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French Philosopher Jacques Derrida first used the term Deconstruction in the
1970s, which insists that there is no single inherent meaning to be discovered in work
but rather a variety of meanings that are often conflicting.

DECONSTRUCTIVISM: Emerged in the late 1980s.

Objective: Showcase construction while maintaining functionality as art or design.
Deconstruction defined as "construction in reverse".
Main characteristic in graphic design: Breaking the whole, then recombining to
create disorderly space and form.
Aims to offer different visual perceptions to viewers.

ABSTRACT: This experimental thesis embarks on an unconventional artistic journey,

focusing on the deconstruction and subsequent morphing of artistic revolutions
throughout history. It ventures into uncharted creative territory, seeking to unravel
the intricate tapestry of artistic evolution. Through innovative interdisciplinary
techniques, it aims to dissect the fundamental elements of pivotal art movements,
break them down to their core essence, and then synthesize them into new, hybrid
As a design student my target audience are artists
and designers.

The thesis explores an unconventional blending of contemporary art with various
historical art styles and designs.
It employs innovative interdisciplinary techniques to deconstruct and synthesize different art and design
movements into new hybrid forms.

Most probably in Pakistan.

Its about experementation so it don’t have specific timeline.

The purpose is to unravel the evolution of art and design by connecting contemporary art and design with
historical artistic revolutions.
The goal is to create something new and exciting by blending the essence of different art and design
movements and exploring uncharted creative territory.

By experimentations.
The thesis explores an unconventional and innovative approach to art by blending
contemporary art with various historical art styles and designs. It employs
interdisciplinary techniques to deconstruct fundamental elements of different art
movements, distill their essence, and synthesize them into new hybrid forms. The
primary goal is to create a novel and exciting connection between today's art and
the rich history of artistic revolutions, resulting in a unique and contemporary artistic

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