Money Essay

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Chester Lau April 15, 2024

Money and its impact on people

Money is a valuable item that is accepted for payment for goods and services. Some

individuals have more money and some may have less. The people with more money do not need

to worry about whether they are able to put food on the table, or if they have enough money for

gas. They may buy things that are not essential to their daily life, but rather it is something they

want. Besides the good things that we purchase using money, some may use money to cause

misfortune onto others that would affect them negatively. Having a lot of money is not evil, but

rather the root of all evil is the love that individuals have for money and greed. Therefore, if

people love money too much, it is dangerous for both themselves and the world.

The first argument is corruption. The excessive love for money can lead to corruption,

where individuals may use their wealth to influence political decisions or manipulate markets.

Corruption can be dangerous to people since it threatens access to basic services. For example, if

healthcare or education is corrupted, it can compromise people’s access to these public services.

Bribes may be required to receive necessary education or medical treatment during emergencies,

which can heavily affect vulnerable citizens. Corruption can also affect the safety and security of

certain individuals.For instance, in some corrupt governments, resources such as public safety,

law enforcement, and national defense might be used for personal gain. Hence, if people love

money too much, it can lead to corruption.

The second argument is loss of purpose and meaning for life. Only focusing on building

one's wealth can leave individuals feeling empty and unfulfilled, as they neglect other aspects of

life such as growing as a person, creativity, or even contributing to their community. For

example, if someone feels that they have no purpose or meaning for life, they can feel empty and

unsatisfied. When individuals prioritize wealth above everything, they may find themselves
Chester Lau April 15, 2024

feeling empty and unsatisfied amidst financial success. Therefore, loss of purpose and meaning

for life is a result of loving money too much.

The third and final argument is economic inequality. When individuals or corporations

prioritize monetary maximization over socializing, it can lead to economic inequality. This can

result in a breakdown of trust in institutions. Economic inequality can lead to wage inequality. In

organizations or corporations where profit maximization is prioritized, executives and

shareholders may increase profits over fair wages for employees and workers. This can lead to a

wider wage gap between executives and employees, which contributes to economic inequality. If

an organization values profit maximization, it can lead to economic inequality, thus showing how

dangerous an excessive love for money can be.

In conclusion, corruption, loss of purpose and meaning for life, and economic inequality

are all results of obsessions with money. These can all be dangerous to society as it can impact

how other people have a daily life. Therefore, if someone loves money too much, it can lead to

dangerous results.

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