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To redirect the captured image characters (i.e.

, the car number plate) from your

Raspberry Pi-based camera to your website, you can follow these steps:

1. Capture the Image: Utilize the Raspberry Pi camera to capture the image of
the car number plate.

2. Process the Image with OCR: Use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to
extract the characters from the captured image. There are various OCR
libraries and services available that you can use for this purpose. One popular
choice is Tesseract OCR.

3. Send OCR Results to Website: Once you've extracted the characters from the
image, you need to send this information to your website. You can achieve
this through an HTTP POST request from your Raspberry Pi to a specific
endpoint on your website.

4. Implement an Endpoint on Your Website: Create a server-side endpoint on

your website to receive the OCR results. This endpoint should be capable of
handling HTTP POST requests.

5. Process the OCR Results on Your Website: Upon receiving the OCR results,
process them on your website as needed. This might involve storing the
information in a database, generating the challan, or any other necessary

Here's a simplified example of how you might implement this:

On the Raspberry Pi:


import requests

# Assume 'plate_text' contains the OCR result

plate_text = "ABC123"

# Define the URL of your website's endpoint to receive OCR results

url = ""
# Make an HTTP POST request to send OCR results to the website

response =, data={'plate_text': plate_text})

# Check the response status

if response.status_code == 200:

print("OCR results successfully sent to the website.")


print("Failed to send OCR results to the website.") On your website:

On your website:


from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/ocr_results', methods=['POST'])

def handle_ocr_results():

plate_text = request.form.get('plate_text')

# Process the OCR results as needed

# For example, generate a challan, store in the database, etc.

return "OCR results received and processed successfully."

if __name__ == '__main__':

Please note that this is a basic example and may need adjustments based on your
specific requirements and technologies used in your website backend. Additionally,
ensure proper security measures are in place, especially when dealing with sensitive
information like car number plates.

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