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Rules When absent, use your

ELCOME TO Keep your hands and
W “Ketchup” folder to
MS.AKERS’ feet to yourself gather missed work
Use hand signals if you Line up in line order at a
CLASSROOM need to get up level 0
Hello! I am a graduate of Follow voice levels as When you enter the
Stetson Elementary with a indicated on the voice classroom hang your
degree in Elementary level chart backpack on the back of
Education! This is my first your chair
year teaching and I am so When you are done
happy to spend it with you with your work early
all. finish your makeup
work and then read a

ur l s
cla a
s s r o o m si g n
Individual Rewards Procedures
and Consequences REWARDS AND
Only go on electronics CONSEQUENCES
Individual Rewards: I have a ticket Rewards: Each time the class
system for rewards. You get a ticket when given permission
when you do outstanding work or does outstanding work I will
follow rules and procedures. Write Voice level is at Level 0
your name on the back. You are
give them a sticker. When the
responsible for keeping that ticket when exiting the class gets to 15 stickers they
safe. At the end of the week, I will put
all of the tickets in a jar and pull 3
classroom will get a party!
tickets for prizes. Positive calls home When walking around
Consequences: Non-verbal warning 1 campus stop at corners Consequences: When the
verbal warnings,2 minutes of sit down
time or walking laps at recess, 5 and wait for instruction class does not follow rules or
minutes of sit down time at recess or
If you need the teacher procedures the class will get
walking laps, call home, detention,
referral quiet time
while she is busy grab a
number from the INDIVIDUAL
waiting room and I will
be with you shortly PRIZES
Use pencil while Candy, stickers, small toys,
completing coloring books, animal
assignments erasers, no homework pass,
lunch with the teacher pass,
squishy toys, and slime

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