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CoSubmitted by : The republic of Chile , Morocco

- Requests the formation of a new UN sub-commission to be found under the
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to be named, the United Nations Humans
Online Liberties Yearning/Youths Programme (UNHOLYP), to be directed by the
soon to be named Secretary for Advocacy in Technology and Advancement of
Networks (S.A.T.A.N.), to work in conjunction with, UNESCO, OHCHR, UNICEF,
WHO, the ITU Child Online Protection (COP) initiative any other relevant bodies to
undertake actions such as but not limited to :
a. Oversee and assist, in any relevant way, the implementation of all relevant
clauses of this resolution,
b. Work in collaboration with willing local authority, governmental organizations
and all relevant UN bodies to locate and directly assist, in any relevant way
c. Conduct independent reports, to be provided to the International Audit
Division (IAD), internationally in all willing member nations to record and
monitor the potential risky practices of social media companies and their
repercussions, these reports would undertake and aid such actions but not
limited to:
i. Aid the UN and all other relevant, UN, governmental and NGO bodies
on determining the risks and threats that social media (TikTok,
Instagram, etc) poses to the population, specially youth;
ii. Aid the UN and all other relevant, United Nations University (UNU),
UN, governmental and NGO bodies on various and relevant research
projects pertaining to the the negative effects of social media on
adolescents and infants
iii. Documenting all breakings of the international law in the functioning of
social media apps in a case-by-case basis, and further referring these
cases to The United Nations Security Council for preventative or
punitive measures,

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