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Overall 2+ years Professional experience in IT Industry as a DevOps Engineer using tools like Git,
GitHub,Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Shell Scripting, AWS.


Accenture Solutions Private Limited ,Benguluru - DevOps Engineer

June 2017 – December2019


Project:(Design & Implementation & management Project)

Client : Markel
Designation : DevOps Engineer

 Involved in managing version control tools like GIT.

 Managed all SCM activities like branching/tagging/merging in GIT.
 Maintained the repository of configuration items of all projects.
 Used MAVEN as a dependency management tool to manage all the dependencies that are
 Integrated Maven with Jenkins for the builds as the Continuous Integration process.
 Created Manifest files in using Kubernetes objects like POD, Replica set, Service and Node
Port, Deployment etc.
 Managed Kubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages.
 Maintaining S3 services like uploading/downloading files, configuring/editing bucket
 Launching Virtual Private cloud (VPC), creating Subnet in the VPC, launching EC2 instance
and RDS Database.
 Created Declarative pipeline Using Jenkins Pipeline
 Worked with automation/configuration management using Ansible create playbooks to
automate the Development process.
 Created Docker images using a Docker file worked on Docker containers, removing images,
removing containers and managing Docker volumes.
 Managed Kubernetes Cluster for Deploying application.
 Set up CI (Continuous Integration) for major releases in Jenkins.
Project: (Design & Implementation & management Project)
Client : VTR
Designation : DevOps Engineer

 Worked in Setup of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process using

 Configured Jenkins with GitHub and schedule the jobs on every commit made by the team
using GitHub web hook
 Configured Jenkins using the Slack plugin to notify the team about the build and deploy job
status with the appropriate information.
 Worked with SonarQube Scanner for checking the code quality standards.
 Created Ansible playbook and roles to install and configure Jenkins
 Created Ansible Playbooks to deploy .WAR file to Web server Apache Tomcat.
 Setup pipelines in GitHub and Jenkins for automation as part of the CI/CD process
 Maintained different environments like DEV, UAT, QA, Pre-Prod & Production.
 Extensively worked on Application Support for trouble shooting varies issues.
 Managed varies Build Pipelines in Jenkins & also setting up Email Notification to send
automated Emails to respective teams whenever there is build failure or its Success.
 Handled the Team & also Application Monitoring is done with the help of Prometheus.
 Worked on service now Ticketing tool to create & managed the different tickets for
Application related.
 Managing different AWS services like EC2, VPC, IAM, S3, Autoscaling, Load Balancer,
CloudWatch etc.
 Good Experience in setting up SNS (Simple Notification Service) & also CloudWatch in AWS.

Bachelor of Engineering from JNTU, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh in 2012.


Source Code Management : GIT, GitHub

Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
Scripting : Shell Scripting, PowerShell Scripting
Build Tools : Maven
Containerization Tools : Docker, Kubernetes
Application Servers : Tomcat , WebSphere, WebLogic
Web Servers : Apcahe, IIS, IBM HTTP Server
Artifactory Repos : Nexus
Code Quality Tool : SonarQube
Continuous Integration Tools : Jenkins
Cloud Environment : AWS
IAC, Configuration tools : Terraform, SonarQube

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