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Citizen Newsletter #307 Henry Citizen (; Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:57 PM

The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 307

November 16, 2011

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at View or download at In This Edition Ray McBerry Vindicated CCRP Christmas Party Meetings & Organizations Henry County in 2012 Immigrants Welcome, BUT The Church-State Myth AF General Blows Whistle Columbus GA TEA Party YOUR VOICE The Citizen Asks Your Help DECISION 2012 Fannie, Freddie Execs Payoff What Elections Teach Us Do you have a story to tell? Become a Citizen contributor. Submit your opinions, commentaries and articles to HC.CITIZEN@HCCITIZEN.ORG

John Douglas said: Great Chairman's Dinner last night with the Georgia Republican Party in Atlanta. It was great to see old friends, hear remarks by our Governor, talk politics with common sense Georgians and listen to Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour. Emperor Obama says we are lazy but when we throw him out next year, he can decide for himself how lazy we really are.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)
Kathryn L. Harper wrote:

Editorial / Publication Policy at

ALL of the banks, the big ones are completely over extended, their balance sheets hold tons of CDOs and MBSs and they are simply not solvent. Same with tons of pension plans, and many cities and counties across the country. What they did with the bailout was make things exponentially worse. Shirley Tyree replied: Kathryn, I agree with you. I think that the big banks have inflated their toxic assets so if this economic mess continues it will crash. I think the bail out hoped that when it crashed it would be slow enough that people had some bandages in place. I still do not know if the bail out made it worse. I do know that the bail out made the big banks more unethical.

What is your top issue this election? Education (3262) 4% Environment (1660) 2% Foreign Policy (2631) 3% Health Care (6959) 8% Immigration (6902) 8% Income Inequality (9570) 11% Jobs (30809) 35% Role of Government (15221) 17% Standard of Living (5566) 6% Taxes (6383) 7% A whopping 52% of respondents said Jobs and Role of Government. Income Inequality, Healthcare and immigration together tallied 27%.

26,500 Over 26,500 reads at Over 4,100 subscribers View or download at

Ray McBerry Vindicated

Most people know it was Karen Handle's campaign people. So she could announce that she would not appear on stage with Ray. Just bovine scatology! During Georgias gubernatorial race last year accusations and outright libel were launched against candidate Ray McBerry. Money changed hands, thats for certain. A South Georgia yellow journalist and one AJC columnist, apparently thinking Handel would be the next governor, jumped onboard.

Ray McBerry: Just found out from my attorney that the defendants who are being sued for libel after making up lies about me during the governor's race are now out of money and begging for me to drop the suit in exchange for them admitting that they were wrong. My response... that's about a year and a half too late. Rays Facebook post at!/profile.php?id=100001668216952 drew forty-three (43) comments all in support for Ray McBerry. Two of those comments Forgiveness doesn't mean letting detractors get away with lies. They still need to receive the necessary punishments for their actions, for their own good as well as for the good of setting the record straight in a publicly documented way. We're all called to forgive & pray for them, remain civil, and support Ray in continuing with the lawsuits. They are reaping what they have sown, forgiving them and holding them accountable are two different things. This is not about revenge; it is about turning a great wrong into a perfect right. Their vicious rumors slandered one of the greatest Statesmen this State has ever produced! Deo Vindice!!

CCRP Christmas Party Saturday, December 10th at 7:00pm

You are invited to attend: Cherokee County

GOP Christmas Party!

Towne Lake Hills Clubhouse 1007 Towne Lake Hills East Woodstock, GA 30189 $10 Advance Tickets, $15 at Door Purchase Online. Our online payments option is now online! Please go and register today! ~Cherokee RSVP.jpg

Thanks to

These are the Times newsletter

*Coweta TEA Party Patriots every second Tuesday, 6:30 PM Carnegie Library Newnan. *Senoia Tea Party Patriots meeting on 4th Monday of the month. * Atlanta Tea Party Political Action Committee Meeting, November 3rd, 5:30 PM. The Meridian in Buckhead. Hosted by: The Atlanta Tea Party *Prayer Meeting for the Country, Tuesday, November 1, 7:00-9:00 p.m. John and Susan Potts, 228 Newport Drive in Peachtree City.

Local Organizations






Henry County in 2012

By Booji 2012 will see County Commission Districts 1, 2 and 3 up for election. Most people believe Warren Holder will hold D-1 if he runs, and he probably will. For D-3 many folks strongly support Don Henderson. He will certainly not 'play dead' or roll over. Although others say that Gary Barham has a home field advantage, having worked in government positions his entire life. In D-2, Fred Auletta has indicated he will seek re-election to that post. With many events surrounding the "Honoring our Veterans" this week end, there was a lot of talk about the county. In conversation with county Department Heads, there are not many employees that will support the ones that are in office now. As a matter of fact they are so confident that they predicted that none will return. Especially the Chair. As a matter of fact their comments would make an excellent addition surrounding what they call "Furlough Field". What's going on in national politics is going on here. How ironic! The economy is upside down and jobs are hard to find. Taxes pay for every dime the County spends. But they just wont stop. Speaking of our county commissioners, what a bunch of wimps at our expense! It appears that every vote is unanimous. None of them will stand on conservative principles. They just want to appear friendly and have one voice. That is not representing the citizens or what Henry County needs. People cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people cannot see the forest for the trees.

Hat tip to Susan Edwards

My Grandfather watched as his friends died in WW I... My Father watched as his friends died in WW II and Korea ... I watched as my friends died in Vietnam ... None of them died for the Mexican Flag... Everyone died for the U.S. Flag... In Texas, a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down. Guess who was expelled... The kid who took it down. Kids in high school in California were sent home this year on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them.

Enough is enough. The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American; and, every American needs to stand up for America. We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough... I'm taking a stand... I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. Flag can't stand up... And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message... Let me make this perfectly clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY! And, because I make this statement DOES NOT Mean I'm against immigration!! YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, IN MY COUNTRY! Welcome! To come through legally: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Get a sponsor! Get a place to lay your head! Get a job! Live By OUR Rules! Pay YOUR Taxes!

And 6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants have in the past!!! AND 7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime Savings of Social Security Funds to you.

76% reject the left's 'church and state' myth

ROBERT M OON, Macon County Conservative Examiner

A new RASMUSSEN POLL shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans (76%) support allowing religious symbols on public land. 83% think public schools should actively celebrate religious holidays. This flies in the face of everything we are told by radical left-wing groups like the ACLU about where the American people stand on this issue. It also clarifies just how far out of the mainstream these liberal groups the AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION, which recently launched its creepy 'No God? No Problem!' ad campaign nationwide for the holidays. And, of course, this poll also shows that the American people openly defy the left's bigoted, Constitutiontrampling WAR ON C HRISTIANITY. Let's review: "Separation of church and state" appears nowhere in the Constitution. Additionally, the Bill of Rights was drafted specifically to convince hesitant states that this new federal government would not trample their rights...including their religious rights. As with everything else in the Bill of Rights, the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was a protection of the states vs. the federal government; it was a protection against a national religion. If people find it inappropriate for an Alabama judge to acknowledge our Judeo-Christian heritage with a Ten Commandments display in his courthouse, then, according to the Constitution, that is a matter for the people of Alabama to decide, not some federal court. The federal government even being involved constitutes an outright reversal of what was intended. Some of the ratifying states actually even had official state religions at the time of the founding. Think about that. Incidentally, CLICK HERE ( to see which businesses are resisting the left's WAR ON CHRISTMAS, and which ones are caving in.

Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf

A United States Air Force general is blowing the whistle on another alleged White House scandal, but few in the news media seem to be listening. According to General William Shelton, the commanding officer of U.S. Air Force's space command, he was told to alter his testimony before the House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Strategic Forces regarding an Obama White House attempt to award a defense contract to the Lightsquared firm. Lightsquared is a high-tech company doing business in Virginia that's owned by billionaire Philip Falcone, an Obama friend and campaign contributor. According to the National Legal and Policy Center, Phil Falcone had visited the White House and made large cash contributions to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Soon after, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted his LightSquared a highly unusual waiver that allows the company to build out a national 4G wireless network on the cheap. Republican lawmakers say that after Falcon's visit, the Obama White House allegedly tried to push through a Lightsquared's proposed wireless network regardless of the objections emanating from military commanders who believed the project could disrupt key U.S. satellite systems.

Columbus GA TEA Party

Support our troops rally As many of you may know, the protesters from various states against the SOA will descend on Fort Benning Saturday at the main gate. For the past 2 years I have joined a very fine group of young men who travel here from Pennsylvania to support the troops. They bring a bagpiper and drummer. They have signs and banners to support our troops as a counter protest against the protesters. It is an experience just to participate with this group. ~ Sandy From: John Ritchie Tradition Family Property Student Activities Director

If you would like to join in support of our troops, please bring an American flag or sign. Suggestions include: " God Bless Ft Benning", "God Bless our Troops", "Honk for our troops", "Support our troops". Rally for the Troops Friday, November 18 Time: 12 noon to 2:00 pm Location: 13th Street and Broadway, Columbus, GA Saturday, November 19 Time: 11 am to 1 pm Location: Victory Dr. and Fort Benning Rd. Meeting plus dinner Thursday, Nov 17th, 6 PM, dinner meeting at Golden Corral, Manchester Exp.

I swear never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be "happy." I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to

matter and to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all."

Cemetery Research Group

- Leo C. Rosten

The Gimme, Gimme crowd wants taxpayers to make them rich! VOTE NO to T-SPLOST
Every advocate for T-SPLOST in Georgia is begging for passenger rail. Every political subdivision is screaming because Atlanta-Fulton-Cobb are grabbing $Billions from the proposed 10-year sales tax. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The marketing for Georgias Transportation SPLOST relies on success of rail transit in Texas. Well, read this: Major Texas Metro Areas Are Confirming Failures in Rail Transit | Despite the success of the Main St. line, I've been concerned for a long time now that the next set of rail lines will essentially bankrupt Metro while providing minimal benefit (except for possibly the Universities line, which has moderate benefits, but may not get built anytime soon because of the money drain of the other lines being built first). Now the Coalition On Sustainable Transportation (COST) has COME OUT WITH THE NUMBERS from other cities (especially Dallas) that don't bode well for Houston at all. For example: Dallas will pay increasing debt service for many years and has 30 plus year bonds and commercial paper for its almost $4 billion of debt. Their debt service is considered annual operating costs in the chart below, because: By the time current bonds are paid, the rail system will be at the end of its service life and will need replacement through the creation of a new round of bonds, continuing this high bond expense for as long as the system operates. While other Texas cities have not yet reached this Dallas level of bond debt and expense, Houston is rapidly moving in the same direction and Austins planning is pointing in this direction. Currently Dallass debt service is about 3 times Houstons and almost 40 times Austins. ... One may look at the data in many ways, but, none of the conclusions seem to be positive for rail transit. Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin are all among the top 20 fastest growing major cities in the nation. However, the three cities with various levels of rail transit, Dallas, Houston and Austin, all have declining transit ridership trends and have fewer absolute transit riders today than they had a dozen years ago. They have spent billions to implement and promote transit with a heavy focus on rail transit. ... These data highlight a number of broader Texas Metro Area negative transit trends: 1. Metro areas with more rail transit have significantly higher costs and higher taxpayer subsidies per ride. 2. Metro areas with more rail transit have fewer total transit boardings per capita. 3. Metro areas with higher densities have fewer transit riders (boardings) per capita. 4. Dallas has the largest population and greatest population density but the least cost effective transit system: Higher cost per ride (boarding) and fewer boardings per capita. 5. Increasing the proportion of a regions transit funds being spent on rail transit leads to less cost effective overall transit and degraded transit for the majority of transit riders who still ride busses. It is no surprise that Dallas has hit a transit financial wall causing it to pause and curtail, at least temporarily, further light rail expansion. It seems, the more light rail Dallas implements, the more inefficient and expensive its transit becomes. This is an often occurring trend when regions implement rail transit and is a serious problem trend now developing in Houston and Austin. The result is overall degradation of transit service as exorbitantly expensive rail transit and resulting debt absorb increasingly higher percentages of transit funds. This, in turn, results in increasing transit fares and reductions in bus service which have disproportionately negative quality-of-life impacts on lower income citizens. Almost everyone forgets that the majority of transit riders still ride busses even after such massive investments in rail transit such as in Dallas or in Portland, the Mecca of train transit, where well over one-half of the transit rides are on busses. More importantly, this wasteful spending on ineffective trains bleeds dry taxpayer funds which could be used to make positive contributions in serving communities many, higher priority needs for all citizens.

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Contact Nicole Curry


The Citizen Asks for Your Help

An idea already in place with the Columbus Ga TEA Party would make a fine addition to The Citizen. The 2012 elections for public office, as well as special referendums like T-SPLOST are fast approaching. A loyal reader of The Citizen suggested an editorial/recommending board for the Newsletter. The sole purpose of the board would be to make recommendations in future elections to your voter's on whom to support. Lobbying the Henry Herald for the last 10 years to do something like this has been to no avail. We are asking readers for suggestions as to nominees to the editorial board. The board should be an odd number (maybe 5-7 people). The people, nominated by you, would be asked to write editorials and commentary in support of conservative candidates. All presentations are expected to include justification for support and reasons for selecting a particular candidate. We would focus on positive and sustainable improvements to government functions. We hope this idea will be embraced by our readers. Send your ideas and board nominations to . Make your nominations, including contact information, and The Citizen will contact nominees for their participation.


It is time to get America working again, Perry proclaimed in a speech in Charleston, S. C. Thats why, with the support of my family, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of America, I declare to you today my candidacy for President of the United States. BETTENDORF, Iowa -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry, looking to breathe new life into his bid for the Republican nomination, opened an Iowa campaign swing by warning activists not to settle for a candidate who will just propose incremental change. It is time for Americans to believe again to believe that the promise of our future is far greater than even the best days of our past. It is time to believe again in the potential of private enterprise, set free from the shackles of an overbearing federal government. And it is time to truly restore our standing in the world and renew our faith in freedom as the best hope of peace in a world beset with strife. Perry, 61, became governor of Texas in 2000 when George W. Bush resigned to become president of the United States. He started his political career in 1984 as a Democrat but switched to the Republican Party in 1989. He is a fiscal conservative and an opponent of President Obamas health care reform, which Perry labels socialistic.

Conservative commentator and former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich formally announced on May 11 that he was entering the 2012 race for the White House. "There's a much better American future ahead with more jobs, more prosperity, a better health system, longer lives, greater independent living and a country that is decentralized under the 10th Amendment with power once again back with the American people and away from the Washington bureaucracy," Gingrich proclaimed in a YouTube video as he launched his candidacy for the GOP nomination. He also charged that "there are some people who don't mind if America becomes a wreck as long as they dominate the wreckage." Widely known for his Contract with America agenda that is credited with the 1994 Republican Revolution that gave the GOP control of the House for the first time in 40 years, Gingrich, 68, has a reputation among supporters as a visionary who is sharp on policy.

"Let me tell you what the Cain Doctrine would be: We ain't raising the debt ceiling," he proclaimed. "We are going to cut the spending." In 1993, he stepped onto the national political stage, challenging then-President Clinton during a live television town hall meeting. The subject was Clinton's national health care plan and its impact on small businesses. Cain caught the political bug, going on to serve as economic advisor to the Dole/Kemp campaign in 1996. Cain launched two unsuccessful bids for public office. In 2000, he ran for president of the United States. He said his candidacy was one of ideas. In 2004, he ran for the U.S. Senate in the state of Georgia and was defeated in the Republican primary by Johnny Isakson.

Herman Cains 9-9-9 Plan: Buy Less, Pay Less

Praised by supporters for both its simplicity and its specificity, Cains plan drops the current 35 percent corporate tax rate to 9 percent, swaps the 6-bracket personal income tax system for a 9 percent flat tax and creates a 9 percent national sales tax. Our tax code is the 21st century version of slavery, Cain said in a campaign video publicizing his 9-9-9 plan. We will replace oppression with prosperity.

Fannie, Freddie executives score post bailout $100M payday

By Chris Isidore | Mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac received the biggest federal bailout of the financial crisis. And nearly $100 million of those tax dollars went to lucrative pay packages for top executives, filings show. The top five executives at Fannie Mae received $33.3 million in 2009 and 2010, while the top five at Freddie Mac received $28.1 million. And each company has set pay targets of as much as $17 million for its top managers for 2011. That's a total of $95.4 million, which will essentially be coming from taxpayers, who have been keeping the mortgage finance giants alive with regular quarterly cash infusions since the Federal Home Finance Agency (FHFA) took control of the companies in September 2008. Fannie CEO Michael Williams and Freddie CEO Charles Halderman, each received about $5.5 million in pay for last year, and they could receive more when their final deferred compensation for 2010 is set. All the executives receive a significant portion of their pay in the year or years after they earn it. The CEOs' pay targets for 2011 are about $6 million a piece, though Halderman might not get much of that money since he's announced plans to leave Freddie sometime in 2012. He must still be at the company in order to receive the deferred compensation. His base pay for 2011 is $900,000, with most of the rest of his compensation coming in deferred payments. The salary filings were all made by the companies in early 2011, but received relatively little attention until a recent report by Politico, the political news Web site, which highlighted about $12.8 million in bonuses the executives received for last year. That published report sparked a political firestorm on Capitol Hill that could lead to legislation to put strict limits on pay at the two firms. But it only told part of the story. The full extent of salary, deferred pay and bonuses are only found in the filings. Rep. Spencer Bachus, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, has scheduled a vote in his committee Tuesday on his own legislation that would suspend the compensation packages of top executives at the firms. "The fact that the top executives of these failed companies are receiving multi-million dollar pay packages, plus millions more in bonuses, is an added insult to the taxpayers who are forced to foot the bill," Bachus said in a statement announcing plans to hold the vote. The Democrat-controlled Senate Banking Committee also plans to hold a hearing on the matter on Tuesday. Additionally, the Republican-controlled House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is set to call Edward DeMarco, the acting director of FHFA, and the CEOs of the two firms, to a hearing on the pay packages on Wednesday. Sixty senators from both parties have already sent a letter to DeMarco asking that he change the compensation policy of the two companies. FHFA has final say on pay at the two companies. "The idea that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which rely on taxpayer funding to stay afloat, must offer excessive bonuses to its executives to attract effective management strains credulity," the letter said.

The latest cost estimate from FHFA is that the two bailouts will end up with a net cost to taxpayers of about $124 billion through 2014, though that figure could rise as high as $193 billion. Even the lower cost estimate will make it the most expensive bailout of the financial crisis -- far more costly than bailing out the nation's banks or automakers.

What can an Election teach you about Parents and Education?

Commentary by Bruce Kendall First, standing on a street corner holding a Vote for or Re-elect sign provides an opportunity to observe firsthand, a demonstration of the many lessons drivers teach children. The word STOP is a good example. Frequently used as a command with children, often telling them to stop an action, or making an annoying sound. Its also a directive for drivers; requiring them to halt their forward momentum, before progressing safely. But do they? Stop, if based on street corner observations is largely ignored. However, some motorist if no vehicles are immediately visible in the intersection. Continue their forward momentum, without slowing for the STOP sign, and if the driver is really unlucky, they are stopped by the Police. At some point all of the offspring are sent to school. Can you guess what pre-existing knowledge the student brings with them: Its ok, not to follow instructions or directions. Its ok, to lie when caught doing something wrong. Its ok, to wheedle and whine, in an attempt to manipulate the situation. Its ok, to be sullen and angry when caught, because they are not accept responsible for their actions. The interesting thing; on an intellectual level, parents know they are the childs first teacher, the teacher the child has the longest, and the teacher who has the most influence over that childs future. The intellectual and day-to-day practical disconnect, is the failure to realize that adults are always in a teaching moment. Maybe if every adult was given a parenting manual, and all it said: Life is a stage; youre the actor; and children are the audience. Things would be different. However, at the current level of apathy, it is only going to get worse. Consider the recent voter participation, determining the continuation or ending of additional levied mills against property values (property taxes), to pay for the remainder of E-SPLOST III debt, and the acquisition of new debt for E-SPLOST IV. As of the morning after, the Un-official Henry County E-SPLOST results were as follows: Total Votes 15,688 YES votes 10,454 NO votes 5,234. Percent of registered voters in Henry County voting yes for E-SPLOST, 8 percent. The number of friends and neighbors registered to vote on 8 November; but not voting 112, 675. The level of apathy Priceless!

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