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AP Statistics Chapter 5 Practice Test Name Sot ee Probability Per __ Date Part 1: Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the best answer. — G1. when rolng a fair di, you rll a6 four times in a row. Given that each rol the probability that the next roll yields a six also? 1y 1S 5 1 previovs rolls ) (3) ©) (3) os © (2) not affect neat roll. 1D 2 Suppose there are three cards in a deck, one marked with a 1, one marked with a 2, and one marked with a 5. You draw two cards at random and without replacement from the deck of three cards. The (( 2, By care sample space $= ( consists of these three equally likely outcomes. Let X be the sum of the numbers on the ‘drawn. Which of the following is the correct set of probabilities for X? (@) xT P00 1) [XTPOO] ©) XT PO] @ EXT POD] fe) [XTP 1/3 @ 3) 13. 3 | 3 3 1 1714 4/3, 6] 3 6 6. 6 | V2 2 Sy 3 7s 7 [76 7 Are 12. Use the following table for questions 3-5. The following table compares the hand dominance of 200 Canadian high-school students and what methods they prefer using to communicate with their friends. Suppose one student is chosen randomly from this group of 200. Cell phone/Text In person Online Total Left-handed 12 13 9 34 Right-handed 43 es 51 166 Total 55 85 60 200 C5. whatis the probabilty that the student chosen prefers to communicate with friends in person? (a) 0.065 (b) 0.153 0.425, (d) 0.382 (e) 0.59% © Be Bho 4. Ifyou know the person that has been randomly selected is left-handed, what is the probability that they prefer to communicate with friends in person? | 2 (Goss (e) 0.595 Pe L) 8% 4 (a)0.065 — (b) 0.153 (c) 0.425 5. You select a student from the group at random. Which of the following statements is true about the ‘events “Left-Handed” and “Prefers to communicate with friends in person"? 9 L n P)= 0 (a) The events are mutually exclusive and independent. \E, means. ( = (b) The events are not mutually exclusive but they are independent. Independent means (c) The events are mutually exclusive, but they are not independent. i The events are not mutually exclusive, nor are they independent. P(P) = PP|L) (e) The events are independent, but we do not have enough information to determine if they are mutually exclusive. Oc 6. Event has probability 0.4, Event Bhas probabilty 0.5. If A and B are(Gisjoint mutually exclusive), then the probability that both events occur is _ (@o (o) 0.4 (0.2 (07 oa PCANB)=0 Co 7. Event Ahas probability 0.4, Event Bhas probabiliy 0.5, if Aand Bare sjoinfmutualy exclusive), then the probability that either events occur is (0 (00.1 (02 (oo7 = @os P(AUB)= P(A)+P(8) C__8.Event A has probability 0.4. Event Bhas probability 0.5. If Aand Bare independent, then the probability that both events occur is (@0 (b) 0.1 @oz (07 (09 P(ANB)=P(A)- P(B) 8. Event A has probability 0.4. Event Bhas probabilty 0.5. If A and Bare independent, then the probity that ater sat a . @7 wos HAUE)= Prr)+P(B) -P(Ang) =0.410-5-0. Use the following situation for questions 10 and 11. a Ignoring twins and other multiple births, assume that babies born at a hospital are independent random events wth the probabiliy that a baby is boy and the probabily that a baby isa gi both equal to 0.5. Ss. Q 40. the probability that the next five babies are girls is (2, (a)1 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.1 (d) 0.0625 03125 R-_ in. The probability that at least one of the next three babies is a boy is P nee +P(a8) + PGB) (2)0.125 — (b)0.333 ~ (c)0.667 —(d) 0.750 P(o8) = =1-P6@) (05)*= 0.845 12. Ina cookie jar, there are 12 chocolate chip cookies, 5 oatmeal raison cookies, and 7 macadamia tool, What the robe tat 8 oh gen (without replacement), that both Cae comics cookies were the same type of cookie? (a) 0.239 (b) 0.036 iting a Bes ©1897? go Be oi =0.3514 uirtimes 13. A die is loaded so that the number 3 comes 2B as Sten 2 284, any 5! Ba Reaper Sha is the probability of rolling a 1, 3, or 5? ‘Sample, Space 4 1 1 2 4 5 Gja 4G 0 (a) — b) — = (a) — (e) = ao oa 6; 9 "5 © Times 08 often Use the following for questions 14 and 15: 4 An event A will occur with probability 0.5. An event B will occur with probability 0.4. The probability that both A and B will occuris 0.2. P ‘The conditional probability of A, ay B is 0.5 (b)iso4 pCAle)= 4 92 =0.5 (c) is 0.7 (d) is 0.2 (e) cannot be determined from the information given. OX. 45. We may conclude that 9(a)=P(AIB) = 0- Berens A ard ae satay ncuiv: P(ANB) #0 (©) eithor-A-or Batways occurs: & events rane Barer complementary. P(A) + BE | (e) none of the above is correct. 16. Three machines — A, B, and C — are used to produce a large quantity of identical parts at a factory. Machine A produces 60% of the parts, while Machines B and C produce 30% and 10% of the parts respectively. Historical records indicate that 10% of the parts produced by Machine A are defective, compared with 30% for Machine B and 40% for Machine C. What is the probability that a randomly chosen part is defective? (a) 0.8 @o.19 (c) 0.06 (d) 0.04 (e) 0.09 ave From A 0.60 (6-1) = 6.06 Defective em B O.3l0 ors Defective From C 4-1 (0-4)= 0.04 0.17, Youare tld that your score on an exam is at the 85 percentile of the distribution of scores. This means that (a) Your score was lower than approximately 85% of the people who took this exam. (6) Your score was higher than approximately 85% of the people who took this exam. (c) You answered 85% of the questions correctly. (d) If you took this test (or one like it) again, you would score as well as you did this time 85% of the time. (e) 85% of the people who took this test earned the same score you did. 18. Jack and Jill are both enth layers of a certain computer, game. Over the past year, Jack's mean score when playing the game th a standard deviation During the same period, Jill's mean score is 14,200, with a standard deviation of 2000. They devise a fair contest: each one will play the game once, and they will compare z-scores. Jack gets a score of 14,000, and Jill gets a score of 16,000. ‘Who won the contest, and what were each of their z-scores? COO- z (a) lacke 2 P07 dife-reeTi il wine tre contost_ JOS IYCOS=IBNOO — | 0 Glee Jack's 2= 1.07; Jill's 2= 0,90; Jack wins the contest \ 1SOO (c) Jack's z=.0-94; Jill's-2=4-11; Jill wins the contest iN -14Q00. (d) Jack’s z=.0-94; Jil's z= 0.90; Jack wins the contest iN too a6. 0,9 ; vill wins the contest gos 19. A company produces ceramic floor tiles that are supposed to have a surface area of 16.0 square inches. Due to variability in the manufacturing process, the actual surface area has a Normal distribution with a mean of 16.1 square inches and a standard deviation of 0.2 square inches. The proportion of tiles produced by the process with surface arealless than 16.0|square inches is, NormalCDF(0, 1G 16-1, 6. 9) (0.1915 0.3085 (c)0.3173 (d) 0.4115 (e) 0.6915 ose! oper X | Sx 20. A company produces packets of soap powder labeled "Giant Size 32 Ounces." The actual weight of Soap powder in a box has a Normal distribution with a mean of 33.02. and a standard deviation of 0.8 oz. eid proportion of packets are underweight (ie., weighlless than 32 0z,)? CDF (6,22, 33. Of @ 0.106 (b) 0.115, (c) 0.159 (d) 0.212 (e) 0.841 Normal CDF; oa Sx (e) Jack's z= 0.81; Jill's 2= 0.9 e 21. The correlation Sneticient measures (a) whether there is a relationship between two variables. (b) the strength of the relationship between two quantitative variables. (c) whether or not a scatterplot shows an interesting pattern. (d) whether a cause and effect relation exists between two variables. @ the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables. 22. Which of the following are most likely to be negatively correlated? (a) The total floor space and the price of an apartment in New York. 1 rt (b) The percentage of body fat and the time it takes to run a mile for male college students. { (c) The heights and yearly earnings of 35-year-old U.S. adults. ne ralavion (d) Gender and yearly earnings among 35-year-old U.S. adults. , The prices and the weights of all racing bicycles sold last year in Chicago. “| 23. ‘Least-squares’ in the term “least-squares regression line” refers to {a) Minimizing the sum of the squares of all values of the explanatory-variable: (b) Minimizing the sum of the squares of all values of the respense-variable. (c) Minimizing the products of each value of the response variable and the predicted value based on the regression equation. @ Minimizing the sum of the squares of tne ual) a (6) Minimizing the squares of the differences Betweefi each value of the response variable and each value of the explanatory variable. Show all your work. Indicate clearly the methods you use, because you will be graded on the correctness of your methods as well as on the accuracy and completeness of your results and explanations. 24. Based on previous records, 17% of the vehicles passing through a tollbooth have out-of-state plates. . This can be expressed as P(out-of-state plates) = 0.17. Assume each vehicle plate is independent of other vehicle plates. (a) Describe what the Law of Large Numbers says in the context of this probability. Fler cae man arenes vehicles pos passing th roximoately O.1F (or TF) of the vehi Ms Pave! out oft tobe platds (b) What is the probability tharGons)t the next four vehicles have out-of-state plates? Since, Yheuy ose “Independant PCinsiate}-"I-0.17 = 0.83 (033)1s 0.474585al ve The probolzfity Haat no noneot the ent foor vehicles have ovt a (c) You want to estimate the probe late Pals Salta iced Describe the design of a simulation to estimate this proba of random Ags below to camry out your simulation. © We uill vse two- 1 numbers to represent the percentage ot vehides diout vehicles)have out of state plates. . Explain clearly how you will use the partial table that have. outof-state. Plates (00-16) and in-state Dic res (1 °3 the. bers Ve i eral reps (or coksat © he will, [cok Spates’ 4.vohiches, civde the-vehicles thot hove. ‘OUt-of - Stoke S Exh trial that has one circle will count! (d) Carry out 5 trials of your: eS Mark on or above each line of the table so that someone can clearly follow your method. yr teial3__trial Y__ trial S_ at oO 2 not an actual vehicle , Hoscn i 128 BY 189 88296 95670 74932 65317 93648 43988 47597 83044 190 79485 92200 99401 54473 34336 82786 05457 60343 191 40830 24979 23333 37619 56227 95941 59494 86539 192 32006 76302 81221 00693 95197 75044 46596 11628 ah 2 S ls oO 4 4 q 4 4 2 trials has exactly one of for vehicles sith ovt-of- state plates. pane rdoability That ovt of four v O-4 is the 9 “i eat ovtof-state plates. only, one wl 25. A counselor analyzes student's course selection and calculates the following: The probability that a randomly-chosen student is taking Spanish is 0.4, that the student is taking Chemistry is 0.3, and that the ‘student is taking BOTH Chemistry and Spanish is 0.1. (2) Let S = Randomly-chosen student is taking Spanish, and C = Randomly-chosen student is taking Chemistry. Sketch a Venn diagram or two-way table that summarizes the probabilities above. CNC 4 S$ Cc S$ [o..[o3]o: NS[0.a]04}0.6 Of Gabe) 0-3 OF 0.4 i. The probability that a randomly-selected student is taking Spanien, OR Chemistry. S$ UC)=6.310-4-0.1 0.310.140. P( UO}=p.54 (b) Find each of the following: i. The probability that a randomly-selected eucept is taking Spanish or isn't taking Chemistry. (SUNC)= 6.340.140 iii, ‘The probability that a randomly-selected student doesn't take Spanish and doesn't take nS (NSIINC) 26. A company has developed a drug test to detect steroid use by athletes. The test is accurate 95% of the time when an athlete has taken steroids. It is 97% accurate when an athlete hasn't taken steroids. Suppose the drug test will be used in a population of athletes in which 10% have actually taken steroids. Suppose we know that the test was. ite, what is the probability that the lidn’ e steriods? Se Steroids, A= Accurate P(ns|A)= P(NSNA) _ 6.873 P (A) 0-168 pao NS ae oe eee ae ee aoe eo ae i fae

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