Final Report International

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Final report: international leadership 1

and organizational behavior

Final Report: Non-CPT Online Training

“International Leadership and Organizational Behavior”

Name: Gayatri

(Student ID: 0878834)

Course Name: Supervised Externship

Course No.: MGT-6990-24-24

Instructor Name: Mark Yarish

Due Date: 04/15/2024

Final report: international leadership 2
and organizational behavior


I have selected non-cpt option out of all and I completed online training course namely
“International Leadership and Organizational Behavior” by Coursera. This course duration is 16
hours. The goal of Coursera's International Leadership and Organizational Behavior course is to
give students the information and abilities they need to manage and lead diverse teams in an
international business setting. Numerous subjects are covered in this course, including leadership
philosophies, organizational dynamics, conflict resolution techniques, and cross-cultural
My responsibilities in this online course training included doing the required readings,
participating fully in the weekly lectures, and participating in group discussions. I also had to
finish several tests and assignments to show that I understood the content covered in the course.
This course gave me insightful knowledge about the challenges of managing and leading
global teams to become a successful leader.


I completed several exercises, activities, projects, and assignments in the Coursera online
training course "International Leadership and Organizational Behavior" in order to improve my
knowledge of the subject and hone my leadership abilities. Here are some instances of the
assignments I completed:

Research: I had to investigate and evaluate the leadership and organizational behavior
policies of a certain multinational organization for one of my projects. I studied a multinational
company in-depth and wrote a research report outlining its organizational culture,
communication strategies, and leadership structure.

Engaging in discussions: During the course, I took an active part in online discussions
with other students to share experiences, bounce ideas off them other, and talk about important
ideas about organizational behavior and global leadership. My grasp of the course topic has
deepened and I have gained insights from several viewpoints thanks to these talks.

Taking quizzes and assessments: I made a habit of taking quizzes and assessments
following each lesson to see how well I understood the material. Through these tests, I was able
to evaluate my development, pinpoint my areas of weakness, and confirm that I understood the
fundamentals of organizational behavior and global leadership.

Creating a leadership project: To complete the course requirements, I had to work on a

leadership project in which I had to identify an issue inside an organization and suggest a
workable solution utilizing strong leadership techniques. I created a strategic action plan,
performed a SWOT analysis, and presented my presentation to the other students and the
Final report: international leadership 3
and organizational behavior

Peer collaboration and feedback: I took an active part in giving my peers constructive
criticism and suggestions for improvement on their assignments and projects. In addition, I
worked on a team project with a small number of participants, applying the concepts of
international leadership to a real-world case study and presenting our results to the class.

Key Takeaways:

I now have a better understanding of organizational behavior and international leadership,

as well as how they work together in the global corporate world, thanks to this online program.
Among the important realizations, information, and abilities I have acquired are:

Knowledge of cultural differences: I now know how crucial it is to identify and

comprehend cultural variations in the workplace and how they may affect organizational
behavior and leadership. My understanding of how cultural differences can impact relationships,
communication, and decision-making within a diverse team has increased because of this new

Gaining proficiency in cross-cultural communication: I've become more adept at

speaking with people from other ethnic backgrounds. Through gaining knowledge about diverse
communication styles and tactics, I have improved my ability to effectively negotiate cross-
cultural encounters and establish enduring bonds with global partners and coworkers.

Managing varied teams: I now know how to use diversity to boost productivity,
creativity, and innovation. I have also learned about the benefits and challenges of managing
diverse teams. My perspective on leadership has been widened by this new knowledge, and it has
motivated me to embrace inclusive leadership techniques that foster respect and cooperation
among team members.

Managing conflict in a global context: I've learned how to resolve disputes in a setting
where cultural disparities and communication obstacles can make matters worse. I can contribute
to a more peaceful and effective work environment by learning how to resolve disagreements
and cultivate a culture of conflict resolution.

Skills Enhancement:
I've noticed improvements in several of my abilities, comprehension, and competences
throughout the Coursera course "International Leadership and Organizational Behavior". My
capacity to lead and manage various teams in an international setting is one of the main abilities I
have improved. I've learned a lot about various leadership philosophies and how to modify them
to manage teams with varying cultural backgrounds thanks to this training.
Furthermore, I now possess a better awareness of how cultural variations affect
organizational behavior and how to deal with them in a global company setting. My ability to
interact and work together with people from different cultural backgrounds has improved, and
Final report: international leadership 4
and organizational behavior

this has made me a more capable global leader.

My understanding of how to manage foreign teams has improved, as has my ability to

lead and communicate across cultural boundaries, all thanks to the "International Leadership and
Organizational Behavior" course. These enhanced abilities, in my opinion, will be extremely
helpful to me as a worldwide leader in the future.

Influence on Career Aspirations:

My professional objectives and aspirations have changed significantly because of

enrolling in Coursera's online training program on international leadership and organizational
behavior. I was interested in management and leadership in general before taking the course, but
it really helped me see the significance of strong leadership in a global setting. I gained
knowledge of various leadership philosophies, tactics for leading multicultural teams, and
workplace cultural nuances.
I have changed my job path because of this event. My career goals have shifted to include
leadership and international business, with a particular interest in working in a multicultural

The course encouraged me to continue my study in this area. To improve my leadership

abilities and widen my network within the international business world, I have established
specific targets for myself.


In summary, I would say that taking Coursera's online course "International Leadership
and Organizational Behavior" has been a worthwhile educational experience for me. I now have
a better grasp of the challenges associated with managing cross-cultural communication in
international organizations and leading diverse teams thanks to this training. I now possess the
ability to effectively navigate cultural differences, promote teamwork, and spearhead
organizational change.
I have also improved my skills in dispute resolution, intercultural communication, and
cross-cultural leadership. Effective methods for creating successful international teams and
encouraging inclusion and diversity in businesses have also been taught to me. All things
considered, this course has given me the information and abilities I need to be a successful leader
in the increasingly globalized and linked business world of today.

I'm sure that the knowledge and skills I've acquired from this degree will come in very
handy for my future work ventures, and I'm excited to put them to use in promoting success and
constructive change in businesses across national boundaries.
Final report: international leadership 5
and organizational behavior


"International Leadership and Organizational Behavior | Coursera."
"Leadership and organizational behavior | Coursera."
Organizational Behavior Skills - Coursera."
"Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People | Coursera."
"Leadership Skills | Coursera."
"Introduction to Organizational Behavior | SpringerLink." 02 Aug. 2023,
"Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People - Class Central."

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