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9-15-2011 - Written By: David L. $Money Train$ Watts & Howard Hobson Funk Gumbo Radio

Funk Gumbo Radio is greatly honored that the highly talented and very opinionated Irene Merring is doing Part 2 of our Funk Gumbo 5 Questions. Hearkening back to the days when music poured from the heart, Irene Merring combines her powerful voice, attitude, flare, and exotic sex-appeal with a tortured songwriting style reminiscent of her influences Kurt Cobain and Robert Smith of The Cure.

FUNK GUMBO 4: We follow you on various social media sites and

notice that you're very passionate about certain topics and issues. What ticks you off politically, socially and musically? What gives you hope in those areas as well?

IRENE MERRING: Well 1st off, thank you for the support. Its good to know people
are actually reading my various rants about the state of our society. Lol. I think its a shame that not enough young people take a stand for OR against ANYTHING at ALL politically. It seems that young people today are more concerned with whos dating who on social networks than they are about what our future is going to look like on this planet 20 years from now. In my opinion, the state of our society as it stands right now will lead to a world that resembles the movie Idiocracy! Children and Teens arent putting enough value into education. And parents dont seem to be teaching their children what it means to value themselves and their fellow humans.

Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

Socially speaking, there are things in our society that sadden me so deeply. Growing up, I believed strongly in the values of the Riot Grrrl Movement where women encouraged each other to be empowered. They supported each other. They formed bands together. It was a community. Today, I turn on my television and I see shows like the Bad Girls Club where females are pinned AGAINST one another violently and abusively. What kind of message does this portray? This says to men that they shouldnt respect women because we dont even respect ourselves. And this says to younger women watching, that they should overthrow the female next to them in order to get ahead. I believe that unity is the only way to make a strong statement against any authority. Be it government, corporations etc. I think my same concerns bleed over into the music business as well. Growing up, I believed in the Grunge Movement. Where bands were genuine fans of each other and would go to see each others shows. Wear each others Tee Shirts, promote each other etc. And it was a community that was about the art. I dont see enough of that unity in todays business. In fact, what I DO see, is TOO much of, everyone trying to jump on the bandwagon of what is the cool, popular genre of music to do and then become that type of artist. Not because they are ACTUALLY inspired by that music but because they want to make a buck. Or they are afraid that if they do the music that truly inspires them it will never be heard so they feel they HAVE to do whats selling at the time to have a successful career. They sacrifice art for fame. I love to dance just as much as the next person. But there is a time and place for that. When it comes down to when I want to be inspired, the last thing I want to hear is a song about how hot you are because you work out, or that you are popping bottles in the club. Especially when the reality is that you have $2 in your bank account. Its so phony! The worst is the misogynistic songs that exploit and objectify women. And it hurts me to see women cosign on those songs. There is definitely hope however.

Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

In todays, day and age, DIY has taken on a whole new meaning than it did in the Punk Rock/Grunge days. There are SO many avenues today for artists to get their work out there and be heard. Bands are able to build fan bases, get press, make great videos and professional sounding records without a big budget. Radio stations such as Funk Gumbo Radio provide avenues for black rock musicians to be heard who may not be heard otherwise. The Afro-Punk scene and The Black Rock Coalition support black musicians doing rock music as well. My Mom is West Indian so naturally, this is of course an important issue for me! And I am happy to see black rock musicians coming together the way we are!

Also, in this day and age, you dont have to depend on regular radio stations to hear new music. Online radio is a great way to hear undiscovered music! Pandora and Spotify are also great ways to check out new music. I think the downside is that our society is a decadent one that tends to take a great thing and over do it to a point that it becomes a mockery of itself. And that the gate keepers want you to do all the work for them before even CONSIDERING taking a chance on you. And even then, they may not take you on. The market is over-saturated because technology has allowed everyone who CAN be an artist TO be an artist. And just because you CAN do something doesnt mean you always SHOULD. The days of the superstar are gone and nobody gets discovered anymore. Its hard to get rich doing what you love most. But if you truly love music, my opinion is, you may as well take the freedom to be a genuine artist rather than a follower.

Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

Funk Gumbo 5: Besides your fondness for the music and artists of
the grunge era, what artist past, present or future would you like to perform with? What song would you choose to sing?

IRENE MERRING: This is probably the hardest question of all because there are SO
many. Jimi Hendrix, Lenny Kravitz, NDea Davenport, Jamiroquai, Layne Staley and Alice In Chains, present and past, William Duvall, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, The Black Crowes, Deee-Lite, Robert Smith Of The Cure, Michael Stipe of R.E.M, Sonic Youth, Bikini Kill, Hole/Courtney Love, Pillow Theory, Portishead, Nine In Nails, Lamb, oooh toooo many. As far as what song I would sing with them? I think it would be great to write and original tune with each and every one of those musicians. Create something entirely new and fresh and raw with them. What an honor that would be. I hope my spirit guides and the universe is listening...lets make it happen! :-D

Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

Free download of Irene Merring's After The Fall Pt. 1 EP: UPCOMING SHOWS: Irene Merring LIVE at House Of Blues, Foundation Room Saturday, November 19, 2011 at 10pm! Location: House of Blues Los Angeles: 8430 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069. Foundation Room Host Stand: (323) 8485125 Doors Open: 9pm. Show Starts: 10pm. $5 Pre-Sale. $10 at the door. Purchase tickets online at:
Funk Gumbo Radio Los Angeles, CA 90019 Live Internet Network

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