Community Psychology at The Crossroads

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Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

DOI 10.1007/s10464-006-9062-3


Community Psychology at the Crossroads:

Prospects for Interdisciplinary Research
Kenneth I. Maton · Douglas D. Perkins · Susan Saegert

Published online: 22 August 2006

C Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

Abstract Effective engagement in interdisciplinary work disciplinary work and uncertainties related to professional
is critical if community psychology is to achieve its promise identity and marketability. Overcoming these challenges
as a field of ecological inquiry and social action. The requires a synergy among facilitative factors at the levels of
purpose of this paper and special issue is to help make the the interdisciplinary project team (e.g., the framing question;
benefits of interdisciplinary community research clearer and embedded relationships; leadership), the investigators (e.g.,
to identify and begin to address its challenges. Although commitment to new learning; time to invest), and the
some areas of psychology (e.g., biological, cognitive and external context (e.g., physical, administrative, economic
health) have made substantial interdisciplinary strides in and intellectual resources and support for interdisciplinary
recent decades, progress in community psychology (and work). We conclude by identifying several exemplars
related areas) is more modest. In this article we explore the of effective interdisciplinary collaborations and concrete
prospects for expanding and improving interdisciplinary steps our field can take to enhance our development as a
community research. Challenges include designs, measures, vibrant community-based, multilevel discipline increasingly
and analytical frameworks that integrate multiple levels devoted to interdisciplinary inquiry and action.
of analysis from individuals through families, organiza-
tions, and communities to policy jurisdictions, and the Keywords Interdisciplinary . Community psychology .
complexities involved in simultaneously bringing together Levels of analysis . Ecological . Community partnerships .
multiple disciplinary collaborators and community partners. Transdisciplinary . Multidisciplinary .
Challenges to interdisciplinary collaboration common to Collaborative research
all disciplines include the disciplinary nature of academic
culture and reward structures, limited funding for inter-
The importance of interdisciplinarity
for community psychology

K. I. Maton () Community psychology has been struggling to heed the call
Psychology Department, University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250
for interdisciplinary collaboration since the founding of the
e-mail: field. Those who met 40 years ago in Swampscott, MA, to
launch and define the new field emphasized that “if psychol-
D. D. Perkins ogy wants to make an impact on large social processes. . .,
Human and Organizational Development, Vanderbilt University,
Peabody #90, 230 Appleton Place, Nashville, TN 37203-5721
it will have to step out of its immersion in strictly clinical-
e-mail: medical settings” (Anderson et al., 1966, p. 5). A full chapter
of the report was devoted to relations with other disciplines
S. Saegert and emphasized the importance of a training faculty and stu-
The Graduate Center, Environmental Psychology, City University
of New York, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016
dent body from multiple disciplines. Among fields singled
e-mail: out for interdisciplinary collaboration were sociology, social
work, medicine, anthropology, political science, education,

10 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

public health, economics, nursing, law, business adminis- both, complex political, economic, environmental, and
tration, city planning, philosophy, and theology (Anderson sociocultural issues. If community psychology is to con-
et al., 1966). tribute anything useful to addressing those problems, we
Similarly, at the Austin, TX, conference on training in must think more ecologically, act more politically, and
community psychology in the early 1970s, the field was actively engage the various disciplines that understand
defined as: those issues, or at least their particular piece of those
issues, including political science, economics, sociology,
being concerned with participating in planning for social
anthropology, public health, law, urban planning, commu-
change; with organizing and implementing planned
nity development, and others. (Levine, Perkins, & Perkins,
changes; with designing and conducting programs of
2005, p. 471)
service to provide for the human needs generated by
social changes; and with the development of community Although little empirical work has been conducted in this
resources and process to deal with the future implications area, community psychologists over the years have high-
of social changes. It was recognized that these are lighted key foci within the larger social change arena where
activities that involve the efforts of persons from several interdisciplinary collaboration may be fruitful. For exam-
different fields, and that community psychologists should ple, Maton (2000) emphasized the need for sustained work
give a high priority to cooperation and collaboration with allied disciplines to understand and jointly influence
with the community and with other disciplines. . . (Mann, four key, interrelated processes linked to the social transfor-
1978, p. 18). mation of environments: capacity-building, group empower-
ment, relational community-building, and culture challenge.
Why did the founders of community psychology (and
Prilleltensky and Nelson (1997) called for our field to ad-
others since) so clearly see the need for interdisciplinary
dress underlying structural issues of power, oppression, and
work? The answers have to do with their recognition that
liberation. Christens and Perkins (in press) expand on that
by itself, an intrapsychic, person-centered psychology was
vision by proposing a comprehensive framework for inter-
limited in (a) contributing to transformative social change,
disciplinary community research and action which includes
(b) developing programs to improve settings and community
the need to focus systematically on multiple levels of anal-
life, (c) advancing theory development in psychology and
ysis and on economic, political, physical, and socio-cultural
other fields, especially with regard to understanding contexts
forms of both capital and oppression. Clearly, collaborations
and communities, and (d) creating a new and distinct field
with other disciplines are essential to usefully frame ques-
of community-based research on social behavior and well-
tions related to social change, to generate relevant theories,
being at multiple levels of analysis. Let us briefly examine
to conduct research and analyze data encompassing multi-
the potential importance of interdisciplinary work in each of
ple, higher levels of analysis, and to initiate and evaluate
these areas.
change efforts at all those levels. We cannot do so by our-
selves. Moreover, over time we must move from occasional
Contributing to social change
communications or collaborations with other disciplines to
sustained, robust interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary inter-
The Swampscott and Austin conferences did not emphasize
actions in which new perspectives and knowledge about so-
amelioration of problems, or incremental change, as much
cial problems and means to address them are developed over
as they did larger social change. Those attending the con-
the longer term.
ferences were fully aware that psychologists have far less
knowledge of social movements, social change and political
Developing programs and improving settings
action than do sociologists, political scientists, and social
and community life
historians. Yet through to the present time, few community
psychologists have collaborated with researchers in these and
Involvement in efforts to improve the everyday lives of
related fields to further our understanding of social change
citizens inevitably brings us into contact with professionals
mechanisms and processes.
from diverse fields who work in a multiplicity of community
The importance of focusing on social change, and doing
settings. Effective collaboration with staff and administrators
so in collaboration with other disciplines, has been argued
in these settings, along with the community itself, is essential
repeatedly over the years. A recent textbook succinctly states
if our applied work is to be successful and sustainable
the case:
and our theories are to contribute to improving the human
The world’s greatest problems—poverty, disease, hunger, condition. These collaborations may involve development
violence, war, oppression, environmental contamination, of prevention or promotion programs, program evaluation,
resource depletion . . . have as root causes, solutions, or action research, organizational and community consultation,

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21 11

community development, advocacy, policy analysis, and and conceptual perspectives, to name just a few, include the
community coalition building (e.g., Rappaport & Seidman, social structure vs. agency debate, social systems, critical
2000; Rich, Edelstein, Hallman, & Wandersman, 1995; theory, biological ecology, culture, population perspectives,
Speer et al., 2003). These intervention and social action ac- role theory, and political economy. Specific fields that have
tivities must be done with a clear understanding about larger generated perspectives, methods and accumulated empiri-
social structures and dynamics, cultural diversity, political cal knowledge relevant to our understanding of contexts and
and economic considerations, global interdependence, and communities include urban and community sociology, public
the physical environmental context. They therefore would health, urban and regional planning, applied anthropology,
greatly benefit from collaboration with other disciplines. political science, social history, education, and applied eco-
The more complex and multifaceted the problems and nomics. Collaboration with like-minded researchers in these
settings being addressed, the more likely involvement in an fields can yield important new, interdisciplinary understand-
interdisciplinary effort will yield a sufficiently complex, so- ing of contexts of interest, including the larger geographical
phisticated and useful intervention effort. Researchers from community.
other disciplines, including those in applied fields (e.g., ed-
ucation, public health, law, health services research, com- Community-based, multilevel, interdisciplinary
munity development), bring theoretical and practical knowl- research: A niche for community psychology
edge, sensitivity and understanding about larger social struc-
tures and dynamics, enhanced access, and strategies, tactics Collaborating with other fields often requires collecting and
and skills related to specific domains in their area of exper- analyzing data at different levels of analysis. Currently, com-
tise (e.g., schools, human services, criminal justice system, munity psychology stands balanced on one foot in psychol-
health care settings, neighborhood organizations, religious ogy at the individual level, with its other foot testing the
settings, etc.). They can bring to bear alternative intervention ground at higher levels (e.g., Maton, 1989; Perkins & Taylor,
perspectives and approaches that complement and expand 1996; Rappaport & Seidman, 2000; Saegert & Winkel, 1990;
those with which we are familiar, thus enhancing the odds of Shinn, 1996; Trickett, 1996). We desire to work across levels
success. They can also help community psychologists more with other applied social sciences, but have done so rarely.
deeply understand the socio-cultural obstacles to and facilita- Incorporating more interdisciplinary work into community
tors of change that operate at multiple levels in these systems. psychology would help create a new and more distinct niche
for the field: community-based research on social behavior
Advancing theories and understanding of contexts and well-being encompassing multiple levels of analysis. We
and communities will continue to explore the level of individual behaviors,
emotions, cognitions, beliefs, and interpersonal microsys-
The ecological concepts and principles proposed by Kelly tem relationships. That will continue to set us apart from
(1966; 2006), Barker (1968) and others helped define com- other social sciences and, along with our multiple method-
munity psychology in the 1960s. These principles were key ological skills, interpersonal competencies, value base, and
drivers in differentiating community psychology from main- ecological perspective, provide much of our valued exper-
stream individual psychology. Ecological and systems prin- tise in interdisciplinary relationships. To work effectively
ciples embraced a critical focus on context and community. with other disciplines and be of more value to other psy-
Nonetheless and unfortunately, over the years our research chologists, however, we must also expand our knowledge of
studies have in many cases been limited to the individual groups, voluntary associations, and other local organizations
level of analysis, excluding the systematic study of context, and social networks at the mesosystem level and of commu-
community and social ecology. Our home discipline of psy- nities, institutions, and social structures at the macrosystem
chology does not prepare us well for the latter work. level, along with how each of these influence the others. As
At the time of the founding of community psychology, we extend our work to global settings, we must expand our
through to the present, other disciplines have possessed im- cultural and language literacy and our knowledge of political
portant methodological tools, theoretical perspectives, and affairs, both foreign and domestic.
bodies of knowledge that are extremely important to enhance As discussed later in the paper, the multiple levels of
our understanding of contexts and communities. Examples of analysis that are an implicit and fundamental orientation in
methodological tools, some now beginning to be included in social ecology (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) have, surprisingly,
our studies of context and community include ethnography, never been fully developed or exploited in community psy-
qualitative methods, narrative and discourse analysis, social chology. As a unit of analysis, the community and the so-
epidemiology, population perspectives, participant observa- cial or physical setting still have a long way to go, even in
tion, social historical analysis, multi-level statistical models, community psychology, although that has begun to change
and geographic information systems. Relevant theoretical (Shinn & Toohey, 2003). The advent of multi-level statistical

12 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

procedures is an exciting step in that direction. Even so, of collaboration, three categories of interdisciplinary work
multi-level analysis by and large has been used only to pre- have been distinguished. According to Stokols et al. (2003;
dict variation at the lowest level, which in psychology, educa- following Rosenfield, 1992):
tion, and even sociology still usually means individual-level
Multidisciplinarity refers to a process whereby re-
outcomes. We should also be analyzing the psychological,
searchers in different disciplines work independently or
behavioral, policy, and other contextual factors that lead to
sequentially, each from his or her own discipline-specific
change at the organizational, community, and societal lev-
perspective, to address a common problem. Interdisci-
els, along with the mechanisms of change within and across
plinarity is a process in which researchers work jointly,
levels, (cf. Maton, 2000; Maton, Schellenbach, Leadbeater,
but from each of their respective disciplinary perspec-
& Solarz, 2004; Phillips, Howes, & Whitebook, 1992; Task
tives, to address a common problem. Transdisciplinarity
Force on Urban Psychology, 2005; Yoshikawa & Hsueh,
is a process by which researchers work jointly to de-
velop and use a shared conceptual framework that draws
In sum, there continues to be a belief in community
together discipline-specific theories, concepts, and meth-
psychology that bringing psychology into communities and
ods to address a common problem. (Stokols et al., 2003,
larger social systems, and these systems into psychology,
p. S24).
would benefit theoretical and applied psychology and ulti-
mately communities themselves. An ongoing limitation or In the current paper, for ease of communication, we most
challenge is that psychologists who consider themselves to often use the term “interdisciplinary” generically, to cover
be focused on the community and on social change are a any of the three forms of collaboration noted above, unless it
small proportion of all psychologists. At the same time, how- is emphasized in a given case that the collaboration was ex-
ever, there is a tremendous opportunity for recognition and plicitly multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary in orientation.
growth in community psychology and our interdisciplinary New theoretical perspectives and intellectual develop-
work as we stand readier and better equipped to work with ments in a field may result from the borrowing or adaptation
other social sciences and community-based professionals of ideas and approaches from other disciplines. This may
and organizations than most other branches of psychology. follow from (1) a lone theorist reading in multiple disci-
We do not claim that interdisciplinary work is a panacea. plines, (2) active interdisciplinary communication (e.g., at
It clearly involves many challenges and limitations, which conferences) or training in a second discipline (e.g., during
will be discussed below. Nor do we argue that all work in a sabbatical year), or (3) collaboration among members of
community psychology should be interdisciplinary. Interdis- an interdisciplinary team. Examples of the sole multidisci-
ciplinary collaboration simply needs to be a more prominent plinary thinker creatively drawing from other fields were
and well-developed approach in our field, and used when abundant in the early years of community psychology (e.g.,
appropriate. The appropriate times and places, in our view, Albee, Barker, Kelly, Levine, Newbrough, & Sarason).
are on the rise and we must train the next generation of As the Swampscott conferees made clear, interdisci-
community psychologists, and help the current generation, plinary training in community psychology was to be a high
to be more comfortable and knowledgeable in collaborating priority. Prominent examples of interdisciplinary social sci-
with other disciplines. Most of us do not venture very far ence programs had already been created at several of the lead-
into interdisciplinary work, perhaps because the benefits are ing universities in the U.S. (e.g., Yale’s Institutes of Human
not fully clear, and the challenges appear substantial. The Relations and for Social and Policy Studies, Harvard’s De-
purpose of this paper and special issue is to help make the partment of Social Relations, University of Chicago’s Com-
benefits clearer, and to begin to show how the challenges mittee on Human Development, and University of Michi-
can be successfully addressed. Before discussing these chal- gan’s Research Center for Group Dynamics, which was
lenges, we next examine several definitional and conceptual founded by Kurt Lewin and is now part of the Institute for
issues related to interdisciplinarity. Social Research). Some of the leading interdisciplinary pro-
grams, however, had disbanded by the late 1960s, reflecting
the difficulties involved in such efforts. In recent decades,
Interdisciplinarity: Definitional and only a handful of interdisciplinary training programs have
conceptual issues emerged in community psychology, with several others in-
directly linked to the field (e.g., Social Ecology, Human
“Interdisciplinary” collaboration can take a variety of forms, Development, Public Policy, Education, Environmental Psy-
depending on the nature and extent of work done. The term chology). Interdisciplinary training programs differ in the
is most often applied to research, but can also be applied extent to which courses from other disciplines are required
to theory, training, intervention teams, or funding streams. or electives, courses are team taught or taught by sole in-
In terms of research, to help sort out the different levels structors, and research experience with faculty from other

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21 13

disciplines is common. Interestingly, some of the most en- tion research may prove a natural strength of our work in the
during interdisciplinary training programs are in applied dis- interdisciplinary arena.
ciplines (e.g., Public Health, Social Work, Community De- More generally, as we see it, the goal for interdisciplinary
velopment, Criminal/Justice Studies), or involve emergent community psychology, as for individual community psy-
interdisciplinary fields (e.g., Gerontology, Policy Analysis, chologists, is for our theories, methods, and collaborations
Environmental Design). to become as ecological as are our implicit conceptions of so-
Finally, in terms of intervention, collaboration generally cial phenomena and much of our applied professional work.
will involve working with administrators or staff from var- We interact with diverse groups in multiple contexts and at
ious community sectors (e.g., teachers, physicians, social multiple levels in various kinds of joint service and pro-
workers, public housing directors). Increasingly, however, fessional activities. But when it comes down to selecting
this can involve faculty from other academic disciplines as theories (if we do so explicitly), methods, and research col-
well, as in the case of university-community partnerships. laborators, most of us rely on the familiar and convenient,
It may be more appropriate to use the term “intersectoral” but in many cases terribly limiting, confines of individual
collaborations to describe the former, and “interdisciplinary psychology.
collaboration” for those that involve more than one discipline
in the academy.
Interdisciplinary theory and research in community
psychology to date
Distinctive domains for interdisciplinary
community research The development of community psychology as an interdis-
ciplinary field has been surprisingly slow given the bold and
Collaboration across disciplines may involve (a) “horizon- expansive beginnings at Swampscott and Austin, and the cre-
tal” integrations at one level of analysis, (b) a narrow range ation of the Society for Community Research and Action in
of levels, or (c) a “vertical” integration of concepts and 1988. (SCRA’s purpose was not only to provide some degree
methods across disciplines using widely dispersed levels of independence from the American Psychological Associa-
of analysis (also called “grand transdisciplinary scientific tion, but also to encourage the interdisciplinary development
collaboration”). Stokols et al. (2003) note that “Vertical of the field.)
integrations are more challenging to achieve because The textbooks in community psychology published over
they span so many different analytic levels and scientific the past 30 years suggest a promising awareness of literature
perspectives, yet they have the potential to yield highly novel from other fields. For example, Rappaport (1977) identified
conceptual integrations and intervention strategies since the intellectual roots of community psychology as includ-
they encompass so many facets of the same phenomenon” ing all the social sciences and biological ecology as well as
(p. S24). Most interdisciplinary work to date has been many practical lessons from law, planning, community orga-
horizontally integrated. Due to its crossroads position, nizing, political action, public health, preventive psychiatry,
between the micro and macro levels, it would seem that social work, and education. Heller et al. (1984) prefaced their
community psychology has a great opportunity to facilitate text by observing that community psychology was “initially
more vertical collaborations. Such initiatives should prove only an orientation” and so the field borrowed ideas from
especially useful in the social change arena, and for the other fields, such as “sociology, political science, and public
understanding of contexts and communities. health” (p. ix); they later discuss the influence of anthro-
A second potentially distinctive area of contribution for pology, organizational and environmental studies, and many
community psychology is interdisciplinary intervention re- other fields. Orford (1992) also emphasizes anthropology’s
search. Community-centered intervention research involves relevance to community psychology as well as sociology and
the conceptualization, implementation, and evaluation of public health. Finally, Levine, Perkins, and Perkins (2005)
programs in partnership with communities to enhance well- have revised a text which previously had a great deal of
being and the quality of community life; such work at the connection to law, history, education, psychiatry, the soci-
community level of analysis in particular represents a po- ology of deviance, and public policy, and have added more
tentially distinctive contribution of our field. Community attention to community development, environmental studies,
action-research involves the active participation of members and sociological and political conceptions of social capital.
from community settings in research designed to yield prac- Their concluding chapter calls on community psychology
tical information to directly benefit the community. Given to become more interdisciplinary (and, in particular, more
our field’s focus on both research and action, and our track political in the action realm).
record of success both in research and in collaborations with Aside from these references and others like them, re-
various sectors of the community, interdisciplinary interven- search over the years has rarely included a substantive

14 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

interdisciplinary focus. A PsycINFO search of the com- sional associations representing other disciplines (and other
munity psychology literature for references to “interdisci- branches of psychology). The SCRA Interdisciplinary Ini-
plinary,” “multidisciplinary,” and “transdisciplinary” found tiative has engaged partner organizations in joint efforts in
that most were calls for more cross-disciplinary work and minority recruitment, many conference exchanges, cospon-
training rather than examples of it. And of the few extant sorship of the annual conference in applied anthropology,
examples, a majority concerned intersectoral (not truly in- and the 2004 Interdisciplinary Working Conference, which
terdisciplinary) interventions (e.g., using combinations of was the basis for this special issue.
social workers, counselors, psychologists, and health care
workers) or interdisciplinary training rather than interdis-
ciplinary research. The focus on intervention makes sense Challenges to interdisciplinary community research
since it often involves community partners from other fields,
such as education or public health. But the level of involve- In recent years, as interest in interdisciplinarity has
ment of such partners in the research process to develop and increased, a number of accounts of the barriers to and
understand these interventions is not always clear. challenges involved in interdisciplinary work have been
A search of “community psychology and (anthropology published (cf. Kahn & Prager, 1994; Kessel, Rosenfield, &
or sociology or political science or economics)” in the gen- Anderson, 2003; Klein, 1990; Lattuca, 2001; Morgan et al.,
eral literature yielded a few more examples of actual research 2003; Pellmar & Eisenberg, 2000; Rhoten & Parker, 2004;
that relied on theories from multiple disciplines. The major- Rosenfield, 1992; Stokols et al., 2003; Younglove-Webb,
ity were reviews of non-psychological literature. Most of Gray, Abdalla, & Thurow, 1999). Many of the challenges
the articles were identified not because the title or abstract reported appear generally relevant to interdisciplinary col-
mentioned another discipline, but because of an author affili- laboration. First, these generic challenges will first be noted.
ation (e.g., a university department of sociology) or, in some Then, we will discuss challenges that appear distinct to
cases, a journal name or affiliation. It is encouraging that theory and research in community psychology in particular.
non-psychologists have published in community psychol-
ogy journals and that journals in other disciplines occasion- Generic challenges to interdisciplinary work
ally publish papers mentioning “community psychology.”
But neither example necessarily indicates interdisciplinary The self-contained and distinct cultures of individual dis-
work. ciplines represent one clear challenge to interdisciplinary
Despite this generally disappointing record of interdis- work. Disciplines differ in their revered practices, values,
ciplinary research published in our field, there is some priorities, levels of analysis, and definitions of good science
evidence of the interdisciplinary involvement of the SCRA (and application, if relevant). These differences create se-
membership. In 1999, a survey found that the typical commu- rious obstacles to communication and collaboration; as a
nity psychologist considers more than two other disciplines recent National Academy of Medicine report noted, each
and/or professional organizations to be important to his or her discipline tends to feel superior and see interdisciplinary sci-
research or intervention work (Maton, 1999). Community ence as “second rate” (Pellmar & Eisenberg, 2000, pp. 4–5).
psychologists reported connections to every social science Relatedly, there is the fear of limited career options, and ma-
and virtually all of the professions. The most frequently men- jor challenges to professional identity, for investigators who
tioned disciplines were public health, education, sociology, highly value an interdisciplinary orientation.
anthropology, political science, policy/public affairs, evalua- At the level of academic institutions, academia has been
tion, and social work. A number of community psychologists increasingly pushed to adopt a market orientation toward
have also studied law. Some of the professional organizations their educational “products.” Mostly this militates against
community psychologists belong to are the American Public developing innovative but costly new collaborative interdis-
Health Association, American Evaluation Association, ciplinary approaches. Competitiveness is often judged by
Society for Prevention Research, Society of Public Health sharply defined, and commercially ranked, standings within
Education, Community Development Society, Urban Affairs disciplines. Co-authored publications where an individual is
Association, Environmental Design Research Association, not the first (or sole) author, a natural result of interdisci-
American Orthopsychiatric Association, Association for plinary work, may be viewed negatively. When positions
Policy Analysis and Management, Population Association and promotions are at stake, disciplinary credentials and
of America, and Society for Applied Anthropology. norms form a common record while interdisciplinary contri-
Nearly all of those surveyed believed that community psy- butions may be unknown to promotion and tenure committee
chology should develop enhanced linkages with other dis- members and external reviewers. Thus, the time commitment
ciplines and, in fact, over the past several years, SCRA has necessary for learning about and working with other disci-
initiated formal liaisons and other ties with several profes- plines can reasonably be viewed by individuals as a risk for

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21 15

promotion and tenure, and more generally for career ad- phenomena at adjacent levels of analysis (cf. Kessel,
vancement and development. Unless reward structures for Rosenfield, & Anderson, 2003; Pellmar & Eisenberg, 2000.
working collaboratively across disciplines are changed (e.g., Two additional factors that appear important are that work
tenure and promotion decisions, extramural funding oppor- in these areas, including the mind/body interface, all reside
tunities, journals interested in publishing interdisciplinary within the individual (albeit, at different sub-levels) and
work, collaborative teaching opportunities, etc.), it appears do not require collaboration with applied sectors in the
unlikely that large-scale progress will be made. community. These are two of the factors, as we indicate in
In the external context of publication outlets and grants, the discussion that follows, that present distinct challenges
the disciplinary focus is again predominant, and works to interdisciplinary, community-centered research.
against interdisciplinary efforts. It can be difficult to find ap-
propriate outlets for interdisciplinary work. It can be equally Distinct challenges for interdisciplinary community
difficult to find funding sources—especially ones sustainable theory and research
over time—necessary for the development of state-of-the-art
interdisciplinary research programs. Psychological and behavioral phenomena of interest to our
Equally daunting barriers face the development of in- field are embedded within higher levels of social analysis,
terdisciplinary graduate training programs. Interdisciplinary beyond the individual—the group, setting, community, cul-
training would appear to be an important means to enhance tural, and societal levels. Research which spans these mul-
levels of future interdisciplinary work within a field. How- tiple levels is inherently difficult, given the need to obtain
ever, within the academy interdisciplinary training options large samples of groups, settings and communities, for exam-
are often limited by administrative policies restricting the ple, along with samples of individuals, to examine variation
credit that faculty members are given for team teaching and within each. In addition, there appears to be a greater con-
limitations on teaching outside the home discipline. Students ceptual leap crossing from psychological and behavioral to
may find that their advisors and disciplines are reluctant to setting, community, cultural and societal levels of analysis
allow credits outside the core field. Although a range of than may exist crossing sub-levels within the individual. And
informal networking opportunities among students and fac- some have argued that there does not appear to be the same
ulty members from relevant disciplines may be helpful, the potential for radical, exciting new theoretical breakthroughs
need to provide similar experiences within the core disci- in understanding social phenomena as exists in the biomedi-
pline competes for time. Conflicting demands may confuse cal and related areas (e.g., Sewell, 1989); such breakthroughs
priorities (and personal sense of identity) among faculty and appear necessary for the generation of national interest and
students alike. And where external funding is available for large amounts of funding for sustained interdisciplinary re-
the development of interdisciplinary pre- and post-doctoral search.
fellowships (e.g., NIH), the levels provided do not fully Relatedly, sophisticated, highly technical, specialized,
compensate the training institution for administrative costs, commonly used measurement tools at adjacent levels of anal-
which tend to be higher for interdisciplinary programs that ysis generally do not appear to exist as much in the social
require more coordination. sciences as in the neuro- and biological sciences (e.g., mag-
Despite the challenges and obstacles cited above, some netic resonance imaging). Nor are the mechanisms of causal
fields have made significant interdisciplinary theory and re- influence within the social sciences as well established as in
search gains in recent decades, in some cases leading to the the neuro- and biological sciences. Thus, the necessity for
development of innovative new interdisciplinary subfields. collaborations with other disciplines to facilitate measure-
For example, psychologists involved in health research, those ment at other levels of analysis that appears to exist at the
studying neurocognition and social neuroscience, and oth- psychological/biological interface (along with the associated
ers working at the border of psychological experience and understanding of cross-level mechanisms) do not appear as
biological processes (e.g., psychoneuroimmunology) have clearly to exist at the interface of the individual and higher
developed dynamic programs of research in close collabora- levels of analysis.
tion with researchers in the hard sciences. Third, interdisciplinary community-centered research of
A number of explanations have been provided for all types, and especially intervention and action research,
these innovative interdisciplinary gains. They include: 1) a involves ongoing collaborations with community partners,
national consensus on the importance of work in these areas; including organizational staff, administrators, and represen-
2) the resulting availability of large amounts of research tatives of the community, along with researchers from other
funding and supportive infrastructure over extended periods disciplines. Community psychologists have excelled in gen-
of time; and 3) the development of new, highly specialized eral when we work with community sectors; however, spe-
and sophisticated measurement techniques (e.g., magnetic cial complexities and challenges exist when simultaneously
resonance imaging), facilitating precise measurement of crossing cultural divides between two or more disciplines and

16 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

between the university and community sectors. Communi- progress in this area in community psychology; multiple fa-
cation difficulties involving language and meaning, deciding cilitative factors will likely need to be present for substantial
among multiple research and action oriented priorities, and interdisciplinary innovations to emerge in our field. We next
the challenges of finding enough time to cultivate high qual- turn to a discussion of some of those facilitative factors.
ity working relationships and to work through inevitable con-
flicts with parties inhabiting different “life worlds” all will be
multiplied in such interdisciplinary-intersectoral work. Fur- Factors that facilitate successful, innovative
thermore, the cultural values and collective goals that shape interdisciplinary research
problem identification, research and study in the community
may fall between or be completely foreign to the cultures Empirical research examining the factors that contribute to
and goals of scholars in other disciplines, or even within the successful interdisciplinary collaboration in general or to
academy as a whole (Bourdieu, 2000). This will challenge community-centered work in particular is scant. However,
the integrity of the interdisciplinary effort, and also may cre- extant descriptive accounts of interdisciplinary research
ate identity issues for community psychologists who equally endeavors, many in the health area, suggest multiple factors
emphasize academic and community priorities. linked to successful interdisciplinary research collaboration
Finally, at the macro level, a national consensus is lacking (cf. Kahn & Prager, 1994; Kessel, Rosenfield, & Anderson,
concerning community-centered approaches to social prob- 2003; Klein, 1990; Lattuca, 2001; Morgan et al., 2003;
lems, in contrast to the consensus that exists on the priority Pellmar & Eisenberg, 2000; Rhoten & Parker, 2004;
of scientific and applied approaches to biomedical and re- Rosenfield, 1992; Stokols et al., 2003; Younglove-Webb,
lated problems. Indeed, the socially dominant definitions of Gray, Abdalla & Thurow, 1999). The facilitating factors
the problems that community psychologists address have discussed in these accounts, and also voiced at the SCRA
moved since the Swampscott conference away from being Interdisciplinary Working conference, occur at the level
seen as community responsibilities to be solved collectively, of the interdisciplinary research project, the individual
to an emphasis on individual deficits and responsibility to be investigators, and the external context. Below, we briefly
addressed by individual choices, market forces, and if those highlight several key factors at each of these levels. The list
fail, individual punishment and failure. The institutional in- of factors discussed is not intended to be comprehensive,
frastructure for community research and action has like- and further empirical work is necessary to substantiate the
wise changed. Since the abolition of the Community Action relative importance of these and other factors.
Agency after the Carter Administration, no federal institu- To help bring to life the factors listed, for each level
tion has consistently promoted community based action, nor we include illustrative quotes from a recent compendium
research. The mandate, and consequently the staffing, for the of innovative interdisciplinary case studies, Expanding
National Institutes of Health has increasingly reflected the the boundaries of health and social science: Case studies
priority for biomedical problems and medical or individual in interdisciplinary innovation (Kessel, Rosenfield, &
behavioral cures. As solutions to a wide range of problems Anderson, 2003). The 12 case study accounts highlight the
from education to physical and mental health have become benefits, challenges, and facilitating factors linked to inno-
individualized, the very notion of community problem solv- vative interdisciplinary collaboration, within the domains of
ing has come into question. Community building initiatives, cardiovascular health, affective and cognitive neuroscience,
for example, have been largely funded by private founda- positive health, population health perspectives, and the
tions, grantees for the action components have been national prevention and management of HIV/AIDS. Although most
community intermediaries, or local Community Based Or- of these accounts do not focus on community-centered
ganizations (CBOs) or coalitions, and they have been largely research, the underlying dynamics revealed likely hold
evaluated by private, free-standing research institutes rather relevance for many interdisciplinary endeavors.
than academic institutions (Kubisch et al., 2002; Saegert,
2004). The lack of social consensus on the importance of The interdisciplinary project team
social change and community betterment consistent with
community psychology models, and the resulting lack of Successful interdisciplinary teams appear to share a number
an infrastructure to provide funding, represent serious con- of characteristics. One key characteristic is the project
straints on the development of substantive interdisciplinary leadership. The leader(s) need to develop a climate of shared
community-centered projects commensurate with those in mission and trust among participants from different back-
other areas. grounds, and be resourceful in helping to resolve conflicts
Taken together, the challenges to interdisciplinary and tensions as they emerge. A second important feature is
work common to all disciplines, and those distinctive to the quality of relationships among participants, including
community-centered work, help to explain the relative slow mutual respect and commitment and openness to mutual

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21 17

learning. This can be facilitated by team- and relationship- istic of my interdisciplinary colleagues is the conviction
building activities (e.g., retreats, extended face-to-face that the perspectives from multiple disciplines are needed
contact), a history of prior working relationships among the to even begin to understand complex realities. Second, it’s
individuals (and institutions) involved, time spent learning helpful if one likes to be challenged and forced to “sell” the
each other’s disciplines, and the inclusion of individuals potential contributions of his or her discipline. . .Third, it
with complementary expertise and perspectives. A third takes incredible patience to participate effectively in inter-
key characteristic is the nature of the framing question. disciplinary research. I’ve sat through at least 100 lectures
Problem-focused work (in contrast to theory-focused), and on the biological components of our interdisciplinary ag-
work focused on high-profile public issues, may be espe- ing research—lectures in which I was lost after the first
cially likely to lead to successful collaboration, given high sentence. . . (George, 2003, p. 245).
levels of shared commitment among those participating.
. . .our research team always included investigators
The two quotes below, the first focused on work in social
who did not perceive boundaries between fields and
neuroscience, and the second on early work in HIV/AIDS
disciplines (such as between psychophysiology and
prevention, illustrate several of the above qualities.
renal physiology, or between cardiology and social
“There was an immediate compatibility between us,
psychology) as barriers, but instead saw them as bridges”
both personally and professionally. Both of us had a long
(Light, Girdler, & Hinderliter, 2003, p. 46).
history of efforts to bridge at least proximate levels of
analysis. . .The fit was natural, as each of us bridged dis-
The external context
tinct levels, and the confluence afforded the opportunity for
a broader bridge—that between social psychology and neu-
A third set of facilitating factors concerns the external project
robiological mechanisms. . .In part, the success of our effort
context. The development of successful collaborations is
lies in the dissatisfaction and frustration each of us had felt
aided by the physical proximity of participants, an orga-
(independently) over the limitations of single levels of anal-
nizational context supportive of interdisciplinary work, and
ysis. An additional cohering force was the mutual respect
sustained, external funding. Physical proximity to other dis-
that we shared over each other’s prior multilevel research
ciplines is especially likely to be present in applied depart-
efforts” (Bernston & Cacioppo, 2003, p. 31).
ments or schools (e.g., public health) and in interdisciplinary
“In many ways, this case study in multidisciplinary re-
research centers. Relatedly, the organizational climate in
search is a story of individuals. . .who came together to
such settings will likely be supportive of interdisciplinary
address an urgent public health problem. . .Behavioral sci-
training and interdisciplinary collaboration, in contrast to
ence, population science, anthropological research, sociol-
traditional disciplinary departments where strong support is
ogy, epidemiology. . .would be needed to supplement clinical
less likely to be present. At the level of the university, the
and laboratory efforts in this epidemic” (Chesney & Coates,
climate for and support of interdisciplinary work will likely
2003, p. 350, 353).
depend on the traditions and mission of the university, and
the relative priority given to crossing disciplinary divides by
Individual participant characteristics key university officials.
Finally, at the national level, sources of funding and
A number of personal characteristics have been offered in the mechanisms to bring together sustained focus on inter-
literature to describe investigators likely to successfully pur- disciplinary work can greatly facilitate interdisciplinary
sue innovative interdisciplinary work. These include a pas- initiatives. The MacArthur Foundation, for example, has
sion and commitment to learning from other disciplines, an funded a variety of interdisciplinary research networks.
interest in substantive questions that necessitate the crossing Similarly, several NIH institutes (National Institute on Drug
of disciplines, broad vision, the willingness to invest substan- Abuse and National Cancer Institute) and the Robert Wood
tial time in collaboration, and the ability to negotiate conflict Johnson Foundation recently funded a major initiative titled,
and differences. Several of these factors are illustrated in the “Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers.” NIDA
two quotes below. also funded an initiative titled, “NIDA National Prevention
Research Initiative (NNPRI): Transdisciplinary Prevention
I think it takes a specific mind-set to appreciate, and in
Research Centers.” These are but a few examples of recent
fact, thrive on interdisciplinary research. First, one must
funding mechanisms that have embraced an interdisciplinary
believe that other disciplines can make important contri-
focus. The quote below illustrates the potentially important
butions. I, for one, cannot imagine that sociology could
role of external factors:
explain anything in its entirety. Still, I also don’t believe
that there are many phenomena that aren’t affected to a Many of the players in our collaboration initially crossed
significant degree by social factors. A common character- paths via MacArthur research networks. While the

18 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

substantive foci of the networks vary, those selected to munity and the local economy, and their relationship to
participate in such endeavors tend to. . .possess an intel- national and international political and economic forces.
lectual proclivity for reaching out to connect their own
Although such facilitating factors have not received much
area of expertise with other, sometimes distant, realms
focus from scholars or national grant-making institutions,
of inquiry. . . (p. 195) The significance of the MacArthur
their importance is illustrated in the community-focused
route into the joint venture cannot be underestimated.
work of a number of psychologists.
Such network experiences provided the critical ingredient
For example, the work of Paul Speer, Joe Hughey and
of time—time to listen, repeatedly, to researchers outside
their colleagues exemplifies the natural links that can be
one’s discipline and therefore gain sufficient understand-
forged across disciplines when pursuing common goals with
ing of the different domains required to forge integrative
communities. This work incorporates theories developed by
agendas” (Ryff & Singer, 2003, p. 197).
educators and activists trained outside of psychology (Speer
The factors reviewed above that contributed to innovative & Hughey, 1995) and more recently, social capital theory
interdisciplinary research in various health-related areas (Perkins, Hughey, & Speer, 2002). The writings of Paulo
would appear to be relevant to the generation of innova- Friere and Saul Alinsky that they draw on also remind us that
tive interdisciplinary research in community psychology. not all intellectually significant work is generated by disci-
However, as discussed previously, attempts to achieve inter- plinary focused scholars within the academy. Furthermore,
disciplinary innovations in the community domain may face their adoption of Geographic Information Systems method-
some unique and potentially more difficult challenges (e.g., ologies from geography and urban planning to facilitate iden-
incorporating higher levels of analysis along with the indi- tification of clusters of noxious land uses in poor communi-
vidual level of analysis; the complexities of intervention and ties reflects the necessity of collaboration with and learning
action research that aim to advance understanding through from allied disciplines in community action research. More
action, and that include collaborators both from other disci- recently, efforts to support community organizations aiming
plines and from various community sectors). In recent years, to improve the quality of life in Camden, New Jersey, led
examples of interdisciplinary work in the community domain Speer et al. (2003) to collaborate with urban planners (Mark
have become more prevalent (cf. Rich, Edelstein, Hallman, Ontkush, Brian Schmitt, & Kris Rengert), an economist
& Wandersman, 1995; Shinn & Toohey, 2003; Speer et al., (Padma Rahman), a sociologist (Courtney Jackson), and an-
2003). As increasingly innovative interdisciplinary work other community psychologist (Andrew Peterson).
(e.g., multi-level; community action partners along with Feminist community psychology provides another exam-
multiple disciplines) is generated in the community domain, ple of interdisciplinary integration spurred by commitment
it will be important to examine whether effective projects to shared social goals. For example, Stephanie Riger’s work
require a distinct number and quality of the facilitative exemplifies interdisciplinary collaboration on topics rang-
factors discussed above, and similarly whether they will ing from sexual harassment in the work place (cf. Sullivan,
require additional types of facilitating factors not present in Riger, Raja, & Stokes, 1997) to rape (Gordon & Riger, 1989).
other interdisciplinary areas, such as those suggested below. Her collaborator Margaret T. Gordon personifies the sort of
scholar that interdisciplinary feminist research produces: she
Distinct facilitating factors for interdisciplinary has held positions in Sociology, Journalism, and Public Pol-
community theory and research icy. The collaboration of Jackie Leavitt and Susan Saegert
shows how the relationships forged around feminist causes
Several factors can facilitate overcoming the barriers to in- (Leavitt & Saegert, 1984) led to further interdisciplinary
terdisciplinary research that are unique to community psy- collaboration focused on tenant organizing and low-income
chology and other action oriented, community and society housing (Leavitt & Saegert, 1988; Leavitt & Saegert, 1990).
focused research. These include: Of note, Riger, Saegert, and Leavitt all went on to head
interdisciplinary centers and programs (The Women’s Stud-
1. Commitment to solving a community or social problem
ies program at Northwestern, The Center for the Study of
through common action or policy, based on shared values.
Women and Society and the Center for Human Environment
2. Positive working relationships forged by collaborating
at CUNY, and The Community Scholars Program at UCLA).
with scholars from other disciplines for common social
A third example is the recent, intensive collaborative
action goals.
project between community psychologist Hiro Yoshikawa,
3. External demands (from the community, from policy mak-
anthropologists Tom Weisner and Edward Lowe, and a team
ers, from economic and institutional stake holders) that
of researchers from the fields of policy analysis, psychology,
solutions to community problems and programs for social
and anthropology (Yoshikawa, Weisner, & Lowe, forthcom-
change address multiple community sectors and societal
ing). The research examined the factors influencing work
levels, including individuals and the family, the local com-

Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21 19

trajectories among working-poor parents in the context of Christens & Perkins in press; Maton, 2000; Snowden, 2005).
the New Hope anti-poverty experiment in Milwaukee, and Such efforts will prove especially valuable if, taken together,
the influence of low-wage work dynamics on family life and they encompass the wide range of content areas of interest
child development. The investigators shared strong commit- to SCRA members, and the various types of institutional
ments to addressing these social issues, and worked together settings (e.g., psychology departments; interdisciplinary de-
for many years to attract and integrate the diverse perspec- partments or centers; applied settings) in which we work.
tives and skills of the disciplines involved. Each book chapter Of special value will be efforts that highlight the distinctive
combined longitudinal quantitative with ethnographic data role of interdisciplinary intervention and action research and
from the New Hope project. Each team member conducted interdisciplinary community-centered research that crosses
both quantitative and qualitative analyses. This allowed both multiple levels of analysis. Identification of private and pub-
rigorous quantitative analysis and holistic, in-depth ecologi- lic funding sources, both local and national, that endorse
cal portrayals of neighborhood, family, and individual vari- and support such work will be important for generating the
ables and contexts. The multi-faceted understanding of the necessary critical mass of intellectual discourse, emergent
phenomenon under investigation, and resulting implications social norms, and accompanying research and action needed
for policy, illustrate well the potential of collaborative work to move forward in these arenas. As we move forward in the
across disciplines in community context. interdisciplinary arena, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary,
It should be noted that in some cases, collaboration with and transdisciplinary collaborations each have distinct ad-
colleagues from other disciplines will be natural and easy, vantages, though our bias leans towards the special potential
devoid of major challenges arising from divergent biases, of transdisciplinary efforts to facilitate distinctly new learn-
perspectives or approaches. This appears especially likely ing with maximal potential to contribute to social change and
to occur when researchers from different fields share pre- social transformation.
existing perspectives, values and approaches, perhaps due A second critical step is to institutionalize an interdisci-
to prior interdisciplinary experience or training, to broad plinary emphasis within SCRA as an organization. Toward
rather than narrow training and socialization within their this end, SCRA recently established a new standing commit-
home discipline, or to the use of perspectives and approaches tee, Interdisciplinary Linkages. The challenge is to involve
that are shared across disciplines. on this committee, over an extended period of time, passion-
ate and energetic members capable of undertaking initiatives
that greatly raise the status of interdisciplinarity within our
Future directions field. As part of this process, for example, an award can be
developed for exemplary interdisciplinary work, occasions
Given the critical importance of interdisciplinary work to to acknowledge and support members who are undertaking
our long-term goals as a field, what can we do to move valued interdisciplinary work can be created (including fea-
forward in this domain? Four important steps are suggested turing such work periodically in our journals), and a series
below: highlighting the value and nature of interdisciplinary of formal linkages with allied disciplines can be developed
community-based theory, research and action; developing that lead to joint conferences, publications, policy advocacy,
mechanisms to support and encourage interdisciplinary work and community action projects.
and interdisciplinary linkages; embedding interdisciplinarity A third critical step is to embed interdisciplinarity to a
into our graduate training programs; and redefining our field greater extent within our graduate training programs. Being
to encompass an interdisciplinary identity. Each is briefly exposed early in one’s training to knowledge and perspec-
discussed below. tives from other disciplines should increase the likelihood
Greater efforts must be made to highlight the value and that career development will encompass a substantial inter-
nature of interdisciplinary community theory, research and disciplinary focus. Taking elective and/or required courses
action. One important approach is to publicize and care- from faculty in other disciplines, working on research and
fully examine existing exemplars of such work. Learning action projects with faculty and students from other disci-
about exemplary efforts (and the stories behind them) will plines (programs might even require dissertation commit-
help inspire us all and help persuade us of the value and tees to include at least one nonpsychologist), and learning
the feasibility of interdisciplinarity. An initial step in this from core faculty who model an interdisciplinary perspec-
direction has been taken with the recent SCRA Interdisci- tive, taken together, should help instill an awareness and
plinary Conference and the current special issue. Future steps appreciation of learning from, and working with, other dis-
should include a continuing set of conferences, workshops ciplines. Selection of students with openness and interests in
and publications that highlight exemplary interdisciplinary interdisciplinary training, as well as development of a track
endeavors, along with the distinctive contributions of knowl- record of successful employment (academic and applied) for
edge, methods and perspectives from other disciplines (cf. graduates with interdisciplinary training also represent key

20 Am J Community Psychol (2006) 38:9–21

aspects of movement towards enhanced interdisciplinarity in Society for Community Research and Action Task Force, David G.
training. Graduate program directors represent an important Altman, Lorraine Gutierrez, James G. Kelly, Julian Rappaport.
constituency to engage and mobilize to help ensure progress
in the graduate training arena. References
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tity as psychologists, and consider the possibility of adopt- Anderson, L. S., Cooper, S., Hassol, L., Klein, D. C., Rosenblum,
ing a more expansive, interdisciplinary component to our G., & Bennett, C. C. (1966). Community psychology: A report
self-identification, both as individuals and as a field. To be- of the Boston Conference on the Education of Psychologists for
gin to bring about such an expansion of identity we will Community Mental Health. Boston, MA: Boston University &
Quincy Mass. South Shore Mental Health Center.
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uals from other disciplines, spend time in settings beyond for studying the environment of human behavior. Stanford, CA:
self-contained psychology departments, and bring a greater Standford University Press.
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