Family Traits

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elllo #696 Family Traits 7/4/13 10:33 PM

Vocabulary Quiz

humor • you'll ever • takes up

open • cracks

1. This comedy show me up every time I watch

2. You need to try to be more with people around
you, or you will never make new friends.
3. I'm sure this is the nicest house see.
4. She's not fat, but she hates the way that she
5. I don't understand his sense of at all.


696 Family Traits 1) How does she describe her mother?

Adrienne talks about the different personalities in her family.
a) She has a great sense of humor.
b) She is very generous.
c) She speaks her mind.
Todd: Adrienne, we are talking about your d) She is very organized.
family. Can describe the people in your
family? Like, what's your mother like, and 2) How does she describe her father?
your father like and your sister?
a) Kind
Adrienne: OK, well, let me start with my Adrienne Todd b) Tall
mother. I'm hoping she doesn't listen to this, c) Outgoing
though, maybe. My mother is a very interesting. She has a great d) Generous
sense of humor and she's a very kind woman, very generous
woman. She's also not afraid to say what she is thinking, which is 3) What does she say about her sister?
a quality I admire about her very much.
a) She is younger.
Todd: What about your father? How would you describe your b) She is older.
dad? c) She can make her laugh.
d) They are complete opposites.
Adrienne: My dad is probably the nicest man you'll ever meet.
He's very kind, very generous, very warm-heart and he's really a
good guy and I love him very much. 4) In her family, who is very similar?
a) Her mother and father
Todd: And actually I met your father and he's a very big guy.
b) Her sister and father
c) Adrienne and her mother
Adrienne: He is. Which means he has a very big heart. d) Adrienne and her sister
Todd: Right.
Audio Notes
Adrienne: He is. My dad's very tall and takes up a lot of space.
It's true. sense of humor
Todd: Gentle-Giant, right? My mother is a very kind woman and she has a great sense of
Adrienne: Something like that. Yeah. Yeah.
Your 'sense of humor' is what you consider to be funny.
Todd: OK, now you have a sister. Is she younger or older? Someone who has a great sense of humor would not take life to
seriously and would be able to laugh at herself and at situations.
Adrienne: Younger sister. Notice the following:
Todd: Oh, younger sister. How would you describe her 1. Her great sense of humor makes even bad situations
personality? pleasant.
2. All of my friends have good senses of humor.
Adrienne: My sister is actually quite similar to my dad in that she
has a very good heart and she's very generous and very open, the .... you'll ever
very friendly and giving personality and she is probably the only
person on the planet who can make me laugh at any moment. My dad is probably the nicest man you'll ever meet, because
he's very kind and warm-hearted.
Todd: That's nice.

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elllo #696 Family Traits 7/4/13 10:33 PM

Adrienne: She cracks me up. So, She's got a great sense of Here we are using the superlative or extreme for of an adjective
humor, but part of that probably comes from being sisters too. to show that the person or thing we are talking about is the most
extreme that you will come in contact with. In the example, there
Todd: Now you said that your sister is very similar to your father, is nobody who is nicer than Adrienne's father. Notice the
so you are very similar to your mother? following:
Adrienne: Coincidentally, yes, actually. My mother and I have a 1. He is the tallest man you'll ever meet.
lot in common in terms of our personality, which means that we 2. This is the spiciest food you'll ever eat.
get along very well and then sometimes we don't. Cause we
remind each other of each other perhaps. take up space
Todd: So, like what traits do you have in common? My dad's very tall and takes up a lot of space.

Adrienne: I would say that we both very often say what we're Someone who 'takes up a lot of space' is very tall and big in
thinking, which not everybody likes all of the time. structure but not necessarily fat. Notice the following:

Todd: I think being outspoken is good. 1. I'm an average-sized person, but in some countries I feel
like I take up a lot of space.
Adrienne: It can be. It can be which is why I think it's a good 2. Whenever I am visiting someone, I try not to take up too
quality but it sometimes can lead to more conflict than you're much space at their house.
prepared for.
Todd: Right. Well, it sounds like you have a nice balance.
My sister has a very good heart, and she's very generous and
Adrienne: Mm, we do. very open.
Someone who is 'open' is easy to approach and talk to. Notice
the following:
1. It's nice to be open about how you feel.
2. He is one of the most open and caring people I have ever

cracks me up
She's got a great sense of humor and she cracks me up.

Someone who 'cracks you up' makes you laugh. Notice the

1. I love working with her, because she cracks me up.

2. This movie really cracks me up.

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