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AP Statistics Chapter 12 Practice Test Name ____________________

More about regression Per ___ Date ______________

Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Use in Problems 1-4: A high school guidance counselor wonders if it is
possible to predict a student’s GPA in their senior year from their GPA in
the first semester of their freshman year. She selects a random sample
of 15 seniors from the graduating class of 468 and records both full-year
GPA in their senior year (‘Senior”) and first-semester GPA in their
freshman year (“Fresh”). A computer regression analysis and a residual
plot of these data are given.

____ 1. Enough information is provided above to confirm that four conditions for slope inference have been
satisfied, but we need a further analysis of the data to confirm that the fifth condition for inference has
been satisfied. Which condition requires further analysis of the data?
a.) Mean Senior GPA is a linear function of Freshman GPA.
b.) Observations for each student are independent.
c.) For each value of Freshman GPA, the distribution of Senior GPA is roughly Normal.
d.) The variance of Senior GPA is roughly equal for each value of Freshman GPA.
e.) The data come from a random sample.

____ 2. Which of the following is the estimate from this sample for the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of slopes?
a.) 0.1789 b.) 0.3558 c.) 0.5304 d.) 0.5328 e.) 1.6310

____ 3. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the quantity s = 0.3558
a.) Predictions of Senior GPA from 1st semester Freshman GPA based on this regression model will
be off by an average of about 0.3558
b.) The sum of the squared deviations between each observed Senior GPA and the predicted Senior
GPA by the regression equation is 0.3558
c.) The average distance between the observed Senior GPA and the mean Senior GPA in this
sample is 0.3558
d.) The sum of the squared deviations between each observed 1st semester Freshman GPA and the
predicted 1st semester Freshman GPA by the regression equation is 0.3558
e.) The average distance between the observed 1st semester Freshman GPA and the mean 1st
semester Freshman GPA in this sample is 0.3558

____ 4. The guidance counselor wants to test the hypotheses H0: β = 0 versus Ha: β ≠ 0 at an α = 0.01 level.
Which of the following is the appropriate conclusion?
a.) Since the P-value of 0.011 is less than α, we reject H0. There is convincing evidence
of a linear relationship between freshman GPA and Senior GPA.
b.) Since the P-value of 0.011 is greater than α, we fail to reject H0. We do not have
enough evidence to conclude that there is a linear relationship between freshman
GPA and Senior GPA.
c.) Since the P-value of 0.011 is greater than α, we accept H0. We have convincing
evidence that there is not a linear relationship between freshman GPA and Senior
d.) Since the P-value of 0.009 is less than α, we reject H0. We have convincing
evidence of a linear relationship between freshman GPA and Senior GPA.
e.) Since the P-value of 0.009 is less than α, we accept H0. We have convincing
evidence that there is not a linear relationship between freshman GPA and
Senior GPA.
Use in problems 5-6: Can we predict annual household electricity costs in a specific region from the number of
rooms in the house? Below is computer output for a regression of annual electricity costs (in dollars) on number
of rooms for 30 randomly-selected houses in Michigan. Assume the conditions for regression inference have
been met.

____ 5. Based on these data, the margin of error for a 95% confidence interval for the amount of increase in
annual electricity costs for a one-room increase in house size is given by:
 24.77   24.77 
a.) 2.05 24.77 b.) 2.05   c.) 2.05  24.77  d.) 1.96 24.77 e.) 1.96  
 28   28 
____ 6. Which of the following is an appropriate interpretation of the number 58.45?
a.) An increase of $1 in electricity costs increases predicted rooms by 58.45%
b.) An increase in room number increases predicted electricity costs by $58.45
c.) Number of rooms corresponds to predicted electricity costs by $58.45
d.) The ratio of predicted electricity costs to observed electricity costs is, on average, 58.45%
e.) The ratio of predicted electricity costs to observed room number is, on average, $58.45

____ 7. Suppose we measure a response variable Y for several values of an explanatory variable X. A
scatterplot of log Y versus log X looks approximately like a negatively-sloping straight line. We may
conclude that
a.) the rate of growth of Y is positive, but slowing down over time.
b.) an exponential growth model would approximately describe the relationship between Y and X.
c.) a power model would approximately describe the relationship between Y and X.
d.) the relationship between Y and X is a positively-sloping straight line.
e.) the residual plot of the regression of log Y on log X would have a “U-shaped” pattern suggesting a
non-linear relationship.

Use for problems 8-10: Use of the Internet worldwide increased steadily from 1990 to 2002. A least squares
regression analysis of Internet Users versus Year (from 1990 to 2002) produced the following residual plot.
_____ 8. Based on this residual plot, which of the statements
are true?
I. Internet users decreased from 1990 to 1997
II. This regression equation would underestimate
internet users in 1995.
III. The relationship between year and internet users is
a.) I only
b.) II only
c.) III only
d.) I and II are true
e.) None of these statements is true

_____ 9. The scatterplot of ln Internet Users versus Year shows

a strong, positive, linear pattern. Which one of the following conclusions can be drawn from this information?
a.) The scatterplot of ln (Internet Users) versus ln (Year) will also be strong, positive, and linear.
b.) The relationship between Internet Users and Year can be modeled well by an exponential function.
c.) The relationship between Internet Users and Year can be modeled well by a power function.
d.) The residual plot for the regression of ln (Internet Users) on Year will show a curved pattern similar to the
one shown above.
e.) The Internet Users in 2010 can be predicted accurately by the linear regression of ln (Internet Users) on
Year from these data.
Below is a computer regression analysis of the transformed data ln Internet Users versus Year

____ 10. Which of the following is the correct regression equation from this analysis?
a.) ln Internet Users  951.10  0.4785  lnYear 

b.) ln Internet Users  951.10 0.4785 Year 

c.) ln Internet Users  0.4785 951.10 Year 
d.) Internet Users  951.10  0.4785 ln Year 

e.) Internet Users  951.10  0.4785 Year 

____ 11. What is the predicted number of Internet users (in millions) in 1991, based on this model?
a.) 1.59 b.) 4.46 c.) 4.92 d.) 38.90 e.) 86.77

Part 2: Free Response

Show all your work. Indicate clearly the methods you use, because you will be graded on the correctness of
your methods as well as on the accuracy and completeness of your results and explanations.

12. Professor Moore takes a 2000 meter swim very day. Every day after swimming, he records his
pulse rate (beats per minute) and the amount of time it took him to swim 2000 meters. He randomly
selects 23 days of data, graphs it, then performs a regression analysis on the data.

a.) Use the information provided to discuss if the conditions

for regression inference have been met. If you do not have
enough information to check a condition, describe what further
information would be required.
For the remaining questions using these data, assume that the conditions for inference have been
b.) Do these data provide convincing evidence that there is a linear relationship between time spent
swimming 2000 meters and pulse rate? Perform the appropriate significance test to support your

c.) Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the slope of the population regression line
predicting pulse rate from time spent swimming 2000 meters.

d.) Can the professor tell people that the data establishes that more time spent swimming will lower
pulse rate? Why or why not?
13. A student wants to know if you can predict the weight (in grams) of an animal heart from the length
(in centimeters) of the cavity of the left ventricle. Below is the scatterplot of representing the heart
weight and length of the cavity of the left ventricle for several mammals, along with the residual plot
from the linear regression analysis.

a.) Is a linear model appropriate for these data? Justify your answer.

b.) Below is the scatterplots of the transformed data. Which of the graphs is more appropriate?
Which model would appropriately the relationship between the length and weight? Explain.
c.) Computer output from the regression of ln(weight) versus ln(length) is given below. Use it to
predict the weight of a heart of a mammal whose left ventricle has a length of 6.8 centimeters.

d.) Comment on the reliability of the prediction made in part c.

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