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Reflection Questions Answer the following questions based on your research findings.

1. What job titles did you search for? Type your answers here.

 Cyber Security

2. What skills or certifications were required? Type your answers here.

 Risk Management demonstrated potential to work in a team environment, ability to obtain and
maintain security clearance.
 Bachelor’s degree in computer science or other IT related field.
 Some require different certificates.

3. Did you find any jobs that you previously did not know existed? If so, what were they? Type your

answers here.

 No

4. Did you find any jobs that you are interested in? If so, which ones and what skills or certifications do

they require?

 Cyber Security Engineer

 Basic Requirements :
Security+ Certified
Early Career / Low Rate
Cyber Security or STEM Degree program
Risk Management Framework Knowledge
Technical Writing Experience

 Desired Skills :
Risk Management Framework Experience (artifact development) – first three phases especially
Familiarity with Agile Framework
Strong familiarity with Linux or Windows systems
Cyber Security Professional Experience
SW supply chain RMF

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