MODULE 3 Activity + Key

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1. Before you watch. Make predictions. Look at some scenes of the video and answer.
1. 2.

3. 4.

a. Who do you think the characters are?

b. What situation do you expect to see in the video?

2. Watch to check your predictions. Watch the video to check your ideas on exercise 1. Were you right
or wrong?

3. Watch for details. Watch the video again and choose the correct options. True or false?

1. The students had a month to complete the assignment. T F

2. The professor suggested doing it the night before the due date1. T F
3. The student started working on the assignment right that night. T F
4. He could complete the task without any problem. T F
5. Finally, he thought that it was better to start working on the assignment earlier. T F
6. The moral is that you shouldn’t wait until the last day to do a task. T F
due date: the day on which something is planned or expected to happen.
4. After you watch. Talking time.

-Do you feel identified with the student in the previous video? Why (not)?

-Are you an organized person or a procrastinator?

Let’s take a quiz to see…


5. Read and mark with a tick (✓) the expressions that apply to you. Then, calculate your score
and read the results.

When you have an exam, or you need to meet a deadline of an assignment, do you... things ahead of time?…… b. leave things until the last minute? ……

c. get started immediately? …… d. put off doing something? ……

e. tend to get distracted f. use your time wisely and

and waste your time easily? ……. get things done? …….

g. write to-do lists and h. prefer to multitask? …….

prioritize tasks? …….

How to score:

Give 3 points for questions a, c, f, g and 1 point for questions b, d, e, h.

Is your score between 10 and 12? Congratulations. You are extremely organized but try to be tolerant with people who are not
as organized as you are.

Is your score between 7 and 9? That’s okay. You are organized in some aspects, but less in others. Are you happy with the

Is your score between 4 and 6? Well, you are a chronic procrastinator! Sometimes it’s good to be spontaneous, but you
definitely need to be more organized!

Do you agree with the result?

6. What would you probably say to a friend in each situation? Read and choose one option.

Your friend says… You say…

a. Organize your time and plan your days in
1. I find it difficult to finish a piece of work advance.
within the expected time. b. Take some time to re-read your work for
any errors or omissions.

a. Don’t go out with friends. It’s a waste of

2. I don’t want to do the assignment. I’m tired time.
and have low motivation. b. Take a break. Don’t be so hard on yourself
about the timing of a task. Reschedule and
get back on track later.

a. Make to-do lists and take action. They help

in your productivity.
3. I usually check my e-mails, watch videos, surf
b. Eliminate distractions. Identify your
blogs and forums instead of doing my work.
browser bookmarks that take up a lot of your
time and put them into a separate folder that
is less accessible.

a. Reward yourself for every step that allows

4. I face my work only when it’s unavoidable. I you to make progress.
always leave things until the latest possible time. b. Create a detailed timeline with specific
daily goals, they help you to keep motivated.

a. Re-clarify your goals. Take some time to

5. I know I should be working but I don’t feel think what you want and what you are
like doing anything. currently doing.
b. Don’t lose your time and focus your
attention on small tasks.

Now, look at the sentences on the right column.

What do they have in common?

The imperative mood

-It reflects the speaker’s perspective. We use the imperative in many different ways, for example, to
give instructions and orders, to make suggestions and requests, and to give warnings or advice.

-It has the same form as the infinitive without to and it is directed to the unnamed subject “you”.

Organize your time.

Re-clarify your goals.

Make to-do lists.

-We make the negative imperative with don’t/do not + infinitive. Examples:

Don’t lose your time.

Don’t go out with friends.

7. AFTER READING – FINAL TASK (Post your ideas in the forum)

Procrastinating is a bad habit that prevents us from achieving greater goals. Research indicates that
50% of student population procrastinate in a problematic manner.
In pairs, imagine that you are the authors of a blog which gives tips to university students to avoid
procrastinating. Write down do’s and don’ts.






a) Complete the definitions with one item from the VOCABULARY section.

1. ……………………………………………….: not pay attention to the things you are supposed to be doing.

2. ……………………………………………….: delay (a job/a task).

3. ……………………………………………….: spend time doing things that aren’t important.

4. ……………………………………………….: arrange tasks in order of their importance.

5. ……………………………………………….: do lots of different tasks at the same time.

6. ……………………………………………….: complete tasks.

7. ……………………………………………….: do tasks just before the time they need to be done.

8. ……………………………………………….: do things in advance.

9. ……………………………………………….: be careful with your time.

10. ……………………………………………….: begin a job or a task.

11. ……………………………………………….: finish something at the time it is meant to be finished.

b) Match the following columns.

1. Organize a. distractions.

2. Take b. your tasks.

3. Remove c. progress.

4. Plan d. some time to think.

5. Take e. your days in advance.

8. Make f. a break.

9. Don’t lose g. your time.


1. Before you watch

a. Who do you think the characters are? (Different answers are possible)

b. What situation do you expect to see in the video? (Different answers are possible)

2. Watch to check your predictions. (Students watch the video to check if they were right or wrong)

3. Watch for details. True or False?

1. TRUE. The assessment was due in exactly one month.

2. FALSE. He didn’t want them thinking they could start it the night before.
3. FALSE. The student played video games in his computer that night. He postponed doing it until the
last day.
4. FALSE. It was not so easy. At the beginning, he couldn’t start writing, he had no ideas.
5. TRUE. He thought he should have started earlier.
6. TRUE. The day to hand the assignment in is not the day to do it.

4. After you watch. Talking time.

-Do you feel identified with the student in the previous video? Why (not)? (Different answers are possible)

-Are you an organized person or a procrastinator?

What would you probably say to a friend in each situation? Read and choose one option.

1- A
2- B
3- B
4- B
5- A


a) Complete the definitions with one item from the VOCABULARY section.

1. Tend to get distracted

2. Put off doing something
3. Waste your time easily
4. Prioritize tasks
5. Multitask
6. Get things done
7. Leave things until the last minute
8. Do things ahead of time
9. Use your time wisely
10. Get started
11. Meet a deadline

b) Match the following columns

Organize your tasks

Take a break.

Remove distractions.

Plan your days in advance.

Take some time to think.

Make Progress.

Don’t lose your time.

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