User Story 4222 - Share A Soul Report On Slack

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User Story 4222 - Share a Soul report in Slack

Sandbox environment:

App for Slack: soul-slack-share


Previous Steps:
When the user create a new channel in Slack:
Given A User for Soul Platform
And He does the login on Slack
When He clicks on Add channel button
And select the option “Create a new channel”
And complete all fields required
And click on Create button to save the changes
Then the user add the new channel on slack.
When the new channel was created the user need to configurate it and add the app to integrate
Soul+Slack, then the user can share information on slack.
When He goes to new channel created (Example: new-testing-qa)
And clicks on channel details
And select integration tab
And click on Add apps button
And search Soul_slack_share
Then the user add the new app on the channel created.
The user should update the endpoint and configurate the new channel on Soul:
Given A User for Soul Platform
And He does the login
When He clicks on the Admin
And Go to Settings
And select and endpoint /api/v1/slack/channels
And select the endpoint version
Then the user add the new channel and click on update button to save the changes.
TC - Share info of Soul in Slack

Example: Business> Tv> General Entertainment> Programming Priorities Latam

When the user is in Soul Report and wants to share the information in Slack, they should have the
ability to share that link and then when selected it should open in Soul in the Dashboard page.

When the user already login into the app

And goes to Business> Tv> General Entertainment> Programming Priorities Latam
And click on share Icon and select Skare by Slack
And select a channel (required) and input the field Add message
And click on Post Message button
Then the user can to share the information in Slack and the link can be open in the Dashboard page
The link shared can be open from slack.

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