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Unidad Educativa Bilingüe Nueva Semilla


Simple Present vs Present Continuous

1. Consider the following list of verbs:

run talk

eat listen

sleep laugh

play cry

study jump

work sing

dance cook

swim clean

read draw

write drive

2. Write ten sentences using any of the verbs above in the present simple and
present continuous. [ 5 marks ]
He runs twenty miles every day. (Present simple)
I am running late for school today! (Present continuous)

3. Read carefully the following paragraph. Circle any verb conjugation mistakes,
then rewrite the paragraph with the correct tenses. [ 5 marks ]

Every morning, Sarah wake up early and make breakfast for her family. Right now,

her brother is reading a book in the living room while her sister listen to music in her

bedroom. Sarah usually driving to work, but today she is takes the bus because her

car is in the shop. Her parents always watch the news after dinner, but tonight they

are going out to eat at a restaurant. Sarah's cat sleeps on the couch most of the day,

but right now it is chasing a mouse in the kitchen.

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