compatibility with Surrounding Uses

The proposed AHP multifamily building is proposed in an established residential area. The
property is surrounded by a mix of multifamily, commercial and civic/school uses. Several
parcels are developed with multifamily units within a 0.25 miles radius of the property, including
to the immediate west and south. The lower height units within the RS district adjacent to the
proposed higher density units of the RM district, provides for a compatible transition at a major
intersection since both uses are residential. Combining residential with surrounding
commercial/civic uses creates walkable, vibrant neighborhoods with a mix of activities.

West – Directly West of the parcel are existing multifamily duplex residences within the Summit
Trail neighborhood. The proposed use is compatible because both uses are multifamily
residential. Any concerns about height compatibility have been mitigated by exceeding the set-
back standards within the code. The Summit Pines Neighborhood was contacted by the Palm
Beach County CCRT staff for a community meeting coordinated on October 17, 2023. Eleven
members of the public were in attendance. There was generally no opposition to the project,
though a poll was not taken.

South – Directly South of the parcel is an existing congregate living facility zoned RS. This use
is compatible with the proposed RM zoning because both uses are multifamily residential, and
the proposed use of the parcel is age restricted multifamily housing.

East – East of the parcel across from S. Haverhill Road is an existing school zoned RM. The
use is compatible since combining residential with civic uses can create walkable, vibrant
neighborhoods with a mix of activities and can help reduce traffic impacts. In addition, the
existing zoning RM is the same as that being proposed on the subject parcel.

North – North of the parcel across from Summit Blvd is the same RM zoning with an existing
Day Care facility. Directly North of the daycare facility is a parcel zoned RM with an existing
multifamily use.
The construction of multifamily housing in an area surrounded by civic uses and other
multifamily residential blends in effectively. See table above (page 1) for immediate
surrounding uses.

All access to the site will be directly to Summit Blvd or Haverhill Rd, so there are no effects to
existing traffic patterns. The additional units on the Property will be compatible with
surrounding uses as there is a need for additional housing in the area. Because the building meets
the height and setback requirements, the same size structure could be built with fewer, but larger
units inside and have no additional visual impact to the adjacent properties. The place of worship
exists today and will not be amended. A visual impact analysis has been provided with this
application which shows that the view along Summit Blvd will remain almost unchanged as the
church building and existing landscaping will block views to the proposed multifamily building.
The new multifamily building will be visible from Haverhill Rd., but setback approximately 140
feet from edge of pavement and separated by the required perimeter landscape buffers.

The maximum building height is 35 feet, but per Article 3.D.1.E.2. Multifamily buildings within
the RM district may exceed 35 feet if “one additional foot of setback to be provided in addition
to the required setback for each one foot in height, or fraction thereof, over 35 feet”. The

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proposed building is 46.5 feet in height, so an additional 11.5 feet is required for the setback.
Along the west property line, 26.5 feet is required with this condition and 78 feet is provided.
The eastern and western ends of the proposed multifamily building are three stories to provide
a visual stepdown to the one-story residences.

The Peace Village four story multifamily building is proposed to the east of the Summit Trails
neighborhood, consisting of one-story multifamily buildings. To the southwest of Summit Trails
is a three-story multifamily apartment complex that has existed for many years. Peace Village
was designed with the smaller building face oriented to the west to create minimal shadowing
and visual impact to Summit Trails.

Planning Department staff has identified that the site is within an area that is close to community
services, schools, and jobs. In the AHP determination letter, provided in this submittal, the
subject site is applicable to utilize 100% increase in density because it is the best location for
such a use.

A Visual Impact Analysis (VIA) was conducted to reflect the impact to the residences on the
west side of the site. An excerpt from that analysis is provided below for reference. The 52-foot
additional setback is reflected. Not shown is the required 8-foot compatibility landscape buffer
that will be installed along the property line and provide the visual separation of the two uses.




A shadow study was completed to reflect the impacts on the closest properties at different times
of the year. Since the property is to the east of the closest neighbor, the largest potential impact
is in the morning. Below is the shadow cast on October 1st at 8 am. The shadow is barely in
contact with the closest building.

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The only impact found in the shadow study to the residences was at 8am on January 1st where
the corner of the building has a shadow cast on two units.

D. Design Minimizes Adverse Impact

The Property is located at the intersection of a collector and arterial roadway. This location is
ideal for additional multifamily units, serving as infill to existing developed areas. Surrounding
the Property are multifamily and institutional uses that are compatible with the proposed uses in
this application. The access to the site is calculated to have no adverse impact to existing traffic
on the roadways. The existing church property will remain in its current configuration with the
existing parking lot and trees to remain.

The 8,600 square foot church building and all its associated vegetation that currently exists on
the north end of the Property will remain. Only the southern half of the Property will be
developed with the proposed multifamily and associated loss of existing trees. The required
buffers will be landscaped per the requirements of article 7 along all property lines to block the
new building from the existing residential to the immediate west and south, as well as the right
of way. Many large pines and oaks currently on site are proposed to remain between the two
uses and dry detention areas will provide upgraded drainage to mitigate potential flooding
impacts to neighboring parcels.

The new building is also setback 52 additional feet more than required from the west property
line. The building height reduction to 3 stories on the west side provides a visual stepdown
between the 4-story building and the one-story buildings to the west. The visual impact analysis
excerpt above shows the relationship of the proposed building to the existing ones. The building
has been designed to have the smaller façade facing the Haverhill Rd entrance and the residents
on the west side minimizing the number of units that face towards them.

E. Design Minimizes Environmental Impact

The additional AHP units provided on the Property will not have a negative effect on the natural
environment. The site is currently developed and has a mixture of native and invasive tree
species. The proposed multifamily building will replace a section of the site currently vegetated
with invasive species. The layout will allow the portion of the site with large pines and wetland
species to remain as useable open space and recreation. A total of 268 native trees exist on site.
All the trees around the place of worship will remain and tree preservation areas have been
proposed to ensure their survival. A total of 186 (69%) of the existing trees will be preserved.
The remaining trees will be relocated or mitigated according to the tree disposition plan
submitted with this application.

F. Development Patterns
The additional affordable housing units will result in a logical, orderly, and timely development
pattern. Several of the uses surrounding the Property are multifamily residential. The approved
site plan anticipated development of the southern 2.71 acres in 1993 as a phase 2 that never
occurred. The Property has some native vegetation but does not serve as a significant habitat for
wildlife. As affordable housing, this development will provide additional homes for residents of
the area that are closer to their employment and preferred services, improving their quality of
life. This housing development will be built to a high standard of quality and will be
indistinguishable from market-rate housing. This site is located 4 miles from Interstate 95 and 6

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miles from downtown West Palm Beach in a dense area that is already served by utilities and

The Property is within the Urban Redevelopment Area (URA) which is established in the Future
Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. “The purpose of the URA is to focus the
County’s redevelopment and infill efforts by promoting economic growth, improving the
present condition of infrastructure, investment and reinvestment in the area and discouraging
urban sprawl by directing development where resources exist.”

The site is entirely surrounded by parcels zoned High Density Residential (8 Units per acre),
HR-8. This future land use was created for the development of multifamily residential uses and
the subject parcel is not currently utilizing any of its residential development potential. Planning
Department staff has identified that the site is within an area that is close to community services,
schools, and jobs. In the AHP determination letter, provided in this submittal, the subject site is
applicable to utilize 100% increase in density because it is the best location for such a use.

G. Adequate Public Facilities

The proposed rezoning will maintain the utility connection to the Place of Worship. Palm Beach
County provides all public services to the site and utility connections are available along both
Summit Blvd and Haverhill Rd. As shown in the traffic statement, the impacts to the adjacent
roadways will be minimal as the multifamily will be age restricted. This use, along with the
church have traffic peak trips outside the normal peak hour trips along the roadways in the
morning and evening.

H. Changed Conditions or Circumstances

The Applicant is requesting AHP units to provide infill residential development on a site that is
underutilized within the URA. As the demand for affordable housing increases in the county,
the infill sites located close to essential services and employment centers are more desired. The
additional units provided on this site is logical development and furthers the goals of creating
more affordable housing within the county. Most residential development in this area occurred
in the mid-1980s and additional, new multifamily housing units are much needed within the

Based on the above justification and attached information, the Applicant respectfully requests
approval of this Class A Conditional Use for 100% density increase through the Affordable
Housing Program.


As part of this application, the Applicant is requesting a Type II Variance from Table 6.B.1.B. The
Applicant is requesting approval to allow reduction in minimum parking requirements and is
proposing 1.27 parking spaces per multifamily unit in lieu of the required 2.0 spaces per unit
required by code. The proposed parking ratio of 1.25 exceeds the ratios noted in the ITE Parking
Generation Manuel 5th Edition which states “the peak parking demand for age restricted (55 years
and older) multi-family apartment (Land Use #252) units is 0.61 parking spaces per unit.”

The Type 2 Variance request is a reduction of 76 (37 percent) parking spaces from the required
258 per Table 6.B.1.B of the ULDC to 182 spaces proposed on site. The required 50 parking
spaces for the existing Place of Worship will be provided, but the multifamily is requesting a
reduction due to the atypical nature of the use. As age-restricted (55 years and older) rental
housing, the number of persons per unit and cars on site are much less than a typical multifamily
residence. The request is included the table below:

Variance Required Provided Variance Date/
Multifamily; 1.75 spaces
Table 6.B.1.B. 132 Parking 37% reduction of the
per unit (182 spaces) and 1
- Min. Parking Spaces required parking
1 guest space per 4 units (26 TBD
and Loading (Multifamily spaces (76 parking
Requirements residential use) spaces)
Total of 208 Spaces.

This request is further justified by the Applicant’s internal parking demand analysis for similar
age restricted affordable housing communities, which it has developed and still operates. The
following table provides the existing parking demand for four (4) of the Applicant’s communities
across Florida, developed as age-restricted and 100% affordable. Burlington Post and Burling
Place are in the City of St. Petersburg, Forest Ridge is in unincorporated Citrus County, and

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Auburn Village is in unincorporated Polk County. The parking counts are accurate as every
resident is required to register their vehicle. The analysis results in an average operating demand
of 1.06 spaces per unit when including assumed guest parking of 1 space per 4 units, consistent
with the Palm Beach County ULDC.

Parking Demand Analysis

Burlington Burlington Forest Auburn Peace Village
Community Place Post Ridge Village Average (Proposed)
Residential Units 53 86 119 102 90 104
Registered tenant vehicles 54 68 90 67 70 104
Guest Parking- 1 space per 4 units
(assumed) 13 22 30 26 23 26
Demand (registered
Total Parking
vehicles + guest) 67 90 120 93 93 130
Provided 80 101 152 141 119 132

Demand (registered
Parking spaces
vehicles + guest) 1.27 1.04 1.01 0.91 1.06 1.25
per unit
Provided 1.51 1.17 I 1.28 I 1.38 1.34 1.27

A. Special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to the parcel of land,
building or structure, that are not applicable to other parcels of land, structures or
buildings in the same district.
Special conditions and circumstances exist for this Property that are not applicable to other
properties in the same zoning district. The Property received site plan approval for a place of
worship in 1995. The request to keep the church site intact and add affordable housing has resulted
in a small area to provide the required open space, drainage, and minimum tree preservation. The
nature of the use is also unique from most other residential uses within the RM zoning district.
The multifamily building is 100% affordable, age-restricted, rental apartments. Ninety-five (95)
percent of the proposed units are one-bedroom which will typically accommodate a single adult
or a couple. Since they are affordable units, it is increasingly rare for a couple to have more than
one car, and some will have no car at all, given that all of the residents will make less than $48,167
per year (70% AMI for PBC 2023). The Palm Beach County ULDC currently requires a total
of two spaces per unit (including guests) with only a 15% reduction allowed through a waiver.
Additionally, the ITE parking standards established for age-restricted (55 years and older)
communities anticipates 0.61 cars are required per residential unit, less than half of the requested
number of spaces in this application.

B. Special circumstances and conditions do not result from the actions of the applicant.
As previously mentioned, the Property has an existing approved site plan that limits the
dimensions provided for the multifamily building to be able to accommodate drainage, tree
preservation and minimum recreation area as required by the ULDC. Special conditions and
circumstances exist on the property which prevent the Applicant from providing the required
number of parking spaces. These conditions do not result from the actions of the Applicant
as the parcel is located within the C-51 basin, requiring additional drainage above and beyond
typical requirements. The recreation area is also required by Palm Beach County Parks and
Recreation Department to be provided entirely on site due to the lack of facilities in the
immediate area. Additionally, the parcel has many large trees and ten (10) can be preserved
with the reduction in parking. The variance to the minimum parking requirement will easily
accommodate the place of worship and the multifamily uses while providing for extra on-site
amenities with large trees to provide a better quality of life for the residents.

The Affordable Housing Program and Workforce Housing Program have been established in
the Comprehensive Plan to allow up to 100% increase in the number of units for properties
that are infill and near neighborhood services. This increase in density has not been carried
through to the regulations provided within the ULDC for parking allowances. The amount of
parking required does not differentiate between income levels, location, or the end user of the
multifamily development. After discussions with County staff, Commissioners and other
developers of affordable housing, there have been numerous requests for deviations from the
minimum parking requirements. Currently, the County staff is in process of reviewing text
changes which would allow a reduction in parking minimums for affordable developments.
Because the text changes have not yet been adopted, the only reduction in parking permitted
by the ULDC is the 15% waiver, so this development needs to seek a variance as the only
mechanism to provide all required site elements.

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C. Granting the variance shall not confer upon the applicant any special privilege denied
by the Plan and this Code to other parcels of land, buildings, or structures, in the same
The granting of this variance will not confer any special privilege denied by the
comprehensive plan or the unified land development code to other parcels of land, buildings,
or structures in the same zoning district. Variances are meant to provide for relief in the strict
code regulations when a unique situation or specific use necessitates flexibility of the
regulations. Other multifamily residential apartments need the minimum parking that is
required by the code, but the specific nature of this requested affordable, age-restricted use
eliminates the large parking need typical of multifamily. As there is no delineation specified
in the ULDC between multiple-bedroom multifamily rental apartments and age-restricted or
affordable units, there is a need to treat the uses differently. The only way to get relief for the
typical parking standards is to request a variance.

The site is also located within the RRIO and Summit Pines CCRT which have been delineated
by Palm Beach County to support redevelopment and infill because of the proximity to
neighborhood services. Since it is a developed site, granting the parking variance should
encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation, whether carpooling or using Palm
Tran Bus Route 4 with a stop directly adjacent to the site.

D. Literal interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of this Code would
deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other parcels of land in the same
district and would work an unnecessary and undue hardship.
The literal interpretation of the code will require a total of 2 parking spaces per residential
unit to be provided on site. The minimum requirement for the place of worship is 50 spaces,
which will be provided around the structure. A minimum 208 parking spaces are required for
the multifamily use. Based on other similar facilities around Florida utilizing 1.06 spaces per
unit, the Applicant anticipates approximately 110 spaces will be required for this
development. Most residents only have one car, and some will have no car at all, utilizing the
bus, friends, and relatives for transportation. The site is located directly adjacent to Palm Tran
Bus Stop 1459 along Route 4 which runs along Haverhill Rd from Riviera Beach to Lake
Worth, connecting to numerous other bus routes heading east and west to major employment
centers. All residents will be income restricted to below 70 percent AMI ($48,167 per year in
2023) which leaves little room in a couple’s income to afford more than one vehicle.
Constructing almost 100 extra parking spaces on the site would restrict the proper drainage
required within the C-51 basin and eliminate many of the existing large native canopy trees.
Additionally, the ITE standards, specified in the provided parking analysis, state that a
minimum of 0.61 spaces are needed per unit, which would be a minimum of 63 spaces.

E. Granting the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable
use of the parcel of land, building or structure.
This request for a variance to provide fewer parking spaces will make reasonable use of the
Property and will not create any adverse impacts on surrounding uses. The provided site plan
has been redesigned with the minimum requirements met for tree preservation, recreational
space, and drainage areas. Additional parking can only be added to the site with an entire
parking row added to the south of the multifamily building, reducing the size of all drainage
and recreation areas. The amount of parking provided exceeds the needs of the facility and
will result in a higher quality product and reduced environmental impacts.

F. Granting the variance will be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies
of the Plan and this Code.
The proposed variance will be consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and policies of
the Plan and this Code. Through this application, the Applicant is providing affordable
housing to the County during a time of intense demand and little supply. All 104 units will
provide housing to older residents living at or below 70% of the median household income.
In 2023, 70 percent of the average median income in Palm Beach County is $48,167 per year.
The developer of the facility will be utilizing state grants and tax credits to fund the project.
The reduced price of construction will help to address the increased construction costs of the
site and provide this much needed product efficiently.

The reduction in parking promotes the use of public transportation and ride sharing. The
ULDC does not permit a reduction of parking spaces greater than 15% for any property, but
also does not specifically differentiate between various multifamily users, as other zoning
codes do. For example, the City of West Palm Beach requires 1.75 spaces per one-bedroom
unit (Table XV-6), but there is an allowance for a 50% reduction if the project is age-
restricted, resulting in a required 0.875 spaces per unit.

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The reduction of 76 parking spaces is not anticipated to be necessary by the reduced parking
analysis provide by the traffic engineer, the Applicant’s parking demand analysis, or other
local code regulations. The reduction of impervious area will save existing trees and reduce
the urban heat island effect in the neighborhood.

This area is within the URA and RRIO, but 2000 feet west of the Urban Core transect that
would provide leniency to the strict code requirements. The Westgate Community
Redevelopment Area Overlay (WCRAO) requires 1 space per unit for 1 bedroom multifamily
residential, plus guest parking, for a total of 1.25 spaces per unit (Table 3.B.14.I). This
application for 1.27 spaces per unit is consistent with the WCRAO regulations. Additionally,
those regulations apply to all multifamily developments, regardless of age or income. Though
the Property is outside of the WCRAO, it is only 2.5 miles south, so the demographics are
similar. According to the 2020 United States Census, the WCRAO is made up of census tract
29 and 30, with an average age of 30.75 and median household income of $48,900. The
subject Property is located within census tract 40.08 with an average age of 35.3 and median
household income of $50,000.

G. Granting the variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental
to the public welfare.
The proposed variance, if granted, will not be injurious to the area involved or detrimental to
the public welfare. The proposed development will increase the supply of affordable housing
to the residents of Palm Beach County, allow for the preservation of many of the existing
native canopy trees, create a recreational amenity with large shade trees, provide adequate
drainage, co-locate the use with an existing Place of Worship, and create multifamily housing
directly adjacent to a Palm Tran stop. The Property is near other multifamily units all within
a redevelopment and revitalization area of the County. The building height, setbacks, and
landscaping will meet all code requirements to create total compatibility with adjacent uses.
There is no precedent in other zoning codes, other locations operated by the developer, or in
the ITE parking standards that would require more than 1.25 spaces per unit at this location.

The Planning Division conducted a sector analysis within the submitted determination letter.
Staff analyzed the relation of employment centers, necessary services, and public transit
options to determine that the Property is applicable to apply a 100% density bonus through
the AHP. The Property location reduces the need for individual car ownership. Because all
residents within the development will be making less than $48,167 per year (70% AMI, per
PBC data 2023), it is unlikely any resident will own multiple vehicles. Therefore, the
reduction in parking spaces is not anticipated to create a detrimental impact to the immediate

Based on the above justification and attached information, the Applicant respectfully requests
approval of this Type II Variance for reduction in parking spaces.

Peace Village
App. No. ZV/ABN/Z/CA-2023-00669 Page 61

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