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Beladjal Mohamed Middle School – SEFISIFA

Level: 1MS
Duration: 1h30
Full Name: ..........................................................


Hello, Karim

My name is Younes and I am happy to introduce myself and my family. I

live with my family in Mostasganem. I am twelve years old. I am a pupil at
the middle school. I love my parents. Morad is my father. He is a taxi
driver, my mother is a teacher and she works in my school. I have one sister
and one brother. I have a pet called Bino.
I like watching Tom and Jerry and Ben Ten.

PART ONE {14 pts} Written by the teacher

Reading Comprehension {07pts}

Task One I read the text and complete the table {03pts}

Name Age Town / City Father’s job Mother’s job Likes

Task Two I read the text and I write { True } or { False } {02pts}

1. Younes is 20 years old. ……………

2. Morad is his brother. …………….

3. His mother is a taxi driver ………………

4. He likes watching Ben Ten………………

Task Three I read the text and find the synonym of the following words {02pts}

 Like = …………………………………

 Occupation = ................................................

Mastery of Language {07pts}

Task One I circle the correct verb in each sentence {03pts}

1. He ( lives – likes - loves ) in Tokyo.

2. We ( has – have – are ) a car.

3. Ahmed ( likes – are – is ) a pupil in the middle school.

Task Two I fill in the gapes with ( a – an ) {02pts}

I have ...... nice family. My brother is ...... architect and my sister is …… engineer. They have …

Task Three I classify the following words in the right column {02pts}

Third – than – throw – that

/θ/ /δ/
……………………….. …………………………..
……………………….. …………………………

PART TWO {06pts}

Situation of Integration {06pts}

Imad is your friend on Facebook and he wants to know some information about your family.

Write a short a paragraph in which you introduce yourself and your family. I talk about my name, age,
city, pet, my father ( job ) and my mother ( job ).


My name is ...............................................................................................................................................


 Good luck  Teacher. Mr AFROUL


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