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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil

Competencia Comunicativa en Ingles

Evidencia No.4.1

“AP 4.1 Borrador de EV.4”

Alumno: Rocha Grimaldo Luis Manuel

Grupo: 004
Docente: Maestra Sonia

6 de abril del 2024, Ciudad Universitaria, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León.
The city of Monterrey faces significant challenges when it comes to its infrastructure.
This bustling urban center, known for its industrial and economic importance,
grapples with various issues related to its transportation, utilities, and public facilities.
In this essay, we will delve into the problems affecting the infrastructure of Monterrey,
exploring their causes and potential solutions. By understanding these challenges
more deeply, we can work towards creating a more efficient and sustainable urban
environment for the residents.
The solution to take to find adequate sustainability to this problem that today affects
inside and outside the metropolitan area of Monterrey, such as asphalt potholes
caused by work negligence or by the short periods of years of life of the concrete to
be used, Inter alia. It could be, through 5 steps of reporting via a corrective, efficient
and regular road maintenance program, which may include the application of
innovative technologies in the construction and repair of roads, as well as an
increase in the allocation of resources. to keep the roads in better condition.

In addition, the use of more durable materials that are resistant to the extreme
climate of the region that comprises it and its surroundings could be considered, It
is worth mentioning that we use as a fundamental question the solution to the
problemwithin the metropolitan area of Monterrey, since the majority of the state's
purchasing power is concentrated at that point.
1. Regular repair: Implement a regular maintenance program for. Identify and repair
potholes in a timely manner before they become a bigger problem.
2. Innovative repair technologies: Use innovative technologies, such as hot or cold
patching, the use of durable materials and sealing techniques to repair potholes
efficiently and lastingly.
3. Citizen monitoring and reporting: Establish a citizen monitoring system that allows
residents to report potholes quickly and efficiently, facilitating their repair by the
corresponding authorities.
4. Investment in road infrastructure: Allocate sufficient resources for the
rehabilitation and maintenance of streets, including the repair of potholes as an
integral part of road infrastructure projects.
5. Prevention: Implement preventive measures, such as better street design, an
adequate storm drainage system to prevent water accumulation, and the use of more
durable construction materials to reduce the formation of potholes in the future.
By combining these solutions and maintaining a proactive approach in road
infrastructure management, the problem of potholes on the streets can be
significantly reduced. And with it, achieve a wide margin and curriculum of which on
a larger scale, could be implemented within the construction regulations of the state,
to avoid all the road chaos that would be generated if we do not act according to the
needs of our federal entity.

In conclusion, addressing infrastructure issues such as potholes in Monterrey

requires a comprehensive approach that combines effective solutions and proactive
road management strategies. By implementing these measures, not only can the
safety and convenience of all road users be enhanced, but also the overall quality of
urban infrastructure can be improved. It is crucial for local authorities and
communities to work together in prioritizing infrastructure investments that promote
sustainable development and ensure the well-being of everyone. Through concerted
efforts and a commitment to long-term solutions, the city can pave the way for a
more efficient, safe, and resilient infrastructure system that benefits all residents and
visitors alike.

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