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CDRL M001-10-02

Multi-Channel Data & Voice Record and Playback

System (MDVR-02) User Guide

for Air Force Operation Center




February 2022


1 Function ................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Introduction of MDVR ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Composition ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Hardware Composition...................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2 Logical Composition ......................................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 External connection ........................................................................................................... 3
2.2.4 Software Composition ....................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Running Procedures ............................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 Startup ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Shutdown ........................................................................................................................... 7
3 MMI of MDVR Operator ........................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Main Man-Machine Interface ............................................................................................... 7
3.2 Channel Configuration ......................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Parameter Setting for Voice Channel ................................................................................ 9
3.3 Recording ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Voice Recording .............................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Data Recording ................................................................................................................ 10
3.4 Replay ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4.1 Voice Replay .................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.2 Data Replay ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Backup and Recovery ......................................................................................................... 16
3.5.1 Backup ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.5.2 Recovery .......................................................................................................................... 19


Figure 2-1 Backplane of MDVR ................................................................................................ 2

Figure 2-2Logical Diagram of MDVR ....................................................................................... 3
Figure 2-3 External connection Diagram of MDVR .................................................................. 4
Figure 2-4 The interface definition of Analog Voice Card ......................................................... 5
Figure 2-5 The connection diagram of Analog Voice Card ........................................................ 5
Figure 2-6 MMI 1 of MDVR ..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3-1 Main Man-machine Interface of MDVR-02............................................................. 8
Figure 3-2 Main Man-machine Interface of IP Tel ..................................................................... 8
Figure 3-3 Main Man-machine Interface of ANALOG ............................................................. 9
Figure 3-4 Operating Options of Voice Channel ........................................................................ 9
Figure 3-5 The Configuration for Voice Channel ..................................................................... 10
Figure 3-6 Status of Voice Recording ...................................................................................... 10
Figure 3-7 Operating Options of Data Channel ....................................................................... 10
Figure 3-8 Data Recording Status ............................................................................................ 11
Figure 3-9 Data Recording Menu ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 3-10 Voice Replay Manu............................................................................................... 11
Figure 3-11 Voice Replay Dialogue ......................................................................................... 12
Figure 3-12 Voice Replay Dialogue ......................................................................................... 12
Figure 3-13 Voice Replaying of Voice Channel ....................................................................... 13
Figure 3-14 Play Data Manu .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 3-15 Data Replay Dialogue ........................................................................................... 14
Figure 3-16 Data Replay Dialogue ........................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-17 Data Replay Toolbar ............................................................................................. 15
Figure 3-18 TD on MDVR ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3-19 GD on MDVR ...................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3-20 Backup Manu ........................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3-21 Dialogue Box for Data Backup ............................................................................ 17
Figure 3-22 Search the Backup Files ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-23 During the backup ................................................................................................ 19
Figure 3-24 Backup completed ................................................................................................ 19

Figure 3-25 Recovery Manu..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-26 Dialogue Box of Data Recur ................................................................................ 20
Figure 3-27 Choose restore file ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 3-28 Restore Success .................................................................................................... 21


Multi-channel Data & Voice Record and Playback System (MDVR-02) is a kind of advanced
digital multi-channel data and voice record and replay system. It is capable of continually
recording multi-channel IP voice, multi-channel data from connected LAN nodes. Moreover, it
provides convenient and quick retrieve and replay method.

1 Function
Main functions of MDVR-02 include:
⚫ Automatically Recognize and Record IP Voice, Real Time Collect and Record Data.
⚫ Retrieving the recorded information.
When replay or backup, the user can perform quickly retrieving to recorded voice or data
information according to selected time interval.
⚫ Information backup.
The user can backup recorded information at any moment according to the requirement to
release occupied hard disk space. When recorded information reaches 75 percent of hard disk
capacity, MDVR-02 automatically reminds the user for information backup.

2 Introduction of MDVR

2.1 Overview

Multi-channel Data & Voice Record and Playback System (MDVR) is a kind of advanced
digital multi-channel data and voice record and replay system. It is capable of continually
recording multi-channel IP&Analog voice, multi-channel data from connected LAN nodes.
Moreover, it provides convenient and quick retrieve and replay method.

2.2 Composition

2.2.1 Hardware Composition

CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2640 V4

Memory: 16G DDR3
Hard Disk: 6TB*2 SATA3
Display card core: Intel HD Graphics and NVIDIA Individual graphic card
Network: 2*10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet
Serial Port: 2 RS232C serial ports
Power Supply: 500W Redundant Power Supply
VoIP Protocol: SIP
The layout of modules in Industrial Standard Computer is shown below:

IP Voice Card Analog Voice Card

Figure 2-1 Backplane of MDVR

2.2.2 Logical Composition

Logically, the MDVR consists of the following units that are shown below.

Voice processing unit Read replay

IP phone
Voice Recording
Voice unit

Replay Back-up

Master Recovery

Back-up and restore unit

Data receive


Data replay

Data processing unit
Display unit

Figure 2-2Logical Diagram of MDVR

2.2.3 External connection

The MDVR external connection is shown below:

Server Console

Data Switch IP Voice Switch


Figure 2-3 External connection Diagram of MDVR

The interface definition of Analog Voice Card and the connection diagram is show below:

Figure 2-4 The interface definition of Analog Voice Card

Figure 2-5 The connection diagram of Analog Voice Card

2.2.4 Software Composition

System Software running on MDVR consists of operating system, supporting software and
application software.
Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8
Support software: MySQL 5.5 database
MDVR software
Main functions of MDVR-02 include: automatically Recognize and Record IP&Analog Voice,
Real Time Collect and Record Data.
Retrieving the recorded information: When replay or backup, the user can perform quickly
retrieving to recorded voice or data information according to selected time interval.
Information backup: The user can backup recorded information at any moment according to the
requirement to release occupied hard disk space. When recorded information reaches 75 percent
of hard disk capacity, MDVR-02 automatically reminds the user for information backup.

2.3 Running Procedures

2.3.1 Startup

First of all ensure that power supply of the server is normal and equipment is operational.
Turn on the power of MDVR.
Linux boot information of MDVR is displayed on the monitor. When login window appears
enter username and password to login Linux. Click icon “SC” in the desktop or input command
“/home/808EX/AFOC/Bin/SC” in a terminal to start application. Application should make
initialization which will take a period of time When application system login window pops up,
enter operator name and password to login application system, now system will run as single
master automatically and the following figure will be displayed.

Figure 2-6 MMI 1 of MDVR

2.3.2 Shutdown

MDVR exits
On MDVR,switch the monitor and keyboard to the MDVR which you want to exit, select
menu item “File” → “Exit” to make it exit.
Shutdown Linux
Firstly application program of server exits,and you can shutdown Linux operation system of
equipment. To shutdown Linux, click “Redhat” → “leave” → “shutdown”, or enter “init 0”
command in command terminal.
Turn off the power supply of each equipment.

3 MMI of MDVR Operator

3.1 Main Man-Machine Interface

After MDVR-02 login, main man-machine interface appears. Working status of the voice
channels and data channels are displayed on the main interface page shown in Figure 3-1 Main
Man-machine Interface of MDVR-02.
There are three tabs, in Console tab, every data channel is corresponding to a console. The
default names of voice channel are from 0 to 45, together with ip address in the label. When the
console is idle, the default names of data channel are CO0, CO1,…. CO45. When the console

is log in, the data channel name changed to the mode which operator chooses. Different icons
are used to distinguish data channels with voice channels and are used to distinguish different

Figure 3-1 Main Man-machine Interface of MDVR-02

In IP tab, the default names of voice channel are from 46 to 63, together with ip address in the

Figure 3-2 Main Man-machine Interface of IP Tel

In ANALOG tab, the default names of voice channel are from 64 to 95, together with operation
method in the label

Figure 3-3 Main Man-machine Interface of ANALOG

3.2 Channel Configuration

3.2.1 Parameter Setting for Voice Channel

In main man-machine interface, click on the operation button of voice channel and the menu
will pop up.

Figure 3-4 Operating Options of Voice Channel

In Figure 3-4 Operating Options of Voice Channel, select “Config tel IP” from the list menu
and the configuration dialogue will be seen.

Figure 3-5 The Configuration for Voice Channel
Then change the IP address in Figure 3-5.
Click “Confirm” to configure the current voice channel with the new parameters and close
“Voice Channel Configuration” at the same time; Or click “Quit” to close “Voice Channel
Configuration” immediately without any modified parameter of current voice channel.

3.3 Recording

3.3.1 Voice Recording

The channel will receive and record voice information automatically and these will stop as soon
as the information reaches the end. The following Figure 3-6 shows the voice recording

Figure 3-6 Status of Voice Recording

3.3.2 Data Recording

In main interface, click on the “Start record data” button on the main menu (Figure 3-7).

Start record data

Figure 3-7 Operating Options of Data Channel

When it begins recording the icon of corresponding channel for online will change; the
following Figure 3-8 shows the data recording.

Figure 3-8 Data Recording Status

The operator can follow these steps to stop the data recording:
Click on the “stop-record-data" button on the main menu shown in Figure 3-9

Stop record data

Figure 3-9 Data Recording Menu

The data recording will stop. At the same time, the icon reverts to original.

3.4 Replay

MDVR-02 provides the convenient and flexible method to play back all the information.

3.4.1 Voice Replay

In Figure 3-10, choose the voice channel that will be played back and push the “Start Prepare
Voice” from list menu.

Start prepare voice

Figure 3-10 Voice Replay Manu

Then the “Replay Voice” dialogue box will pop up (Figure 3-11). Choose the time that will be
replayed and click the “Load” button to load the files for replay.

Figure 3-11 Voice Replay Dialogue
When the loading is finished, the tip message will be shown in the status area. (Figure 3-12)

Figure 3-12 Voice Replay Dialogue

Click the “start” button to replay. . (Figure 3-13)

Figure 3-13 Voice Replaying of Voice Channel

3.4.2 Data Replay

In Figure 3-14, select Operation type is“Replay” on the operation console, not on the MDVR,
and click the “LOGIN” button.

Figure 3-14 Play Data Manu
Choose the start time, end time and role name that will be replayed and click the “Load” button
to load data.

Figure 3-15 Data Replay Dialogue

When the load finish, the “Start” button will be activated (Figure 3-16).Click the “Start” button
can replay data. At the same time the replay operation bar will be shown (Figure 3-17).

Figure 3-16 Data Replay Dialogue

Figure 3-17 Data Replay Toolbar

Then TD and GD will show on MDVR as Figure 3-18 and Figure 3-19

Figure 3-18 TD on MDVR

Figure 3-19 GD on MDVR

3.5 Backup and Recovery

3.5.1 Backup

Backup means to pack, compress and copy the voice and data files to Removable Disk.. The
steps are as follows:
Click on “Backup and Restore” button in main interface (Figure 3-20) another dialogue box
will appear (Figure 3-21).

Backup and restore

Figure 3-20 Backup Manu

Figure 3-21 Dialogue Box for Data Backup

The record files with the date time and the file size are displayed in the list. Choose the file that
will be backup, and notice that the total files that chosen should be less than the free space of
Removable Disk (Figure 3-22).

Figure 3-22 Search the Backup Files
In Figure 3-23, click on “Backup” button to backup the files to Removable Disk. It will pop up
a dialog when the backup finished (Figure 3-23 and Figure 3-24).

Figure 3-23 During the backup

Figure 3-24 Backup completed

3.5.2 Recovery

MDVR-02 can recover the backed up data to the hard disk conveniently and the backed up
voice files and data files can be recovered to the corresponding directories on hard disk.
In Figure 3-25, Connect the removable disk that contains the files to be recovered and click
“Backup and Restore” button, the dialogue box displayed in Figure 3-26 will be seen.

Figure 3-25 Recovery Manu

Figure 3-26 Dialogue Box of Data Recur
The restore files on removable disk with the date time and the file size are displayed in the list.
Choose the file will be restored (Figure 3-27), and click the “Restore” button to start restore. It
will pop up a dialog (Figure 3-28) when restore completed.

Figure 3-27 Choose restore file

Figure 3-28 Restore Success


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