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Name: ___________________________ Date: ______________

ATA 1 English S2: Test 1 / Listening & Writing Listening: ____ / 10

Writing : ___ / 10
Test 1 Total Score : ____ / 20
Listening Part 1: Use Audio File English for Tourism 1, Unit 7 Track 34- 36

Listen to these 3 people book a room. You don’t hear the receptionist. Write 2 questions that
were answered from the customer in the audio.
Audio 1 (male client):


Audio 2 (female client):



Audio 3 (male client booking for family):


Writing Expression: Choose one of the tasks below and write about 150 words using an introduction, body and conclusion.

Choice 1 -
Introduction: What is good vs. bad customer service? Use some of the vocabulary from the last lesson.
Body: Use examples from your own experiences and own knowledge to describe good vs bad customer service.
Conclusion: Share your opinion on the expression “The customer is king.”

Choice 2 -
Introduction: What makes a hotel good vs bad?
Body: Write about the type of accommodation that you worked at for your internship. What was the location, style,
facilities, services, and type of typical clients? Use vocabulary from the few lessons we had on accommodation.
Conclusion: Share your opinion of the hotel you worked at. What rating would you give it from 1 to 10 and why?


Writing Grading Rubric (2 Max in each)

Content: Clear Main Points + Appropriate Details = ____

Communicative Achievement: Appropriate Style & Format = ____

Organization: Logical Sequence & Linking Words = ____

Range of Use: Appropriate range of grammar & vocab based on level = ____

Accuracy: Grammar / Punctuation / Vocabulary = ____

WRITING TOTAL = _____ / 10

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