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Reaction Rolls: 1, 4, 2+A, 5, 3, 2+A, 4+A, 3

Movement: 2D

Fleshwounds: 14

Trauma: 6

Ego: 12

Armor: 0

Active Defense: Dodge [5D], Faith [8D]


● After taking damage, Scirocco can project his suffering with an Empath [10D]

● -1 to all Trauma penalties

Attack 1: Penitent Scourge (2m); [2d], 4 damage

Special Rules:

● All Action rolls are at a (-6D) penalty. To make up for the (-6D) penalty, all Characters

have to roll INT+Focus or INS+Primal at the beginning of each new combat round.

Every Success negates 1 point of penalty, every Trigger negates another one.

● To be able to fight Scirocco unaffectedly, each Character must succeed in a

PSY+Faith/Willpower (3) roll. If the roll fails, all the Character wants is to flee in panic

with arms flailing out of the maelstrom. If they don‘t, they can continue to fight Scirocco

but lose 1 Ego point per combat round. Once their Ego points drop to 1, the Character

flees head over heels.


Reaction Rolls: 3, 2, 1, 2, 5+A, 5+A, 3

Movement: 7D

Fleshwounds: 16

Trauma: 7

Ego: 14

Armor: 3

Active Defense: Parry [6D], Dodge [6D], Faith [6D]

Attack 1: Intimidation Attack (1m); Domination [6D]

Attack 2: Bidenhander (1m); [6D], 11 dmg with Impact (2)


Reaction Rolls: 5, 1, 0, 2, 3

Movement: 6D

Fleshwounds: 12

Trauma: 6

Ego: 12

Armor: 1

Active Defense: Dodge [4D], Faith [7D]

Attack 1: Pitchfork (2m); [5D], 4 dmg

Attack 2: War Flail (1m); [6D], 5 dmg


Reaction Rolls: 3, 2, 6+A+A, 4, 2, 4+A, 4, 1

Movement: 6D

Fleshwounds: 18

Trauma: 7

Ego: 16

Armor: 4

Active Defense: Parry [8D], Dodge [6D], Faith [7D]


● Spend 3 Ego to double the amount of Triggers on an attack

● Once he has taken 13 damage: can spend any amount of ego, but can’t active defense

Attack 1: Bidenhander (1m); [8D], 11 dmg with Impact 2


Reaction Roll: 4+A, 7+A, 4, 4+A, 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3

Movement: 8D

Fleshwounds: 16

Trauma: 8

Ego: 16

Armor: 4

Active Defense: Parry [9D], Dodge [8D], Faith [12D]


● Ignores all Trauma penalties when Vikal is endangered

● -2D for a last ditch attack that knocks someone unconscious.

Attack 1: Neva’s Sword (1m); [9D], 10 dmg


Reaction Rolls: 3, 4, 4+A, 4, 4, 5+A, 0

Movement: 8D

Fleshwounds: 12

Trauma: 8

Ego: 12

Armor: 2

Active Defense: Parry [8D], Dodge [8D], Willpower [6D]


● When cornered, +2D to all attack rolls and active defense

Attack 1: Combat Knife (1m); [8D], 5 dmg with Smooth Running (2)


● Fumor x2: Increase passive defense to [3]

● Fireworks and Distractions: succeed on a Focus/Primal [3] or have a -2D to all attack

rolls targeting Neva


Reaction Rolls: 2, 4+A, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 5+A+A, 0, 2

Movement: 4D

Fleshwounds: 8

Trauma: 5

Spore Infestation: 10/10

Ego: 10

Armor: 0

Active Defense: Dodge [5D], Willpower [4D]

Attack 1: Headbutt (1m); [4D], 3 dmg


● Pain Resistance: does not suffer from Trauma penalties

● Lord of the Fifth Plague [1D] -- can recover 3 Fleshwound and 3 Spore Infestation one


● Free Flow [4D] -- Overload (X); +1X to attack rolls and takes X dmg

● Chaos [6D]-- everyone within (5m) get -3D to all rolls


Reaction Rolls: 3, 5, 3, 6+A, 6+A, 8+A, 4, 6, 3, 7+A, 6, 7+A+A

Movement: 9D

Fleshwounds: 20

Trauma: 12

Spore Infestation: 22/22

Ego: 22

Armor: 2

Active Defense: Passive [4], Willpower [12D]

Attack 1: Hammer Fist (1m); [12D], 6 dmg with Blunt


● Pain Resistance: does not suffer from Trauma penalties

● Lord of the Fifth Plague [1D] -- can recover all Fleshwounds and all Spore Infestation

one time

● Free Flow [4D] -- Overload (X); +1X to attack rolls and takes X dmg

● Rage Equilibrium [6D] -- all dmg Barghest takes, gets added to his next attack

● Levitation [9D] -- Overload (X); the Psychokinetic rises (Xm), resting there for (1)

Combat Round and then sinking (1) m per Round. This way, he escapes melee attacks.

Can expend a Spore Infestation to re-up this ability

● Fiery Barrage [9D] -- Overload (X); the Fiery Barrage spreads in a circle of (Xm) around

the Psychokinetic, burning a Chakra symbol into the floor. At the center, its Damage is
1D + X fire hazardous. Over the distance, the Fiery Barrage loses power – Damage

decreases by 1 per m.

● Barghest’s Call [6D] -- Overload (X); all Psychokinetics within a radius of (X+50m)

around the Archon know about his presence and his plans at once. People subjected to

Barghest‘s Call make a Focus/Primal [X] or lose X Ego Points.

● Lance of Light [10D] -- Overload (X); the Psychokinetic can direct a focused ray of light

towards the target within a distance of (X+20m). The Lance of Light does 16 dmg with

Fatal and Frightening (4)

● Filament Ring [12D] -- Overload (X); the Psychokinetic gets a (3m) shield which

provides X armor and repels attackers. Each round, the Psychokinetic can spend 1 Spore

to keep the shield up.

Black Tom (1 Trauma): 2, 3, 2, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3+A, 3+A, 3, 4, 2+A, 2, 3

Carmino: 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1

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