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Corporate and Product Carbon Footprint

under Compound Hybrid Analysis
Application to a Spanish Timber Company
Sergio Alvarez,1 Maria-Angeles Tobarra,2 and Jorge-Enrique Zafrilla 2

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Department of Land Morphology and Engineering, Madrid, Spain
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Department of Economic Analysis and Finance, Albacete, Spain

carbon emissions
corporate environmental reporting The European Union (EU) is advancing steadily toward the stabilization of atmospheric
environmental input-output analysis greenhouse gas concentrations. Various sectors are now obliged to make reductions, and
hybrid life-cycle assessment new policies based on the carbon footprint are being encouraged. However, voluntary
input-output life cycle assessment reporting of so-called scope 3 emissions is hindering successful implementation of these
policies. In this study, we present a tiered hybrid analysis to report emissions according
timber company
to the ISO/TR 14069 standards and to obtain complete measures of scope 3 emissions.
A process analysis for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions is complemented with a multire-
Supporting information is linked gional input-output analysis for upstream scope 3 emissions. This novel approach is applied
to this article on the JIE website to the case study of a Spanish timber company. Its total carbon footprint in 2011 was
783,660 kilograms of carbon-dioxide equivalent, of which 88% correspond to scope
3 emissions. These emissions are globally distributed; 71% are from European countries,
followed by 8% from emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Australia, and
Turkey), 5% from China, and, finally, 16% from the rest of the world. We identify and discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of this novel approach, the European implementation of
which could be highly effective in reducing global carbon emissions.

Introduction international trade have not been considered (Hertwich and

Peters 2009). This frame allows developed countries to re-
The recent Paris Agreement has encouraged international
duce their production-based emissions while net global emis-
commitments to reduce national greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
sions continue to grow due to increases in developing coun-
sions. As many as 148 of the 197 countries represented at the
tries (Kander et al. 2015). The challenge of climate change
2015 Paris Climate Convention have ratified the common cause
requires the implementation of all available strategies. There-
of fighting climate change (United Nations 2015). However,
fore, consumption-based or carbon footprinting schemes are
the Paris Agreement establishes the same emissions respon-
needed to counteract the international rise of global emissions,
sibility allocation criteria as did the former Kyoto Protocol,
and it is crucial to identify as many responsible agents as possible
and the inventories are based on production-based guidelines
(Hoekstra and Wiedmann 2014).
outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The European Union (EU) is advancing steadily toward
(IPCC) (IPCC 2006). Once again, the emissions embedded in
the stabilization of atmospheric GHG concentrations. The

Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Address correspondence to: Jorge-Enrique Zafrilla, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Plaza de la Universidad, 1, Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, 02071, Spain. Email:; Web:

© 2018 by Yale University

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12759 Editor managing review: Richard Wood

Volume 00, Number 0 Journal of Industrial Ecology 1


most recent commitments based on the effort-sharing directive by the (formerly “Climate Disclosure Project” [CDP]) (CDP
(406/2009/EC) assume reductions in both regulated sectors and 2016) particularly target large multinational corporations that
diffuse sectors. Diffuse sectors correspond to all economic activi- control most of the required operations and can presumably
ties that do not fall under the emissions trading scheme. Despite enforce disclosure on their suppliers’ data. Small-medium en-
these efforts, relevant countries such as Spain are heading for terprises need new methods that allow the fast estimation of
a breach of their commitments. According to forecasts by the scope 3 emissions based on their own data and country-related
Spanish Office of Climate Change, Spanish emissions in diffuse statistics (Alvarez and Rubio 2015b; Teh et al. 2017). Finally,
sectors will exceed the 2020 target by 54 million tonnes (Mt)1 the methodological divergence between product CF and corpo-
of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 -eq.) (MAGRAMA 2014). rate CF prevents consumer confidence in footprint information
Individual corporations have an important role to play if this (Alvarez and Rubio 2015a; Wiedmann et al. 2011; Navarro
breach is to be avoided. To this end, various national and in- et al. 2017). This divergence is clear in the agreements reached
ternational institutions have proposed standards or guidelines2 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
(Huang et al. 2009; Downie and Stubbs 2013). The Spanish such as ISO/TS 14067 and ISO/TR 14069 (ISO 2013a, 2013b).
Government has also encouraged new agreements based on Under these circumstances, some authors have called for the
the carbon footprint (CF) indicator. The Royal Decree 163 inclusion of an integrated approach valid for both the product
(2014) stands out among them, which created a Public National and corporate domains (Schaltegger and Csutora 2012; Scipioni
Register for CF projects. et al. 2012). Moreover, recent studies offer specific guidelines for
The CF is a consumption-based indicator capable of measur- an integrated approach that is consistent with ISO/TS 14067
ing both the direct and indirect GHG emissions produced by a and ISO/TR 14069 (Alvarez et al. 2016).
specific activity (Hoesly et al. 2012; Wiedmann and Minx 2007; Hybrid analyses may offer a solution that captures the advan-
Peters 2010). It is an active research topic with a large number tages of both process and EEIO analyses for completeness and
of methodologies currently underway in several countries (Liu consistency in CF quantification (Suh and Nakamura 2007).
et al. 2015; Peters 2010; Wiedmann et al. 2011). Tradition- Hybrid methods (also known as hybrid input-output [I-O]/life
ally, inventories were built with bottom-up methods such as cycle assessment [LCA]) cover a full spectrum of possible com-
process analysis, which defines and describes flows in physical binations, from pure process analysis to pure EEIO analysis (Suh
and energy units (Majeau-Bettez et al. 2011). However, recent et al. 2004). Overall, possible hybrid analyses can be classified
advances use environmentally extended input-output (EEIO) as follows: (1) tiered hybrid analysis (Suh et al. 2004), (2) I-O–
analysis (Lenzen et al. 2014). This method comprises a top- based hybrid analysis (Suh and Huppes 2005), (3) integrated
down approach that applies economic environmental account- hybrid analysis (Wiedmann et al. 2011), and (4) structural path
ing frameworks to define and describe flows in monetary units analysis (Lenzen and Crawford 2009; Lenzen and Murray 2009).
(Minx et al. 2009). Among its latest advances, EEIO analysis Other proposals that use tables in physical units are also con-
can capture the whole life cycle impact of products and ser- sidered hybrid analysis; however, they differ from the previous
vices across national and international supply chains (Suh and approaches in that they do not use process data and therefore in-
Huppes 2005). However, both approaches have significant pos- clude no bottom-up method (Wiedmann et al. 2011). Although
itive and negative aspects (Alvarez and Rubio 2015a). For in- these advances are considered “state of the art” (Goldhammer
stance, process analysis is considered appropriate when model- et al. 2017), hybrid methods have not yet become standard prac-
ing specific systems (Finkbeiner 2009), but it runs the risk of tice for CF (Majeau-Bettez et al. 2011; Wolfram et al. 2016).
system boundary incompleteness due to the exclusion of impor- In this situation, new methods are needed for CF quan-
tant elementary product and waste flows (Alvarez and Rubio tification that (1) comprehensively include scope 3 emissions,
2015a; Crawford 2005; Murray et al. 2011). In contrast, EEIO (2) are feasible and affordable for small-medium enterprises, and
analysis is primarily used to overcome data availability issues, (3) are valid for both product CF (ISO/TS 14067) and corporate
but it has to address a high level of aggregation (Majeau-Bettez CF (ISO/TR 14069). To this end, the present study develops a
et al. 2011) and problems such as data age, price uncertainty, compound hybrid approach combining detailed process analysis
and lack of information on waste management (Kjaer et al. for scope 1 and 2 emissions and EEIO analysis for scope 3 emis-
2015; Navarro et al. 2017). sions in a tiered hybrid analysis. To an extent, our approach is
Other methodological issues in the CF indicator should be similar to that of previous studies (Kjaer et al. 2015; Teh et al.
highlighted. First, the debate analyzing and considering scope 2017), but it is extended with a structural path analysis (Lenzen
3 emissions is extensive.3 It is important to take into ac- and Crawford 2009) in a multiregional input-output (MRIO)
count voluntary emissions for two main reasons: (1) In most context that fulfills ISO requirements for product footprint-
industries, scope 3 emissions constitute the largest portion ing. Both extensions allow us to improve the determination
of total emissions (approximately 75%) (Busch 2010, 2011; of the environmental importance of global supply chains. This
Murray et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2009; Kjaer et al. 2015), and method unravels the Leontief inverse matrix by decomposing
(2) if companies only focus on reducing scope 1 and 2 emis- all supply chains (Lenzen and Crawford 2009) by country or
sions, we may face the “pollution haven” problem that occurs in region of origin of the inputs required in the production pro-
country analysis (López et al. 2013). Second, the international cess. These extensions constitute the central contribution of our
guidelines and communication programs such those promoted methodology, which accounts for world trade and can pinpoint

2 Journal of Industrial Ecology


where the CF emissions for a company and product are actually inputs. Thus, this C p matrix does not influence the conven-
produced. To date, such measures have only been applied to the tional process analysis; we account for only for direct emissions.
country or industry emissions (Wiedmann et al. 2011; Lenzen The C p→io matrix responds to the need to include indirect
et al. 2004; Wiebe et al. 2012; Wiedmann 2009; Skelton 2013; emissions that have not been previously considered in conven-
Liang et al. 2016). Moreover, the method is applied to data tional process analysis. This matrix is built from the L matrix
from a Spanish timber company and its products to serve as a (Leontief inverse matrix5 ), including columns (economic sec-
guide for effective future implementations. tors) that are related to the processes described in the y p vector
(e.g., the electricity, gas, and water supply sector). To prevent
double counting (i.e., adding previously included, direct emis-
Materials and Methods sions in the conventional process analysis), the coefficient as-
sociated with the intrinsic demand of processes included in y p
Method Description
is changed to zero. Finally, this L matrix is used to include all
The compound hybrid analysis is a combination of a tiered other indirect activity. The emissions factors (e p , e p→io and e io )
hybrid analysis and structural path analysis. First, the tiered correspond to the direct emissions for each type of activity data.
hybrid analysis calculates an in-depth corporate CF according Therefore, no indirect emissions are included in these factors
to ISO/TR 14069. (See the Supporting Information available because indirect emissions are already considered in the coeffi-
on the Journal’s website.) The structural path analysis then cient matrices. The results yield a comprehensive corporate CF
distributes it among the processes of products dispatched to the estimate that follows ISO/TR 14069 requirements. Equation
market to estimate the partial product CF according to ISO/TS (2) shows the classification of total emissions according to the
14067. 23 categories described in ISO/TR 14069:
The tiered hybrid analysis is based on a three-tiered ma- ⎡ ⎤
Scope 1 a nd 2(ca t. 1 to 7) 0 0
trix, where the conventional I-O table in monetary units is ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
extended with databases derived from both process analysis and E =⎢ 0 Scope 3(cat. 8) 0 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
EEIO analysis. Thus, three areas are clearly defined without a 0 0 Scope 3(cat. 9 to 16 and 23)
correlation between them, as shown in equation (1):
⎡ p ⎤⎡ ⎤
C 0 0 yp
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ Following the tiered hybrid analysis, the process of prod-
E = [ e p e p→io e io ] ⎣ 0 C p→io 0 ⎦ ⎣ y p→io ⎦ (1) uct CF quantification begins. First, a functional unit—or func-
0 0 L y io tional units in cases of multifunctionality—must be defined.
The total quantity of partial product CF (i.e., from cradle
Equation (1) depicts three sets of variables that come to- to gate) can then be estimated by dividing the total corpo-
gether to build final total emissions (E). The variables are, rate CF by the total amount of functional units dispatched
from right to left, activity data, coefficient matrices, and emis- to the market in the time span under study. Second, a struc-
sions factors. Starting with activity data, the y p vector involves tural path analysis is used to fulfill the ISO/TS 14067 require-
all activities owned or controlled by an organization that are ments related to process mapping and system boundaries. This
responsible for direct emissions (scope 1) or for indirect emis- method applies a power series expansion of the inverse follow-
sions from the generation of purchased electricity, heat or steam ing (Waugh 1950), as previously used by Baboulet and Lenzen
(scope 2). These data must be introduced in physical and energy (2010), Strømman and collegaues (2009), and Zafrilla and col-
units. The y p→io vector denotes the economic value associated leagues (2014). As equation (3) shows, scope 3, those related
with the previously described activities (scope 1 and 2), which to categories 9 to 16 and 23, emissions are distributed among
must be introduced in monetary units. Finally, the y io vector individual components that add up to both the value chain and,
describes all other activities owned or controlled by the or- consequently, the supply chain of products dispatched to the
ganization in monetary units: that is, all operational expenses market:
and investments that are not captured in the y p→io vector.
To fulfill ISO/TR 14069 requirements, this vector should be E scope3(cat. 9 to 16 and 23) = e io L y io = e io (I − A)−1 y io
specific for each ISO category, from category 9 to category 16 ∞

and finally category 23, as defined by the ISO.4 We must note = e io (I + A + A2 + · · · + An ) y io = e io An y io (3)
that, by including the y io vector, we capture the upstream scope n=0
3 emissions (all emissions generated, direct and indirectly, by
producing all inputs required by the firm). We do not consider Importantly, the A matrix is defined not to include the
downstream scope 3 emissions (e.g., emissions from use and effects of emissions generation both within a firm directly
end-of-life (EoL) phases of products dispatched to the market). (scope 1), from the use of electricity (scope 2) and from in-
Coefficient matrices express total supply-chain requirements to direct energy requirements (scope 3 category 8). Thus, the cor-
add the indirect activity related to the direct activity previously responding layers we calculate only refer to the remaining scope
described. In the compound hybrid method, the C p matrix 3 emissions, unlike other studies that use structural path analysis
is an identity matrix that only adds direct physical or energy (Lenzen and Murray 2009; Wiedmann et al. 2009).

Alvarez et al., Corporate and Product Carbon Footprint 3


Method Implementation following stages: (1) forest harvest, (2) transport to sawmill,
(3) sawmill, (4) transport to manufacturing, (5) manufacture,
The present study’s method requires the use of country-
and (6) transport to the consumer. Figure 1 shows the flowchart
related databases for the selection of emissions factors and co-
describing the phases and relevant processes. Note that some
efficient matrices. Activity data commonly correspond to cor-
data from figure 1 will be explained in the Results section.
porate inventories on an annual basis, but data on a specific
project, event, service, or territory may also be related to a
specific time span. These data are divided into scope 1: fossil
fuel consumption─physical data─; scope 2: electricity, heat or
steam consumption─energy data─; and scope 3: operational ex- Corporate Carbon Footprint
penses and investments─monetary data─. Coefficient matrices
In this section, we present the results in terms of emissions
are built using MRIO databases. In this study, the multiregional
for our case study, in total numbers, by scopes, consumption
World Input-Output Database (WIOD) is used (Timmer et al.
categories, and geographical origin. According to our hybrid
2015). This database presents information for 40 regions and
analysis, the total cumulative corporate CF is 783,660 kg CO2 -
one Rest of World (RoW) region. The sectoral aggregation is 35
eq. Table 1 illustrates the relevance of the different scopes
industries (goods and services). The C p→io matrix is built by se-
and consumption categories. Direct GHG emissions (scope 1)
lecting from the same database those sectors related to fossil fuel
account for 50,578 kg CO2 -eq, or 6.45% of total CF, and en-
and electricity data. In this study, three sectors were considered:
ergy/electricity indirect GHG emissions (scope 2) amount to
(1) “Internal transport” for mobile combustion; (2) “Machin-
39,275 kg CO2 -eq, representing 5.01% of total CF. The rest
ery, not elsewhere classified” for stationary combustion; and
of the emissions, totaling 693,806 kg CO2 -eq, are indirectly
(3) “Electricity, gas and water” for electricity consumption.
generated in production processes spanning the whole, global
Finally, emissions factors should come from well-established
production chain. This result implies that scope 3 emissions
databases, such as those reported for national GHG inventories
represent more than 88% of total CF, which is compatible with
(IPCC 2006). In this study, the direct emissions for electricity,
findings by Huang and colleagues (2009) that reported more
heat, and steam consumption were obtained from the Spanish
than 70% for the global sector of forest products and printing.
Office of Climate Change (OECC 2015).
Previous literature has shown that the share of total CF repre-
sented by scope 3 emissions can vary widely across industries
and depends on the disaggregation considered (Huang et al.
Case Sudy and Functional Unit
2009; Downie and Stubbs 2013). In our case study, the use of
The case study in this paper is a Spanish timber corporation compound hybrid analysis helps us to understand not only the
specializing in wooden parquets. The corporation is located in direct domestic emissions generated under the corporation’s re-
the Guadalajara Province (Spain) and employs approximately sponsibility, but also the total dragging effect generated globally
30 workers. It is a family-owned business that has become one in the intermediate goods and services the corporation acquires
of the leading companies in the sector. The temporal and op- to produce its final goods.
erational boundaries are determined by all the activities the It is also possible to analyze the information about total CF
company controlled in the year 2011. During this period, op- by consumption categories, regardless of the scope (figure 2).
erational expenses and investments reached 2.2 million euros. Because of the corporation’s activity, the main sector responsi-
The studied activity comprises the manufacturing stage of the ble for total CF is Wood Products, accounting for 38% of total
final product, covering all processes from sawn timber acquisi- emissions. This result is consistent with the structure of in-
tion to final transportation. Detailed data were obtained from puts required in the production process because more than 30%
the various responsible units (commercial, transport, operation, of the total intermediate inputs come from the Timber sector
and human). In many cases, it was necessary to interpret specific (table 1). Machinery is the second most polluting sector with
invoices to obtain physical data and to assign them correctly to more than 29% of total CF; it represents the highest expendi-
the different accounting and consumption categories. Table 1 ture in inputs, comprising more than 38% of total expenditures
shows the activity data and CF results according to consumption (table 1). The third main polluting sector is Chemicals and
categories and scopes. Chemicals Products, which accounts for 9%. These three top
Following the compound hybrid method, a cradle-to-gate categories together account for almost 76% of total CF, and
life cycle model is developed from the corporate CF. The final all of them correspond to scope 3 emissions. That is, they are
product consists of a multilayer parquet with three layers of not directly related to scope 1 and 2 emissions. This finding
wood that are glued together. The top layer is made of hardwood again reinforces our previous conclusion that the estimation of
and usually has a surface protector of gloss or matt lacquer. The indirect effects in the production process allows us to provide
middle and backing layers are made of softwood and properly a more detailed emissions inventory for the corporation under
overlapped for dimensional stability. The multilayer parquet is study. Meanwhile, scope 1 and 2 consumption categories move
lacquered and shipped to site, ready to be installed immediately to a fourth and fifth place, respectively: Diesel in mobile com-
after purchase. A functional unit of 1 square meter (m2 ) of bustion (7%) and Electricity generation (6%). The remaining
wood floor covering, 14 millimeters thick, is considered in the consumption categories, all belonging to scope 3, account for

4 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 1 Activity data (L, kWh, €) and carbon footprint (kg CO2 -eq) by consumption categories and scopes

Scope Category (units) Inputs kg CO2 -eq

1. Direct emissions (L)

1.1. Diesel in mobile combustion 20,467.9 50,578.2
2. Indirect emissions (kWh)
2.1. Electricity 119,017.0 39,275.6
3. Other indirect emissions (€)
3.1. Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing — —
3.2. Mining and Quarrying — —
3.3. Food, Beverages and Tobacco 3,038.9 1,481.3
3.4. Textiles and Textile Products 192.0 72.4
3.5. Leather and Footwear 1,451.8 422.0
3.6. Wood and Products of Wood and Cork 673,490.0 296,943.8
3.7. Pulp; Paper; Paper Printing and Publishing 7,023.2 2,360.2
3.8. cat. 8 Coke, Refined Petroleum and Nuclear Fuel 25,932.8 5,055.1
3.9. Chemicals and Chemical Products 136,065.7 69,669.8
3.10. Rubber and Plastics 5,521.7 1,910.1
3.11. Other Non-Metallic Mineral — —
3.12. Basic Metals and Fabricated Metal 1,490.2 664.8
3.13. Machinery, Nec 836,112.2 228,588.2
3.14. Electrical and Optical Equipment — —
3.15. Transport Equipment — —
3.16. Manufacturing, Nec; Recycling 47,003.3 13,538.7
3.17. cat. 8 Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 19,518.8 4,740.3
3.18. Construction 8,847.4 2,159.9
3.19. Sale, Maint. and Repair of Motor Vehicles; Retail Sale of Fuel — —
3.20. Wholesale Trade and Commission Trade 49,521.5 8,283.8
3.21. Retail Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles; Repair of Household Goods 145.2 18.4
3.22. Hotels and Restaurants — —
3.23. Inland Transport 18,247.4 9,674.7
3.24. Water Transport 6,247.2 2,725.9
3.25. Air Transport 4,969.3 5,399.0
3.26. Other Supporting and Auxiliary Transport Activities — —
3.27. Post and Telecommunications 9,960.0 1,541.7
3.28. Financial Intermediation 52,965.0 2,779.9
3.29. Real Estate Activities 35,712.4 3,565.8
3.30. Renting of M&Eq and Other Business Activities 65,536.8 7,454.5
3.31. Public Admin and Defence; Compulsory Social Security 208,671.0 24,435.3
3.32. Education 6,400.0 321.0
3.33. Health and Social Work — —
3.34. Other Community, Social and Personal Services — —
3.35. Private Households with Employed Persons — —

Total 783,660.4

Note: 3.8 and 3.17 sectors are those corresponding to scope 3 category 8 indirect emissions not included as scope 1 and 2 direct emissions. In relation to
equations (1), (2), and (3) above, numbers provided in this table for inputs (first column) in sectors 1.1 and 2.1 are y p , in sectors 3.8 and 3.17 are y p→i o
and the rest of the column is y i o . Cells that contain no data are sectors included in the accounting method but without input data for the specific case
L = liters; kWh = kilowatt-hours; kg CO2 -eq = kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent.

the remaining 11% of total CF, and they are mainly concen- within EU borders, only 71% (486,368 kg CO2 -eq) of total
trated in Public Administration, Inland Transport, and Other scope 3 emissions are generated within those borders: 40% is
Industrial sectors. produced inside Spain (271,189kg CO2 -eq) and 31% in the rest
While all scope 1 and 2 emissions are domestically produced, of EU countries (215,178 kg CO2 -eq). The remaining scope 3
the environmentally extended MRIO model used in this paper emissions (29%) are generated in non-EU regions (199,006 kg
allows us to track the geographical distribution of scope 3 emis- CO2 -eq), which can be divided into BRIIAT6 countries (8%),
sions (685,375 kg CO2 -eq). Our results (figure 3) show that China (5%), NAFTA (3%), and East Asia (1%). The remain-
although 100% of direct inputs for the corporation is acquired ing footprint originates in the RoW region (12%), an assorted

Alvarez et al., Corporate and Product Carbon Footprint 5


Transport to Transport to Transport to

Forest harvest Sawmill Manufacturer
Sawmill manufacturer consumer

Parquet at Scope 1 + Parquet at

Direct Roundwood Sandwood
plant Scope 3 consumer
1.08 kg 1.65 kg 4.50 kg
10.70 kg transport 11.20 kg
Scope 1 + 0.50 kg
Fuel (direct
Indirect Transport Scope 3 Machinery
0.57 kg 0.24 kg transport 3.26 Kg
0.48 kg
0.33 kg
Glues /
0.92 kg
0.97 kg
Other Scope 1 +
suppliers Scope 3
1.21 kg electricity
0.56 kg
1.08 kg

Figure 1 Flowchart including all relevant processes. Units: kg CO2 -eq per functional unit. kg CO2 -eq = kilograms of carbon dioxide

Inland transport Renng of M&Eq and Other Acvies Public admin, defence and social security
1% 1% 3%

Wholesale trade and retail sale of fuel

Rest of service sectors
2% Wood products

Rest of industrial sectors Machinery

1% Chemicals and chemical products
Manufacturing, Nec; Recycling Wood products Diesel in mobile combuson
2% 38%
Diesel in mobile combuson Electricity
Manufacturing, Nec; Recycling

Rest of industrial sectors

Chemicals and chemical products
9% Wholesale trade and retail sale of fuel

Inland transport

Renng of M&Eq and Other Acvies

Public admin, defence and social security

Rest of service sectors


Figure 2 Consumption categories for scope 3 emissions in the corporate carbon footprint.

group of countries provided by WIOD. These results show how differentiate (1) layers of production, (2) consumption cate-
globally intertwined our production systems are and how their gories, and (3) geographic location.
leakages can be conveniently captured by the MRIO model. The differentiation between layers of production is the re-
China’s role is logically due to its trade in manufactured prod- sult of a raw application of the power series expansion of the
ucts, while the role of BRIIAT (Russia in particular) and RoW Leontief matrix. The results show the interdependence between
is based on energy inputs and raw materials. the levels of suppliers (figure 4). The direct emissions from the
first layer of production (i.e., direct emissions from suppliers
of the organization or results from equation e i o I y i o ) repre-
Product Carbon Footprint
sent 12% of the total scope 3 emissions. The remaining pro-
In this section, we provide results for the functional unit as duction layers amount to 88% of the total scope 3 emissions.
defined above in the Case Study and Functional Unit section, Within these emissions, the direct emissions from the second
rather than for the corporation as a whole. According to the layer of production (i.e., direct emissions from the suppliers’
compound hybrid analysis, the total cumulative product CF for suppliers or results from equation e i o Ay i o ) account for 32%
the defined functional unit is 11.20 kgCO2 - eq/m2 . This figure of the total scope 3 emissions. Finally, the third (e i o A2 y i o ),
is the result of dividing the corresponding corporate CF by the fourth (e i o A3 y i o ), and remaining layers ( ∞ io n io
n=4 e A y ) rep-
total production of functional units. It can be unraveled using resent 22%, 14%, and 20%, respectively, of total scope 3 emis-
the proposed structural path analysis and the MRIO model to sions. As we can see, emissions do not decline quickly as we

6 Journal of Industrial Ecology



East Asia Spain Europe
40% China NAFTA

East Asia BRIIAT



Figure 3 Geographical location of scope 3 emissions in corporate carbon footprint. BRIIAT = Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Australia, and
Turkey; NAFTA = USA, Canada, and Mexico; East Asia = Japan, North Korea, and Taiwan; RoW = Rest of World.

Rest of suppliers Suppliers 1st layer

20% 12%

Suppliers 1st layer

Suppliers 2nd layer

Suppliers 4th layer
Suppliers 2nd layer Suppliers 3rd layer
Suppliers 4th layer

Rest of suppliers
Suppliers 3rd layer

Figure 4 Layers of production in the product carbon footprint.

move up the value chain; most of them are related to energy- Cork. These emissions come directly from the sawmill, which
and emission-intensive activities. These results are relevant is the main supplier from the parquet manufacturer. Similarly,
because they allow us to estimate that a significant portion of important emissions occur in the second layer of production as
total CF is indirectly generated by the provision of intermediate a result of Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry, and Fishing. These
goods and services along the production chain. This hypothesis emissions derive directly from forest harvesting, which is the
was also confirmed by earlier works (Lenzen and Murray 2009; main supplier of the sawmill. As we move upstream, the main
Wiedmann et al. 2009). When we break down the production consumption categories are those related to energy and ba-
process, we identify new emissions-intensive layers that con- sic materials such as (1) Electricity, Gas and Water Supply,
tribute to the final product. The IOA allows us to capture and (2) Mining and Quarrying, and (3) Basic and Fabricated
track the dragging effect generated in each production layer Metals.
and to isolate the emissions generated in different stages of the Building on our analysis of production layers, we can iden-
global production chain. tify the geographical locations of emissions for each layer
Thereafter, each production layer can be assessed accord- (figure 6). Although the corporation in the case study acquires
ing to involved consumption categories (see figure 5), which all its inputs in the EU, the emissions leakages from other world
allow us to disentangle important interdependences in the sup- regions make a considerable contribution to total scope 3 emis-
ply value chain. For example, significant emissions occur in the sions. The CF generated in the first layer of production occurs
first layer of production due to Wood and Products of Wood and mainly in Spain (54% of total emissions) and France, which is

Alvarez et al., Corporate and Product Carbon Footprint 7












1st layer 2nd layer 3rd layer 4th layer Rest of layers

Agriculture, hunng, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying

Wood and Products of Wood and Cork Chemicals and chemical products
Basic metals and fabricated metal Machinery
Electricity, gas and water supply Inland transport
Air transport Rest of categories

Figure 5 Weights for consumption categories over the total product carbon footprint by layers of production.

Figure 6 Geographic location of emissions according to production layer and country of origin in the product carbon footprint
(kg CO2 -eq).

the main supplier country in our case study (17%). Other EU second layer, also has an increased emissions weight compared
countries, such as Italy (5%), Poland (3%), and Germany and to the previous layer. The third layer of production presents
Finland (2%), follow in emissions contributions. The weight similar patterns. The emissions generated in Spain and the EU
of non-EU countries in this first layer is residual; RoW is the are lower (30% in the case of Spain), and greater figures are ob-
only noteworthy figure, accounting for 6% of total scope 3 emis- served for non-EU countries, such as Russia (8%), China (6%),
sions. The second layer of production, where suppliers’ suppliers and the USA (3%). RoW’s role further increases (17%) as the
enter the analysis, shows interesting results. The Spanish and analysis includes more remote stages of the value chain. Thus,
French share of emissions is notably reduced (38% and 11%, as we break down the production process, it becomes clear that
respectively), and other countries rise on the list. Among these emerging economies are emissions-intensive suppliers. How-
countries are Germany, which increases its role in emissions to ever, the EU’s and other developed countries’ extensive links
4%, Russia (4%), China (3%), and the USA (2%). The RoW with emerging economies via international trade masks these
region, which accounts for 12% of total scope 3 emissions in this findings on CF leakages. For the rest of the layers (fourth and

8 Journal of Industrial Ecology


above), the weight of Spain is reduced to 17% of total emis- indirect emissions responsibility and identify where emissions
sions, and countries such as China (16%), Russia (12%), the are ultimately generated. This possibility is particularly inter-
USA (4%), RoW (20%), and other non-EU countries account esting for corporations that, like that in our case study, acquire
for more than 62% of the total scope 3 emissions. These re- their inputs within the Euro-zone and mainly in Spain, but that
sults can be attributed to the energy and emissions embodied in have indirect effects through their globally traded inputs. Pro-
intermediate goods that are produced along global production cess analyses can only trace specific providers and potentially
chains that run mostly through nondeveloped countries. leave out significant sources of emissions (Lenzen and Murray
2009; Murray et al. 2011). In contrast, we can generate in-
formation about countries that are indirectly involved in the
production/pollution chain. Moreover, our method can pro-
In this section, we present some discussion on the main key vide acceptable and useful emissions estimations for such coun-
elements of our methodology, comparing its advantages and tries because the MRIO model computes emissions according
disadvantages related to previous literature. The first of these to each country’s or region’s economic structure and emissions
points relates to the difference between product and corporate coefficients.
CF. In the compound hybrid analysis, the accumulated prod- Despite these outstanding outcomes, three relevant draw-
uct of CF is equal to its corporate CF. This point is crucial in backs should be highlighted. First, the proposed method does
addressing the lack of convergence between product and corpo- not account for downstream emissions: that is, emissions re-
rate CF (Alvarez et al. 2016). In addition, the compound hybrid lated to ISO categories 17 to 22, which occur in maintenance
analysis may prevent the risk of system boundary incomplete- and EoL stages. Likewise, it only considers emissions from cra-
ness since corporate CF includes all upstream, scope 3 emissions dle to gate. The relevance of this drawback varies with the
that typically elude the subjectivity thresholds established by object of analysis. In the case under study, which features a
analysts’ criteria (Matthews et al. 2008). It should be noted sector close to household final demand, the downstream scope
that top-down corporate inventories are easier to compile than 3 emissions are likely to be very low compared to the total
bottom-up product inventories, as the latter may include dif- CF calculated. In fact, as illustrated by Minne and Crittenden
ferent entities in the supply or value chain. This statement is (2015), manufacturing accounts for 99% of the environmen-
reinforced by McKinnon (2010, 42), who states that product- tal impact of hardwood flooring in its full life cycle. Second,
level carbon auditing and labeling is a “wasteful distraction.” the present study does not assess some inventories related to
Other authors suggest that it is not practical for most firms to biogenic carbon emissions and removals. For example, ISO/TS
calculate scope 3 emissions using process analysis because data 14067 requires the measurement of change emissions related
collection is time-consuming and may involve a large num- to shifts in direct land use. This stipulation might influence
ber of entities that are not necessarily committed to the same the final results of the present study because our product is
accounting-and-reporting framework (Huang et al. 2009; Busch made of wood. Its biogenic carbon removal could reach as high
2010; Downie and Stubbs 2013). In the search for a unique ap- as 17.97 kg CO2 -eq/m2 .7 However, this lack of information
proach to product and corporate CF, a top-down perspective could be solved with a new inventory related to these emis-
should be recommended to assess the corporate CF that per- sions. Thus, future implementations of compound hybrid anal-
mits product CF to develop. Under this approach, the weakness ysis must clearly define the inventories to be quantified to fulfill
of process analysis is solved by the strengths of conventional all ISO requirements.
EEIO. In addition, the proposed approach does not depend on Finally, we should note that this method provides less ac-
LCA databases or software, making it feasible and affordable for curate estimates compared to a hypothetical complete process-
small-medium enterprises. oriented bottom-up method. This stems from the uncertainties
Another advantage of our method compared to previous lit- related to the use of macroeconomic data (both in terms of
erature is the clarification regarding data. Traditionally, hybrid technological and emissions coefficients and in terms of prices)
analysis can use double-entry accounting: that is, data can be for a specific firm and to the choice of database. While foot-
entered and processed in physical, economic, or both units. This print estimates can vary when using different MRIO databases,
circumstance allows the analyst to include performance-based due to their data sources, construction, and aggregation (Rutger
criteria and therefore to choose the lowest figure. Examples of et al. 2014), a number of studies have found WIOD (despite
this approach are Suh and Lippiatt (2012) and Lee and Ma its reduced sector disaggregation) to provide halfway results
(2013). The compound hybrid analysis does not allow for this between other databases such as Eora, EXIOPOL, or GTAP
possibility; data related to scope 1 and scope 2 emissions must be (Owen et al. 2014; Wiedmann and Barrett 2013; Moran and
entered in physical units, and those related to scope 3 emissions Wood 2014). Furthermore, results for CF for Spain are very sim-
must be entered in monetary units. This specification promotes ilar between WIOD, EXIOPOL, and GTAP (Moran and Wood
consistency in method and permits comparability between 2014). The continuous effort to revise and compare these dif-
studies. ferent databases by their developers and users is helping their
A third positive element stems from the use of MRIO improvement and it will facilitate the estimation of uncertain-
data, including trade. Compound hybrid analysis can traverse ties, making MRIO an increasingly useful tool for policy making
the global value chain to estimate a corporation’s direct and (Wiedmann and Barrett 2013). Further research should also be

Alvarez et al., Corporate and Product Carbon Footprint 9


done to assess the suitability of new inventories in physical units of production and consumption decisions by means of carbon
without increasing implementation time. footprints” (ECO2016-78939-R) which led to this paper.
A final question to discuss is the policy implications that can
be derived from the potential successful development of new
methods for CF quantification like the one presented in this
paper. In the context of the EU, this method may reinforce new 1. One megatonne (Mt) = 1 million metric tonnes = 1 teragram (Tg).
initiatives such as the Single Market for Green Products and 2. Some of these include: (1) the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (World
the Green Public Procurement (European Commission 2013, Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable
2016). More specifically, this method could be implemented Development 2004); (2) General Reporting Protocol (The Cli-
by means of new requirements or granting criteria in public mate Registry 2016); (3) ISO 14064 (ISO 2013b); (4) PAS 2050
(British Standards Institute); (5) International Local Government
procurement contracts. Following the method presented here,
GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol (International Council on Lo-
companies can overcome the challenge to communicate their
cal Government for Sustainability 2009); (6) (Australian) National
product and corporate environmental performance while, at the Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Australian Government. Clean
same time, policy makers are able to benchmark their perfor- Energy Regulator 2017); and (7) DEFRA (based on the GHG
mances with the country- and sector-related data. Moreover, protocol) (DEFRA 2013).
policy makers should encourage companies’ willingness to offer 3. The ISO 14064 classifies emission sources around three scopes: Scope
sustainable products in order to increase corporate competitive- 1 is direct emissions that occur from sources that are owned or
ness in public tenders. controlled by the organization; scope 2 accounts for indirect emis-
sions from the generation of purchased electricity, heat, or steam
consumed by the organization; scope 3 encompasses all other in-
Conclusions direct emissions which are a consequence of the activities of the
company, but occur from sources not owned or controlled by the
The compound hybrid analysis presented here generates an organization.
in-depth corporate CF and cradle-to-gate product CF. This 4. The ISO 14069 classifies GHG emissions and removals into 23 cate-
method takes into account the weaknesses of current CF im- gories listed below: (1) direct emissions from stationary combustion;
plementations and strengths of recent technical and social ad- (2) direct emissions from mobile combustion; (3) direct process
vances, such as new hybrid analyses and the ISO/TR 14069 related emissions; (4) direct fugitive emissions; (5) direct emis-
sions and removals from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry;
and ISO/TS 14067 standards. This approach drastically re-
(6) indirect emissions from imported electricity consumed; (7) in-
duces calculation time and costs and combines process and
direct emissions from consumed energy imported through a physi-
EEIO analyses, making it applicable to all types of businesses. cal network (steam, heating, cooling, and compressed air) exclud-
It therefore stands to improve CF analysis in both product and ing electricity; (8) energy-related activities not included in direct
corporate approaches, stimulating innovation and increasing emissions and energy indirect emissions; (9) purchased products;
support for sustainable consumption decisions. In addition to (10) capital equipment; (11) waste generated from organizational
these advantages, researchers using compound hybrid analy- activities; (12) upstream transport and distribution; (13) business
sis should consider other areas for improvement. In particu- travel; (14) upstream leased assets; (15) investments; (16) client
lar, we recommend further developments based on downstream and visitor transport; (17) downstream transport and distribution;
quantification to obtain a full product CF and the inclusion of (18) use stage of the product; (19) EoL of the product; (20) down-
new process-related inventories to increase accuracy without stream franchises; (21) downstream leased assets; (22) employee
commuting; and (23) other indirect emissions or removals not in-
increasing implementation time.
cluded in the other 22 categories.
The present study’s results demonstrate the importance of
5. Leontief inverse matrix, also written as (I-A)-1 : key stone matrix in
using this type of hybrid models to compute corporate CF as the input-output analysis (IOA). It contains the multipliers for the
all cradle-to-gate emissions are tracked. Our findings show the direct and indirect interindustry inputs required to provide one unit
relevance of indirect scope 3 emissions, which account for more of output to final demand.
than 88% of total CF. By estimating scope 3 emissions in an en- 6. BRIIAT = Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Australia, and Turkey;
vironmentally extended MRIO model, we can track emissions NAFTA = USA, Canada, and Mexico; East Asia = Japan, North
generation along the global production chain and identify the Korea, and Taiwan; RoW = Rest of World.
countries involved in pollution. Although the corporation un- 7. This removal is estimated by multiplying the wood per functional
der study acquires its inputs within the EU, significant emission unit (0.014 cubic meters [m3 ]) by density (0.7 tonnes [t]/m3 ) by
leakages (29%) can be tracked by the origin country. These pat- carbon content (0.5 t/t) and, finally, by the stoichiometric ratio
(3.78 CO2 /C).
terns can be attributed to the strong trade relationships between
the EU’s developed economies and emerging economies.

Funding Information Alvarez, S. and A. Rubio. 2015a. Compound method based on fi-
nancial accounts versus process-based analysis in product carbon
We thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness footprint: A comparison using wood pallets. Ecological Indicators
of Spain for funding the research project “Global sustainability 49: 88–94.

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Supporting Information
Supporting information is linked to this article on the JIE website:
Supporting Information S1: This supporting information provides a description of the process of transforming firm data to
hybrid model data, and a listing of the relevant Matlab code.

12 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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