Tds-Merpin 8006 (BR)

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Preserving agent with fungicidal and bactericidal action

Base: combination of phenolic compounds in alkaline solution

Appearance: brown liquid

Stability: against alkali, acids and chrome salts in usual concentrations



MERPIN 8006 is used in leather manufacturing to prevent mould formation.

Fields of application:

- preservation of wet-blue

- preservation of soaking floats


0,1 - 0,2 % MERPIN 8006 (diluted 1:10 with water 30°C) to be added to the PRESERVING
PICKLE, based on the pelt weight.

0,05 - 0,1 % MERPIN 8006 (diluted 1:10 with water 30°C) for the PRESERVATION OF
CHROME LEATHERS, when short-term storage is required. The addition should be made
about 60 minutes before the end of the chrome tanning process.


0,05 - 0,2 % MERPIN 8006 (diluted 1:10 with water 30°C), added at the beginning of the
chrome tanning, and
0,1 - 0,3 % MERPIN 8006 (diluted 1:10 with water 30°C), added 60 minutes before the end of
the chrome tanning process, should be used.
For the PRESERVATION OF WET-BLUE, the leathers are to be treated as follows:

Wash or rinse

Drain float

50 – 100 % water
0,1- 0,3 % MERPIN 8006 (diluted 1:10 with warm water) run 20 minutes
0,1- 0,2 % formic acid run 10 minutes

Drain float without rinsing

RE-CURING OF WET-BLUES should be made, if the wet-blues have been stored beyond the
originally estimated storage time or if they are dispatched after a prolonged period of storage.

MERPIN 8006 are added.


When processing material with a particularly high natural fat content, the pelts or wet-blue
should be treated with a non-ionic degreasing agent (e.g. HYDROPHAN 9180) prior to the
preservation with MERPIN 8006.


Carpetex advises that we deliver this product correctly and in steady accordance with our

However, we are unable to carry out an analytical monitoring of the preservation status of

We are not responsible for damages that might occur due to improper handling or
inappropriate application of this product.


Protect from cold.

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Reforçamos que é de responsabilidade de nossos clientes avaliar os nossos
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Além disso, aplicam-se nossos Termos e Condições Gerais.

These particulars only provide information and suggestions, without being

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this, our “General Terms of Business” apply.

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